How Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —These data tic calculated using informtioo pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA’s mainframe conqgitßr each week. It is a one-week summary representing approximately one fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to die averages from about 1,400 herds across the state. DfflA Averages for all herds processed between 9/04/93 and 9/11/93 Number of Herds Processed 1,036 Number of Cows Processed 61,711 Number of Cows Per Herd 59.5 Milk Per Cow (Lbs) 18,601 %-Fat 3.67 Fat Per Cow (Lbs) 683 %-Protein 3.19 Protein Per Cow (Lbs) 593 Average Days in Milk Per Cow 318 •Value for CWT Milk(s) 12.91 •Value for CWT Grain(s) 7.70 •Value for CWT Hay(s) •Value for CWT Silage® •Value for Pasture Per Day(s) •Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year® ♦Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Ycar(Lhs) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D; Day Pasture •Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year® Champion fitter of tha Raadlng Shoep Show w«m to >tephai .•man, Raaarva want to Theraaa Anapaeh, left. David Lytla, Naw London, canter, Judged tha show. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, 1993-A27 4.22 1.53 .29 A; Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Pasture .•Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year® •Income Over Feed Costs Per 2.402 7,363 2,202 15,192 60 Year(s) •Grain to Milk Ratio ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) Avg Level For 919 SCC Herds ♦Miwtinimram flauraa Snyder Captures LIQUID PLANT FOOD MS-9 PLUS OTHERS! • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. • Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment. • Financially sound... and growing! □ I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor? □ I'm a farmer. What's the price? Where do I get it? CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: Phone 814-364-1349 ALL-PUNT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, INC. (Continued from Pago AM) RESERVE Brno* Snyder MARKET LAMBS Light Lightweight: 1. Paula Hunter. 2. Justin Levan. 3. Victoria Raiser. Medium Light weight: 1. JIB Nsknan. 2. Leon Hunter. 3. Jus tin Levan. Heavy Lightweight: 1. Tom New pher. 2. Stephanie Bowman. 3. Paula Hunter. Champion; Tom Hewpher. Reserve: Stepha nie Bowman. Light Middleweight: 1. Katie Ramsey. 2. MNca Bowman. 3. Jason Redmond. Medium mid dleweight: 1. Katie Ramsey. 2. Kelly Glaser. 3. Krystal Anepach. Heavy MMdleweight: 1. Jason ManwiKer. 2. Theresa Anapach. 3. Christine Hunter. Champion: Jason Msnwill sr. Reserve: Katie Ramsey. Light-Heavyweight: 1. Jason Msnwiller. 2. Wiliam Wilts. 3. Nicola Knepp. Medium Heavyweight: 1. Stephanie Bowman. 2. Richard Ketpar. 3. Richard Ksrpar. Heavy Heavyweight: 1. Tom Newphsr. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. David Anspach. Champion: Tom Nswpher. Reserve: Stephanie Bowman. CHAMPION MARKET LAMB Tom Nswpher RESERVE Stephanie Bowman All-Plant Bis Demand Requires More Distributors! 821 State Rd. 511 N., RFD*3, Ashland, Ohio 44805 567 93 233 17 911 1,491 1:2.5 4.90 414,089
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