A22-Lamaster Farming, Saturday, June 19, 1993 Jfo^cjjs| lirO»*airj Dixie L llurrU, Membership Development, OIWIIIMI'SI Pciinsylvuidu Dairy Herd liupmvciiienl AsMuinikm DHIA Service Center, Orchard Rand, University Park, PA 16802 How Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co,) —This data is pulled from Pennsyl vania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-week sum mary representing approximately one-fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from almost 1,400 herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 5/30/93 and 6/06/93 Number of Herds Processed Number of Cows Processed Number of Cows Per Herd Milk Per Cow (Lbs) %-Fat s S O N « 4 2 « ja £ oo H £ ifl h(D E g 1 5 * K S WATER FILTERS WIN Ship UPS PI SJ99 Qty. 128 Casa Lot Micron Sizes 1,5,10,20,30,50,100 WATER SYSTEMS Myerstown, PA ■'—“• Call (717) 866*5388 TWI2O/144 Performance and Durability for Larger Acreages! 120” and 144” Cut; 120 HP Center Gearbox; 100 HP Outboard Gearboxes; Pan Blade Carriers; Updraft Blades; Cat. 4 Driveline with Slip Clutch Protection; 540 or 1000 RPM; Lift or Pull-Type; 10-Gauge Deck; 1/4” x 10” Side Skirts; Replaceable Skid Shoes; Rated for 2” Diameter Material; Safety Deflectors Standard. See The Servis-Rhino Dealer Nearest You: 937 56,330 60.1 18,453 3.69 Servis-Rhino Fat Per Cow (Lbs) %-Protein Protein Per Cow (Lbs) Average Days in Milk Per Cow ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) ♦Value for CWT Grain(s) ♦Value for CWT Hay(s) ♦Value for CWT Silage(s) ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) ♦Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Year(Lbs) A; Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Day Pasture ♦Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain B; Hay C: Silage D: Pasture ♦Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) ♦lncome Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) 1,470 ♦Grain to Milk Ratio 1:2.5 ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) 5.00 Avg Level For 829 SCC Herds 342,203 'Member generated figures A Heavy-Duty Cutter for Most Mowing Needs! “Rhino-Built”, American-Made Gearboxes; 160 HP Divider Gearbox, 140 HP Center and Wing Gearboxes; (1000 RPM); Cat. 5 Main and W J ’ Drivelines; 7-Gauge Deck; Mechanical Level-Lift Axle, Spring \; 6” Blade Overlap; Heavy-Duty Pan Blade Carrier; Full itch; Wing Operation 90* Up and 22* Down; Replaceable Skid r x 10-1/2” Side Skirts; Fully-Shielded Drivelines; Rated for \terial; Safety Deflectors Standard. 2,393 7,208 2,304 15,130 62 572 99 232 18 923 “Some things are just built tougher than others.” FLIS ■SEE Servis-Rhino® An Alamo Croup Company P.O. Box 712, Seguin, Texas 78156 210-372-3080 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s this week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Com, No. 2y - 2.44 BU. 4.37 CWT. Wheat, No. 2 - 3.12 BU. 5.21 CWT. Barley, No. 3 - 1.84 BU. 3.94 CWT. Oats, No. 2 - 1.61 BU. 5.02 CWT. Soybeans, No. 1-5.91 BU. 9.87 CWT. Ear Com - 65.72 TON 3.29 CWT. Alfalfa Hay - 93.00 TON 4.65 CWT. Mixed Hay - 83.75 TON 4.19 CWT. Timothy Hay - 90.25 TON 4.51 CWT. PA DEALERS C.B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, PA (717) 768-8231 C.H. WALTZ & SONS, INC. Cogan Station, PA (717)435-2921 CHARLES SIEPIELA Honesdale, PA (717) 253-3334 DUGAN TRACTOR, INC. Ulysses, PA (814) 848-7575 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUP. INC. New Rinngold, PA (717) 943-2131 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. New Berlinville, PA (215) 367-2169 J&M MACHINERY CO. INC. Greensburg, PA (412) 668-7850 MORRIS INTERNATIONAL INC. Everett, PA (814) 652-6101 R & W EQUIPMENT CO. Carlisle, PA (717) 243-2686 MD DEALERS CERESVILLE FNH, INC. Frederick, MD (800) 331-9122 GIBSON FARM EQUIP, INC. Ingleside, MO (410) 758=0262 RIO DEL MAR ENTERPRISES Easton, MO (410) 822-8866 NJ DEALERS FRANK RYMON & SONS, INC. Washington, NJ (908) 689-1464 MID-STATE EQUIP. CO. INC. Titusville, NJ (609) 737-7400 PONIATOWSKI BROS. EQUIP. CO. Clinton, NJ (201) 735-2149 RODIO TRACTOR SALES, INC. Hammonton, NJ (609) 561-0141
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