Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. at each week’s publication PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUE CAR AND PARTS SAT., APRIL 3, 1993 8:30 A.M. 50 Wyoming Ave., Middletown, Pa. 1931 Deluxe Model A Roadster - Par tially Disassemble, Believed to be Com plete With New Top Assembly, Seat, Side Curtains Etc. This car will be auc tioned at 12 noon. CAR PARTS - Model A Parts - 31 L.F. Fender; Rumble Seat Lid; Dash; Hoods; Trunk; Model T Parts - Hoods; R.F. Fender; Plus Many Other Misc. Model A and T Parts; 30-31 Spoke Wheels; Misc. Car Lights 30’s and 50’s; 50’s and 60 Parts; Flat Head Engine Parts; 35 Ford Rear End; 64 Mercury N.O.S. R.F. Fender; Misc. Hub Caps; Ford Tools; 50’ S Ford Radiator; 50’s Sun Visor; Tire Pumps; Old Jacks; Ford Tools; Misc. Tools; Brake Rivet Machine; Kerosine Car Lights; Old License Plates; Misc. Hardware; Plus Many More Items Related to Cars. ANTIQUES AND OTHER ITEMS: Wooden Toys; Old Trunks; Sausage Stuffer; Water Pump; Sleds; Oak Rocker; Wooden Rakes; Wooden Shovel; Scaliest Milk Wagon Toy; Candy Scale; Milk Cans; Wooden Airp lane Propeller; Unusual Seed Spreader; Old Radios; Misc. Beam Bottles; Player Piano Rolls; Misc. Victrola Horns and Parts; Radio Tubes; Old Beer Cans; 2 Gal. Oil Cans; Push Mowers; Balloon Tire Bike; Wooden Rim Bike Tires; Sheet Music Stand; Dated Canning Jars; Misc. Antique Tools; Plus Much More. NOTE - This Auction Contains a Life Time Collection of Antique Car Parts and Has A Nice Variety of Items. TERMS: Cash or Check with Bank Guarantee. Directions- From Rt. 283 take Harris burg Airport Exit, then take Rt. 230 Exit. At traffic light turn right and 'A block turn right on Wyoming Ave. to auction. Condition By: LORETTE AMSPACHER Ziegler Auction Company Lie. #AU-2120-L Hershey, PA Ph. (717) 533-4267 Schultz Farm Dispersal Of the cattle at the farm, Rutland, Mass. Thursday, April 8 n:oo am WO HEAD OF REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEINS 52 Cows BAA W 7.3 RHA 22,203 3.7 811 3.3 734 A beautiful young herd with great udders. They are shipping 7000# a pickup from 49 cows. On the most recent test, there were 7 cows over 100# and 24 over 70#. Somatic cell count is 80,000. Heifers are well grown and vaccinated. Everything is Interstate tested and innoculated. Cows are due all times - August, Sept., Nov. & Dec. being the months with the most due to freshen. Bell Rex, Cleitus, Beil, Chairman, Thor, Glendell, Starbuck, Tesk, Leadsmen, Blackstar. Oscar, Astra, Task, Melwood, Benchmark, Winken, Converse, Manager & Blackstar, Sale Manager's Comments: The Schultz farm dispersal will be one of the top dispersals ever in Mass. Several High Index cows with contracts, several E.T. calves from High Index Cows. Fancy young cows by great sires. Even the Reserve Jr. All New England Heifer calf sells, proof there’s something for everybody. Directions: SALE HEADQUARTERS: Exit 9, Mass Pike, American Motor Lodge 508-347-9121 (Mention NEK Sales for Special Rate) FROM 1-495 to Rt. 2 West to 1-190 South, Exit 5 off 1-190 to Rt. 140 North, left at first blinking caution light. Follow road to end. Go right on Manning Street, follow to the end, go left on Rt. 31 to right on 122 A to Rt. 56. Watch for Auction signs. FROM MASSACHUSETTS TURNPIKE: Take Sturbridge Exit 9. East on Rt. 20 to North on Rt. 49 to East on Rt. 9 and then 31 North to 56 North. Watch for Auction Signs. FROM 1-91 : Rt. 2 East in Greenfield to 122 South to 122 Ato 56 South 1 mile. Farm on the left. Watch for Auction Signs. Terms: Good Check Lunch Tent Owner RICHARD SCHULTZ Uyi|H 508-886-6406 Call between 7:00 & 9:00 PM Sale Managers - Catalogs People From PA Call Don Welk 717-687-7. TUES. APR. 6-10 AM, Fin ger Lakes Tractor Truck & Farm Equipment Auction. Located Waterloo, N Y Roy Teitsworth, Inc. Sales Manager & Auct. TUES. APR. 6 -11 AM. JD 8 MILES SOUTH OF CHAMPAIGN—URBANA WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31 LOCATED: Exit 1-74 at Champaign- Urbana, Illinois on State Road 130 (Exit #185), take SR 130 south approximately 13 miles to County Road 300 N. then go 3 miles east to CR 1900 E, then south 1/2 mile to the auction. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This equipment is low houred, well maintained, and has always been shedded. SALE ORDER: 10 Minutes of tools, then tillage, tractors, combine. Sale will only last approximately 1 hour. BE ON TIME' 1979 JD 4640 TRACTOR ** 1975 JD 4430 TRACTOR ** JD 148 LOADER ** JD 750 LAWN TRACTOR, 1085 HRS. ** 1987 CASE IN 1660 AXIAL FLOW COMBINE. 610 HRS. ** 1987 CASE—IH 1020 & 1063 HEADS ** U—M HEAD CARRIER ** DUALS ** JD 12 x 30’ PLANTER ** JD PLANTER TRAILER ** JD 400 HOE ** JD 12 x 30’ CULTIVATOR ** 24.5’ IH 496 DISC ** 24.5’ JD 1010 CULTIVATOR ** 14’ JD DISC ** GLENCOE SOIL SAVER ** IH 5100 DRILL ** 15’ MC CHOPPER ” (4) DMI WAGONS ** 68’ x 9’ 4 30’ x 8’ & 26’ x 8* AUGERS ** (2) 550 GAL. FUEL TANKS ** CENTER DUMP UNLOADER ** PRESSURE WASHER ** HAND TOOLS This is an abbreviated listing, please call for details. TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents. Owners: OR 1-800-747-0564 for Scott Arnold SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION COMPANY, INC. 219-244-7606 or 1-800-451-2709 Sires Include: Service Sires Include: 6620 Sidehill Combine, GVM Ford Sprayer Truck, Tractors & Modem Farm Equipment. Located Along Mine Lane, Just North Off Oley Turnpike Road, 4 Miles East Of Jacksonwald (Rt 562) Or Turn West Off SCHRADER sharp FARM EQUIPMENT 10:00 AM C.S.T, DAVID & KELLEE FISHER SALE MANAGER: Ritter Cox 219-396-2765 P.O. Box 296 Barton,VT 05822 Jim Young (802) 525-4774 Ray Leßlanc (802) 525-6913 FAX: (802) 525-3997 or For A Ride Rt. 662, Midway Between Oley (Jet. Rts. 73 & 662) And Yellow House (Jet. Rts. 562 & 662) At Oley Turnpike Dairy And Travel 1 Mile To Mine Lane, Oley Twp., Berks Co. Watch For Signs. Sold For, Boonecroft Farms. Frey Aucts. TUES. APR. 6-7 PM Feed er cattle sale, Westminster Livestock Auction WED. APR. 7 - 9AM Build ing supplies, tools and hardware at Good's Auc tion, 111 North Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. WED. APR. 7 -10 AM Hydraulic excavator, craw ler tractor & loader rubber tired loader, tractor loader backhoes, trenchers, dump trucks, truck tractors booi 'lder & 'in, welder & mechanics trucks, pickups, crew cabs, suburban, trailers. Norris town, Pa. Held at Oanella Line Services Co. yard at 1402 Conshohocken Rd., Norristown, Pa. Vilsmeier Auction Co., Inc. WED. APR. 7 - 3PM Anti ques, household goods, Hummel collection, con struction tools, tractor. Held at the Horst Auction Center located at the comer of Rt. 322 4 Ourlach Rd. (approx. 2’/i miles West of Ephra ta). Lane. Co., Pa. Mrs. Walter Hess & Others. Horst aucts. WED. APR. 7 -6.30 PM. Saturday , April 3, 1993 m 9:oo am. End of South First Street In Kreamer, Pa. (Snyder County) located behind Mlddlecreek Village Apartments. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF GEORGE W. & DORIS S. ROBINSON Moving to a smaller house and have collected lots of furni ture, toys, dishes, etc. that we no longer need. (45 years and 7 kids collect a lot). HOUSEHOLD: Some PA. House, Trestle Table, Bedroom Furniture, Chest of Drawers, Rocking Chairs, 3 Sofas, 2 Lazy Boy Recliners, 24” Color Console TV, 19” TV, Coffee, End Tables, Wicker Wall Mirrors, Electric Organ, Lane Cedar Chest, Lots of Baby Items - Play Pen, Cribs, High Chair, Car Seat, Carriage. Freezer, Hoover Floor Scrubber, Lamps. 2 Wash Tubs, Many Pictures, Throw Rugs, 2 Kitchen Chairs, Single Bed Frames, 1 Wood Wardrobe, 1 Metal Wardrobe, Kerosene Heater, TV Cart, Luggage, Table Linens, Drapes, Blankets, Bedspreads. Various Other Items, 4 Ql Electric Ice Cream Freezer, set of Pots and Pans for camping. Camping Lanterns, Sunbeam Mixer, Lots of Tupperware pieces. Cookie Jars, Canning Jars, Canner, Dishes, Glasses, Comingware, Wine Decanter with Matching Glasses, Silver Coffee Service, Trays, Table Cloths. Belgium Lace Placemats and Napkins. Spice Rack. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: 65 mm Japanese Rifle, 2 Roll top Desks - Oak, Originally from H.Q. Winey Coal Co. Parlor Stove, Hay Fork, Pulley, Cross Cut Saws, Arm for Hanging Kettle, Ice Tongs, Single Tree, 2 Metal Milk Cans, Scythe, Dresser with Beveled Mirror, Candle wick Goblets and Dessert Dishes, Kreamer and McClure Centennial Plates, Snyder County Commemorative Pewter Plate, Wicker and Cloth Rocking Chairs, 3 Rockers, Antique Highback Wicker Rocker, Books, 12' Church Pew, Various items in pewter and glass, Metronome, Coins (1889-90, 1921, 23, 24, 1976 Silver Dollars, Susan B. Anthony Dollars, 1976 Quarters, 1928 $2 Bills). VEHICLES, LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT: 1947 Ford 7’ Flatbed Truck, Class 3 Trailer Hitch, Completely rebuilt with 440 Chrys ler Engine, Auto Trans. 8.25 tires on White Wheels, 4” Chrome Stacks; 1954 Chevy 4-door Sedan, Original Paint, Runs; 1979 Chrysler New Yorker, Original Paint, Upholstery Repaired, 1987 Dodge Diplomat, 1972 750 cc Yamaha Cycle; 12 H.P. Massey Ferguson Garden Tractor with Mower, Snowplow, Jackson Mulching Lawn Mower; Rototillcr. MISCELLANEOUS: Wall Kitchen Cabinets, 28" Panel Door, 2 Baseboard Electric Heaters, 1-8’ and 1-10’; Electric Coming Stovelop, Brown Nutone Range Hood, Toaster Oven, Men’s Randor 26” 10 Speed Bike, Water Ski’s, 8 mm Movie Projector & Camera, Hand Golf Carts, Golf Bags, and Golf Clubs, Various Christmas and Easter Decorations, Crafts, 8-Leg Hold Double Spring Traps, Cast Iron Bath Tub, Commode, Sewing Material and Patterns. SURPLUS OFFICE FIXTURES: Upholstered Desk Chair, Smith Corona Electric Typewriter with Stand, Apple lIC Computer with Moni tor, Printer 24”x60” Wood Mode Cabinet, Desk. NEW: 7’x9’ Garage Door Complete in Boxes, 9’x9’ Garage Door Complete Steel in Boxes, 2 New D.H. Windows 28”xl6”. BOOKS: 1962 Dictionary, 1962 World Book Encyclopedias with Updates to 1968, Several Other Books from 60’s & 70’s. Lots of Children’s books, toys, games and crafts. Many surprises not listed. Sale may be under roof if inclement weather. Can also park at Wood Mode Parking Lot. Vehicles offered at 1:00 p.m. Money at 12:00. Lunch Stand. Cash or Approved Check Acceptable. GEORGE W. ROBINSON DORIS S. ROBINSON Owners 374-4394 Kenneth Smith, Auctioneer 837-3535 AU-867-L Dennis Hassinger 837-3159 AU-2689-L Owners and Auctioneer are not responsible for injury on premises Delivery of large items can be arranged for $l.OO per mile. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-839 Consignment Auction Of Winross, Ertl, Hess Trucks, Misc. Nascar Items, And Misc. Toys. Located At A & C Diffenbach Auction Inc., 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland. Pa. 17557. Alan Diffenbach, Auct. WED. APR. 7 - 7:3OPM Feeder Sale, Four States, Hagerstown, Md. THURS. APR. 8 - Spring Promise Sale, show heif ers, Lebanon Area Fair grounds. Harry H. Bach man, auct. THURS. APR 8 -10 AM, Lamb & Kid Goat Sale. Located At New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, New Holland, Pa. THURS. APR. 8 -11 AM, Schultz Farm Dispersal. Located At The Farm, Rut land, Miss Owner, Richard Schultz. Northeast King dom Sales, Inc. THURS. APR. 8 - 1 30PM, Stale Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 13. South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511 THURS. APR. 8-SPM 718 West Chestnut St, Selins grove, Pa. Very desirable lot 107'x123’ w/mobile home, water/sewer, Next to College. Great potential. PUBLIC SALE Verna Mae Oberlin, owner. Hasslnger/Courtney, aucts. THURS. APR. 8 - 7:3OPM Lebanon Co. Spring Prom ise Sale, Leb. Area Fair grounds, Leb., Pa. 30 Registered Calves and Heifers. Harry H. Bachman, auct. FRI. APR. 9 - Delaware County Calf & Bred Heifer Sale, Scotch Valley Stables. Stamford, NY. The Cattle Exchange. FRI. APR, 9 - BAM, Early Wilson Stump Estate- Real Estate, Antiques, Clocks, Glassware, Furniture, Household Goods Located Along Rt. 73 Approx. 1/4 Mile West Of Blandon, Berks Co., Pa. Traveling From Reading Take Rt. 222 North For Approx. 8 Miles To Rt. 73 East For Approx 1/2 Mile To Auction Site Auction Ordered By, Janice L. Geist, Executrix. Dennis F. Wagner & Tracy L. Wagner, Aucts. FRI. APR. 9 • 9AM Real estate, household goods & antiques. Located 6 miles west of Lane, on Rt. 23 (Marietta Pk) go through Centerville IVf miles, turn right on Ivy Drive to sale, at 925 Ivy Dr., West Hemp field Twp., Lane. Co., Pa By Leroy H. Martin. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Martin, auct.
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