D32-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 15, 1994 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK JD 3150 4x4 HI'LO 1540 Hrs. $21,500.00 IH 1586, cab, air, duals. IH 1086, cab, air, duals. IH 1086, cab & «ir..i3a1151.... IH 1066, black stripe, cab, air, 2,400 hrs IH 856, fenders fcwiai IH 685 w/loader, shuttle shift IH 574, diesel w/TA IH 186 hydro, cab & air MF 3680, 4x4, low hrs MF 3545, cab & air, 4x4 MF 2745, 24 spd., cab, air, duals MF 2705, 24 spd., cab, air MF 360, 4x4 w/loader MF 285, multi pmmJaHai. MF 270, 1,100 hrs MF 255, diesel, low hrs MF 245 w/loader, shuttle shift. MF 16S, 8 spd. w/loader MF 50C w/loader, shuttle shift Ford 7600, 4x4, fenders, DP.... AC 200, new motor & tires Oliver 1755, 1,900 hrs White 2-60, 4x4 JD 3150, 4x4, hi-lo JD 2520, diesel, WF. SR.. JD 2510, gas, 2 remotes.... JD 1250 w/loader, 4x4 JD 420 w/loader JD 3508 loader JD 4010 diesel tricycle JD 60, tricycle Deutz Allis 6260 Deutz DXI6O, 4x4, 4 post JD AW 12’Disc $ 650 JD 111 10’ disc $ 1,500 Taylorway 7’ Soil Saver $ 3,900 21’ White Field Cultivator, Hyd. Fold $ 1,750 AC 1300 25' Folding Field Cultivator $ 2,500 (3) 12’ Cultipackers $ 700 to $ 1,000 Woods 10’ Offset Mower $ 2,500 MF 880 4 & 5 him. reset plows KMC 11' chisel plow IH 450 auto plow, 3X.... Oliver 348 3x auto plow MF 13’ Flex Head UH... MF 15’ Hex Head MF 20’ Rex Head IH 7 Shank Auto Reset V Ripper 18.4x38 & 20.8x38 duals 14’ Transport Packer. Better Bill 1500 Gallon Top Fill Spreaders 2,200 IH 575 spreader $ 1,500 NI 214 Spreader w/Endgate $ 600 Financing Available L & M BURKHOLDER Between Brownstown & Rothsvllie Ephrata, PA 717-859-2960 717-859-2712 Shop 717-859-6616 $12,000 $11,900 $12,500 slo,ooo $ 4,700 514,250 $ 7,200 513,500 538,000 Coming In .Coming In Coming In 514,000 $ 8,900 $ 8,900 $ 7,500 $ 8,900 $ 7,500 $ 8,000 $ 9,500 $ 6,500 $ 5,200 Coming In 521,500 .$ 8,000 ,$ 4,500 $ll,OOO ,$ 3,200 .$ 8,500 ,$ 4,800 ,$ 1,500 .$ 8,800 $10,200 $ 1,000 & $ 1,200 $ 850 $ 1,750 $ 1,250 $ 2,800 ,$ 1,900 .$ 1,900 $ 4,900 $ 1,000 $ 1,800 ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deteilor ating concrete masonary or stone walls, have it repaired with GUNITE® For Information and estimates call Martins Silo Repair (2131 445-9834 IH: 915,815,715,615,315,205,203,503,403,303,93.91.141,105,101,82.80.76. 74. JO: 7720,7700,6620,6600,4420,4400,3300,105,95,55.45,40. MF 760,750, 510,410,300,205,35,92,62,72,90,80,70.60,27,26. AC: Gleaner, AC NS, F, F 2, L, M, M 2, K, G, E, C, C 2, A, 60,66. Oliver 7600,545,535,525,430,40,35,33. Nl: Uni, 709,710 Combine, Nl 717, Huskers, 705,702,701, Combine shelters i harvesters. Case: 1160,960,700,660,600. NH: 1400,975,985, TR7O. MM: 5297,349 R, MM Uni, While 8800, Flak) Boss, 7300, Massey 7500, Straw Spreaders & Choppers; JO 7720, Motors, transmissions, tires, com & grain heads, grain savers, 1984 JD 66.20 side hill w/heavy steering axle. j D 54 e0 SP Harvester NH 785 Skid Loader AC Hydro Skid Loader Parte For IH 1440, 1460 Rotarys & Nl 717 Combine Nl 802 w/Harveeter JD 4425 500 Hrs. JD 6600 & 6620 Sde Hills CORN PLANTERS & DRILLS 30 FMd aprayar, ml typo (2) JO 8250 Drill, Grits Saad t Fartlzar, Navar Usad, Mica (2) JD 7000, 4R Dry Fartlzar IH 800 Early Rlsar, 4R Dry Fartlzar Dautz Alla 8R Dry Fartllzar IH SI 4R Dry Fartlzar, Sharp IH4ooAk.4RDiyFaniizaf.Nica IH 400 Ak, 4R IH 400 Ak, 8R AC 333, 6R Dry Fartlzar (2) IH 58, 4R JD 1240, 1440, 4fl's JD FBB 17D Disc, Grass & Fartlzar IH, X 2R Ptartars, Pul I 3 Pt. Olvar 78 Gra« I FaiHizar, $BOO Ontario Grass A Faitllizar, $5OO (2) MF Drills. S37S/Ea. BALERS & RAKES (3) Bala Rack Wagons, $550 To $2OOO NH 276 w/Throwar NH 269 w/Throwar NH 273 w/Throwar NH 273 w/Chuta JD 336 w/Klokar NH 56 Raka MF 1560 Bal Round Balar Gahl 1500 Bal Round Balar IH 241 bal raund balar NH 852 raund balar auto wrap COMBINES JD 7720 dim), hydro, nics, always shoddod ACF dastl w/graln uvor (2) IH S 3 w/10' Musty Harris 72 w/10' MF 510 ditael, niot MF 510 (Steel, niot MF 410 ditssl, tries Lsls JD 7700 hydro diesel, turbo w/4WD, out ol wheat harvsst JD 4400 gn Nl 706 disatl. w/717 contbins 4R 30 p com, 4R 33* com, 13' grain Nl 729 huakor 3 737 hatvtaltr wsilckup 3 com haad White 8600 hydro ditatl, 4R 38* 3 4R 30*, IS 1 flex out ol wheat, 3R 30* IH 80. 7' Pull Typo 1979 IH 715, Hydr. German Disatl, Sharp 1960 IH 1440 Rotary w/Htads MF 82 w/12' AC N 6 Rotary 4WD w/6 Row 30* 3 IS 1 Flax JD 7700 Hydro Diesel Late JD 6600 Hydro 404 Diesel MF 750 Hydro Diesel Late MF 550 Hydro Diesel. 4x4 AC F Diesel w/Htads 1977 MF 510, Hydro Diesel 1975 6600 Side HI, Diesel 1981 AC, N 5 Rotary Combine JD 7720 hydro diesel, 1800 hrs NH TR 85, hydro, Cat diesel Late IH 915 hydro diesel, turbo ACK w/cab And Heads ACA w/graln, 2R 30* or 3R 30* NH TR7O Cat diesel, hydro AC F 2 diesel turbo, hydro JD 6620 ditatl, hydro, $15,000 JO 7700 dal gear drive w/htads 1979 JD 4400 3000 hrs, nice JD 4400 diesel w/htads IH: 3414,1256,1066,866,856,666 Hydro, 806,706,704,674,664,660,656,574,560, T, 544 Hydro, 544 Gear, 504,404,460,450,444, B 414,400, 350,340,300, 8275, 240,230,200, MTA, M, H, C, BN. A, Cub, 154 Cub. F3O, F2O, Fl 4, Fl 2. JD: M, 4230,4020 dsl„ 4010,3020 dsl„ 3010,2510,2020 dsl., 2010, 730 D, 720,520,433,420,70, 60.50. A. B. AC: 5050, AC 200,190XT, AC 170,180, AC 185,014,015,017, 019, WO, WC. CA, C, B. MF: 1155,90,85,444,333,175,65, 44,33,30,20. Case 600,530, 440,310,300, DC, SC, VC. VAC. Ford: 9600,6000,5000,4500,4100,40000,3400 Ind., 960,861,860,800,800,641,600,8 N, 9N. Ford major, 5000. Oliver; OC3 Crawler, 0C6,1800,1600,880,770,550,68.77.70,66,60,55. MM U, MM 5 Star, MM Jet Star 3, MM 335, MMQIOOO, R, Z, E 3 Coop, David Brown 990. Nufield & 345 Levland, gas. AC; HD 5 crawler Idr., 200. Sheppard diesel. AH Combines Sold Free Parts For One Season If In Our Parts Lot t«Ki Exit 208 ■■■■■ M Off Of I*3. 5M Ml. WirtSSm f J ' To Belmont Farm.aMf I il KL I ▼ J VSfInMMnMPjiH 1991 F 350 7.3 Liter Diesel GVM Sprayer Truck 16,000 miles. Raven if oon Nice Cond., 125 HP ' 54.600 410-833*9091 Financing or Lease Available Ml 709-802 4x4 Nt 1979 JO 4400 diesal 1978 AC F 0 w/tholce of hMds 1979 MF 550 hydro 0 MF 780 (fowl, turtle, hydro MF 35 SR w/8' grain & 2R com (2) IH 82 pull typ* auger lead Lata IH 715 w/Qatman diasal NH TR7O Ford diaaal Cholea Of Heads HARVESTERS & UNLOADING WAGONS JO 18A Flat Chopper IH 810 flail chopper NH 770 nit ar com hopper & acraena, 2x3o* com 8 open end pickup (2) NH 31 r FM Chopper* Gehl 8' Flat Chopper Nl Uni Hay Pickup Nl Uni 767 Harvatlar (2) IH 120 Tandem unloading wagon*, nice HEADS: JO 2R 3tT, 2R 38"; 1R flta 38*, 3800,35, IH 2R 30". 2R 38', lit* 720 8 830, Nl Uni 2R 38', 3R 30" NH 892 w/2R And Pickup (2) bln com wagons, $6OO, $BOO Fox 2300 & 2R cord belt type IH 781 w/2R 8 pickup Qehl 3R harveatar head, $750 Gahl CBBOO w/2R 30" com (3) IH 720 w/2R com 8 pickup JD ISA S' Gahl 600 wtl R NH 800 8 880 PAJ S com head (2) JD 38, 2R, 8 pickup, $1,500 JO direct cut for 38 • 3800 ■ 35 JD 2R for 38 • 3800 • 35 Coby 3 beatar unloading wagon w/ roof Badger 3 beater, roof unloading wagon (3) Gravity Boxae w/Wagona Fruehauf 2s' frametoea dump traitor, 22” rub bar, hautod grain only, $6,500 MOWERS/ ROTARY MOWERS 12' Bush Hog S' 3 Pi. finish mower, $685 USED 3 PI. S' Finish Mowar w/4 Gauga Wheels, $B5O JD 6R Rotary Hot IH 40, 6R Stalk Cuttar, $l5OO AC traitor typa baK drlva JD 7' trailtr, offstt wheels 3 pi 8, 7 A 8' JD 14' 1408 , 3 pt JD 15' #737 rotary mower NEW 11' rotary rnowan HO up to 125 HP NEW 3 PT. EQUIPMENT Post Holt Diggers Snow, Dirt, Manun Blades Slant Rakes Rotary Cutters Box Bladaa Discs Balt Movers Hay Tedders Finishing Mowers Potato Plows New Traitors, all sizes Fart Spreaders Cement Mixers KEITER’S FARM MACH - Halifax, PA 17032 Rl. 225; 20 ml. north of Hbg. Mon.-Frl. 5-5 • Sal. 5-12 PHONE: 717-362-9574 POSITIVELY NO OUT Of STATE PERSONAL CHECKS Combines for Salvage GOOD RUNNING MOTORS Tractor*: JO: 4440, 4240, 4320, 4020, 4010, 2840, 2510, 2010,2020,1010. IH: 1066, 968, 856, 808, 756, 706, 656, 560, 460, 400, 450, 584, 574, 864, 544, 504, 340,300, C, H, M. AC: Dl5, Dl7, Dl9, WD, WC, XT 190,210,220, CA, C. Casa -530, 300. Ford: BN, NAA, 800,871,3000,4000,5000, 9600. Combine*: JO: 7720, 7700, 6620, 6600, 4420, 4400, 3300. IH: 1460, 1440, 915, 815, 715, 615, 315, 205, 203. AC: I, M 2, F, C 2, G, E MF: 760, 750, 510, 410, 300 Nl; V 6 gas 8 dieael. (2) IH 6 cyf. gas w/clutch Chryalar hid. 8 cyf. w/clutch 6 cyf. Herculas w/clutch Dismantling For Parts: Baler* Mowers Combines Pickers Cultivator* Planters Discs Plow* Drills Sprsader Harvssters Tractors Hayblnss SPREADERS Hawk BuDt Tandem Tank, Right Hand NH 868 tandem wheel tank, right hand NH tank spreader Nl tandem NH 667 lark it. hand throw LOADERS New IH 2255, 4x4 loader, list $5,000, Sell $3,875 Dunham loader w/hyd. bucket, $l,BOO IH 424 A 444 AC Dl5-Dl7 Snow blades (or loader or front mounted IH fits Super M JO 45 loader Nl w/hyd. bucket 60 PLOWS Athena 7T Chiael Plow IH 510, 5 Bottom, 16’ IH 6X 16’ spring rostl IH 5X 16* spring reset IH 450 3 Pt 3 Bottom 16", Reset JD F 145 4AS Bottoms IH 710,7 b 16* Spring Reset On-Land Hitch IH 700,7x16' On-Land Hitch, $2,675 (4) JD 2500 Spring Reset Plows sxlB, 6XIB IH 720 6xlB, Togglt Trip (8) JD 1450 6xlB, sxlB, sxlB Whlta 549 5x16 Trip Ford 4x20 Rol Over JD 3xlB Or 4xlB Roll Over, 3 Pt. AC 6x16" Monofrtme IH sxlB Spring Reset IH 4x16 Spring Reset 2, 3. 4 Bottom 3 Pt Plows IH 2, 3, 4 Bottom Fast Hitch 2, 3, 4 Bottom Drag Plows Whits 466 Chlsal Plow, 8T Massey 10 T Chlsal Plow Tractors for Salvage Flow Meter, 500 gal. Tank, 30 gal. Rinse Tank (610) 593-5026 EXTRA CORN HEADS & GRAIN HEADS 200 To ChooM From 2,3,4, t Row Com Hoad*. Al Sb* Grain Hoad*. Flax t RldgM 35 DISCS & ROLLER HARROWS JD 220, 20' OffMl IH 475 hyd wing*, 15' Billon 12* held* wheal* JD 210 14’ Black Gang (3) JD 360 Otf-S*l 12 & 14’ MUar 20' OffsM Hyd. Wing Both Hog 12* OKaat IH 475 IS' Wing JD 230 22* Rock Flax Hyd Wing JD 230 22'Hyd Wing w/24'Now Blade* Ktwana* 730 Rock Flex, 20' Wing (2) IH 500 14' JD RBW 12' Plowing Disc IH 25' Hyd. Wing Whit* 252 10' (10) Oldar 7' To 14' JD 950 11' Indda Wheel* (2) JD 10' Outiide Wheal* McKm IS'Hyd. Wing Field Culti vator w/Rolng Baikal Billon 18' Wing Whael Harrow WIDE FRONT ENDS & DUAL WHEELS 2 SMi IH 5008 i> 1568,20x38 Duals 2 SM 20x38, 15x38, 16x38, 18x26, 18x34, 18x38 Duals, $950 WF Ends; IH; 460, 560, 706, 806, 856, 758,1256. AC; Dl6. Ford -5000. MM; GlOOO. CXvtr: 88, 1800. JO: 2510 thru 4020,4020 WF. 2 sals 0(1834 duals C Or Supar C w/Wlda Front. CORN PICKERS Nl Uni Huaking Unk OH Nl 70S (2) Nl 310 1R Lata Nl 323 Raal Nlca, $2,675 Nl 323 Raal Nlca, $2,800 IH 480 w/IH 2 MH Mountad (3) Nl 324 2R 3T (2) Nl 325 2R 30” (20) Nl 110 1R JD 300 M2R 30' (2) Nl 318 14 IRI,2R'S, 38', 2R's 30*. 10 To Choosa From Othtr Makai t Modals Avallabla HAYBINES NH 404 hay crasher Gahl hay cmahar NH 1485 gaa, cab, 12' good rolls NH 485 12' pul type NH 411 Dlscbins Gahl 440, 8' NH 488 Hydro Swing, Now Rolls, $5,850 NH 488 8' MC Rotary Scythe MF Flat Mower Haaston 1010 Hydra Swing IH 880 8' NH 477 T JD 1208, 8' ICO NEW FARI ITEMS New Buffalo Vallay 36' ft 40’ alavatora Bala wagona, 20' cattla faadar w/Whaala Cattla faadar, w/laga MISC. (2) 3C Bib t Grain Elevator* Lincoln ganarator waldar on Mal ar, $950 Nl 36' bale & grain alavator (3) IH awnl 6 traHar bat driva JD alavator w/drag alavator Now Caaa backho* loadar buckal IH 6 JO tnowata GRINDER/MIXER NH 357 MExtandad Augar, Nlca NH 354 wtatandad augar, nlca $3650 NH 356 long axtanaion auger 1 IH 1150 $1675 TRACTORS Farmall 856 Dtaaal. WF Lata IH 1066 Rad Cab. Air, Radio Farmall Super M, Nlca Farmall A w/CuKlvators Ford 850 w/loadar Ford Daxtar Drasal Farmall BN ACWOGaa IH 560 Diaaal F B3S3P I - Ftrguton 30, 3 Ft IH 580 DM Now Motor IH 480 gii w/kxdor , A Gohl Skid Loodor, Wfl : Bucktts' Fimill 340 UtWty, PS; Loodor Formoll 608 Utility, PS. Loodor Fold 3000 Gat, PS w/FiMl Snot Blidt IH 560 DM, WF, w/Ful Hydraulic. Load* IH 4M DM, Loader Backhoa JO 4010 Diaaal. NF. $5,500 IH 450 Gm. PS. Fas Hitch IH 450-400 dltNl wAat pulley IH 1400 black itript. cab, dual hyd 1000 0 540 PTO, new paint Famtall 650 WF, 301 Diaaal Engine Farmall Super M, MOW Uvt PTO, New paint Lata Ford 7000 Flat Deck Diaaal. WF, HOPS w/Roof Ford 5550 Diaaal, Loader Backhoa w/ Mb Farmall-Super C, w/Faat Hitch Michigan 4WO Pay Loader, $O,OOO (2) JO 5010 Diaaal Sal-loading Pana JO 4230 DMMKI Shill w/JO Cab, SSCKirTRaaI Nice JD 4230 4 goal cab JD 4230 Cab 0 Quad IH 784, 4x4, Now Paint Caaa Vac, Now Paint MF SS gw, 3 pt, AC Dl7 diaaal WF Farmall 400 diaaal, PS, real nice IH 340 Crawler Loader W/4-N-1 Bucket Farmall 700 diaaal Ford 000 Forkßl Font 7000, flat deck w/canopy Farmall 050 gaa, WF. $3,850 JD MT (4) Farraal F2O 2 motora stuck Mvar Super 80 OtvarOO gaa, nice Mvar crawler w/roll guard Faiguaon 30, 3PT, $1,850 Mvar OC3 crawler, wide track & PTO Caaa 4WD Pay loader, $3,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers