Wayne County Holds (Contlniwd from Pago CM market hog sold to Honesdale ,er honors went to Nathan Ones Nttional Bank for a„d reserve champion fitter went Bloomin Grovc San d and Gravel » Scott Lewis. Champion show- purchascd Bcth Nebzydoski’s man was won by Scott Lewis and reservc champion hog for reserve champion showman went $4.35-pound. m Jackie Giles. The champion market lamb, Saturday, August 14, was die shown by Earl Marshall, sold to culmination of activities at the the Farmers and Merchants Bank Wayne County Fkir with the 4-H of Honesdale for $9-pound. Way- Livestock Sale. The 1993 sale was ne county Bank purchased the most successful sale ever. Andrew Korb . g cham pion Jimmie Ann Chyle’s champion for $6;50-pound BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 12’ Oak Tobacco Rails. Contact William Blessing (717)252-2842. Allied Steel Buildings, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural. Building YOUR Business is OUR Business. A.S. HOOVER INC. 3125 Manor Road, Coatesville, PA 19320 1-800-942-2591 ; 215-942-2591. Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 SAVE I,ooo's. S tee (wood bldgs. FALL Factory deals. 500 to 5,000 sq.ft. Going fast. Won't last long. 246-1110. Order NOW. ‘B’ Grade Glass Board and Plastic Sheets up to ’/« * Thick, (Special 4X8X.080 Plastic Sheets $10.00) Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, PA, Snyder County. (717)539-8993. Lancaster Farming j IE. Main St. J Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-3 M-3047 or Utils 717-525-1164 i FAX 717-733-505* | PHONE HOURS; Mon., Tuea., Wed. « Frl. 8 a.nt. to 5 p.m. Thure. 7 e.m. to 6 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Men. thru Frl. 8 e.m. to 5 p.m. Tha following categorise ara available lor your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline- Thursday morning at .9 ol m aach waak'a publication 1- Farm Equipment I la* Construction Equipment H 2- Farm Eq. Wanted ■ 3- Silos and Unloadars ■ Tha, following catagorioa wo avtlloblo In your elottlllod advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wedneaday afternoon at 5 of each waek'a publication. 4- Building and Suppllta 5* Grain Equlpmant 6- Dairy Equlpmant 7- Uvaatock Equlpmant 8- Caltla 9- Horaaa A Mulaa 10* Shaap t Goat* 11- Swtqa 12- Artificial Breading 13- Hog Eq. A Suppllaa 14- Poultry A Suppllaa 15- Faad A Bead 16- Fertilizer 17- Planta It- Frulla A Vegatablea 19- Nuraary 20- Lawn A Garden 21- Sarvleaa Offered 22- Cualom Work 23- H*lp Wanted ,24- Situation* Wanted 25- Buclnaa* Opporlunltla* 26- Houaahold 27- Pat* 28- Loal 29- Found 30- Computara 31- Nolle* 32- Mlaeallanaou* 33- Raeraalional Vahlclaa 34- Auto* 35- Truck* A Trailer* 36- Real Ealata Paying Cash Top Dollar For Log Cabins, Bank Bams, Roof Boards & Original Floors (Wide) 717-229-2806 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mall Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Address City. >ublish m Please with the startin U . I enclose . Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Scott Lewis’s champion market steer was purchased by Blooming Grove Sand and Gravel for $2.10-pound. The reserve champ ion steer, shown by Nick Nebzy doski, was purchased for SI.7S-pound by Waymart'Milling. The sale grossed more than $97,000 on 204 head of animals. Lambs averaged $2.34-pound, hogs SI.S3-pound and steers $1.22-pound. Top volume buyers included Blooming Grove Sand Sc Gravel, W.J. Reining and Sons, Hatfield Packing, Waymart Mill ing and Paps Country Maiket. lON /ouble Bubbli 28t/Sq. Ft Discount For Large Orders! IERMAN’S* looting /////A iIM, PAll! •782-2712, 17-776-5951 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY State .Phone (. word ad times issue. Classify under DEADLINES: 17 38 39 (Phone Numbers Count As One Worrit PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 360 per word per week - 1 or 2 times 300 per word per week • 3 or more times Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Wooden beams, doors and 4' lona pieces of siding Re-sewn heart pine from ok) machinery shed, boards, 2000*. 8-16* wide; $75. Call (410)795-6487 22* antique log addition, after 6 PM. 717/374->122. I GARAGE DOORS Commercial and Residential Tear End Inventory Reduction Sale. Priced at or Below Our Cost. £IS3=rANDCKKKI Installation Available at an Additional Cost. In Store Items Only. While Quantities Last. ALLISON DOOR SALES, INC 1262 Loop Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601 393-6650 Hours: Mon - Fri SAM to S:3OPM 1 Sat SAM to Noon W 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 3.96 7.92 4.32 8.64 4.68 9.36 5.04 10.08 5.40 10.80 5.76 11.52 6.12 12.24 6.48 12.96 6.84 13.68 7.20 14.40 Lancaster muring, Saturday, 3 Times 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00 SaptMnb* 18, 1983-C9 Close-Out Inventory of ABS Fitting*. Approx. $lO,OOO Wholewle Cost, Price Negotiable, Will Send List Upon Request; Corian Tub Wall Kit- Almond, $3OO. (410)692-5252. Cramer's Discount Roof ing, lowest prices in 3 states. See display ad sec tion 4. (717)567-6782. Culvert Pipe, 10'x40', can be set on end tor storage, $750. 717/354-3105. FLOORING- New kiln dried T&Q, 2xB Y.P. Can deliver. NOAH SHIRK SAWMILL 717-354-0192. Flooring, Wide Plank, TAG, 'GOLDEN OAK*, K x6’xlo', Pine V. xl4*xB'. Also Maple, Beech. Cherry, Walnut, 8000♦ sq.ft, available. Priced right 215-565-6038. FOR RENT; 4000 sq. ft. building w/round roof, 24' high doors, available now. Mato offer. Ben E. Stolt zfus, Box 696, RD 1, Honey Brook, PA 19344. Oarage to be torn down and removed, 24'x54’, 1% story double plank w/slate roof. Pottsville area. Best offer. 717-889-3213. GEBHART'S POLE BUILDINGS: & Let quality and value stand for you. Custom design and built, commercial, resi dential or agricultural. Put your building up today. 717-259-9438. Locust posts for sale. Diffe rent lengths and widths available. Also will cut 4x4‘s to length. (215)488-6035. PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR ORIGINAL WIDE AT TIC FLOORS. WE RE MOVE. 717/229-2806. Red Cedar, Beautiful Ap palachian Aromatic, Band saw Cut. 2* to 10* Wide Board, Any Thickness. $l.OO to $2.50 per Bd.FL K.T. Nilsson P.O. Box 512 Fairfield, PA 173200 r Call Our Field Office (205)523-5363 Evenings. SILO, glazed tile in excel lent condition, partly dis mantled. NO top, best of fer. Northwest Chester Co. 215-544-2713. STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes. Call for current 'Specials' 410-329-6757. Used Gondola shelving, excellent condition, also heavy duty stock room shelving, and heavy duty pallet racking. Priced to sell. 717-423-5132. WANTED: 150 treated posts, 12* long, 6-12’ thick. Lancaster Co. 717/442-4259. WANTED; Roofing slate, will remove old slate roof or will pay the hightest price around for good used roof ing slate in any quantities. PA. NJ. DE. DC. Call LEELANO SLATE. ROOF REPAIRS c 717-627-4884. WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Unc. Co. 717/626-4520. Chain Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3'-$.90/ft, 4' SI.OO/ft, 5-$1.'55/ft, 6-sl.£s/ft, 7-$1.85/ft B'-$1.95/ft Call 717/822-7820, If no answer New and Used Structural Sch 40 Pipe For Sale % " thru 8" Pipe. J 8c L Equipment SI. Thomu, PA 717-369-2637 NEW' NEVER USED 32 SQ. OF PENNA. GRAY SLATE with copper nails. $325 Per-Square.
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