840-L*ncaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week's publication MON. OCT. 4 - 4PM Bill's Auto Sales, commercial real estate, tools & equip ment, & household goods. Hinkletown. Located at 1243 Division Highway, comer of Rt. 322 (Division Highway) a Wanner Road (across from Ephrata National Bank), Earl Town ship, between Ephrata & Blue Ball, Lane. Co., Pa. By Bill & Janet Shumate. Horst aucts. TUES. OCT. 5 - 2PM 91 Acre Lane. Co Farm. Rapho Twp. at 707 W. Eli zabethtown Rd., Rt. 72 North of Manheim, turn West onto West Elizabeth- PUBUC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., SEPT. 7 1, At 9:00 A.M. DIRECTIONS: From Morgantown, north on Rt. 10 to Weaver Rd., turn right. Go approx. 1 ml. to property on left. Robeson Twp., Berks Co., Pa. REAL ESTATE at 12:00 NOON: VA sty. frame house, VA sty. 2 car stone gar. and implement shed on 3.5 ac; partly wooded, gentle slope. Also, 2'A ac. & 2 ac. building lots partly wooded. Inspec. anytime by appt., 10% down day of sale; Settlement within 45 days. PERSONAL PROPERTY FARM EQUIP. & TOOLS: 1948 Ford N Tractor; McCormick Farmall Cub Trac. w/ plow, cult, mowing mach, parts of side dress er; Spike Harrow; Ford Cult. Com Planter; Potato plow; Shovel harrow; 7’ Ford Mower; 2 Bottom Ford plow; 3 pt. Disk Harrow; Single plow for Cub; Spring tooth Harrow; Single hole Com Sheller; Myers snow plow; Bean garage equip (to turn down wheels/ drums); old dump rake; Chains; Lawn roller; Pick-up type trailer; Wheel Grinders; Old steel wheel wagon chassis; 1970 Chev. Pick-jip Truck, running cond.; 1964 Apache 10 Chev. Pick-up Truck, does not run; Ford jack; Lawn Vacuum; Lawn ut trailer; Air Comp.; Barrels; Wheelbarrows; Wooden ext. ladders; Old bicycles & parts; Set of White Ranger Wheels; Elec, hedge trimmer, Gilsen Roto.; Cub Cadet 100 w/mower; Huffy 26” mower (as is); Craftsman Band Saw; Bench Grinders; 6” Vise; Crafts. Tablesaw; Wood lathe; Crosscut saws; Scythes; Beam scales; Shovels; Rakes; Hammers; All types hand tools; Brooms; Forks; Anvil; Grease guns; Stepladders; Lanterns. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Sears Ch. Freez er; Maytag Wash. & Dryer; Hotpoint Refirig.; Hotpt. Dishwasher; G.E. Stove; Panasonic TV; Sears Humidifiers; Kenmore Sew. Mach w/cab; Singer Treadle Sew. Mach.; Slant-top desk; Ker. heaters; Sofa & chair; Plat, rockers;' Pressback Rocker & Chair; Single bed w/box spring & matt.; Bureau w/mirror; Iron beds; Mattress; Dressers; Ker. Lamps; 12 Pane Cor. Cupbrd; Old Music Stand; Stool; Wall Mirror; Knick-knacks & shelf; Eur. Upright Sweeper Elec. Chord Organ; Ex. Bench; Bassinet; Infants Changing Table; Playpen; Wooden chest; Form. Table; Milk glass Chicken-on nest; Copper Bott Tea Kettle; Scale; Toaster; Radio; lit. Cab.; Pots & Pans; Dishes; Uten sils; Mix. bowls; Lazy Susan; CROCKS: Blue Willow dishes; Glass Butter Chum; Canning Jars; Canes; Hand Fans; Tin Cans; Buttons; Sew. Notions; Iron Bid; Bedding; Baskets; Books; Old Tin lunch pail; 1929 John Deere Tractor Adv.; Puzzles; Asst, Glasses w/7-Up, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Cartoon Characters; 4 pc. Yard Fum.; Lawnchairs; Old metal wagon; Many other items not mentioned. SALE ORDER: Hand tools. Household goods and Farm equip. TERMS BY: The Estate of J. Stephen Moyer; Stephen J. Moyer, Jr. Exec; David G. Campbell, Esq. AUCTIONEERS: Elton Horning AU-000434-L Rodney Horning AU-002167-L ELTON HORNING FARM AGENCY Main Street, Morgantown, PA (215) 286-0135 - town Rd. By Ivan S. Hom ing, Minerva N. Homing, Horst aucts. TUES. OCT. 5 - S:3OPM, Valuable Real Estate & Few Farm Related Items. Located 1321 Dry Tavern Rd., Approx. 1 Mi. North Of Fivepoinlville Along Rt. 897 (Known As Dry Tavern Rd.), Brecknock Township, Lancaster County. Terms By, Ivan G. & Janet M. Musser. Randal Kline, Uoy d Kreider & Roy Good, Jr. - Aucts WED. OCT. 6 - B:3OAM Knuttel Nursery Inc. East Windsor, Conn. 40,000-50,000 Containers. Bob Reimold, auct. 1993 WED. OCT. 6 - 6:30 PM WED. OCT. 6 -7.30 PM. Winross Truck & Toys. f ee fLS r c Ca l! l f f? '*• A&C Diffenbach Auction Located Four States Lives lnc tock Sales, Hagerstown, REAL ESTATE AUCTION ABSOLUTE AUCTION OF VALUABLE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE & EQUIPMENT On TUES., SEPT. 14, 1993 At 7 P.M. AT: 2714 S. Queen St., York, PA. In (Spry). The undersigned will sell to the fol lowing bidder at ABSOLUTE AUCTION the following: Cement block building 35’xlOO’ with a brick front, situated on a 200’x200’ lot. Real estate is set up with a soft cloth automatic con veyorized car wash with a Boltronics compu ter system. The car wash was built in 1989 and has vacuums on the outside. Property has an office area-equipment room-detail bay and potential to be a full service with customer corridor style car wash. Real estate is heated by natural gas and served by both public water & sewer. Zoned Commercial Shopping. Traff ic count - Cars per day from Penn Dot (S. Queen St. Rt. 74 between Leaders Heights Road and Ironstone split 25,589 cars). TERMS: 10% down day of auction with balance to be paid in 60 days by cash or Approved Check. INSPECTION: Wednesday, August 25, 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Announcements made at time of sale take precedence over all printed and oral information. ERNEST N. SHANAMAN Owner Gilbert & Gilbert, Auctioneers Jacob A. Gilbert, Lie. #336 Brian L. Gilbert, Lie. #2256 Ph. (717) 252-1656 or 252-3591 FRI. OCT. 8 - 9AM Farm Equipment & Supplies. A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. FRI. OCT. 8 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 13, South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511. FRI, OCT. 8 - 7PM, Horse Sale. Located At New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. FRI. OCT. 8 & SAT. OCT. 9 - Annual 2 Day Farm & Constractors Consignment Sale. Fri. SPM, Sat. 9AM Call to consign. Auct. Dwight D. Miller. SAT. OCT 9 -10 AM, 4 Tractors, Farm Equip., Fur niture, Hay & Straw. Located From Schaeffer stown Take Rt. 419 Nonh 2 Miles To The 2nd Road Left Go 1 Block Turn Right On Richland Rl, To The 3rd Farm On The Left., Leb, Co. Owners, Martin H. & Ruth G. Weaver. Aaron E. Martin, Auct. SAT. OCT. 9 - 9AM, 33 Acre Farm & Farm Machin ery. Located South Of Red Lion, Pa. On Rt. 24, Lower End Of Winterstown, Tom East On Church Street (Reeds Used Cars), Go 7/10 Mile Turn Left On Laurel Hill Road, Go 7/10 Mile To Sale On Right Sell er, Melvin & Evelyn Lutz Rentzel's Auction Service. PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTOR - COMBINE ■ FARM MACHINERY ■ Tl GRAIN BIN W/DRYER - T( The undersigned discontinuing farming will sell at public auction, the following - located taking Route 34 • 4 miles North of Gettysburg, PA or 2.5 miles South of Biglerville, PA • turn East onto the Goldenvllle Road or from US Route 15 North of Gettysburg • take the Route 394 Exit, turn West and go to the Goldenvllle Road and sale site • (sale signs posted) - on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11 ■ 10:00 A.M. Tractors; International Model 674 tractor - diesel, 3 pt., 16.9-30 rears with IH loader & 6 ft. 9 in. hyd. bucket; Massey Ferguson Mod el 1135 - diesel, cab, Cat. 3,3 pt., duals (needs some work) ifarmall Super H - very good 11.2-38 rubber, remote; nice Oliver Model 88 tractor very good 14.9x38 rears w/very nice New Idea 2-row mounted picker -12 roll husking bed; Combine: Very nice IH Model 205 combine w/10 ft. grain head & 227 2-row wide corn head, gas, cab, air - excellent cond. International 3-16” 3 pt. trip back plow with coulters & cover boards; International Model 710 5x16" auto, reset plow w/ coverboards; John Deere 4-14” 3 pt. trip back plow; IH 3-14” pull type hyd. lift, trip back plows on rubber;. Pittsburg 1 0'A ft. trans 32 disc disc harrow; like new Dunham Lehr 12 ft. trans single roll cultl packer w/center bearing: 10 ft. 3 section tractor harrow; Ford 4-row 3 pt. spring tooth cultivators; 11 ft. pull type rotary hoe; like new IH Model 510016 double disc grain drill w/grass attachment; very nice International Model 56 4-row wide corn planter - dry fertilizer & all insect attachments; like new New Holland Model 355 grinder mixer - 21” mill-hammers never turned: IH Model 550 - PTO tractor spreader; Woods 3 pt. 7 ft. rotary mower; homemade gravity bin wagon; hyd. auger for bin wagon; International wagon chassis w/ Unverferth gravity bin; New Idea 16 ft. flat bed wagon; old flat bed wagon; like new Meyer 6 ft. angle snow blade; New Holland Model 479 9 ft. haybine; New Holland Model 56 rollabar rake; New Holland Model 269 Hayliner baler w/No. 53 bale thrower; Smoker 28 ft. ele vator w/motor; John Deere 30 ft. elevator; John Deere wagon chas sis w/as is gravity bin. Truck: Ford F-150 Custom - 1977 - VB, green, good running condition. Grain Bln: MFS Stor-Age - Approx. 3200 bushel grain bin w/ circulator & unloader and Blaunt propane gas dryer. Hay & Straw: Approx. 1500 bales nice Timothy hay; Approx. 1200 bales nice wheat straw. Two wheel trailer; John Deere & Echo weedeaters; nice metal saw mangel w/blade; VN Toro 21 ” SP rotary mower - electric start: galv. water trough; lot 4xB sheets 'A ” plyboard; 110 & 225 gallon gas & diesel tanks; 16 ft. wide by 14 ft. high wood garage door w/ electric opener; cement lawn roller; VN grindstone w/motor; 2-new 5 gallon cans cup grease; platform scales; new metal fence posts; several pieces scaffolding; new 9.50x16.5 radial tires; hyd. jacks; de-horners; misc. wire; hyd. hoses; grease guns; small metal pig feeders; several nice sets tractor chains; farm gates; lot misc. small hand tools; chain binders; come-along; Household: Very nice Majestic wood & electric cookstove; lot crocks; exercisers; many other items. Auctioneer’s tion - Sale Week Only. Terms • Cash or Check With Bank Letter Of Credit. owner- WILUAM R. SENTZ 717-337-1339 C. David Redding- Auctioneer- PA License No. 742-L Gettysburg, PA • Ph: 717-334-6941 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 33 ACRES MIL 4 ACRES MIL TUBS., SEPT. 14, 1993 6:30 P.M. Tracts Located in Germany Town* ship, Adams County, PA, Bordering Lit tlestown Boro. Tract 1: Located V 4 Mile South of Littles town Square on Route #97. (Baltimore Pike) This 33 Acre Property Has Excellent Invest ment Potential. 532 Feet of Frontage on the Baltimore Pike. No Zoning. Adjacent Property Currently Being Developed. Water & Sewer Nearby in Littlestown Boro. Tract 2: From the Littlestown Square go South on Route #97 '/> Mile to Kindig Road. Left on Kindig 'A Mile to Property on Right. This 4 Acre Property has been Perked for 2 Lots. Quiet Location Near Littlestown Pool. Terms: 10% down day of sale - Balance 45 days. Tracts Sold Separately. Auction for both tracts held at Tract 1. To inspect property call 717-225-4811 or 717-367-1880. • Sale by HERBERT H. STERNER Attorney: John Mooney Auctioneers: 2897-L Harold “Abe” Shaffner 717-653-5689 Mark Dlffenderfer 717-367-1880 Note - Nice sale • Plan to attend • Sale Inspec- ■ HAY - STRi
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