A364jtH»ittf Aliflifi'll,"~l9W DAVID HIEBERT Westmoreland Co. Correspondent UNIONTOWN (Fayette Co.) At the conclusion of the 10-day Fayette County Fair, a diversified family partnership carried home a load of trophies. The Allen Hill Dairy, Smock, won the premier exhibitor award, and showed the open grand cham pion, the 4-H grand champion, and 4-H reserve champion in the Black and White show recently. According to Jay Espenshade, Fayette County extension agent, entries for the show were up about 10 percent from last year. He attri butes the rise to an increased inter est in the 4-H program of the county. Fayette County 4-H member ship is up about 20 percent this year. “We had the 4-H show se parate this year to give recognition to the work put into the program,” said Espenshade. Judge for the show was Holstein breeder Jim Burdette, Wind Noll View Hol stein Farms, Mercersbutg. The Allen Hill Farm is a part nership between brothers Rick and Ron and their families. In addition to the approximately 250-acre farm, with a dairy herd of about 123, the Allens have a retail outlet located on Rt. SI and host Hallo ween hayrides during the month of October. The next district Holstein exhi bition will be the Mon Valley Area Show on September 6. Call Jay Espenshade, extension agent for Fayette County, at (412) 438-0111 for mote information. FAYETTE BLACK AND WHITE SHOW RESULTS Fayette County Fair Black and White (Holstein) winners are senior reserve and reserve champion female shown by Rodney Rankin, Rankin Farm and the senior champion and grand champion female with Ron and Rick Allen of Allen Hill Farms. On the left, Jil Rankin holds the ribbons and trophies for the junior reserve champion at the Fayette County Black and White Show. On the right Is Junior champion held by Taylor A. Allen of Allen Hill Farms. Alien Hill Farm Wins Big At Fayette Show FIRST PLACE WINNERS LISTING FAYETTE COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW 4-H 4-H Class: Spring Heller Calf - Owner Shelby Allan, Entry Allan-HUI Raidar Gabby Gam. 4-H Ctaas: Winter Halter Calf • Ownar Taylor Alina, Entry Altan-Hill Raidar Oath Gam. 4-H Ctaaa: Fall Halter Call • Owner Char laa E. Mariana, Entry Eatt-Vua Mascot Mol- ly. 4-H Claaa: Sutnmar Yaarllng Halter • Ownar Chari at E. Mariana, Entry Eatt-Vua Trendy Tilth. 4-H Class; Spring Yaarllng Halter • Ownar Taylor A. Allan, Entry Alien-Hill Volt age Daneka. 4-H Claaa: Winter Yaarllng Halter - Own ar Courtney L. Allan, Entry Allen-HIII Star- Buck Satha. 4-H Claaa; Fall Yaarllng Halter • Ownar Oarak Harvey, Entry Jackson-Farm Lead man Patty. 4-H Claaa; Junior Two-Yaar-Old - Owner Taylor Allen, Entry Alien-Hill Mark Elite 0, 4-H Grand Champion. 4-H Claaa: Sanlor Two-Yaar-Old • Own ar Jill E. Jackson, Entry Jackson-Farm Bou tonniere Jo. 4-H Cleee: Senior Three-Year-Old - Owner Taylor Allen, Entry Alien-Hill Valor Daneen, Reserve Champion. 4-H Claes: Five-Year-Old - Owner Kim Thomas, Entry Jackson-Farm Kasper Gin ger. Opan Class: Spring Halter Call • Owner Shelby Allen, Entry Alien-Hill Raider Gabby Gem. Open Claes: Winter Halter Call - Ownar Rankin Farm, Entry Rankin Dlxiecrat Lassie, Junior Reserve Champion. Open Class: Fall Haller Call - Owner Charles E. Marietta, Entry Eatt-Vua Mascot Molly. Open Claaa; Summer Yaarllng Halter • Ownar Charles E. Marietta, Entry Eatt-Vua Trendy Trish. Opan Claaa; Spring Yaarllng Halter • Ownar Taylor A. Allan, Entry Alien-Hill Volt age Daneka, Junior Champion. Opan Claaa: Winter Yearling Halter - Owner Courtney L. Allen, Entry, Alien-Hill Starßuck Sasha. Opan Class: Fall Yaaiilng Heifer - Own er Darak Harvey, Entry Jackaon-Farm lead man Patty. Opan Claaa: Junior Beat Three Fa males • Owner Allen Hill Dairy. Opan Claes: Dry Cow Four Years I Un dsr • Owner Allan A Terry Kuehn, Entry Dia mond-Cut Mke Edipse-E.T. Opan Class: Dry Cow Five Years A Old er - Owner Rankin Farms. OPEN CLASS Ju!s ® c Fayetto Coun, y Fa,r B,ack and White Show went to Ron and Rick Allen of Allen Hill Farms as premier exhibitors and to Bill Jackson as premier p? B y ter ; Jc ffj 5 !!?” 0,1993 Fa y otte County Fair Queen, separates the competitors. Pnotoa by David Hlabart Open Class: Junior Twe-Year-Old • Owner Jason L. Rankin, Entry Rankin Kitten Astro Jet Kity. Opan Claaa: Senior Two-Year-Old • Owner Jill E. Jackson, Entry Jackson-Farm Boutonniere Jo. Open Ctase: Junior Three-Yeer-OW - Owner Tront Stoyor, Entry Stoytr Farm Tor nado Courtnoy. Opan Ctaaa: Sanler Throo-Yaar-OM - Owner Liia J. Rankin, Entry Rankin Barb H di-Ho Twinkle, Reieive Champion Senior Female and Reserve Grand Champion Fe male. Open Claes: Feur-Yaar-Oltf • Owner Al len Hill Dairy, Entry Alien-Hill Very Dusk, Senior Champion Female and Grand Cham pion Female. Opan CIm«: Flv«-Y»«r-OW • Owner Jackson Farms, Entry Jackson-Farm Kasper Bianca. Opan Class: 100,000 • Owner Rankin Farm, Entry Ranklr) Kay Kitten Saxation. Opan Ciasa: Six Year* I Older ■ Owner Allen Hill Dairy, Entry Allen-HIII Carmine Gene Gem. Opan Class: Bast Udder - Owner Allan Hill Dairy. Open Claes: Best Three Females - Own er Rankin Farm Open Class: Produce of Dam • Owner Rankin Farm. Opan Class: Dam and Daughter-Owner Allen HID Dairy. REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio The American Guernsey Associa tion has recently honored Ray mond F. Witmer, of Willow Street, for his distinguished service to the breed at the National Guernsey Convention in Dubuque, lowa. Winner’s dairy career began in 1937 when he bought his first registered Guernsey as a 4-H calf. In 1952, with the help of his wife Louise, he purchased the home farm from his parents. The couple raised four children. With his herd of Guernseys at Penn Del Farm, Winner owned the high herd for fat in his county and the nation as well as developing two gold star sires. Golden harvest King Cole, and Lake Louise Kings Reliable, both of which went into artificial insemination (A. 1.) use. The Penn Del herd was on offi cial test from its formation in 1952, until is was dispersed in 1988. From 1961 forward, Penn Del Farm was a regular recipient of the Gold Star Breeder Award. Their milk was sold under the Golden Guernsey label to a local dairy until bought out by a larger region al dairy. Winner paid close attention to In the 4-H competition at the Fayette County Fair Black and White Show, the winner had to call for help from his cousin, since two of his animals won. On the left, Taylor Al len holds the 4-H grand champion, the Junior 2-year-old en try from Allen Hill Farms. Cousin Danielle Allen helps out with the reserve champion, the senior 3-year-old entry from Allen Hill Farms. Both young people have been a part of 4-H for six years. Witmer Honored production and type to develop a herd with uniformity and longevity. Witmer has strong ties in the dairy community. Elsie Wolff, a fellow Pennsylvania Guernsey breeder, said Witmer has “always been a strong supporter of the Guernsey cow and (the breed’s) potential to be a leader among the dairy breeds. “Raymond is respected in his community as a leader and williing to lend a helping hand,” she said. Witmer was certified as an approved judge for all breeds in Pennsylvania by the state’s Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) and judged cattle for near ly 20 years. He was also active 'showing cattle in Maryland, Harrisburg, Madison, Wis., and Louisville. Ky. Penn Del Farm hosted the Pen nsylvania PDCA judging school twice, along with numerous 4-H, FFA and college judging teams Ag Progress Days "Conserving Our Resources Through Selene *” over the years. In 1987, Winner received the Charles Cowen Memorial Award for leadership contributing to the improvement and promotion of the Pennsylvania dairy industry from the Pennsylvania Dairy and Allied Industries Association. He received a certificate of appreciation in 1975 from the American Guernsey Cattle Club for sincere dedication and leader ship in the Guernsey industry while serving as a member of the board of directors from 1965 to 1975. In 1964, the American Grassland Council named him recipient of their Outstanding Pen nsylvania Farmer Award. A member of National Dairy ' Shrine, a past chairman of the Mid- Atlantic Guernsey Sires, past pres ident of the Pennsylvania Guern sey Breeders Association, and a director and class sponsor of the Pennsylvania All-American Show, he has also been the presi dent for Guernsey Restaurants Inc. for six years.
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