C2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 Rlngneck Pheasants, BobwhHe Quail, Chukers and Wild Turkeys. Eggs, Chicks, Started and Mature Meadowbrook Game Birds P.O. Box 127, Richfield, Pa. 17086 Ph (717) 694-3851 FREE CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, Ducks, Goslings, Plus Fancy Bantams, Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Black Australorps Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkeys. Poults Special Wholesale Prices Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today We Guarantee You The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 ft EMU INFO. Hid Atlantic LL Emu Finn PA (215) 255-5191 MD (410) 398-2432 PULLET CAGES FARMER AUTOMATIC 4400 cages complete Chain drive manure removal $6OOO 080 410/346-7189 Want To Buy Chukars, Silkies, Quail, Muscovy Ducks & Rabbits We Buy Poultry Weekly For Cash! Richard & Son Flock Brokers Box 58 Widnoon, Pi. 16261 (412) 868-2808 •ell direct to u for cash. • Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chukars * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-: 267-4784' CHUKAR CHICKS 69« by 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERT RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. ISB2S (814) 849-3430 IN FEED i SEED Hay for Sale l 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483 Hay, straw, baled shav ings, baled shredded paper- Storage Problems 7 Use our vans, 30 day free use Shredded paper, $2O/ton and up SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA (800)634-0987 High Moisture Shelled Corn Will deliver 717/355-0853 New Hol land, PA High Moisture Shell Corn, 20%-22% Moisture, Truck ing Available 717-872-4674 High moisture rolled ear corn 1992 crop Cumber land County (717)258-6010 High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered, also straw & mixed hay Martin Brothers, Olivet, Ml, 517/543-1642 Hi-moisture corn for sale out of sealed silo Will de liver. (215)593-6026. Last years Wheat and Bar ley $2 50, $1 25 bushel Lancaster Co 215-445-9185 Quality High Moisture Shelled Corn Lancaster County 717-285-5544 Rye Seed for sale, 1992 crop cleaned but not treated $3 00/bu 717-653-8837-Mt Joy Rye seed, clean, field run, 93 crop, $3 75 a bushel delivery available Myer stown, PA (717)866-2738 Shell Corn, No Mold, Ideal for Poultry and Hogs 717-733-4516 WANTED Damaged or moldy corn, gram or soy beans 717/733-4516 Wheat, oats and barley straw, hay, feeding oats dried si corn sale STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co Wheat Straw, 4x4xB, big square bales, $65/ton de livered, barn dry 717-534-1253 Will buy moldy gram 5000-bu. oats from farm in transition to become certi fied organic NO salt, fertil izer or spray used on this crop 215-689-9492 500 ton of corn silage, in upright silo Soybean stubble bedding bales, small round. After 7pm, (717)456-5546 600 ton corn silage, excel lent feed, no weeds, ap prox 60% moisture, can arrange delivery, $23/ton Oxford, PA 215-932-3722 AMUNDSON HAY. COM PANY Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-800/398-5931. Approx 12,000 bushel of top quality high moisture shell corn, approx. 22% moisture, can deliver (717)334-8553 Adams Co CORN SILAGE, good qual ity, treated to reduce heat ing Delivery available 717/548-3813, 717/548-2716 CORN SILAGE FOR SALE IN THE FIELD Seeking farmers interested in 130 acres of corn to be chopped in September/ October Farm located in Cumberland County (South Jersey) Please call M Wardell at Landis Sewerage Authority 609-794-2673 Corn Silage, treated with Anhaudns, good quality, delivery available 717-367-2033 Corn Silage- large or small amounts. Delivery avail able Myerstown PA (717)866-2738 Corn Silage for sale, deliv ery available. Lancaster Co., Ephrata, 717/738-2204. Corn Silage, good quality, treated; also ear corn. De livery available 717/768-8586. Corn Silage treated with ammonia, rolled with roller mill, $2O/ton 717/949-3661 Lebanon Co Corn silage stored in poured concrete silo. If m terested call (717)665-7462 Dairy quality, second cut ting alfalfa, $BO/ton FOB or will deliver. Call Ed Fry, Chestertown, MD, (410)778-2372. Feed by-products, sweet corn silage $l3/ton Also silage mixture 10% protein $22/ton Clyde H Kreider, Lancaster, PA 717-898-8927 FOR SALE Clean, Good Quality Corn Silage Dehv ery Available 215-932-8999 Giorgi Mushroom Co Year around buyers of quality mulch hay, Timothy and grasses No clover or Alfalfa Please call 215-926-2139 ext 634 for latest prices Good quality corn silage for sale (717)442-4690 Gap, Lancaster County Good quality Corn Silage Delivered in your silo Satisfaction Guaranteed Reasonable Prices GARBER'S SILAGE SALES, Willow Street 717-464-2894 Good Timothy and Broom grass, some w/clover, Net wrap round bales, $6O/ton Good second cutting al falfa, net wrap, $9O/ton Wheat straw, net wrap $55/ton 717/263-8091 HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy Over 35 QI" S years of business Refer- Q aA& □ ence in your area upon re- O . - —. . g quest We deliver. No or- n -6® J*- w m ders too large L J Hay, i > • v Q Inc 1-800-622-9902 g // T V S» iwwi»aiw?ggieeBB| O (§ \j a Aroostook < M&R GRAINS. INC. g R y» S ROASTED SOYBEANS* 3 717-837-0724 8 DEALERS IN BARLEY. CORN & SOYBEANS 5 ll- Jl WITNESS YOU CAN DWHK « TRIPLE-M-FARMS 1525 King Str., Lebanon, PA 17042 Sailing # ¥ Buying Soybeans Call Glenn @ 717-272-3225 Roaalad Grains CUSTOMER FORMULA FEED MFC. [RISSER GRAIN "J Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Corn, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale. Holtwood, PA I j 1 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 J r>*cs*es*cs*6weeofli»e >a»oMoaßC3a| EAR CORN WANTED Q | Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. | x Kreider & Faus Farms | £ Mervin M. Kreider v | 717-933-8943 S I I WrV a/9OTOk <nWSnK Daniel 717-933-8473 1 No Sunday Calls WANTED mulch HAY Round Bales, Square Bales We Need Much Mote Hayl Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman St Sons 717-799-8306 717-437-2076 Weekend • Wheat and barley treated with Vltavax. • Rye cleaned not treated. • At Your Farm. Newcomer Seed Cleaning (717) 653-4123 M KEYSTONE MILLS Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Whsat and Barley During harvest Season Call 717/354-4616-or 717/738-4251 Ronald S. Keener Grain Buying and Selling Ear and Shelled Corn and Soybeans 60’ Trailer Scales Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 Home 717-653-5254 Elevator Wood Shavings & Sawdust Bulk, Bags or Bales. Delivered or picked up. Also Mushroom Mulch Penh Ag Products IS 1J IB ) 403 S. Cuatar Ava. i Naw Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717-354-4174 i "BUYING &YeLUNG" Shelled Corn J] #3 Barley Jj Si hr m Meal 48% soy beat Feed Ingredient* iCall 1-800-692-6001 Middle Earth Farm is looking for suppliers of quality timothy - timothy/ alfalfa mix and bright wheat or barley straw. (215) 932 5968
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