C36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 1970 C6O truck twin screw 427 gas engine, $2500 080 717-273-2910 1972 Mack truck chassis for parts, asking $2,000 (717)273-6309 evenings 1973 Diamond Rio 10 Wheeler Dump, 350 BC IV BSpd , Good Condition $18,000,1979 Mack Single Axle Dump 300, 5Sp , Ex cellent Condition $15,000, 83 GMC % Ton Pick-Up Truck 4X4, 350 Auto, Good Condition, $5,000 080 1979 Chevy Suburban 4X4, 350 Auto Good Con dition, $2,000 080 215-343-1830 1973 White 9000 S/A dump, 238 Detroit, 10-speed, R/R, ready to work $5495 Inspection 6/93 717-292-5030 1974 1700 Loadstar Inter national, fuel delivery truck 2400 gal tank. $6OOO 717-256-3233 1974 Ini 1 ton truck, 10' dump body, inspected til 1994, dual wheels. $3,100 (215)885-1032 1975 Ford FBOO, 549 Gas Motor, sSpd Trans , 4Spd Auxiliary, 15' Stainless Steel Spreader Body Very Nice Condition 215-794 7259 1975 Mack U Model tan dem axle trailer 237 en gme 5 speed Mack trans connected to 1971 Trail mobile trailer, 40' tandem axle w/ center mounted H model Prentice loader pulp wood grapple and pony motor, fair condition, tractor & trailer together $5OOO 080 215/626-2555 1976 Int single axle dump truck 237 Cummins 9 speed trans , $5 500 080 (717)927-9235 1977 Int School Bus, new 392 engine, air brakes, 5-speed, excellent condi tion Somerset Co 814/445-7719 1978 IH 1750, 5+2, DT466, hyd brakes, 10 00x20 tires, IT new Leader hyd spreader body, $6,500 (703)837-1305 1978 International 2050 single axle dump truck, 35,000 GVW, rebuilt, 3208 Cat engine $7OOO 080 Call Jerry 717-463-3701 1978 White Roadboss, tan dem w/300 Mack engine, jake brake, A/C, PS, air ride, $7,000 1979 Benson dump trailer 26', $7,000 Bucks County (215)794-8457 1979 GMC 7000 spray truck, 1200 gallon tank with 50' hydraulic fold booms, 1969 Ford F-800 single axle truck tractor Call 410-820-2093 Days, 410-820-2051 nights 1979 International, 466DT motor w/21' Eby aluminum cattle body 201/694 3156 y -V ' 1975 Chevy Dump Truck New Brakes, Work Ready 717-765-4338 1974 IH 1800 Loadstar, 392 VB, 5 speed, 2sp, 23 0001 b rear, 12,000frt, air brakes, 15 custom made dump grain body, 60' take off sides, $5OOO 410/239-3226 EBY USED EQUIPMENT SALE POSSUM BELLY TRAILERS 1984 Barratt 46'x96"x13'6" Cattla Trailar Jallhousa 1983 Barratt 48’x96"x13’6” Cattla Trailar 1983 Wilson 45'x96"x13'4" Cattla/Hog Combo 1982 Wilson 45’x96"x13’2" Cattla Trailar 1982 Wilson 45 , x96”x13'6” Cattla-Pot STOCK TRAILERS 198910' Eby Bumpar Hitch 1987 26' Eby Goosanack 1986 20’x(' Aluminum Wallnga 1985 Supar Goosa 20 , x6’x6'10" 1983 Eby 18’x7’6”x6’6" Goosanack BODIES &> 1993 21’x6’6”x96” Deubla- Dackar I Call For Spaclal Pricing | 'Omaha Staal Cattla/Graln Body, 14'x42" Sldaa ’(2) 12' Eby Aluminum Cattla Body 117’ Eby Cattla Body '2l' Eby Aluminum -Doubla Dock 120’ Fruahaut - Dack-Rall & Daeklng |r/i ' Eby Aluminum - Chlckan Body ; M.H. Eby, Inc. I 1194 Main Street (Route 23) > Blue Ball. PA 17506 | (717) 354-4971 (BOO) 292-4752 > FAX (717) 355-2114 > 4435 State Route 29 [ West Jefferson, OH 43162 > (614) 879*6901 (800) 752 0507 I FAX (614) 879-6904 *7 v ■<' tf, ‘fy ' J 4x4, TAhoe, V 6, AT, 106,000 4x4, SIX, V 6, 5 Spd., 107,000 Mi., Engine Fire, Parts or Mi., Needs Front Pumpkin, Left Whole Call For Price Fender $2,950 In grain bodies , aluminum makes Sense. CHECK OUT THESE FEATURES/BENEFITS Up to 40% lighter than steel, for greater payload Designed for long life Resale value Corrosion resistant, never needs painting Appearance to complement any truck Complete list of popular options, including tailgates, tarps and sides. jyj r]n|# M.H. Eby, Inc. I 1194 Mam Street (Route 23) K Blue Ball PA 17506 7- (717)354-4971 (800)292-4752 FAX (717)355-2114 Committed to the Agri Transportation Business Meet KEVIN SEIBERT - With his agricultural background, Kevin understands your needs. His thorough knowledge of the agricultural and truck body business lets him match your needs with our custom manufacturing capabilities. Call him for a quotation on your next Agri-Body requirement. GRAIN BODIES STANDARD LENGTHS; 12'; 14'; 15’, 16', 17', 18’, 20’, 22', 24’ OVERALL WIDTHS: 96” standard, 102" optional SIDE HEIGHTS: 48" standard, 54”, 60" or 72" optional (other heights available on request) Your Agri-Body Specialist APRIL OFFER r FREE FITTED TARP Eby Aluminum Agri-Dump Bodies pay off in dependable long-term service. Their all-aluminum construction means: • Greater payload efficiency • Maintenance-free service • Substantially higher resale value, Eby’s time-tested design is available in lengths to 24’ for grain bodies and 1014 ’ for general purpose dump bodies. A long list of standard features such as tarp rail, built-in steps, aerodynamic uprights and Harsh hoist is complement ed by a full range of custom options, including tailgates, Wahpeton tarps and grain chutes. Whep you select your next grain body or general purpose dump body, consider the value that Muminum offers. It’s a worry-free investment in your future. Thru 4-30-93
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