John Door* 27SS, 7S PTO, H.P., MFWD (4 Whl. Drivo) 2 Pool Roll-Guard, Hl-Lo, Fondara, Not Domol FOB: $30,600 2-Row Cuatom Built JD Com Plantora, 3 PL Or Pull, Fingar Pickup, Avail. With All Atlaehmanta, 15" To 24" Width Sattinga -Ideal For Sweat Com— Call! John Door* 16 Ft, 4 Section Drag Harrow $1,700 John Deere 672 Hay Rake, Pull- Typo, Ground Drive $3,650 John Doara 350, 3 Pt 7 Ft Sickle bar Mower $3,200 John Deere 503, 3 PL 5 Ft. Rotary Cutter $695 John Deere 606, 3 Pt. 6 FL Rotary Cutter $1,300 Wooda MS, 3 PL 5 FL Rotary Cutler $626 Wooda D6OV, Pull-Type 60" Rotary Cutler $3,275 John Doara 272, 3 Pt. 6 Ft. Grooming Mower $1,950 Now Holland 24 FL Elevator -$2,200 Hard! Sprayera, Trailer A 3 Pt. Calll BrHllon 12 FL S-Tlne Baaket Harrow BriWon rr 7-Shank Chlaal Plow Maachlo 49" 3 Pt. Catagory 1 RotaryTHlar Polaria ATV, 9x6 w/Cargo Box JD AMT 929, 5 Whoolar • Both Idaal For Farm Uaal Wa Ham Many Slzaa And Makaa Of NEW TRAILERS! * SalM Applicable To Special Co. Dl( id And Walvara That Get C>«lKtli Heat «nd Efficiency. The Mahoning Outdoor MutS-Fuel Fumacaa provnda thermostat controllad hast by aconomically burning wood, coal or lu*l oil The furnace it placed 29-100 feet ouWde the structure to be heated: connections between the furnace and building are buried under ground. Wood or ooal is the primary burning fuel lasting 8-12 houra in the fumacs For convenient automatic firing the separate oil burner combustion chamber can provide heat until wood or coal burning is desired. Both Wood/Coal I the Fuel Oil burners are enclosed to heat the same water tank. The purpose of the firebox is to heat the water-filled tank surrounding the outside unit, this healed water is then circulated through underground pipes into your home A heating coil is installed inside your existing heat system. The thermoetat controls the blower which picks the heat off the ooile and daiivara warm as through existing ducts and registers There are safetlee which etimlnat* the danger of over-pressurizing the systsm and automatic shutdown in case of a power failure The Mahoning Outdoor Furnace can also be connected to an existing hydronic heating system, that oparatas at 100° F or Isas, using fin tuba baseboard, east Iron radiators or hanging hydronic heaters. Only the thermostat and heating coils are installed inside your home, eliminating open fire dangers, smoke, dust and massy kindling wood boxes. Adjust the thermostat for the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace io your comfort setting and it automatically controls the water pump and blower to circulate heat to your home. You may sat the thermostat for your existing heat system to back up the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace whan not In operation or in case the firebox is left to burn out An Aquastat senses the temperature of tie. water in the ouWde unit and automatically adjusts the combustion rat* to maintain the correct temperature (normally 190 degrees) Htt Water tMJ A Mahoning Outdoor Furnace la a heat exchanger. By running a cold water Nna from your homa to <ia outside unit fiaeh household coM watar can bo heated and raturnad to tha hot water plumbing in the house A tempering valva adjusts the hot watar at the faucets to a range of 120° to 160° This boiler system wiH adapt to any existing plumbing Heat your pool 6 hot tub with energy generated by a Mahoning Outdoor Furnaoal Far asora itetawastaai aaa jraur naaraat dealer. International Cub With Rear- Mounted Wood Saw, Clean $2,3001 Intamatlonal-Farmall Cultlvlalon B Tractor With Cultivator $1,995 Ford 9N With 3 Pt. Hitch $1,900 Ford 801 Selects-Dioaol, Need* A Little Work $2,900 Ford Jubilee Forklift w/46" Forks $3,4001 Ferguaon TO-30 Tractor $2,900 AC 16 FL Wing Dlak $2,078 2 Row Potato Diggers Calll Ford Roar Blade. 3 PL, 6 FL $350 Mott Hammer Knlfa Mower 3 Pt., 5 FI. $775 7 FL, 3 PL Sickle Bar Mowers _ $6OO JD 444 Cornhead, Rigid Or SMehHI $2,500 JD 13 FL Platform, Rigid Or SMahiH $1,900 JO 216 Grain Table $2,900 John Deere 1219 Mower Conditioner $6,000 Century Pull-Type Sprayer, 400 Gal., 5 H.P. Eng., w/Handgun And Hoae, Like Now $1,900 Ford 3 Bottom 14” Plow $5OO Caao 4 Bottom 14” Plow 9400 King Wyaa 24 Ft Bala Elavator w/Motor $750 NH 479 HayMna, Aa la —1750 NH 320 Balar w/40 Throwar Hohnaa 1,000 Lb. Trallar 32,500 PTO 3 PL Camant or Food Mlxar 9195 Wood Saw Complata w/Blada To Mount On Farmall Cub 9150 Uaa Tha JD Flnanea Plan ■ala • UHaiawt - Durable I—k at what mall as Ike Mali—tog Ontdeea FWraaaa CLEAN, AH dirt, dint, fuel and Hr* I* out*id*. No dune* of chimney Hr* or fu* Hr*. ELIMINATES AIR POLLUTION IN THE HOME. Smoko, fuol odor* and otiar cauaaa of adargiaa aro outside tha homo. SAFE FOR MOBILE HOMES. Eliminate a dan gar that othor furnace* oontainad in a mobile homo can cauae. NO DANGER OF EXPLOSION. Thia ia a zero pressure furnace. ENCLOSED COMPONENTS. Tha circulation pumpa and otactical connections are ancloaad in an inauMad cabinet on tha back of tha Mahoning Outdoor Furnace. ADAPTABLE. Install our furnace in any forced air healing or hot water system OUTSIDE SHAKER HANDLES. Coal burning and ash removal made easy. With tha aid of Coming Company, wa ware able to design a catalytic com buster unit that in proven to provide the following; 1) Cut amissions by 00%. 2) Improve burning aftlaianey by 00%. 3) Efficiency rating of S 3 to (0%. 4) Makes furnace mere user friendly A neighborhood acceptable. 8) No more amoks balehingl 0) Use 1/3 lacs wood to heat your home) JD 4030, Synero Coming In JO 3020 Dsl w/WF & Cab Coming In JD 4430, Cab, HaaLJU|tQuad Range, Completely Thwjirtlhop Coming In JO 4440, Cab, Heat, Air, Quad Range, 20.8x38 Raditd, Excellent Coming In Deutz OXI3O, 4 Poet, w/3000 Original Hours JD 2030 Dsl. w/Reverser & 145 Loader MM G 750 Dsl., WF & 3 Ft JD 4620 w/R.Q. Canopy, Nice Ford 5000 (5200 Model) 1975 Row Crop W.F. 16 Spd., Excellent IHC 5088 Cab, Heat & Air, 2600 Hrs., 3 Outlets $24,900 JO 4320 Cab, Heat & Air w/Direct Axle Duals, Original Paint $13,900 JD 1010 Special, W.F. 3 Ft Coming In Case 930 Gas W.F $ 4,950 JD 2840 $11,900 Gehl 4250 2 Row & T Pickup Head Ml 709 Unisystem w/767 Chopper, 3 Row Com head & Pickup Head 2100 Hrs JD 3940 Harvester w/Electric Controls, 540 PTO, w/2 Row & 5Vi • Pickup JD 4 Row Forage Head, Narrow Row JD 216 Forage Wagon w/Gehl Tandem JD 716 A Forage Wagon w/12 Ton Chassis JD Cutterhead For Self Propelled Harvester HAY EQUIPMENT JD 327 Baler w/Ejector & Electric Controls Coming In JD 336 Baler w/EJector Coming In JD 1219 Haybine w/Non-Ciog Guard* Coming In JD 350 Sickle Bar Mower, 7* $ 1,585 NH 479 Haybine Coming In NH 68 Baler w/Throwor Coming In NH 315 Baler w/Belt Thrower Coming In NH 495 Haybine $ 4,000 Gehl 2350 Discbine 3 Yrs. Old $ 4,500 Hesston 1014 12* Hydro Swing $ 2,950 Hesston 1014 12* Hydro Swing, Non Clog Guards Oliver 520 Baler NH 273 Baler w/Ejector JD 7000 6R Conservation Planter w/Dry Fertilizer & Auger Fill JD 1240 4R Shoe, No Markers JD 7000 4R Conservation Planter w/Liquid & Frame Mounted 1 No-Till $ 7,850 MAHONING We hew* e variety efetytee 4 eaetefll yet* OUTDOOR FURNACES Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace! WOOD • COAL WOOD • COAL • OIL -STANDARD MODEL- - MULTI-FUEL MODEL - A»»rtw< tor Natural *r LF Om Hml Your H«m, Fam «r CmhmnU BuiUUnca with OuUlMr Punueti Proudly Built in Indiana County Pennsylvania MAHONING MANUFACTURING Mahoning Outdoor Furnace Co. R.R. Box 210. Rochester Mills. PA 15771 (413) 286-9960 JD 643 Com Head, Excellent JD 21S Flex Head, Black R«al, Excellent JD 443 Low Tin Oil Bath Cent Head, Excellent JO 4400 Dal., 1977 Model, 1500 Original Hour*. Very Nice JD 40 w/Graln Platform JO 4400 Gas Combine JD 6600 Combine (Parts) MF 510 w/Comhead & 13' Platform JD 213 Flexhead, Yellow Real IHC 6 Row Comhead Coming In Coming In Coming In ....$ 9,650 $ 8,500 $ 9,500 $24.900 $11,300 $ 9,750 $ 1,750 $ 5,850 .$ 800 MISCELLANEOUS 20,8x38 Snap On Duals ; $ 850 Dual Wheels 18.4x34 Snap On, w/Tires 3 Pt. Green 81ade.... Woods Belly Mower Case Rotary Mower, .$ 2,950 .$ 300 .$ 1.200 Coming In ....$ 400 FOUR SIZES: Standard Model - Wood or Coal Multi-Fuel Model - Wood, Coal or Oil Modal IMS both supply up to IM,MO BTU's par hour 100MF M Inch long lira box Modal 2MS both supply up to 2M,MO BTU's par hour 200MF Minch long firs box Modal NOS both supply up to 300,000 BTU's par hour 300MF ' 40 Inch long lira box Modal 400 S both supply Op to 4M,ON BTU's par hour 400MF 60 Inch long fire box Modth and •pocWcntiom aubfact to change without notice. MAHONING OUTDOOR MULTI FUEL FURNACE CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: * 22 ga. steel exterior • 1/4 In. plate steel firebox eeetlel • 3 ft. smoke stack of 26 ga. stainless steel (9 ft. opt.) • 3/16 in. plate steel water tank • 2 in. foam insulation board cover underneath • 8 in. legs with skids for easy handling. • Shaker grates with external shaker handle. • Large ash pit and large clean-out door for easy ash removal. • Furnace water level gauge and water temperature gauge. • Primed and painted finish (stainless steel opt.) • Bums wood cut 24” to 60” depending on model. Shatter Qrats with Exterior Shaker Handle makae ash removal aaa/ LOOK TO MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACE FOR EASY, WARM INEXPENSIVE LIVING! TILLAGE (2) JD 5X Model 1350-1450 Plows, Like New Your Choice $ 1,800 JD F 145 5 Bt. Plow w/Coulters $ 1,000 White 2V Wing Fold Field Cult. Spike Attach.s 2,450 JD 3 Btm. 3 Pt. Box Beam Plow $ 450 JD 5 Btm. Trip Plow $ 700 JD6 Btm. Trip Plow $ 1,100 Pittsburgh 6 Spring Reset $ 6,000 Power Harrow $ 350 JD 2 Row Mounted Cultivator JD 16' Drag Harrow JD 12* Disk IHC 710 4BT Safety Trip... JD 650 12’ RoHer Harrow, Excellent pan i* JO 450 2446 w/Pre«t Wheels, 1 Year Old WINELAND EQUIP. INC. RD 2 Rte. 164 East Martinsburg, PA 16662 Phone 814-793-2109 Coming In Coming In Coming In $ 6,450 Coming In ....$ 1,200 ....$ 4,995 ....$ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 1.500 .$ 800 100 800 400 $ 1,850 $ 3,250 $ 7,750 .$ 750 .$ 100 .$ 300 .$ 100
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