Colored Breed Champions Named At. Martinsburg LINDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent MARHNSBURO (Blair Co.) Snider Homestead of New Enteiprise took home all the top awards with a 4-year-old and an aged cow at the Guernsey Show Buffalo Valley Produce (Continued from Page A 3) MEDIUMS S.OO-6.50 1 1/9 BU; RED 19.00 BU: SUNTAN 6.50; HOT 4.50 ■/. BU. PICKLERS: 6.30-7.50 Vi BU. PLUMS; 8.00-13.00 Vi BU. POTATOES: B RED 10.50-14.00: 41 RED 7.00 50 LB.} WHITE 7.00-7.25 50 LB. RASPBERRIES (RED): 1.45 FT. SQUASH (YELLOW): 4.50. SQUASH (SWEET DUMPLING): 4.50 BU; BUTTERNUT 8.00 1 1/9 BU. TOMATOES:#! LARGE9.OO-14.0025 LBS.; CHERRY: SJO 12-PT. FLAT; YEL LOW CHERRY: 5.50 12-PT. FLAT. WATERMELONS: CRIMSON; 1.25-1.75; SANGRIAS: 1.25-2.00; SUGAR BABIES: 1.10-1.30; YELLOW DOLLS: .75-1.05 EACH. ZUCCHINI: 4.00-5.30 54 BU. NEXT WEEK’S AUCTION MON., TOES.. TOURS, FRI. 10 A.M. W-L measures success one grower at a time. We could show you stacks of research data that demonstrate the benefits of planting W-L alfalfa seed, but the most important barometer of our success is the success of growers like you. Growers have depended on W-L Research as a provider of superior alfalfa seed for over thirty Forage Ahead with W-LI held at the Morrison Cove Memor ial Park in Martinsburg. Sniders also took the junior champion award. The reserve champion was awarded to Beth Clark. Other top three Guernsey awards were: Junior Calves; Jan Snider, Kendy Gable, and Galen McDonald 11. tntarmedMe Calvee; Kristi Snider, Beth Anne Clark, and Kristi Morrow. Senior Catvae: Beth Anne Clark, Amber Clark, and Aaron Gable. Summer Yearlings: Snider Homestead, Jan Snider, Galen McDonald 11. Junior Yeaittnga: Amber dark, Melissa Morrow, and Galen McDonald 11. IrrtarmedMa Yearllnga: Aaron Gable, Adda McDonald, and Beth Anns Clark. Senior Yearlings: Beth Anne Clark, (one and two) and Oven McDonald 11. Jr. Beal S Females: Snider Homestead, Beth Anna Clark. Snider Homestead. Junior 2-Ysar-Olda: Snider Homestead, Beth Anne Clark, and Matt Morrow. Sorrier 2-Vaar-Olds: Snider Homestead, Matt Morrow, Apryle Hoover. Junior S-Yaar-OMs: Amber Clark, Snider Homestead, Galen McDonald 11. Senior 3-Year-Olds: Snider Homestead, and Allda McDonald. 4- Snider Homestead, Aaron Gable, and Beth Anne Clark. 4 And Under Dry; Beth Anne Clark, Galen McDonald 11, and Allda McDonald. . , 5- Year-Olds: Snider Homestead, Melissa McDonald. S Year And Over Dry Com; Aaron Gable, Meliua Morrow, and Galen McDonald 11. Agad Cowa: Snider Homestead (one and two) and Melissa McDonald. Champions in tha open class colored breeds were Monica Goshom, Milking Shor thorn; Jan Snider, Guernsey; Tim Mostoller, Brown Swiss; Rachael McCutcheon, Ayr shire; and Scott Fisher, Jersey. Scott Fisher look home aU top Jersey awards with a 4-year-dd and a S-year-dd. Stonay Hollow Jerseys was Junior and reserve junior champion. Other Jersey awards were: Junior Calvoo: Stonoy Hollow, Kondy Cable, Stonoy Hollow. Intormodlato Calvoo: Loo Bally. Ralaino Jersey, and Mon Lemm. Senior Calvoo: HaWne Joraoyi, Thomas Greenleat. and Data Phaasant. Summer Yaorllngo: Dale Phoosont, Sto- years, and in-that time W-L has developed seed well-known for its value. At W-L, “value” is defined as long-term yield, persistence, and quality. These characteristics of W-L varieties are the cornerstone of our success, and we continue to measure our success as we always have one grower at a time. Contact your local dealer: Beachley-Hardy Seed Company 454 Railroad Ave., P.O. Box 3147 Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania 17011 1-800-4HARDY-1 Our Reputation is Growing In Your Fields. For this ana, wa neommand WL 317 and WL 320 ney Hollow, and Sam McGargle. Junior Yearllnga: Stoney Hollow, Leslie Bailey, and Kan Downs 11. Intormodloto Yoorllngo: Trod Brum baugh ond Amber Lomin. Junior Yoorllngo: Stonoy Hollow Jer«oy*. Leslie Bailey and Ken Downs 11. Intermediate Yoorllngo: Trad Brum baugh and Amber Lomin. Senior YOorllngo: Thomas Groenleaf, Ralaino Jerseys, and Aaron Fredrick. teal 3 Femelee: Stonoy Hollow (1 and 2), RaWna Jerseys. Junior 2-YeorOldo; Stonoy Hollow (1 and 2), Dale Pheasant Senior 2-Yaar-Olds: Ralaina Jerseys, Thomas Greanlsal, and Dale Pheasant Junior 3-Yaar-Olds: Dale Pheasant, Ralaina Jerseys, and Lae Bailey. Senior 3-Year-Otds; Kendy Gable. 4- Scott Fisher, Dale Pheas ant and Mika Hamish. 4 Year And Under Dry: Tom Graenleaf, Dale Pheasant, and Ralaina Jerseys. 5- Scott Fisher, Ralaine Jerseys, Stoney Hollow Jerseys. 8-Yeer And Under Dry Cows: Christiana Booth, Dale Pheasant Beet 3 Females: Ralaina Jerseys, Stonay Hollow Jerseys, Dale Pheasant. Produce Of Oam: Stonay Hollow, Ralaina Jartayt. Daughtar/Dam; Stonay Hollow, Kandy Gabla, laalia Bailay. Exhiblter*e Hard: Ralaina, Stonay Hollow, and Dale Pheasant. Ayrshire The Ayrshire grand champ was a 4 year and under dry, earned by Rachel McCutcheon. Reserve honors were earned by Dan Varner In the same category. Junior champ honors want to Mika Brant for an intermedi ate calf and a Junior calf. Other Ayrshire awards; Junior Cahras: Mika Brant, Edna Schilling. Intarmadiata Calvaa: Mika Brant, Dan Varner, Linda Schilling. Senior Calvaa; Mke Brant. Summer Yearlings: Dough Varner, Mike Brant, Bobby jo Schilling. Junior Yearlings: Edna Schilling. Inter ms (Mate Yearlings: Dan Varner. Senior Yearlings; Duane Varner, Dan Varner, Bobby Jo Schilling. - 2-Yaar-Olda; Linda Schilling. Sr. Three Year Olds: Mike Brant, Bobby Jo Schilling. 4-Ysars And Under Dry: Rachel McCutcheon, Dan Var ner, Mke Brant. •■Year And Over Dry Cows: Mike Brant. Daughtar/Dam; Bobbi Jo Schilling. Exhibitor's Hard: Mke Brandt and Bobbi Jo Schilling. Brown Swiss Tim Mostollef took horn* grand awards in the Brawn Swiss division with Wads Burkat picking up resarva honors. Tha Junior and rasarva Junior awards went to Robert Fritz lor a senior call and Brandy Horning lor an Intermediate call. Brown Swiss other awards: Junior Calvaa: Robert Fritz Sr., Walter Schilling. Intermediate Calves: Brandy Horning, Robert Fritz, Jr, and Paul Downs. Senior Calvaa: Robert Fritz, Jr., Brandy Horning. Junior Yearlings: Rachel Fox. Senior Yearlings; Paul Downs, James Schilling. Junior Bast Throe Females: Robert Fritz. Junior 2-Year-Olds: Tim Mostoller, Robert Fritz. Sr., and Audrey Fox. Senior 2-Voar-Olda; Joe Stitt. Junior 3-Yoar-Olda; Joe Stitt and James Schilling Senior 3-Year-Olds; Robert Fritz, Sr. S-Year-Olds: Wade Burket, Monica Goshorn. Aged Cows: Robert Fritz, Sr., Walter Schilling. 100,000 Lb. Claaa: Robert Fntz, Jr. Oaughter/Dam: Robert Fntz, Wade Burket, Robert Fntz. Exhibitor's Herd: Robert Fntz. Milking Shorthorn : Monica Gotham edged out htr brother, Matt, for tht grand champion MUklng Shorthorn awards. Junior champion award* want to Christina Young and Jama* Young. Milking Shorthorn awards; Junior Catvaa: Monica Qoshom. Intarmadlata Calvat: Christina Young, Matt Goshom. San lor Calvao: Mark Goshom. Surnmar Yearlings: Monica Goshom, Jason Hooter. Junior Yaaitlnga: Jama* Young, Monica Goshom, Bob bi Jo Schilling. Intarmadlata Yaartlngs: Jama* Young. Senior Yearling*; Monica Goshom. Junior Baal 3 Famalaa: Christina Young, Monica Goshom. Junior 2-YaarOMa: Christina Young and Jason Heater. Junior 3-Yaar-Olds; Mark Goshom, Jamas Young. Senior 3-Yaar-OMa: Matt Goshom. 4-Yoar-Olda; Christina Young and Monica Goshom. 4- And Undar Dry: Jamas Young, Christiana Booth. 5- Monica Goshom. t-Yaor And Over Dry: Malt Goshom. Aged Caws: Man Goshom. Baal 9 Famalaa: Matt Goshom, Jamas Young. Produce Of Dam: Matt Qoahom, Christina Young, and Jason Haatar. • Daughlor/Dam: Matt Gotham, Monica Goshom, Christ |m Yfluno And Jaion Hmir am i Wmi wsma mimvi s iwswi• ExhlMar's Hard: Monica Goshom, Mdp Goshom, and Christina Young.
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