HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) It’ll be heartbreak or high fives for some 3,500 .ia unioi >airy Molwood (Rotate x Combination) • #1 Foot + Leg Composite Sire • Super Frames • Total Performance Specialist MELWOOD’s superior genetics are more solid today than ever. He continues to climb the TPI list, even at 99% Reliability, and now ranks well above Leadman, Blackstar, Thor and Tesk on the Top 100 TPI list. Ranked No. 1 on the Holstein Foot and Leg Composite list, MELWOOD is joined by his sons BENCHMARK and GRANITE as they hold down three of the top eight positions in this important trait. MELWOOD and his sons will also continue to rank well on Holstein’s Protein Emphasis Selection Criteria and Registered Herd Selection Criteria. Fancy Paul (Valiant x Elevation) • Premier Type Improver • Udder Specialist • Outstanding Milk improver FANCY PAUL continues to be recognized as one of the world's great production and type bulls. He also sires outstanding udders exceptionally high, wide rear udders with great teat placement. His daughters are strong, deep-bodied cattle with openness of rib and the will to milk. A reliable sire, of show winners, in both yearling and milking classes, FANCY PAUL'S production proof is 1,000-2,000 pounds higher than most other bulls used for this purpose. New 92 points at 10 years of age, this remarkable bull has earned his place as one of the all-time favorites at ABS. Southwind (801 l x Valiant) • Percent Protein • Foot Angle • Size and Depth SOUTHWIND added over 3,000 second crop daughters this summary and confirmed what breeders are saying around the globe. He increased +ll pounds of protein, +270 pounds of milk, and +I3STPI points. At +II44TPI, SOUTHWIND has proven his ability to sire high production, size, strength, depth, and super feet along with snugly attached udders. Stardust (Sfarbutk x Sir Christopher) • Outstanding Depth & Strength • Exceptional Stature • #1 Bull For Capacity In Canada STARDUST is a new St. Jacobs ABS/ABS Canada release. His type proof places him in the top one percent of the breed for Type in Canada. STARDUST daughters are tall, strong, deep bodied cows with desirable udders and a near correct foot and leg. He's a sire of show-winners. STARDUST Dtr; Lampada Stardust Rose NC npD 2-00 2X 90d 6158 M 3.6% 222 F 3.2% 197Plnc. ft! u Lampada Holsteins, Areola, Saskatchewan First Jr. Two-Year-Old, Canada Dairy Expo, Saskatoon Hmerican Breeders Sendee P.O. Box 459, DeForest, Wisconsin 53532 Ph: 608/846-3721 IN PENNSYLVANIA Ailenwood, PA George Showers 717*838*1812 Berlin. PA Keith Lcydlg 814*267*4440 Catasaqua, PA Mike Cherle* 215*264*8517 Cobum, PA WenOei Manor 814-349-5810 Column, pa JamnClaitaa 717-398^872 All American Features State Youth Pennsylvania dairy Show, set for Sept 25 at “These farm young youth this summer on Farm Show Com- sters face the toughest the road to the Pennsyl- p i ex> j n Harrisburg. competition in their vani Junior Dair young lives.. .and less than one quarter will make it,” said Larry Specht who heads Penn Stale Dairy Extension. Columbia Crossroads, PA George Obeli 717-297*2943 Cony, PA Lenny Biker 814-663-0185 Danville, pa Scott Setoultr 717*275*3850 Hastings, PA James MUebek 814*743*0389 intercourse, PA MeifcHeekemei 717-788-7788 Quarryvllle, PA * Paul Harr 717-788-8171 Ramey, PA SttwHanaal 814-378-5834 Reedsville, PA ChesNrO. tatfrldgi 717-687-8778 Schellsburg, PA Barry Lowery 814-838-2044 Sandy lake, PA Paul Baxter • 412-378-3483 Shlppensburg, PA Wayne Pleer 717-832-4401 Lebanon, PA Paul Martin 717-949-2381 Linden, PA Larry Bower 717-323-9710 Lititz, PA J. Wllmer Conrad 717-733-0094 Mtfflinburg, PA Dave Beachy 717-968-1344 MWllntown, PA Marvin ZanOl 717-438-8386 Milihelm,PA Jason Swartz 814-349-5310 The state junior championships kick off a week-long Pennsylva nia All-American Dairy Show Sept. 25-29 that features six breed shows, four sales and 2.500 top-rated cattle by BBS MELWOOD Dtr: Ellbank Bora Mel Alice EX-91 2-04 2X 362 d 23,567 4.1% 970 F 3.5% 824 P Ellbank Farm, Stanley, NY FANCY PAUL Dtr: Mow-Ten-Vue FP Magnolia VG-87 3-00 2X 212 d 16,410 3.8% 627 F 3.2% 527 P Inc. Marie Tatarke, Bozeman, MT SOUTHWIND Dtr: Roylane Southwind Pansy VG-88 1-11 2X 365 d 24,730 4.7% 1172 F 3.7% 91 IP Roylane Registered Holsteins, Warden, WA Spartansburg, PA Ken Johnson 814-864-0399 Spring City, PA Bob Hewitt 215-495-7927 Stewartstown, PA Tom Engle 717-993-8836 Thomasville, PA ira Boyer 717-225-3758 Utica, PA Gale Dane 814-425-2838 Washington. PA Donahf Derma 412-225^778 Uncwter Farming, Saturday, September ii, 1993-A2l Shows from 30 states and Can ada. To get there, Specht said, 4-H members must first win blue ribbons with their project ani mals at 40 county roundups and then re Waynesboro. PA Don Koons 717-782-4465 Worthington, PA Robert Hogg 412-543-4221 Wyalusing, PA Ernie Lanlinl 717-748-3270 IN MARYLAND Qrantsvilie, MO Richard Bowser 301-885-5709 Hagerstown, MD Don Kpons 717-78*4485 & < Kennedyville, MD Qrag Rlnkar 301-478-2323 Keymar, MD Qrag Rlnkar 301-478-2323 IN NEW JERSEY Lambertvllle, NJ Hobart Fulpar 609-397-4836 Port Murray, NJ Robart Kaybart 901-689-2805 m peat at one of seven re gional elimination shows. FFA members quali fy their animals at six FFA regionals. Over 4,000 4-H and FFA animals are expect ed to be shown in local and regional shows this summer, the dairy ex tension specialist said. He predicted less than 1,000 will reach the Fin als. In 1988, there were 595 Pennsylvania farm kids who qualified a re cord 975 cattle for the junior finals at the All- American. The young showmen can exhibit a maximum of three ani mals. Three judging rings are to be operated simul taneously in the Large Arena this year. This is to break die logjam of entries in the six dairy breeds. “Judging just dragged out too long in recent years.” Specht said. Special honors again will go to the highest ranked animals bred and owned by the jupior showmen, he said. The Pennsylvania Junior Dairy Show, now in its 34th year, is under the direction of the Penn State Cooperative Ex tension Service and State Bureau of Voca tional Education. It has been held in conjunction with the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show since 1964. - FANS - 20" 6000 CFM 24” 8500 CFM 36” 11,200 CFM * Check Our Price* * Free UPS Shipping * 48" Tunnel Fans * Free Catalog S PALL > Weaver Distributing 1-800-Wetver-D 1-800-932-8373 RD 2 Fredericksburg, PA 17026 Authorised Parts ft Service Kubota Industrial Dleaal Englnaa Check Our Prices, on Naw and Used Parti YMMMMH Dlcml Engirt** Mltaublahl • Satoh - Compact Oiaaal Tractora Specializing In Complata Service For Skid Loadera and Moat Typaa Of Small Oiaaal Powered Equipment Dismantling For Parts WH L 553 Skid Loader V 86 Tracr
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