MO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993 lect(b | es furm ture, Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR 9 - 9AM Bank ruptcy Auction Contents of Allegheny Outdoorsman Supply, Inc. Located at the Pine Grove Mills Lions Club, Centre Co., Pa Approx. 4 miles West of St Collete, Pa Along Rt. 45. Consitmg of. Rifles, Pistols, Hunting Supplies, Fishing Rods, Fishing Supplies. By Ben Novak, Trustee Ronald J Gilligan, auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM, Building Equip & Supplies, truck, backhoe. York. Pa Rt. 30 West, across from Apple Chevrolet, turn on Laucks Rd, Ist place on right Edwin C. Myers, Inc. seller Rentzel's Auction Service. SAT APR. 9 -9.30 AM, Good Friday Auction Of 19 Acre Pike Township Far mette, Antiques, House hold Goods, 82 Chevy Pick-Up, 84 Chevy Celebri ty, JO B Tractor, JO Lawr Tractor, Farm Equipment S Tools. Located Along Ole State Rd.. Turn Off Rt. 7Z For IVi Mi. From Pleasant villa, Or 4 Mi. W Of Boyer town Onto School House Rd. At Earl Twp. School Fori’/. Mi. Then WOn Old State Rd. For 1 Mi Pike Twp., Berks Co. Watch For Signs. Sold For Carl B. Rohrback Estate Frey Aucts. FRI. APR. 9 -10 AM New office supplies, retail dis plays, and new & used HUGE PUBLIC AUCTION OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TO BE HELD AT BUFFALO VALLEY PRODUCE AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1993 9:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg Take Rt. 11 & 15 North of Lewis burg. Turn Left at Light Onto Rt. 45. Travel 6 Miles To Dreisbach Church Road. Turn Left. Travel 'A Mile to First Intersection. Turn Right. Approximately 300 Yards Turn Left. Follow Signs. A VERY GENERAL, PARTIAL LISTING FOLLOWS: BUILDING SUPPLIES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Paint & Paint Supplies; Light Bulbs; Batteries: Hardware Items; Vin yl Wall Base: Furnace Filters: Kitchen Exhaust Fans; Vinyl Siding Accessories; Electrical Supplies; Plumbing Supplies Plastic & Cop per; Rubber Hoses; Elec. Heat Tapes; 70+ Kitchen Cabinets & Van ities; Double & Single Marble Tops; New Tub & Shower Units; S. S. Sinks; Commodes & Commode Seats; 5 Ft. Steel Patio Doors; Steel Exterior Door & Interior Doors; Bi-Fold Doors: Sky Lights; & Other Windows: Paneling; Trusses; I,ooo’s of Pressure Treated Spindles for Banisters: Truck Load of Shingles & Felt; Shelving & Oak Edging: Walnut Lumber: Misc Lumber; Skid of 5/4”x6"xl6’ Nose Cove Decking; Some New Furniture; Tables: Stands; Fans; Several Hutches: Dry Sink; Bar Stools & Assorted Chairs: Sweeper Bags; Appliance Cords; Radios; Speakers: Vinyl & Carpet Runners: Pictures & Mirrors; Microwave Cookware: Mixing Bowls; Humidifier; S.S. Clamps; 5’ Portable Satellite Dish (Channel Master) W/ Receiver; 10’ Satellite Dish (Channel Master); Many Surprises. Something for Everyone... New Wheel Barrows: Mud Mix Pans; Garden Pump Tank Sprayers: 1 & 2 Gal.; Lawn Carts; Spades; Lawn & Garden Rakes; Post Hole Diggers: Hooked Forks; 4 lined Forks; Short Handled Spades & Shovels: Hoes; Picks; Tree Trimmers: Hedge Trimmers: Sprinklers: Broadcast Seeders: Lawn Spreaders: Pipe Wrenches; Tools of All Kinds: and More... TRUCK LOAD OF PRODUCE GROCERY ITEMS Foods; Canned Goods; Yams, Buttered Limas; Candies and MORE. EASTER FLOWERS AND SHRUBS Additional Consignments Accepted Through April 2nd. No Consignments Accepted Day of Auction. Auction Phone 966-1151. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This will Be a Large Volume Exciting Auc tion. Bring a Truck and A Friend- Selling With Two Auctioneers Throughout the Day. KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY R.D. #2, Box 108-9 R.D. #l, Box 75 McClure, PA 17841 Richfield, PA 17086 (717) 658-3536 (717) 539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002651-L office equip. At 119 E. Lan caster Ave., Downingtown Borough. Chester Co., Pa. From Route 30 bypass, take Rt. 113 S. to Lancas ter Avenue, turn right to auction on right, watch for signs For Woodward Office Supplies Barr Davis, aucts FRI APR 9 - 5 30PM & SAT APR 10 - 8 30PM Real estate, antiques, col REAL ESTATE AUCTION 505 N. 22nd. St. Lebanon, Pa. SATURDAY, APRIL 3 @ 11:00 A.M. Beautiful 3 BR 2 story home on a large corner lot with detached garage. Large rooms, eat in kitchen and open staircase, A rare opportunity. Tunnel Hill area. DIRECTIONS: West on Lehman to rt. on 22nd. Open Sunday March 28, 2:00-4:00 or call for a personal showing. KgBI LEAD BROKER BSaERA ULRICH REALTY CO. 717-273-9366 Jh emwood A uction Co. AY43L AUCTIONEER: Jim McClellan AU2B3IL 717-933-8264 TOOLS AND MISC. appliances, tools and lawn equip 343 Pinkerton Rd , Mount Joy, East Donegal Twp., Lane Co., Pa. From Rt. 230 in Mount Joy, Take Rt. 772 West (Marietta Ave ) Turn left onto Pinker ton Rd., sale will be on right. For Izella B. Packer. All American Auction Service. SAT. APR. 10 - Arnold’s Hog Production Sale, Lebanon Area Fair grounds. Harry H. Bach man, auct SAT. APR. 10-Harper Val ley Hog Production Sale on the farm at Annville, Pa Harry H Bachman, Auct SAT. APR 10 - Spring Machinery Consignment 49, Knoxville. Pa., Tioga Sale, Cowanesque Valley Co Clyde Beard and Son, Livestock Market, Route aucts MORNING GLORY FARMS AUCTION FRIENDSVILLE, SUSQUEHANNA CO., PA. having sold the farm, we have been commissioned to sell on FRIDAY, APRIL 2 At 10:00 A.M. at the farm on Barnum Road, 6 miles NE of Rte. 467 In Leßayevllle, Pa. Go to Neath, turn left, V 4 miles to farm ARROWS or follow arrows from Middletown Center off Rte. OSS. FARM EQUIPMENT: Ford 641 tractor; Allis Chalmers D-17 Senes 111 EQUIPMENT: New Holland 479 haybme; NH 256 rake; NH 156 tedder; NH. 69 baler w/thrower; 2 wood kicker wagons and gears like new; Oliver 4x16 hydraulic reset plow; Grove S.U. box; Nl #lO corn picker; JDl2' drags; JD 494 4 row com planter (parts); AC. 3x plow; 3 pt. equip! (or Ford, drags, 2x plow, rotary cutter; scraper blade; Eurospan spin spreader; 3 pth. cement mixer; crusher; McD hammer mill; Badger tank spreader: sprayer; JD 34 spreader. SPECIAL; ‘CAT* diesel 318-52 KWV gen. set & control panel - low hours. SMALL ITEMS: Band saw, Surge milkers; strainers & pails; logger & spray; Oils; 5 h p. motor; calf pails; bug zapper; udder supports; windows and many other useful items. TERMS; CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH AVAILABLE HOWARD W. VISSCHER AU9S9L SALES MANAGER AND AUCTIONEER NICHOLS, N.V. 607-699.7250 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 3, At 9:00 a.m. Sharp Rear 500 Mill Street, Catawlssa, Pa. Charlie Motto Is Retiring and Selling Out His Well Stocked Garage after 50 Years in The Garage and Lawn Mower Repair Business. PARTS INVENTORY Many of each of the Following: Fan Belts; Hoses; Cases of Oil & Fluids; Fuel Pumps; Carburetors; Brake Linings; Mufflers; Tail Pipes; Air Filters; Oil Filters; Voltage Regula tors; Thermostats; Switches; Distributor Caps; Condensers; Head Lamps; Springs; Bolts and Screws; Cabinet of Brake Cylinder Kids & Hoses; Keys & Pins; Gasket Kits; 3 Cabinets Full of Blue Streak Ignition Parts; 2 Cabinets Full of Filko Ignition Parts; Cabinets Of B&S and Other Lawn Mower and Small Engine Parts; Welding Rods; Spark Plugs: Seals; Oil & Pressure Caps; Gas Filters; Brake Shoes & Pads; Brackets & Clamps; Bins of Misc. Parts; Water Pump Lube; Windshield Wiper Service Center Full; Generators: Starters; Armatures; Car Care Products; Oil Seals; Batteries: Anti Freeze; 2 Kelly Explorer PlB5/75R14; 2 Kelly F7B-15; Kelly G7B-14, G7B-15, 6.50-13; Other Items Not Mentioned. EQUIPMENT - MACHINES - TOOLS Car or Truck Hoist; Large Air Compressor Mod. 321; Blackhawk 2 ton Floor Jack; Air Bumper Jack; 2 - 1 ton Chain Hoists; Tire Changer; Air Greaser; Air Hose; Parts Washer; Marquette 32-145 Battery Charger; Spin Balancer; Head Light Machine; Jack Stands; Cooling System Analyzer; Rivet Machine: Hobart 200 Amp Welder on Wheels; Cutting Torches, Hoses, Gauges; Plumbers Tank & Torch; SNAP-ON: Air Chisel, Air Wrench, Vacuum Gauge, Primary Tach Meter, Distributor Cap Tester; Dclco Start- O-Pak Car Starling Kit; Large Vice & Benches; Shelves; National Hand Cash Regis ter; Tail Pipe Expanders; Machinist Tools & Chest; Armature Growler; Tap & Die sets; A in. Electric Drill; Tool Boxes; Gear & Wheel Pullers: 'A in. & 3 A in. Socket Sets; Punches; Creepers; Long Bed Knife Grinder; Ingersol-Rand Grinder on Stand; 2 Reel Type Lawn Mower Sharpening Machines; Many Hand Tools Used to Install the Above Parts (most are Snap-On); Motor Auto Repair Manuals; Briggs & Stratton Parts Manual; Other Items Not Mentioned. No Viewing of Items Until Morning of Auction. TERMS: Cash or Good PA Check from those known by Auctioneer. Others paying by check must have letter from bank, addressed to this auction, guaranteeing funds. 6% PA Sales Tax will be collected from everyone who does not show exemp tion certificate. e Seller: CHARLES E. MOTTO Auctioneers: George J. Henry AU-001528-L (717) 799-5351 George R. Henry - AA-001968-L Located 5 miles north of Deßuyter, N.Y. Complete farmers line of machinery of many late model pieces of equipment. Black bands 1066 with cab & air, NH 310 baler, Hydroswing haybine, many consignments al ready consigned including small construction man’s equipment. Many items still coming. Plan to attend, -trucking available plus good eats. REAL ESTATE AUCTION! TWO PARCELS! 109 A. FARM AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND A MODERN BRICK HOME ON 9/10+ ACRE, TO SETTLE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GLADYS B. BACON. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1993 - 10:00 A.M. Open House to be held on Sunday, March 28 & April 4 from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. On the premises on Lucky Road, R.D #l, Brogue, York County, PA 17309. Rt 1-83 to PA Exit 6 at York. Rt. 74 south through Red Lion and continue 8 mi. to Brogue Post Office. Turn left onto Lucky Rd. and go A mi. to auction site on left From southern Lancaster County, cross Norman Wood Bridge. North on Rt 74 to Brogue. Right on Lucky Rd. and 'A mi. to farm on left. 1993 PARCEL 1, A large farm of 109 acres m/l, in a high state of cultivation. Approx. 80 acres are tillable and situated nearly level, just rolling enough to provide proper drainage. There are approximately 25 acres of woodland, and the balance of the land is around the buildings. The dwelling is a 2'A story frame home with asbestos siding. Large spacious living quarters of approx, 2300 sq. ft. Lg. eat-m kitchen, living room, parlor, one bedroom and half-bath on firth floor. 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large attic and basement. Outbuildings consist of a large 30 X 74 barn, 32 X 52 potato storage w/climate control, 22 X5O corn barn, 16 X3B hog pen, three-car garage, and other buildings. There are 6 buildings rights with the farm. One building right stays with the pre sent set of buildings, allowing for potential sub-division of 5 building lots. PARCEL 2. A level lot of land of 9/10+ acre, which adjoins PARCEL 1. Improved with a 1 A story brick dwelling of approx 3700 sq. ft., and approx. 30 years old. This gorgeous home has a large modern eat-in kitchen, large living room with corner stone fireplace, large dining room, three bed rooms and two baths, panelled office and a laundry room on first floor. Hardwood floors in most rooms. The second floor has large sitting room, bedroom and bath. The full basement consists of one-third famly room with brick fireplace, one third sum mer kitchen and the rest is a large cold cel lar. Attached two-car garage. INSPECTION: Tours of the land and inspection of the buildings will be given at Open House to be held on Sunday, March 28 and April 4 from T.OO to 4:00 P.M. TERMS: A non-refundable down payment of 10% of the gavel price is required on day of auction in cash or check with bank letter specifying this auction on this date. Balance due in-full on-or-before June 10, 1993. MR. BARRY L REICHARD, EXECUTOR OF GLADYS B. BACON ESTATE flVtaiS? 741-4489 @■l ■!> Lie. Noe. 820 & 821 Auction 16th Annual Machinery Consignment Sale at Darrow’s Used Tractors Rte. 13, Sheds, N.Y. Sat., April 3 10 A.M. For information, call 315-662-3876.
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