DlB-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, Novambar 27, 1993 Woods Model 405, 30 Cu. Ft. Trailer Vacuum, Left- Hand Discharge. Good Condition $295 MANOR EQUIPMENT. INC. WhtatfMd Rd. R.D. $ Sinking Spring, PA (215) 678-0826 J.L. HOLUNGER ft SONS INC. RT. 72N, Manhalm, PA. 717-664-2444 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm ft Construction Equip. £■ 'B9 Cu* 1840 Skid Loader w/6P Bucket, Aux. Hydros, VG Cond. sl3*Boo COMNG Pit *B9 Ford 6SSC, 4WD, Cab, extend-a-hoe SKmiGADIHa *9O Can 184 SC, GP bucket, aux. hyd., low hn., excel, cond, Cate 183 SC flotation tirei, GP bucket, bad engine Cate 1840 straight edge bucket, flotation dies, low his MOMOM Case 580 K, TLB, full cab, standard hoe, 4WD, excel cond. *B6 JCB 14008, TLB, full cab, standaid hoe (2) *74 JD 510 TLB, ROPS canopy, standaid hoe *B7 Cat 416 TLB. 4WD, cab, extend-a-hoe, excel, cond *B6 CAT 426 TLB, 4 WD, cab, extend-a-hoe, vg cond ;D 42Q U». tracer. IH 460 diesel engine, nms good rPAwiMa CAT D 3 crawler doner, 6-way angli blade..... *BB CAT 935 C crawler loader. GP bucket, ROTS canopy, excel cond. *9O Case 4SOC, LT, dozer w/6 way angle blade, excel cond *79 IH 175 C, crawler loader, GP bucket, cab, good cond *B5 JD 6SSB, crawler loader, CP bucket, ROPS canopy, vg cond. JD 450 C backhoe attach JD SSSA crawler loader, backhoe attach., runt & operates vg. cond. ... inacieiJJwmQiia One SMC forklift, 21' mast, diesel engine, food cond. Case backhoe attachment, demo unit, fits 183 SC, 1840 Nissan N4l, hyd. excavator, full cab, 24" bucket, low his Reinco 3500 hydro seeder, new engine, mounted on Ford track chassis, vg cond. Cub Cadet BM, diesel engine, mower, like new Onan 10KW generator, 2 cyl. On an gas engine, excel Miller portable welder (2) IH 100 C, 4NI buckets, ROPS canopy, most parts available BIG YEAR END REBATES If Your Fields Are Rocky, You Need To Own A Heavy Duty Rock Rake With Replace Wear Paddles. Note, They Work Well Enough To Prepare Large Landscaping Projects. ROCK RAKE The Degelman Rock Rake is designed to windrow small to medium sized rocks and other ground debris lor easy picking Rock-free fields mean less down time, greater profits ROCK PIC Hi-Lin The Hi-Lift makes field piling and the removal of rocks by truck simple and i effort I less 'BINKLIMWJST , ”'£»ssar , “- BROS, INC.-' 1-800-11 PAYS U Q!S!£S> fill *B5 John Daara 6558 Crawlar/Loadar w/GP Bucket, ROPS Canopy, V.G. Cond. $28,000 continuous pdiing action, than durrps thorn u convoniontly and tasty mr ERS Prong Typo Man handles to 38 ....$14,000 50,500 ....$13,500 827,500 512,500 ...512,000/Ke, 550,000 550.000 8,950 .550 ...$12,500 ...$23,800 ..550,000 ...$16,000 ...$28,000 ..... $5,000 ...$lB,BOO ....$12,500 55,750 ....$13,500 ....$15,000 53,650 51,650 52,250 TIME IS MONEY and when your equipment is down, it costs you plenty. That's why Dengelman engineered farm implements are a wise investment. Call 717-626-4705 OR 1-800-ITPAYS U Wgssnm This New Case IH Magnum 15p Plus HP Model 7120 MFD Is At Binkley & Hurst At Tremendous Tear End Savings Let's Get Together Now! Shred Com Stalks or Cut Grass And Brush With A Well Built Rhino Cutter from Binkley & Hurst Now! The 5R18... 15' Medium Duty, Flex Wing Rotary Cutter is the ideal choice for mowing pastures, highway rights-of-way, crop residue, and other general purpose applications. AvaUMa In 640 or 1000 RPM, tbo BRI6 toaluraa ■ proven tow gearbox dodgn that la mad to out malarial up to T In dlamalar. Tha dMdar gearbox la mad at *l4O HP and tha oonlar and wing gaaiboxaa aiamod at 100 HP. Tha 10 gauga dock la mntoread with haavywal tubing that provWaa addod anangth and extended Ida to tha mowert maMiama. RaplacaaWa a Ida aklrta am M * thick and 10M * daap, providing antra capacity to handle thoaa demanding cut ting jeba. * 1000 RPM These Models Are In Stock Now For Immediate pmLwmsT “SIT W » '—BROS; INC. — f 1-800-IT-PAYS U nSSSJS AuaMite In adddwoH , ,r.and7 , ,BEnwiiwraaiadaalgnadter»4oßPM tnaonwNh aalandardCAT IthraapokitorCAT II htehtortha SE7. Tha ttexfcla thraapeM Mch daalgn tetowa tha mowarto Mm tha contour d tha graund white nMmhlng tha atiaaa pteoad on tha tractor. Standard laaturaa Include traa ewtnglng updraft Madae lor a cteanarout. pan blade caxlaa that hat> lha uni gada over obatruodont, and a atraamnnad daek provldaa tor aaeterotean up and enhanced ayaappaal. Tha roar taparad daok daalgn pnwMaa tor aator and more oven dbMbutlon of out mtearlal. A Cal a mvallna la atandard on tha SES. Tha SE( and SET toatura a dapandabte Cal 4 drMina to halp whhatand tha hoiaapowar oi largar tradora. Ruggedly bull and dma-taatad gaarboxaa ara at tha haan of awy SE mowar from Sanria-Rhlno to ha|> prouMa qually al an aoonoml cal price. Com Shredding Use! The SB 8. 6. ft 7... Servis-Rhino's SE family of economical single spindle rotary mowers are rated for material up to 1* In diameter and ere ideal for weed or grass 'qwino ' dir - nd cleanlr-
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