C6*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 S’ %■ * * i, •* iik» “With the new 606 Brush Chipper, anyone with a tractor can reduce brush and limbs (up to 6 inches in diameter) down to mulch-size chips for bedding, erosion control, and landscaping,” said Vermeer division manager Larry Mc- Carthy. Disc-Style Brush Chipper Cuts Cleanup Cost PELLA, lowa An economi cal PTO-driven disc-style brush chipper designed to reduce the time, cost and labor of handling brush and wood materials reduc tion has recently been introduced by Vermeer Manufacturing Com pany. ABS Signs Agreement DEFOREST, Wis. ABS announced the signing of a five year exclusive marketing contract with the Alcide Corporation of Norwalk, Conn. This contract, effective July 1, 1993, secures a five-year market ing agreement for all current Alcide products as well as a first right of refusal for any new exter nal udder care products developed by Alcide. The agreement covers the sales and promotion of Alcide products by ABS in all of North America as well as selected coun tries around the world. “The partnership between ABS and Alcide signifies the confi dence ABS has in this family of mastitis prevention products as well as Alcide’s confidence in the ABS Representative concept,” said Jim Winter, ABS manager, animal product development. “ABS has been able to grow this product line each year for the last six years, and the dairy producers using the product have been extremely pleased with the results they are receiving. It is a very strong element of our marketing program here at ABS.” ABS first began working with the Alcide Corporation in 1987 with the introduction of their bar rier teat dip UDDERgoId. ABS markets five Alcide products, including UDDERgoId barrier teat dip, PRE-GOLD germicidal pre-milking teat dip, 4XLA ger micidal pre- and post-milking teat dip, silveiQUICK udder wash, and LD udder wash. These pro ducts have been proven to be environmentally safe, highly effective, and economically bene ficial for dairy producers. Alcide Corporation develops and manufactures unique disin fecting systems based upon its patented technology. ness News “With the new 606 Brush Chip per, anyone with a tractor can re duce brush and limbs (Up to 6 inches in diameter) down to mulch-size chips for bedding, ero sion control, and landscaping,” said Vermeer division manager Larry McCarthy. “It’s ideal for cleaning up fence rows, tree farms, orchards, and timberland, and it’s an excellent little profit maker for the rural or suburban entrepreneur looking for extra in come-without investing in a large scale chipper.” The 606 runs off the power take-off of the tractor and features hydraulic feed for smooth, con trolled brush feeding action. A self-feeding roller drags brush ma terial into a housing that contains the chipper’s cutting disc. Cutting wheel speed is 1645 at 540 RPM on the PTO. The hydraulics are controlled by an easy access manual feed control bar which starts, slops, or reverses the feed process. Near waist-high feed table height re duces unnecessary stooping or bending and provides excellent leverage when loading heavy limbs. A two-way discharge chute directs chips to either side of the unit, away from the operator area. It also comes equipped with a pi voting hood that allows you to more accurately “place” chips into a truck or disperse them into piles on the ground. In order to maintain reasonably safe distances between the opera tor and the feed roller, the end of the feed table measures 60 inches to the pinch point of the roller. (Standard distance on most com petitive chippers is 36 inches or less.) For an extra measure of pro tection, the cutting disc cover is also bolted down to help prevent “early” entry before the cutting disc has time to stop. A lock pin holds the disc when replacing cut ting knives. Clean uncluttered design makes the units easy to service and main tain. The discharge chute and pro tective housing of the cutting disc pivot open for unobstructed access when repairing or replacing cut ting knives. For more information, contact Vermeer, (800) 370-3659. Managers Continue Training LEOLA (Lancaster Co.) Territorial sales managers from Gro-Mor Plant Food Company met recently in York and Lebanon counties to continue training for the certified crop advisors ex amination, which will be held later this summer. The training sessions focused on the science of crop protection, which is only a part of the subject material that will be covered on the exam. Certified Crop Advisor status will be awarded to those in dividuals who have demonstrated their knowledge of the entire scope of professional crop produc tion and have a formal education combined with years of field ex perience. Gro-Mor Plant Food Company is participating in this certification process to continue its tradition of employing fully qualified and highly trained sales and support staff to best serve the farmers. Following the classroom train ing session, the sales managers at the York location visited a vegeta ble farm, “J-Mar Farms,” located on South George Street, where they toured the farm to observe in tensive sweet com, vegetable, and strawberry production. Following the classroom train ing session in Lebanon County, the sales managers visited the Ris ser/Marvel vegetable farm in Pal myra to observe intensive sweet com and vegetable production. Gro-Mor’s liquid fertilizer has been used on this farm with good success. Gro-Mor’s liquid fertilizer has been used on this farm with suc cess for several years since the company offers a selection of unique starter and foliar fertilizers ij> Frame depth of the Brillion Super Soil Builder has been Increased by 12 Inches to a lenth of 139 inches, making it one of the deepest coulter chisel frames available. “This simple modlcation to the frame results in improved performance In extremely heavy residue,” said Mike Irish, Brillion sales manager. Deeper Frame For Better Flow BRILLION, Wis. Frame depth of the Brillion Super Soil Builder has been increased by 12 inches to a length of 139 inches, making it one of the deepest coult er chisel frames available. The ex panded frame increased the soil builder’s ability to handle large amounts of residue. “This simple modification to the frame results in improved per formance in extremely heavy resi due,” said Mike Irish, Brillion sales manager. This is especially important as more emphasis is placed on con- designed to maximize plant yields in harmony with the environment. These products complement the soil’s existing fertility level through a regular soil testing pro gram conducted by the sales rep Estrada Promoted At White ELIZABETHTOWN (Lancas ter Co.) White Oak Mills, a rapidly growing supplier of swine, dairy and beef feeds, has announced the promotion of Jorge Mario Estrada to the position of director of dairy nutrition. Estrada now has full responsi bility of dairy nutrition for the company, which includes provid ing dairy nutrition technical sup port to dairy sales staff and cus tomers, computer-ration balanc ing and nutritional recommendations, as well as pro duct development and research. He previously served as dairy nutrition specialist for the company. A 1990 graduate of Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan., Estrada has a bachelor’s in dairy science and a master’s degree in ruminant nutrition. Hon ors included a scholarship for his undergraduate studies by the Ger man Foundation for Development and a graduate research assistant ship for his graduate studies at Kansas State University. Also, he attended a three-year program at the Pan-American School of Agri culture in Honduras which allow ed him to gain on-the-job training experience in most aspects of agri culture and animal science. ♦ * servation tillage. Our new stretch ed soil builder can help growers meet their conservation compli ance goals. The coulter gangs up front cut up stalks and residue. Three ranks of rugged chisel shanks follow, ripping through plow sole as deep as 12-inches to incorporate residue into the soil and promote root growth. The Super Soil Builder also helps prevent wind and water ero sion by leaving residue on the sur face of the soil. The amount of re sidue remaining on the surface is determined by the style of chisel resenlative. The use of highly available nutrients in a true-solu tion that is not corrosive and near neutral in pH benefits the farmer and his crops, and is safe to han dle. Oak Mills Jorge Mario Estrada Fluent in Spanish, he is a mem ber of the American Dairy Science Association, Maryland Holstein Association, and Pennsylvania Young Farmers Association. Estrada joined White Oak Mills in December 1990. point used. Several styles of points are available for the soil builder. The new, longer frame is available on the Super Soil Build er 7 to 13 shank models. Addition al features of the Super Soil Build er include hydraulically adjusted front coulters with an 8.5-inch depth control range that allows the operator to raise the coulters com pletely out of the ground, a self leveling frame design, and walk ing tandem wheels. For more information, contact your local Brillion dealer, or twite Brillion Iron Works, Inc., Brillion. WI 54110, (414) 756-2121.
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