A22-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 24, 1993 Chester 4-H Beef Club Holds (Continued from Pago A 1) Downingtown. Light Heavyweight Steen; 1. Phil McAl lister • Spring City; 2. Jaton Marsch - Potts town; 3. Jonathan Marsch - Potutown; 4. Nathan Howe - Downlngtown; S. Sara Howe - Downlngtown: 6. Nathan Howe - Downing town; 7. Jonathan Howe - Downlngtown. Heavyweight Steers: 1. Matt McAllister - Spring City; 2. David Howe - Downlngtown; 3. Jonathan Howe - Downlngtown; 4. David Howe; S. Jason Wagner - Spring City. Our judge for the day was Greg Musser of Lancaster County. Selection of the Grand Champion steer went to Matt McAllister Reserve Grand Champion steer went to Phil McAllister both of Spring City. In the Fitting and Showmanship classes the results are as follows; Senior Divlcion: 1. Man McAllister, 2. Matt McAllister at halter showed the grand champion. Judge was Greg Musser. Vinyl Fencing Vinyl Fencing and Resource Lumber add beauty, •tylc and elegance to your boxne, business or tern* Jennifer Dunleavy; 3. Jason Wagner; 4. David Howe; 5. Jonathan Howe. Junior Division; 1. Nathan Howe; 2. Jason Mersch; 3 Kasey McAllister; 4. Sara Howe; S. Jonathan Marsch; 6. Phil McAllister. First Year Members; 1. Donald Hodges: 2. Shawn McFadden. After the show the beef club members were introduced to ROMANO a sale steer purchased by the clubs own treasury as a group project, with the volunteer help of the McAllister family from Spring City by providing the feed and care of this steer to benefit the 4-H Beef Club Show and Sale on Saturday, August 21, 93 at the Kimberton Fire Company Fair grounds at 1:00 PM. All the pro ceeds from the sale of ROMANO above the purchase price will go directly to the 4-H Center Fund. «mm uhk wv. «*mmo IISWk AmMumn* mW Mi wn iWft ♦ PUWIC lUlrtiW - »<717) »MN|7 . 14»0(yWon **»M*l7Wr Donations to this fund will go towards the building of a new facility on Rt. 322 in Honey Brook called the Romano 4-H Center. This new facility will allow all the Chester County 4-H Clubs to con duct educational programs and to hold other events such as shows and meetings in a central location. ROMANO will be making an appearance at the Kimberton Fair July 26-31 and at the Goshen Country Fair Saturday evening Aug. 7. Anyone who is interested in purchasing a 4-H steer at the sale or would like further informa tion on the ROMANO 4-H Center or how you can help by making a donation to the 4-H Center Fund please contact the 4-H Office at 696-3500. Resource Lumber 100% recycled polyethylene plastic WW IUVm INFINITY Dixie 1.. Barrie, Mmbcrakip Development, f ) ('nil l-WHI-11111-'l KST for Information. I > I’ennuylvanUl Dairy Herd Improvement Auanlatloa DHIA Service Center, Orchard Road, Ualvcnily Park, PA IMU DHIA RECORDS MAKE YOU MONEY C.W. HEALD PROFESSOR OF DAIRY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE Farmers often think they receive a low hourly wage for farm work. In reality, it depends on what work is done during the hour. Changing the oil in the trac tor is very important but does not pay well. Planning and managing the farm is executive work and earns executive pay. As an example, lets assume a goal of increasing milk production 3 pounds per day in a Hie Grovel Mans Candv Store. lllu SfiMiUJ Sup rl> junur to uiiJil redid ikidiwik i#uddn wiinlijtlink uunurM\ $354,95 JJk bllllIOZ) Allltk fullUHi oj (ht W# mi»* | armCm** f , .3 /In StiWtUi Mnr» p»mr/ul llbtllilk \.Vi plus l dm• «»•»»! suit iluiiMliiNdrnr $314.95 Hit vi/ii/s i(> I 'titixuu; i/ouMi /iiu •villltl vV/inlti ttm li> Miwu till /liltlN /lint u i/mmvjh pnnui t/umwii Forllic Put OfWlhat ftomisdTlbuy Nefcr Compromise. ST/HL Available at these servicing dealers Bechtelsvllle PASSMORE SERVICE CENTER, INC. RD 1, Rt. 100 215-367-9084 Dallastown TRI-BORO CONCRETE, INC. 435 Locum St. 717-246-3095 1-800-632-^OlB East Earl GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER RouM 23 717-354-4026 Ext. 34 Elisabethtown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. RhMIW Exlt-Rt 243 Ellubtlhtown, PA 717-367-1319. 717-653-6867 Elm/Lebanon BOMBERGER’S LAWN & GARDEN Elm; 717-664-4663 Labanon: 717-272-4155 Eohrata WES STAUFFER ENGINES & EQUIPMENT 23 Pluaut Valtoy Rd. 717-738-4215 FOCUS 60 cow herd is set. That approxi mates 1000 pounds per lactation. Suppose a dairy farmer spent 5 hours comparing his lactation records with DHIA herds having 1000 pounds higher rolling herd average and spotted a nutritional problem. Further, finding this one weak link raises the farm’s milk production 3 pounds per day. With a 60 cow herd, milk priced at $12.00 per hundred weights, and feed costs equal to one half the cost of production, the hourly wage to the DHIA record analyzer would be 1000 pounds of milk (Turn to Pag* A 23) Wc you do ni though w i We lasy here rung mad preusion speed am But think a d or that all arc dike, one of ih crs Ibtecl Bell talk to ai man who owns a Snhl He’ give you more en thusiastic sales pud than any ad we coi .ever write n„ sm.i hr ioo f Atm uhiuiuHi'.\\itm lm\ nHhl $379.95 Eohrata. Hershev BOLLINGER'S LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. Ephroto, PA 717-738-1131 717-656-2710 HorMwy, PA 717-533-4060 Ronks A & B SALES & SERVICE GAP POWER 370 Nawport Road EQUIPMENT AtoMn^ltuMomawy Cornar of Rt 30 t Rt 017 Alonfl 772 Thru Mly 717-442-8970 Hamburg SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE RD 1, Box 13(2 215-488-1025 Jonestown BLUE MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES, INC. Rt. 72 South 717-865-2994 Mverstown EBLING LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE 688 E. Lincoln Avo. 717-866-8720 Distributed By Keystone Stlhl SHUEY’S SALES & SERVICE Jonttlown Rd. 717*865-4915 Shlppensbura LEINBACH FARM EQUIP. 1120 RKnorßwy. 717-532-5511 Tamaaua CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RD 3 717-386-5945 Whiteford MD ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. 720 Wh color School Rd. 301-879-5090
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