Page 2—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993 Trials Prove Corn Herbicides Need Sufficient Rainfall To Work (Continued from Pag* 1 ) mines three different rates of herbicide low, medium, and high— and how the weeds are controlled. Farmers interested in soil conservation and retaining sur face crop residue should use the late-kill rye, which provides a nearly 90 percent cover. The rye cover also acts as a good weed suppressor, which, in combination with post emergence herbicide applica tions, can help keep weeds to a minimum. The problem is, according to the weed specialist, the remain Several Penn State graduate assistants were on hand during the annual Weed Tour at the Landlsville Research Station on Tuesday, Including, second from left, Vijay Nandula, Ed Werner, and Bob Parks. Assisting in thetour were John Yocum, research station manager, far left, and Bill Curran, Penn State weed specialist, far right. YOU ASKED FOR 1T... “We really need a six-row planter with a narrow transport width here in the East!" WE LISTENED... "Safe transportation of wide equipment on narrow roadways is increasingly difficult!" KMZE RESPONDED!! The MODEL 2500 corn and bean planter was specifically designed at the request of farmers In Pennsylvania & New York. * We’ve proven our excellence In the field, now we’ve made getting there and back safer and easier. Plenty of Options! Spec one for your needs! PLANT TRANSPORT AT 11 ’2” THE KINZE 2500 PLANTER * 6x30” Or 8x30” * Liquid Or Dry Fertilizer * 15” “Push” Unit For Beans * Operate From Any 2-Outlet Tractor * ALSO 12 & 16 Row Swing Transport * What an operating sensation this unit has been for owners who purchased them for - ’93 Planting! mg cover can tie up preemergence herbicides and also promote the emergence of cutworms, slugs, and other insects. In addition, the rye residue has several “allelo pathic” effects, according to Curran as it breaks down, it releases toxins that hinder com growth. Also, com emergence can be spotty, because of skips from ineffective com planting through the dense cover. The good news is, early rains also were held in by the cover, which acts as a mulch. And those some “allelopathic” 20 Seconds Time Lapse effects, in theory, according to the weed specialist, should help to control weeds. Whatever the practice, according to Curran, fanners will need to consider using additional weed control mea sures if using a rye cover before com. Other elements of the tour focused on early preplant com herbicides and their effective ness in no-till com (of which little stood out in the treatment of grasses, according to Curran, but of which several were effective on broadleaves), tria zine programs in reduced- Call Don Hoover Today! (D(Q)IN TPMJK MEWn tillage com. and weed control Imidazolinone-resistant com programs this year for varieties. Bill Curran, Penn State weed specialist, examines the benefits and drawbacks of using a rye cover crop on weed emergence and Its “allelopathlc” effects on corn at the annual Weed Tour. Focus On Corn Exports Demonstrates Ag Contribution economies, but also on the eco nomy of the United States as a whole. Com continually leads U.S. agricultural exports in volume and value. For many years, corn has been among the top-10 U.S. exports overall, not just agricultural exports. For more information about the SO-Billionth Bushel Jubi lee, contact the U.S. Feed Grains Council, 1400 K St., NW, Suite 1200, Washington, D.C., 20005, (202) 789-0789. WASHINGTON, D.C. During 1993, the United States will pass the 50-billion-bushel marie for com exports a milestone for U.S. agriculture. “This is a very significant event,” said Kenneth Hobbie, president and CEO of the U.S, Feed Grains Council (USFGC). “Sometimes we forget the sheer enoimity of our grain export business, how successful we have been and what impact it has had not only on our agricultural and rural KINZE BOOST THE PRODUCTIVITY OF YOUR COMBINE AT A FRACTION OF THE COST OF AN ADDITIONAL MACHINE! Oil Wheels! * 625 Bu - Wagon In The quality standard of the industry! - ®tOCk For Immediate High flotation wagons that ride on the Delivery! largest diamond-tread tires in the field and unload in less than 3 minutes! /v i a i mjHTcn Single axle maneuverability. Available WC/Aliy II llco LIMI I cu m in 625 and 825 bushel capacities. CALL TOD AYI ETWJfT EYtHTIPCfT 133 Station Rd. 1-800-IT PAYS U PIRbXXi * LM*. PA 17843 BRO S. 7 NC. (717) <JM7os SS mßm Alter H.m Imarfncy Call: (717) 030-o*l3 (717) (30-SIM (717) (M-I7U C 3 FWtTI IWt HaeUaary Me M-F 7 U » (at 7ta 11:30 (ua. daatd • Lard'a Day
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