840-Uncast«r Farming. Saturday, May 22, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. JUN. 12- 11AM-SPM, Antique Tractor & Blue grass Festival. Located Morris Meadows, Follow I-83 To Exit 36, And Follow Signs. SAT. JUN. 12 -12 Noon, Real Estate Auction, .ocated In Spruce Hill Township, Juniata Co., 6 Mes South Of Port Royal, 3 a. Just Of The Mountain Road. Direction Signs Day 3f Sale Off Rt. 75 'A Mi. South Of Spruce Hill Lunch Restaurant. Estate Of Erma L. Shirk. Bryan D. mes, Auct. SAT. JUN. 12 - IPM, 65 Acre Farm. Located West Off Routes 11 & 15 Just 3 8/10 Miles South Of Selins grove, Snyder County, Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION 2 DAY SALE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MAY 25TH & 26th, 1992 10 AM On Premises Mlllhurst Business Park - Bldg 11, Manalai $500,000 WHOLESALE INVENTORY - NEW CONSUMER ELECTRONICS OVER 15.000 PIECES CAMCORDERS, TV'S, VCR'S, FAXES, AUDIO, TELEPHONE SYSTEMS, A/C, COPIERS $500,000 INVENTORY DESIGNER FLOOR COVERING CARPET, WOOD, MARBLE, CERAMIC & VINYL TO BE SOLD TUESDAY, MAY 25TH AT 10:00 AM: 12,000 sq. yds. full rolls and part - commercial and residential - wools, berbers, plush Values to $40.00 per yd cost - up to 2000 yds. per color. 100.000 of EXOTIC WOOD FLOORS ■ TEAK, ROSEWOOD, ASIAN OAK, NORWAY PINE, ETC. - plank, strip, parquet, pref., unfin, 3/4” and 3/8” thick, (Imported from Asia, Thailand, Sweden, Ger many) 10,000 sf GRANITE & MARBLE -12 colors. 40,000 sf FLOOR & WALL CERAMIC - 12”xl2" to 4”x4”, 15 colors including mosaics. 23.000 sf OAK FLOORING - 3/4” plank & strip to 6” wide, 12”xl2” pref. parquet by Pcnwood, Bruce, Hartco, 20,000 sf 12”xl2” to 18x18”, rubber, solid vinyl & VCT 1/8” commercial tile, rubber stepping. STARTING AT 11:30 AM; Famous Brands Including - Kenwood, Marantz, Sony, Pioneer, Hitachi, Technics, Sharp, Casio, Panasonic, Sanyo, Fisher, Akai, Ricoh Copiers, Quasar, Toshiba, etc. Inventory consists of: 150 TV’s, 30 Camcorders, 113 VCR’s, 985 Walkmans/Discmans, 189 Fax Machine & Copiers, 112 Microwaves. 317 Stereo/Audio, 9 Air Conditioners, 2512 Telephone Systems, cordless and Answering Machines, 142 Cassette Recorders, 725 Calculators, 13 Snackateria, 6888 Headphones, Microcassette, Cassette Tapes, Batteries, Car Stereo. Shortwave Radios. Typewriters. LOTS OF ALL SIZES FOR DEALERS, A & INDIVIDUALS BUILDING MATERIALS $500,000 INVENTORY PLYWOOD. LUMBER. CABINETS. PLUMBING TOBI 2x4 to 2x12 hem/fir & treated, qty 2x6 and I beams, 20,000 bf 2x4 to 2x12 redwood & cedar lumber & mahogany decking, 1600 pcs 1/2, S.B, 3/4 EXT. PLYWOOD 3/4” birch ply. 500 pcs 1/2” & 3/4” foil insulation. 99,500 If oak/wp clear & FJ, jambs, casing, moulding, 40,000 If cedar, mahogany. Cypress SIDINGS/lumbcr. 2 TRUCK LOADS CEILING TILE & GRID: by Armstrong, 2x2 & 2x4. SKYLIGHTS: 43 glass/dome. vent, fixed. MARBLE & CERAMIC: 18,000 sf flow & wall to 12x12 CABINETS: 400 pcs oak, birch, cherry, formica. PLUMBING: 80 vanities & tops. 175 Villeroy & Bach sinks, faucets. TORCEDOWN ROOFING: 600 rolls. WINDOWS & DOORS: 860 Anderson, colonial, wp, Stanley ext ph doors, sc BIRCH/MAHOGANY/OAK. CARPETING: 3,000 sy comm & Resid $300,000 INVENTORY SOLID OAK: stair parts. 800 - 6’ to 13’ rail ing sections complete w/spindles, 800 pcs 4x4 newel posts - All New In Original Packages by E-Z Rail. OAK FLOORING: 25.000 sf 3/4” plank & parquet, 18,000 sf pine & teak. 2000 pcs. 100% RED CEDAR picnic tables, benches, toy boxes & garbage bins. $120,000 value. $15,000 INVENTORY GARDEN SUPPLIES: fertilizer & accesso ries, birdhouses, hoses, etc. TERMS: $lOO refund, dep. to register. CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECKS ONLY. 25% required day of sale. 10% Buyer’s Premium. INSPECTION: 9 am to 4 pm, Monday, May 24th, 8 am day of sale. Sale rain or shine. Food service available. DIRECTIONS: NJ Turnpike Exit 8, Rte. 33 East • approx. 9 miles to Mllihurst Rd., make right turn, follow auction arrows. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: New merchandise never sold before. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy brand names at low auction prices. PETER COSTANZO AUCTIONEERS INC. Ocean Township, NJ (908) 531-6799 Or 2 Miles North Of Port Trovorton. Turn Onto Dun dore Rd. (At Riverview Antiques) And Travel 1 Mile, Make Right Onto Silver Creek Road And Travel I'/, Miles To Auc tion Site. Owners, Marcus R. & Elva B. Martin. Roger A. Lauver & Dean E. Lon gacre, Aucts. SAT. JUN. 12-2 PM Valu able real esstate w/9 wooded acres. 5 miles north of Manheim, turn left off Rt 72 on Pinch Rd. Turn right onto Woodland Drive, Rapho Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By Paul & Elizabeth Mum ma. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, auct. SUN. JUN 23 -12 Noon, Restaurant & Convenience SDAY, MAY 26TH: 10 AM • Store Equipment, Com mercial Stoves, Refrigera tion, Furniture. Located Mobil, 932 N. Front St, Wormteysburg, Pa. Mark Baranowskl, Auct MON. JUN. 14 - 2PM Par ma Stone DewlHng, Real Estate, Antiques, bell col lection, household goods. Located at 504 E. New St, Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. By Geraldine S. Miller. Horst Aucts. MON. JUN. 14-2 PM, Valu able Real Estate, 143 Acres M/L, 24 Acres M/L, Massey Ferguson #750 Combine. Located In Northumberland Co. At R.D. #1 Dornslfe, Pa. Approx. 50 Mi. North Of Harrisburg. Sale By, Marvin & Sharon Snyder. Harold ’Abe' Shaffner & Mark Dif fenderfer, Aucts. MON. JUN. 14-7 PM 1.63 icre building lot wooded, real estate. Mt Airy, Clay Two. Located along West 3iri Scout Rd., Clay Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By James N. 3ood. Horst aucts. in. NJ TRli TO- .UMBER: Estate of Emma V. Hoch Wednesdqy.June 9,1993 At'siOO P.M. Location: 1 mil* Eaal o< Harndon, PA, 12 mHa So. of Sunbwy. Turn off Rout* 147 al Harndon Pina A Sub Shop In eanlar Wge||te| aalo alflnt. 1-STORY FRAME HOUSE W/ALUMINUM SIDING tltu •M on 1.738 ncree, more or tow, In Jaekion Township, Northumbftftftnd County • Coniaßng of LARGE KITCHEN W/BUILT-IN FRIGIDAIRE CERAMIC-TOP RANGE 8 DOU BLE OVEN. LIVING ROOM WITH W/W CARPET. 3 BED ROOMS W/CLOSETS 8 W/W CARPET. LARGE BATH ROOM. FINISHED BASEMENT W/KITCHEN 8 LARGE SITTING AREA. LAUNDRY ROOM W/HALF-BATH 8 STORAGE ROOM. ELECTRIC HEAT. For oddllkml Inter motion or inspection of this wsli-lwpt homo with a groat vlow of tho Susquehanna Valley, phone 7SB-20SS. 362-8252 or 758-8004. TERMS; 10* DOWN. FURTHER TERMS ft CONDITIONS TO BE GIVEN WHEN REAL ESTATE IS om fKu.eßo!cl ft Ml<e. Item* Whirlpool 14 cu. ft. Frost-Free Rtfri|«nu>r, Fri*i(Uire-OM Refrigerator, OJL Stove; Signature Deluxe 23 Chest-Type Freezer, Maytag Automatic Washer, Kenmore Dryer, White Z|Zag Sewtnj Machine; Zenith Floor-Model AM-FM Stereo w/Tum-TaUs; Silvertone Chord Organ; Weitinjhouae Deluxe 14 Dshumidifier, Maple Table w/6 Chain; Two 7-Pc. Breakfast Scsa (1 Wooden); 3 -Pc. living Room Suite; Sob Bed; Lane Wall- Saver Rocker-Rediner (new); Boston Rocker, 4-Pc. Ornate Mod em Bedroom Set w/Springs * Mattress; 2 Single Beds w/Sptings * Mattress (1 in Extra-Long Length); Fine 3-Drawer Dresser, 4-Drawer Drasaer, 2 Night Stand* ft Storage Bench; Oak Rocker, End Tables ft Coffee Table; 3 Cosco Folding Chairs; Selection of Wall Decorations; Floor ft Table Lamps; Selection of Milk Glass; Service for 12 Ksasingloo China; Stainless Steel Cookware; Lg. Selection of Guardian Service Cookware; Miac. Dishes, Pots, Pun ft Sn- Appliances; Murray Push Mower, Homelite Trim mer; School Bus Body for Storage; Miac. Garden Tods; Etc. ALLIS CHALMERS 810 GARDEN TRACTOR w/42" CUT MOWER, SNOW BLADE ft PLOW; CUB CADET HYDRO 1420 LAWN TRACTOR W/44” CUT MOWER; IMS FORD LTD. STATION WAGON (34,500 ORIGINAL MILES). TERMSt CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY PROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED AC- LESTER L. HOCH, co-Exoeutor* (717) 7M-2061 or (717) M2-A2S2 Qragoiy M. Korwln Korwln A Korwln. Attorneys Audio noon; Dockoy AU229L, AUIIS3L A Doppoo AUIM7L PUBLIC AUCTION OF 65 ACRE FARM Sat., June 12, 1993 At 1:00 p.m. Turn west off Routes 11 & 15 Just 3 8/10 miles South of Sellnsgrove, Snyd er County, PA or 2 miles North of Port Trevorton. Turn onto Dundore Road (At Rlvervlew Antiques) and travel 1 mile, make right onto Silver Creek Road and travel 1% miles to Auction Site. REAL ESTATE - 165 ACRE FARM Real Estate consists of 65 acres, more or less, in Union Township, Snyder County, PA, whereon is situate a two story family dwelling, Ig. bam. hog finishing bam, machinery shed, and other outbuildings. The first floor of home inc. kitchen, living room, full bath and wash house. The second floor consists of 4 bed rooms. A 24*Lx8’W porch. White aluminum siding. Home has drilled well and no electrici ty. The bam 90’Lx65W has 28 ext tie bam, loafing area, milk house, bam cleaner, and silo 12’x5S’. The hog finishing bam 120*Lx26’W holds 280 hogs. It has slopped floor and ceil ing w/curtain sides and stainless steel feeders. Auger is operated by gasoline motor. The machinery shed is 40'Lx30’W. 45 acres, more or less, tillable, 10 acres, more or less, woods and remaining acreage in pasture. Farm has been well maintained. Property is recorded in Snyder County Record Book 193, Page 37, and is designated on Union Township Tax Map 05. Parcel OSS. FEES} Approximately 75 Ton of Silage in Ag Bag. Round Crib or Ear Com to Be Sold As One Unit Terms: Cash or PA Check. Real Eastate is 10% Down Day of Auction, Balance Within 30 Days. To Be Offered at 1:00 p.m. Owners: MARCUS R. AND ELVA B. MARTIN Attorney: Laird S. Gemberling 101 South Market Street, Selinsgrove, PA 17870 717-374-6321 Auctioneers: Roger A. Lauver Dean E. Longacre C R.D. #3, Box 196-C \ Selinsgrove, PA 17870 i 717-374-3793 f Owners and Auctioneers Not Responsible t For Accidents PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 143 ACRES M/L - 24 ACRES M/L MASSET FERGUSON #750 COMBINE MON., JUNE 14, 1993 2:00 R.M. Both Tract* Loeatad in Northumberland Coun ty at R.D. #1 Dornalfa, PA. Approximately 50 ml. North of Harrlaburg. TRACT 1: From the Mandate Junction of Routei 147 A 225 go North on Rt 225 5.2 mi. to Creek Rd. Turn right then put Donuife Port Office 1.7 mi. to Property on Right Property coniim of 93 Acne in High State of Cultiva tion and 50 Acres of Woodland. Thie Property Borden State Game Lands and hai Many Desirable features. TRACT 2: From Tract 1 Continue .6 mi. to Stop Sign. T\im Left then go .2 mi. to Stop Sign. Him Left Then go. 1 mi. to Coal Breaker. Ttan Right Then go .6 mi. to Stop Sign. Him Right, Property 100 Yards on Right Property consists of 24 Acres in High State of Cultiva tion. Nice Country Location cm Continue in Agriculture or haa Many Other Poiaibilidea. Term,: 10% down day of ale • Balance 45 day*. Tracts Sold Separately. Auction for both tract* and equipment held at Tract 1. To Inspect property call 717-425-3599 or 717-3C7-ISSO. Massey Ferguson Diesel #750 Combine with 6 Row Com Head and 14 Ft Grain Head w/TaUe Height control. Combine used last year and is in good repair. 10* Famum Future Renovator w/Seeder. Sal* by MARVIN & SHARON SNYDER Attorney: Roger Wleat Auctionaara; 2M7-L Harold “Abo* Shaffnar 717-455-56 M Mark DWertforfer 717-M7-IMO STEAM ENGINE ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, May 29, 1993 At 9:00 A.M. For The C.A. Fisher Estate In Stoneboro, Pa. 1 Mile Off Rt. <2 On Mine St STEAM ENGINES FORKLIFT CAR SO HP Peerless traction steam engine; home- ’ made Locomobile & another homemade trac tion steam engine by CA. Fisher in 1977 & 1978; Keystone,vertical driller steam engine; Nagle steam engine; Farguhar portable steam engine; Hyde windless steam engine; 1 cylin- ■■ der and 2 - 2 cyl vertical steam engines; verti- ’ cal steam engine upside down, 2 cylinder V £ type steam engine; horizontal steam engine; steam engine w/ac generator; 2 model steam engines; steam calliope on wheels; homemade steam calliope; amusement trailer w/10 double seats; aprx. SO steam whistles; several steam governors, oilers, pumps, gauges & pressure valves; 2 vertical boilers; National steam gal. SS steam kettle; 20 HP gas engine runs on crude oil; Tyko, Leroy, Conti nental & Wisconsin gas engines; 100 KW DC diesel generator, 230 V DC generator; IS HP DC air compressor. Int. fade lift; 1973 Olds- Toronado car, very good condition. MACHINE SHOP TOOLS , MISC. Dayton drill press; large Fosdick vertical drill press; Fifield machine lathe with 8 ft bed and 36” swing; Elyria Belting machine lathe; pow er hack saw; slotter machine; vertical boring mill; belt driven shingle mill; Gould and Ebe hardt shaper, phoney brake; blacksmith anvils and forges; 2 HP self propelled coal drill w/11 bits; 2 and 3" centrifugal water pumps; 2 pot belly heating stoves; whiskey still; hand wagon rim roller, hydraulic cylinders and val ves; sprockets; roller chains; drive belts; pul leys; gear reducers; machine tools; wrenches; lots scrap iron and loads, loads more misc. Mr. Fisher was in the deep mine coal business and collected and built steam engines. He also traveled and displayed his engines at many shows. A very Large Auction with exception ally good merchandise. DON’T MISS IT. Not responsible for accidents. TERMS: CASH or good check with a Bank letter of maximum credit. Barbers Traveling Restaurant on site. Machine sKbp equipment sells at 2:00 PM. Steam engines follows. Possibly 2 auctioneers selling at same time. Motel accommodations can be made at Howard Johnson Mercer, Pa. 412-748-3030 or The Flag Inn Sandy Lake, Pa. 412-376-7215. Lloyd G. Braham & Son - Auctioneers Grove City, Pa. 814-786-7159 or 7867 Lie. AU 91-L 7 2274-L Licensed in Pa. & Ohio
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