SWINE FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-5798 or 273-2921. For Sale: Registered Hampshire boars Eight months old. Todd Cauff man (717)444-3232 Purebred Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars and Gilts Guaranteed to work, free delivery, Clark Farms P.O. Box 362, Houstontown, PA 17229 717-987-3273 (3272) t , —— I * Mfjijypi «*•'■■ Grand Champ Boar 1992 KILE HOLLOWAY DUROCS Excallant aalaetlon of boara !■ opan gilts availabla off tho farm or dellvarad to your door Sallafaetion guarantaad Call Dava 717-238-6966 imimnnm EQhog equpuent SUPPLIES Concrete hog slats, in sin gles, gangs and custom. K V CONCRETE. RO2, Box 1000, Mifflintown, PA 17059. Two Modern Ag. Hog Feeders, 5Ft., Good Cond., $3OO/Each. (717)933-8365. (3) 80 head unit Farmer Boy-Ag portable pig huts $2,500 each or 3 for $6,000 717/792-3267 |£] POULTRY i SUPPLIES 7-1000, 3-700 turkey feed ers, 43 cu.ft. SS freezer Bxl2 temporary walk-in. 15 shelves. 300 gal. SS tank. MD 410-778-1768. African Black Ostrich, 6 month old males, one 6 month old female w/bad leg 717/649-5096. Cash for Chucker. Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits. Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 716-386-1117 6am-3pm. Ducklings; French selected hybrid muscovy ducklings available year ’round. Call Doug Weinhold for pricing. Days (717)354-4424; evenings (215)445-7303. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers. 4-5-6 decks, 301-833-1840. |£J POULTRYi SUPPLIES ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Ciders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkeys. Poults Special Wholesale Prices 15-,.™. $44.95 25-. $67.95 50- $119.95 100- $179.95 Call For Special Discount On Larger Orders. We Ship COD Bronze Turkeys $199.00 In 100 Lots REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta. PA 17547 (717) 426-3411 t EMU & Sm RHEA WANTED OF ALL AGES 215-754-6298 • 500 Ziggity starter cups to fit nipple drinkers • 10 lines of Val nipple drinkers for 400’ house, 10” spacing • 12 line of Val nipple drinkers for 300’ house, 10” spacing Call early morning or late PM (814) 259-3316 Chukara 68e Ea. • 1000 Quail 23« Ea. • 1000 Pheasant 74a Ea. - 1000 Chukar $4O SO $BO 100 $lB2 250 $345 500 $BBO 1000 Bobwhlte $3O 50 $3B 100 $BB 250 $145 500 $230 1000 SWANS; White Mutes and Black Australians, adults and babies. Call JR 717/639-3001 nights or days leave message. RR2, Box 296, Harveys Lake, PA 18618 WANTED' Used electric in cubator to convert to prop ane gas. Lancaster Co. 717*354-5561. We Buy Poultry Weekly For Cuh! • Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • While Pigeons • Benteme • Bentem Roosters • Broilers • Rabbits • Guinea Hens • Muscovy Ducks We Pick Up - At The Farm ' Watkin’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bet. 7 AM ft 6 PM 718-843-9302 Alter 7 PM Rlnaneck $52 50 $B4 100 $205 250 $395 600 $740 1000 DOUBLE R FARMS RD «2 Bex 92 Templeton, PA 18259 412-868-2173 Chicks Shipped Anywhere In USA. Guaranteed Live Delivery. Chukare Available Year-Round Perfect Balance" PERFECT BALANCE is the original extruded Rstlte Sjy/ Feed. We produce a separate ration for (he Ostrich and Emu from the finest quality Ingredients. Com pare our nutrient values with Shy other. n< w ZINPRO xinc methionine complcxs are now included in PERFECT BALANCE Rnlile Feeds. Sodium Bicarbonate I* also incorporated in our feed lines. Experience has proven the buffering effect of soda is very effective in reducing stress and maintaining cell integrity. etSSS Perfect Balance Ostrich Starter tt% SISSO Perfect Balance EMU Starter 16% SIS6S Perfect Balance Ostrich Grower IS% StSSt Perfect Balance EMU Grower tt% <1667 Perfect Balance Ostrich Breeder 20% #1662 Perfect Belanee EMU Breeder 2t% #1568 Perfect Balance Ratltc Maintenance 15% | A vallable NOW At These Locations: 1 Skippy’s 2162 Willow Street Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 464-4391 Muenster Milling Co., Inc. P.O. Don 686 • Mucnntcr, TX 7(5852 Ronni * F »Werholf. Manager (800) 772*7178 Dr. Tim Mason, Stall Nutritionist Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 24, 1993-Cl9 Ostriches: 1 proven pair, pure African Blacks, 3 years old. Started laying at 21 months. Chester County, (215)657-2497. Red Golden Pheasants, top quality, pairs available 717/664-3720 after spm Rhea l Rhea* South Ameri can Ostrich, White Chicks and Grey Splits, Limited Quantity, Unrelated from Early Heavy Laying Pa rents 215-777-8283 Started Scovey ducks, ap prox. 100, best offer Berks County Call (215)582-2593 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS. TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS, SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129, GRAIZ, PA 17030 Northeast Agri Systems M|J Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries (oSSSth • Bulk fMd bkw In ■ wide variety d capadtla. tor any application. . • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER’ _ . I (Md delivery lltxlbto auger ayilatm. • Broltor t bro Dir brMdlng fMdlng Spr vtfryfe-T. •yMatm, Including lII* new Chore-Tlmo PiL ( 4 Modal 2000 and the Modal C leaden. \m • Fan a cocnplala ventilation tyttarra, Including tha naw lan Mediator. • Innovative CHOBE-TIME/SWISH walar- Ing for any KMa d poultry appleatlon. • Chora-Tlma'a axdualva MEAL-TME* pig and hog loading S watorlng tyilara. • Chora-Tlma 1 . produdlon-booatlng cow loading tyttam tor dairy operation. WjVi&j I lIP Shenandoah space S DISTRIBUTOR heaters t * 9 E 4- • BROODERS *- > TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER; 1-800-673-2580 Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. flyway business park ■ 139 A Wat Airport Rd. Ulitz, PA 17543 B (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 H Saks & Sarvke 1 pair 3 month old Emu’s $9,500 Pair 1-800-333-3548 i
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