. ,»*I t> Jral Leota, PA 17840 Ph0ne:(717)686-2321 n^Mfisk ITrartnrs And rVimhlnno Located: 4 mile* Wait of Now Holland on Rt. 23,1% mllaa Northeast of Lsola on the I | THE HARVESTING SPECIALIST No. Groffdals Rd., 1 mils on ths right, opposite Groffdals Msnnenlto Church. | CASH SALES DATS 58th Anniversary Discount Days • PARTS • NEW EQUIPMENT • GOOD USED EQUIPMENT January 3rd thru January 2Stli, 1994 Mon. thru Fri. 7 AM to 5 PM, Sat. 7 AM to 12 Noon All Items Subject To Availability USED COMBINES 1982 MF 850 With IS Fl. Hotting Head 1982 MF 860 With 15 Ft. Hotting Head 1981 MF 860 With 15 Pi. Hotting Head 1980 MF 550 With 13 Ft. Hotting Head 1979 MF 550 With 13 H. Hotting Head 1978 MF 540 With 13 Ft. Hotting Head NI 710 With 713 13 Ft Grain Head NI 843 N 3 Row 30” Quick-Tach Com Head $1,200 USED TRACTORS MF 3660-4, 140 HP; *l4 Hn. $52,000 MF 3525-2, 110 HP. 2882 Hn MF 374*4 With Loader, 57 HP, 735 Hn MF 390 Tractor, 70 HP. 750 Hn MF 1085, 82 HP. 3980 Hn MF 1080,82 HP. 5516 Hn MF 1030-2, 26 HP, 232 Hn MF 1035-2, 31 HP, 185 Hn MF 1045-2, 35 HP, 262 Hn MF 308 With Loader, 668 Hn. MF 265, 65 HP, Oietel IH 350 Tractor, 42 HP, Rebuilt. Ford 9N Tractor „ Allii CA Tractor feiiiaii. MF 285 82 HP ..$0,900 . MF 128 Baler $2,200 * Demo Vicon 131 IB 5x6 Round Baler $9,900 Demo MF S Big 538,000 Died Vim 1211 B 4«S Roond Baler SO,BOO Demo Vim 321 Ditc Mower Conditioner... $12,000 Demo Vim 216 7 R. Disc Mower $3,900 Vi«OR KM24O Discbine, Parti $9OO Teagle Bale Shredder...... $1,900 Vim RS74Q Tedder 24 a ,$4,500 Vim KM2BI Mower Conditioner 86,300 Vim 321 Mower Conditioner $7,000 New Holland #B4B Round Baler $O,OOO JO 10 Ft Due M&W 5 Tooth V-Ripper. Vim 18 Ft Field Cultivator. MF 2-16 Spring Trip 3 a Plow $650 Vetter 3 a Rotary Hoe $2,090 Pequea 6 Row Cultivator $2,100 SFM IH 59: N 136 Hinicfcer Brady SB,BOO Woodi 60 HP Rated 8 R. 3 Pt Blade $OBO 7 R. 3 Pt. Scraper Blade $BOB Brady 7 R. Flail Chopper $2,800 Dan user 3 R. Pom Hole Differ $OBO Shaver 3 Pt Hydraulic Peat Drive $2,800 iWOOOSI 20 NEW WOODS ROTARY CUTTERS IN STOCK AT JANUARY DISCOUNT PRICES! $23,000 $22,000 $22,000 $21,000 $16,000 $ll,BOO sBoo $lB,BOO $21,000 $lB,OOO ... $7,800 ...$B,OOO ...$6,700 ...$7,600 ...$7,900 $19,800 ...$9,000 ...$2,900 ...$l,BOO $1,200 $8,900 TILLAGE sBoo 58,700 56,900 THE dims HARVESTER JF COMBINING SLOPES THE MF 3-D v v CLEANING SYSTEM MABBEYFERGUSON Normal cleaning across slopes MAXIMUM FEED QUALITY To snturs maximum fasd quality from malza It li vital to crack aver; ksmal. dotation of unemckad malza fallaattht malza baoomat drier Independent trials have shown tha Class com cracker to tie dose t< 100% effective. From the cylinder the com pastas through the twt large diameter rollers with saw tooth profiles Tha radars run at differed speeds to Intensify the grinding affect and open up each kernel It it t fairly tough process to tha latest generation of corn crackers tak< account of tha wear Involved on the rodert. Nothing can reduce the wear but Cfaas have cut the cost of repel' by making the outer tlaevi replaceable. Tha shaft, drive pulley and bearings can all be reuser which cuts down repair bills dramatically. Adjusting the dlttanct between the two rollers It accomplished by turning two handles, easily accessible behind the cab. In no time at all the degree of cracking car be matched to the ripeness of the crop. RELIABILITY The CLAAB Cutterbox la a uni qua balanead da sign uaing 2 knhrea In a V configuration. Thla toroaa tha cut ting action toward tha cantar Inataad el tha outside. Thla la tha aacral of thalr horaapowar raqulramant and good quality of cut. 3-D in operation Uncwter Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1994-033 With the MF 3-D system you can operate at the same speed on slopes as on flat land. Daily per formance can be maintained. The 3-D cleaning system pro vides dynamic slope compensa tion which means that the upper sieve moves sideways against the slope of the hill. The degree and direction of these move ments depend on the inclination of the slope. Quick reaction and of course equal performance in any direction on slopes of up to 20%. With the MF-3-D cleaning sys tem, the crop is distributed even ly across the full width of the sieves, performance remains stable and output maintained.
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