Robert R. Foust, Auctioneer Pa. Lie. «AU-001ia9L PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY for the undersigned will be held at farm on winner Road. Directions from 181 to exit 10 (King St.) turn right. Watch for Sale Signs at Airport Road near K-Mart. Signs will lead to the Sale She. SATURDAY, JUNE Sth 10:00 A.M. Farmette with 19.861 acres more or less located on Winner Road near Cleversburg and is improved with a 2 story farm house and small bam and sheds. Buildings are as is. For additional information on this real estate, con tact Philip E. Fague at die Orrstown Bank, telephone #530-2605. Real Estate will be offered immediately after selling the personal property, which should take appr. one hour. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% down day of sale with settlement with 30 days. More terms and conditions made known day of the sale. Personal Property: 2 Tractors, Misc. farm machinery, several vehicles, piles of scrap metal, and some household items. All items are as-is. BENNIE SHATZER ESTATE Orrstown Bank, Executor Edward I. Steckel, Attorney FRIDAY EVENING MAY 28. 1993 s*o p.u SATURDAY, MAY 29, Location: South on Rta. 272 from "The Buck” to Farmers First Bank at Wakefield. Right on Furnis road, left on Plum Hill road, 3rd house on right. Watch for signs. Friday Evening Sale May 28 8 P.M. nails: screws; fasteners; etc. Elec, hedge trim shop Tools mer. elec, blower & vac; elec. Black & Decker Floor jack; B&D heavy duty saw; Skill edge grass & weed trimmer; portable elec, generator; & surface plane electric; Skill 3" belt sander 4 cylinder Continental gas engine. #449; 3/8 H.D. B&D electric drill. 3/8 H.D. electric drill Rockwell; 'A V speed elec, drill reverse; Skill 490 sander. Skill 1/3 H.P. bench grinder; Rockwell drill press; bench heavy duty vice; saw filing holder. Sears shop vac - wet & dry; rubber tired hand thick;- wheelbarrow; J.- Deere air compressor & tank on wheels; 6” belt sander Delta; 6” Rockwell face planer (unip lane) 14” Delta band saw; 10” Sears table saw; 12” DeWalt radial arm saw; 1”- belt sander w/ disc sander au. 2” drum sander. Model K 13" Swing Soutbbend Metal Lathe Quick change w/taper alt. Center rest, high precision buck chuck, tall stock chuck, four jaw universal chuck, complete tools, 2 face plate - boring bars - holders etc, 12 #3 Mores taper high speed drills 3/4 to 13/8; 12 #2 Moris taper high speed drills 3/4; assorted straight shank drills; metal cabinet w/lock 30x36x40; bench cabinet steel-wood top 11 drawers 24x24x32. Hand Toola Machincst cabinet-wood; Black & Decker router; B&D grinder, Sears commercial hand grinder (dremmel type) Stanley sabre H.D. saw Model H7SB; Lufkin Universal dial indicator #299A; Starret combination set #9-12 (new) 50’ to 100’ Luftin Steel tape; 6” Starred depth & drill point gauge #22C; 4 pc. wood carving set (new); collection of small hammers; 6 glueing clamps; Price & Rutzbeck hole saw; 114 xl% Greenle hole cutter; 10 extension wood bits; 10-12-14 ridged pipe wrenches; 24” & 48” levels; hand saws; 8” Sears Dado blade; 8”-10” saw blades; 1-self priming drill pump; Inclin-o meter plum & level - magnectic base; Exacto set; sockets, open wrenches; inside mike gauges; cutting tools; ring compressor, chalk lines; taps & die sets; pipe cutter, files; all stones; number & letter punch set; 2-8” forged steel C clamps; 3-3/j ” C clamps; 2 sets wood trussels; 1-3 shelf utility cart; 34x30”x84” port able work table - steel legs • wood top; coin master metal detector 6000 D #2 Lawn ft Garden 112 John Deere Tractor w/Mower (42 In) Steel drum lawn roller; 30 in. lime spreader; kettle; l-#6 Excelsior I'A ” hand drill; 1 #2” Rubber tire dump trailer for garden tractor; hand drill; 2-6” ridged wrench; 1-6” & 1-8” & spades; shovels; hoes; rakes: trowels etc; dig- 1-10” wood handle Stillson pipe wrenches; ging iron; garden hoes; 14’ lightweight tow 2-14” wood handle Hudson Forage pipe chain; SO ft. '/> in. rope; 1 Sears ladies bike; 1 wrenches; 2 wood lamps. Western Flyer Multiple speed bike; misc. bolts; Many articles not mentioned. Auctioneers Terms by CALEB AND ESTHER WENGER Stanley Bucher AU002042L 717-548-2681 tviartln Heaps Everett Krelder PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 7 ACRE POULTRY FARMETTE THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1993 1:30 PM Located at 2459 Fisher Rd.. Cham bersburg, PA. From Chambersburg take Rt. 30 West to Rt. 995. Turn left and go South on Rt. 995 2V, ml. to Fisher Rd. Right on Fisher V, ml. to property on right. 5 Bedroom 2 Bath Stone and Frame House with Large Eat-In Kitchen w/Stone Fireplace, Living Rm., Den, Laundry. Full Basement with Gas Hot Water Heat Attached Garage. House in Good Condition. Well and Septic System. 360’x42’ 2 Story 45,000 Broiler Chicken House in Good Condition. Separate Well. This House is Under Contract and has a History of Strong Income. 35’x70’ Steel Implement Shed w/Concrete Floor. Building in Good Condition. Property also has Pasture with Stream and High Tensile Wire Fence. Terms: 10% Down the Day of the Sale with the Balance due in 45 Days. To Inspect This Property Call 717-263-4093 or 717-367-1880. Sale by DANIEL A ESTHER WADEL Attorney: Michael Finucane Auctioneers: 2897-L Harold “Abe” Shaffner 717-653*5689 Mark Diffenderfer 717-367-1880 Saturday Sale. May 29 9:30 A.M. Household Goods Maple: Round ex. table w/2 boards & 6 chairs; 54” hutch; drop leaf desk, tea cart; rock er; kitchen, table w/board; double bed; mattress & box spring; dresser w/minor, night stand; desk; stereo; records; 8 track tapes; brown sofa & 2 upholstered chairs; floral sofa & sleep sofa (like new); 2 Lazy Boy tecliners; 2 rust color recliners; Cane seated chairs; fold away bed; folding chairs; folding tables; card table & chairs; % beveled mirrors; painted dressers; chest of drawers; tables & chairs; formica top table w/ board; 3 tier kitchen cart; oven cart; coffee table; stools; sewing cabinet; 30x60 metal office desk & chair. Glass top patio table; white metal patio table; 2 patio umbrellas w/base; Sears barbecue grill; Coleman ice box; high chair, crib w/fltted sheets: 2 patio chaise lounges; bow front china closet; S piece fireplace set; cuckoo clock; lamps; books; pictures; baskets; flower pots; Christmas decorations & lights; ice cream dip pers; large stainless steel pitcher; Fostoda glass; Princess House glass; Holmes Sc Edwards silverware; dishes, kettles, casseroles; linen tablecloths; bedding; Indian rug; throw rugs; doilies. Appliances Norelco dial-a-brew coffee maker; 30 cup coffee maker; Hamilton Beach crackpot; Fry baby; elec, fry pan; Hamilton Beach Sth burner; elec, wok; Convection oven; microwave oven; Gibson dehumidifier; B&W portable TV; port able elec, heater; grow lamps; 9 cu. ft chest freezer; Cold Spot apt size ref. 2.S cu. ft; Sears seal-n-Save; Black & Decker dustbuster. Antiques Oak ex. table w/S boards; dovetailed blanket chest; service for 12 Homer Laughlin Empress 18 carat gold rim china; Adams Westlake; RJL lantern; assorted wood rasps; 3 spoke shavers; #lO Brady broad axe; 2 #5 dressing axes; 4 hatchets; 1-36” superior one man-2 man saw; 1-48” Henry Distin and 1-44 in. Henry Distin one man-two man saw; 1 #7 cast iron fireplace Lunch by S.S. Class TUE. JUN. 15 • 3PM, Anti ques, Household Goods 3 tools. Located At 713 Tush tela Dr., Lancaster (Men hsim Township), Lancaster Co., Pa. Direotfons; Just Off Pleasure Road, Near Catholic High. Terms By, Irene Gilbert Horst Aucts. WED. JUN. 16, Dairy Promotion Sale. Located Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, Pa. For More Information Call, Eugene Click. WED. JUN. 16 - 4PM Sell ing Mechanical & Shop Tools For Dorothy Griner & The Late Dutch Griner. Located 210 West Pine Street, Selinsgrove, Pa. Hasslnger/Courtney, aucts. WED. JUN. 16 & THURS. JUN. 17, Large 2 Day Sale Of Farm Equip., Etc. At Our Sales Lot Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersbutg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion, Just East Off Rte. 81 Along Rte. 914. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambers burg, Pa. 17201. FRI. JON. 18- I:3OPM State graded pig sale. Westminster Livestock Auction. Westminster, Md. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM Real Estate and collecti bles & furnishings, 334 Dover St., Manheim, Pa. Mary Kiel Estate. E.M. Mur ry Assoc., Aucts. SAT. JUN. 19, Located 75 Acre Farm At The Intersec tion Of Route 74 & 174, Public Auction MONDAY, MAY 31, 1993 MEMORIAL DAY AUCTION ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS 9:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE - FARMETTE 27.1 ACRES The Undersigned will hold Public Sale - Located off Rt. 220 - 3 Miles South of Port Matilda, PA., Centre Co. Turn at Hannah Furnace (Bus Garage). Go up Bell Hollow 2.7 Miles to Sale. Watch for Auction Sign along Rt. 220. Sale consisting of: 27.1 Acre Farmette, Diamond Ring, 1978 Travellall 4x4, MANY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: Oak Curved Glass China Closet, Oak Library Table, Oak War drobe, Aeolian-Vocolion Victrola, Wooden Fancy Carved Stand, Oak Deacon Benches, Spool Leg Oak Hall Tree, Wooden Butter Chum, Pine Cupboard, Nice Old Cupboard for storing Player Piano Rolls, Wooden (tiger) Chest of Drawers W/Bel. Glass Mirror, Butch er Block Table, Small kitchen Cook Stove, Small Rocker, Trunks, 15 Bentwood Chairs, Dome Top Trunk, High Back Iron Bed, NEW: Camel Back Sofa W/Queen Ann Leggs, New 2 - Wing Back Match ing Chairs, New Wall Hugger Lazy Boy Recliner, LIKE NEW CRIB COMPLETE. & HIGH CHAIR & BABY CAR SEAT. 1978 Travel—All 4 x 4—Man. Trans.—good Motor 345—v-8 Removable Hardtop, Needs some body work. 7 DIAMONDS .78K YELLOW 14K Gold Men’s Ring, GRA NITEWARE Old Green & White Marbled Chamber Pot w/Lid, Blue & White Colander marbled, Green, Gray Old Coffee Pot & Misc., Ladles, Fancy China Chamber Pot w/Flowers & lids, Cobalt pcs., Carnival, 2 Shirley Temple Pitchers, Green & Pink Depression ware, 3 McCoy Cookie Jars - one a wolf, Milk glass Water Set. 6 Sets Black Aunt Jemima Salt & Peppers, Lots of Occupied Japan Pieces, Flo Blue Plate, Glass Rolling Pin, Old Glass Chicken Candy Holder W/Candy, Glass Train Candy Holder, BEAUTIFUL 15 Pc. Set CELLULOID DRESSER SET W/PERFUME ATOMIZER, Nice Pcs. of China, Crystal Bowl, Pressed Glass, -— 3 old Andy Pandy Paper Mache Banks, 6 other Banks, Old Toys & Dolls, Old Crockery Pitchers, 100 CROCKS & JUGS Signed Dipple, Cow den, ES&B, Hamilton, Weyman's Snuff - W/Blue Hoosier Jar, Turkey on Basket, Griswold: 2 Waffle Irons Egg Poacher Skillet, Iron Griddles, 3 Wooden Pulleys, Butter Mold Wooden, Butter Bowl, Butter Paddle, 12 Kerosene Lamps. RCA OLD WOODEN DOME TOP TABLE RADIO Works, Old Adv. Thim bles, Wooden G.E. Refrig., Nice Iron Kettle on hang ing Tripod, 2 man Saws, Broad Axe. New Tire Chains, Fishing Rods, Wringer Washer, & tubs, & Items too Numerous to Mention. REAL ESTATE: 2 STORY WOOD FRAME HOME, 3 BED ROOMS, 1 BATH. GOOD 2 STORY BANK BARN, 3 CAR GAR AGE, 1800 ft. Mountain Stream W/Brook Trout, 50 ft. x 175 ft. Pond Stocked W/Trout, 3 Natural Springs, on Site Septic. 27.1 Acres Good Country Living. Lots of Wild Life of All Kinds. To See Call Ron 814-237-0189 or Talk Terms. Terms of Real Estate; 10% Down Day of Sale and Balance within 45 Days. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Terms of Sale: Gash or Check - Day of Sale. FOOD AVAILABLE sale by: David & Patricia Kilmartin AUCTIONEER: RONALD J. GILLIGAN, PA LICENSED & BONDED <AJ339-L. - Member Pa. Auctioneering Association Owner or Auctioneer not i esponslble m case of accident. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 22,1993-841 Cumberland Co., Pa. Maxi mum Road Frontage. Prin dpala Only Contact: Par mar* Trust Company, Trust Department, PO Box 220, Carliale, Pa. 17013, 717-243-3212. SAT. JUN. 10 - OAM, Real Estate, Antiques & Collecti bles, 1071 Chevrolet Impa la 4-Door, Coins, House hold, Tools & Mi sc. Items. Located Midway Between Lykens & Elizabethvllle, Pa. Along Route 200, In The Village Of Loyalton. Executrix, Margaret Matter. Dockey, Doekey- Romberger a Deppen, Aucts. SAT. JUN. 10 - OAM Per sonal proparty and real estate of the late Elmer Shamory Troxelville, Pa. Large 2 story home with open stainway. oak trim throughout and 24x40 building with lots of possi bilities. Great oak bow front china, and bedroom suite. Good selection of advertis ing pcs. from earlier store days. TE. Good. Estate of Elmer Shafnory-owner. Hasslnger/Courtney, aucts. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM 655 Hartman Station Rd„ east on 340, left Horseshoe Rd. pass C.V. high school, left at traffic light to sale. China & glassware, anti ques, furniture, tools & equipment, guns, silver coins. For E. Earl Latschar. Bochtokf & Papara, aucts. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM, Valuable Real Estate & 12:30 P.M. Personal Properly. Located At 334 Dover St., Is Between Pulton And South Penn Streets, Manheim Borough, Pa. Auction For, Mary B. Kiehl Estate. E.M. Murry Assoc. SAT. JUN. IB - 9AM 2 tracts real estate, antiques, household goods, tools, 1948 Studebaker Car, Dodge van. Brunnsrville. Held at 414 E. Lexington Rd., Brunnerville, Lane. Co., Pa. By S. Wayne Qrube Estate. Horst aucts. SAT. JUN. 19-11 AM Fire arm Estate Absolute Auc tion. Best Western Motel, Rt. 309, Montogomeryville, Pa. Russ Pritchard, sale coordinator. SAT. JUN. 19 -11 AM Sharp. Horse Sale, Draft, Driving 8 Mules. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. Owner. Mel Hoover. Abe Diffenbach, Auct. SAT. JUN. 19 -12 Noon, Real Estate Auction, 82 Acre Dairy Farm. Bachman Road, Annville, South Annville Two., Leb. Co., Pa. By Donald K. A Aha T. Bomberger. Nelson L. Ebersole, auct SAT. JUN. 19 - 4PM, Real Estate. Located At 5209 McClays Mill Rd., Now burg, Approx. 7 Miles Northwest Of Shippens burg (Near Shippensburg Fish a Game) In Lurgan Township. Owner, Waller E. Bender. Robert R. Foust, Auct.
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