Wickard Bros. Annual Consignment Sale Sat., April 17th. 1993 Time 9:00 A.M. Location: 3 mi. N. of Carlisle along Rt. 74, Will be selling farm machinery & farm related items on consignments. “100 Hd. of Feeder Cattle” Weighing from 200 to 800 lb. No consigned cattle! Anyone wishing to consign machinery, etc. please call (717) 243-1018 or 245-2015. Wlckard Bros. 1690 Waggners Gap Rd. Carlisle, PA 17013 PUBLIC Sat., April 10,1993 Time: 9:00 A.M Location: Approx. 5 Miles N. Of Carlisle Along Rt. 74 Ground Bordering Rt. 74 & Stone Church Rd. Real Estate To Be Offered At 1:00 P.M. Well Maintained Corner Property, On Approx. 5% Acres. 214 Story Vinyl Siding House, Consisting Of 5 Bedrooms & Full Bath Upstairs, Kitchen, Living Room, Family Room, Laundry & Full Bath, Ist Floor, Full Basement, Oil Hot Air Furnace, Well & Septic System, Garage & Small Barn, Very Nicely Located. TERMS: 10% Down Day Of Sale. Balance In 30 Days. Inspection Of Prop* erty March 28th 1:00 To 3:00 Or By Appointment By Calling 243-6306. PERSONAL PROPERTY ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, GUNS, BOAT, LAWN & GARDEN AND TOOLS 2 Pc. Oak Bedroom Suite, Oak Dresser, Oak Wash Stand, Oak Stands, Square Oak Table, 5 Legged Oak Table, Set Of Six Oak Chairs, Several Good Rockers, Organ Stool, High Chair, Blanket Chests, Jenny Lind Type Trunk, Wooden Ironing Boards, Violin, Chest Of Drawers, Wooden Clothes Racks, Quilt Stand, Kitchen Cabinet, Cribs, Cast Iron Dog, Iron Horse Bank, Glass Butter Churn, Pepsi Cooler, Old Signs, Old Comic Books, Ste reoscope & Cards, Grapiteware, Kitchen Utensils, Crocks, Jugs, #3,8.11 Griswold Skillets, Old Baskets, Old Quilts, Comfor ters, Linens, Depression & Misc. Glass ware, Etc. “MODERN” 4 Pc. Bedroom Suite, R.C.A. Colored T.V., G.E. Stereo, Sofa, Living Room Chairs, 9x12 Rug, Hot Point 14 Cubic Ft. Freezer (Chest), G.E. Dryer, Hot Point Washer, Kitchen Table w/8 Chairs, Reg. Line Of Household Appliances. “GUNS” Savage Mod. 99 .308 Cal. Rifle, Savage Mod. 24 DL 20 Ga, 22 Mag., Stevens Mod. 311 A 410 Ga. Double Barrel, Colt Police Positive 32 S & W Long, Springfield Mod. 86 22 Cal. Rifle, Rem. Mod. 31 16 Ga. Full Choke. “IT WOODEN BOAT w/FIRESTONE MOTOR” “LAWN & GARDEN AND TOOLS” 12 H.P. 127 Cub Cadet w/Mower Deck, 7 H.P. Riding Tractor, Snow Plow, Snow Blower, Simplicity 7 H.P. Roto Tiller w/ Attach., Snapper Push Mower, Wards 5 H.P. Shredder, 10" Band Saw, Power Craft Circular Saw, Craftsman Jointer, Hand Driven Drill Press, 6" Grinder, 6 Amp. Battery Charger, 28’ Alum. Ladder, Porch Swing, Glider, Picnic Table, Barrels, Milk Can, Iron Kettle, Lawn Chairs, Wagon Load Of Good Hand & Carpenter Tools, Many Items Too Numerous To List. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY OF SALE TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. TERMS: PAYMENT IN FULL DAY OF SALE, BY CASH OR PA. CHECK. Estate Of: GRANT LEBO Executrix: Faye Koontz, 423-5474 Executor: Wayne Lebo, 243-6288 Attorney: Irwin Auct. Kevin M. Wickard LC #2541 -L Phone: 243-1018 Clerks: Wickards Lunch By Salem Stone Church Clip i Save This Ad SALE LAWN EQUIPMENT - AUCTION - 60+ GARDEN TRACTORS • MOWERS • TRIMMERS • ETC SOLD ABSOLUTE SATURDAY, APRIL 17 at 12:30 p.m. Enfield Equipment, Inc. Rt. 165 & Wheeler School Road Whiteford, MD 21160 FEATURING: Entire Stock of 92-93 trades including JOHN DEERE • SNAP PER • WHEELHORSE • CUB CADET • FORD • GRASSHOPPER • HONDA • SIMPLICITY • ALLIS CHALMERS • MAS SEY FERGUSON • ETC • ETC • ETC • TERMS: Cash, check, VISA, Master : card, John Deere financing available if | pre-quaiified. All equipment is serviced, in good operating order, and will be sold AS IS - ABSOLUTE to the highest bidder. FOR DETAILED BROCHURE PLEASE CALL fRIGDON AUCTIONEERS HEAL ESTATE BHOKEHS A AHHHAISEHS P.O. BOX 625 FOREST HILL, MD 21050 (410) 879-5568 FAX 836-2738 "THE BROKERS OF TRADITION" PA Lie. NO. AU2491-L RESCHEDULED PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1993 9:30 A.M. LOCATED: 4 Miles west of West Chester, PA on Rt. 162 - Ist farm west of Marshailton, PA. John Deere 4020 Diesel w/Push Bumper, Front Weights, Hydraulic Cylinders, 2 Sets of Rear Weights, New Rear Tires; John Deere 2010 Gas Utility w/Powcr Steering, Adj. Rear Wheels; John Deere 520 w/3 pt. & Power Steering; J.D. - A for Parts - Serial #679089; John Deere 8250 Grain Drill w/Band Seed & Fertilizer (14x7); John Deere 1460 Disc Hay bine, John Deere 325 - 4x16 Hyd. Reset Plow; Pequea 710 PTO Tedder, John Deere 709 (7’) 3 pt. Rotary Mower, John Deere BWA ll'/i ’ Transport Disc, John Deere RW 914 ’ Trans port Disc, Brillion 14’ Transport Harrow - Folding Wings, John Deere 1610 - 8 Tooth Chisel Plow - 3 pt.. 2 N.H. Balers - 270 & 281, 2 N.H. 56 Rakes, New Idea 751 Hay Condi tioner, New Holland 479 Haybine, New Hol land 36’ Elevator (PTO Drive - Every Flight - Swivel Shute), 2 John Deere 963 Wagons w/ Hay Flats, 1 John Deere 953 Wagon w/Hay Flat, New Holland wagon with Hay Flat - All Flats are Bxl6, 10’ Gandy Fertilizer Distribu tor, Ford 219 Offset Disc - 814 ’, 200 Gal, Trailer Sprayer w/Booms, 8’ Cultipacker, 2 John Deere 3 Section Spring Harrows, John Deere 6’ 3 pt. Blade, 2 John Deere #5 Mowers, John Deere 999 Planter, John Deere 2 Row Culti., 3 pt. Scoop, 2 Fuel Tanks, John Deere Box Wagon, Post & Rails for Rail Fence, 200 Gal. Milk Tank, Milk Cans, 2 Surge Milkers, Surge Vacuum Pump, John Deere Potato Plow. 1 Horse Little Giant Culti., Bob Sleds, Hog Crates, 10’ I-Beams - 10”x4” Lip. TERMS: Cash or Good Check - Full Set tlement Sale Day. Seller: RICHARD S. ALBERTSON 1465 S. Strasburg Road West Chester, PA 215-696-6802 Selling Surplus Equipment for Highland Orchard at Same Location. David Brown 995 - 3 pt.. Power Steering, Remote; Kubota L 175 with L 59 Woods Belly Mower, 1971 Dodge /* Ton 4x4 with Meyer Snow Plow, Ford 3 pt. 8’ Offset Hail Mower, IHC 5’ Belly Mtd. Mower, Case 8’ Offset Disc, IHC 4X Trailer Plow, Kewanee 8’ Transport Disc, Brillion 8’ Seeder, Dearbomc 3 pt. 2 Bottom Plow, Dearbome 3 pt. 2X Disc Plow, 2 pt. Hitch Rear Fork, 2 pt. Hitch Rear Platform, Wecdcr, 2 Hat Bed Wagons, 2 - 2 Wheel Trailers, 4 Section Spring Harrow, J.D. 2 Row Corn Planter, Misc. Farm Gates, Wright Reciprocal Chain Saw, 2 McCormick Deering Grain Drills - 1 for Parts. Auction Conducted by: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emlgsville, PA 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of (each week’s publication SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM Parts inventory, equipment, machines, tools. Rear 500 Mill St., Catawissa, Pa. Seller: Charles E. Motto. George J. & George R. Henry, aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM Annual Schuylkill County Fair Spring Consignment Auc tion, Schuylkill Co. Fair grounds. Lawn equipment, tools, antiques, nursery stock, household goods, new bldg, supplies. Farm Toys @ 6 PM Local auctioneers. SAT. APR. 3 • 9AM Ker stetter’s Annual consign ment sale, farm machinery, farm-related items, con struction tools, vehicles, etc. Located along Rt. 64,5 BANKRUPTCY AUCTION FRIDAY. APRIL 9th, 1993 ■ *OO am. Contents of Allegheny Outdoorsman Supply, Inc. will be sold. Sale located at the Pine Grove Mills Lions Club, Centre County, PA. Approx. 4 miles West of State College, PA. Along Rt. 45. Consisting Of: RIFLES, PISTOLS, HUNTING SUPPLIES, FISHING RODS, FISHING SUPPLIES AS LISTED BELOW: RIFLES & SHOTGUNS: Navy Arms 12G Black Powder Rifle, Thompson 45 Cal. Cherokee Oct. Barrel - Black Powder Rifle, Spring field 1903 30/06 (all Original) Rifle, Interarms Mark X 30/06 Custom w/ Monte Carlo European Walnut Stock w/Douglas Barrel • half of barrel is octagon w/oct. front lip site. Custom Flintlock No. 5 50 Calilber w/Grccn Mountain Barrel w/Salar Lock - Handmade, Glenfield Marlin Mod. 25 - 22 Cal. Rifle, Remington Mod. 700 243 WIN Bolt Act. Rifle, Remington 700 - 270 WIN Cal. w/Scope Mounts, Winchester Ranger Mod. 120 12 G - (no stock). Marlin Mod. 154 N 22 Youth Rifle, Winchester Mod. 70 FWT Special Run 7 MM Mauser Cal., Beikal 22 Cal. Rifle, Winchester 1200 12 G Pump Shot Gun, Winchester Mod. 94 Lever Act. 30/30 Rifle, Ithaca 410 Mismarked on Barrel at Factory - It is really a 20 G Lever Act. Shot Gun, 410 Double Barrel Shot Gun, Savage Mod. 24 Over/Undcr 223 REM & 12G., Savage Model 24V Series C Over/Undcr 222 REM and 20G., Boito Over/Under 20G Shotgun, 2 Remington Mod. 870 TB 12 G Pump Shotgun, Ithaca Mod. 51 Semi 12 G w/cxlra Barrel, Remington Mod. 1100 12G Pump Modified w/Slug Barrel, Winchester Super X Mod. 1 12G Pump Shot Gun, Winchester 94 commemorative Golden Spike Carbine 30-30, Winchester Mod. 94 - Pre 64 30-30 Carbine. PISTOLS: S&W Mod. 14-3 38 SP - 83/8” Barrel, S&W Mod. 17-4 8 3 /« ” Barrel 22 LR, S&W mod. 17-4 6” Barrel 22LF, 2- Rugcr New Mod el Single 6 w/Extra Mag. Cylinder, Deringer 32 Cal. - pat. Dale 1873, Ruger 357 Mag. Black Hawk, Coll New Frontier Buntline 22 8” Barrel, Colt Python 357 Cal. Mag., Colt Trooper MK3 22LR Nickle Finish, S&W 22 LR 9” Barrel w/Scope, Clock 9x19 Semi Auto. Pistol w/Clip, Brown ing Buckmark 22LR. Black Powder 44 Cal., S&W 38 Cal. Special, Rugcr New Single 6 w/Extra Mag. Cylinder, H&R Ultra 22LR Pistol 9 Shot, Sig Sauer 9MM Semi Auto. Pistol, H&R 22 Cal. Rimfire w/Oct. Barrel - Trapper Mod. w/Holster. NEW SCOPES & USED, MANY NEW BOWS ■ YORK - POWER Blank & ETC. • BOW Parts - Sitels & Etc., ARROWS, Bow Case, MANY HUNTING CLOTHING - CAMOUFLAGE JACKETS. PANTS, TEE SHIRTS, SWEAT SHIRTS, RAINWARE, HATS OF ALL KINDS, GLOVES - Cortex, Wool, Insulated - MANY HOLSTERS, LOTS & LOTS OF AMMUNITION & RELOADING SUPPLIES, DIES, SCALE, POWDERS. APPROX. SO NEW KNIVES - POCKET - HUNTING - FISHING - CASE & BUCK & ETC. Approx. 60 Turkey Calls & Other Calls, 18-40 Lb. Bags of Dog Food, 2 - Pet Carriers - NEW BOOTS - INSULATED MADE IN CANADA - MANY SIZES, TREE STANS. Approx. 30 Clips for Pistols, NEW Gun Rack, Shooting Bench, Disposable Hand Warmers, Bottles of Eye Shine, No Scent, Odor Free, Cans of Hunt & Clean, Gun Cleaning Materials, MANY SUN GLASSES. EMERSON PORT. COLOR T.V. with Built In VCR, Approx. 300 VCR WILDLIFE TAPES, APPROX. 50 NEW FISH ING RODS, 15 Ft. Deep Sea Rod - lures, REELS - TRIWINDER FOR STREN FISHING LINE, RUBBER WORMS, LINE. FISHING BOXES & ACCESSORIES -LIVE MINNOW CASE & COMPRESSOR. Box of Tools, Elec. Drill, 4 Dr. Fire Proof File Cabinet, 2 Dr. & 5 Dr. Metal File Cabinets, Kenmore Microwave, 2 Glass Lighted Show Cases, 2 Cash Registers, Olympia 303 copy machine PLUS MANY NEW MISC. ITEMS. Sale By: BEN NOVAK, Trustee Sale By Food Available Auctioneer: Ronald J. Gilligan, PA Licensed & Bonded #AU339-L TERMS: Cash or Check - Day of Sale. NOTE: Oral Announcements Day of Sale Take Precedence over writ ten material. CLUB OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE IN CASE QF ACCIDENT. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-835 mi. NE of Bellefonte, Pa, Walker Twp, Centre Co. Kerstetter Auction, aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM Ringtown general store, advertising signs/pcs., asst primitives, furniture,a sst. glassware/dishes-hall & Depression & toys. 4 mi. N. of Shenandoah, 15 Mi. S.W. of Hazleton via Route 924 (Hazleton Exit of 1-81 take Rt. 924 to Brandonvil le) in the village of Ring town, Sch. Co., Pa. By Julie Ann Koss. Doug/Tim Houser, aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM, Six Tractors, Combine, Hay swather. Located East Of Hagerstown, Md. Off Route 64 IV4 Mile North On Little Antietam Rd. (Route 62) Or 2 Miles South Off Route 60 On Little Antietam Rd. (Route 62), East On Old Forge Rd. To First Farm On Left. Owner, Harold Bow man. Robert C. Mullen dore, Auct. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM, Automobiles, Garage & Office Equipment & Per sonal Property. Located At 1290 Roosevelt Ave , York, Pa. Owner, Westgate Auto Rental-Sales. Jacob A Gil bert & Brian L. Gilbert, Aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM Jer ome Red Neiley Estate, real estate, farm equip., tools, guns, household & antiques. Located off Rt. 220 at Milan, Pa. on the East Smithfield Rd., Ulster Two.. Bradford Co. Sham root Auction Service. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM Farm machinery, 143 Ac. +- Dairy Farm. Located at 10805-B Haughs Church Rd., Keymar, Md. M. “Tom" Eyler, owner. Trout aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9:3OAM, Inventory Reduction Auc tion Of New & Used Farm, Industrial & Lawn & Garden Equipment. Located Along Rt. 652-5 Miles East Of Honesdale, Pa. B. Rentzel & E. Goodrich, Aucts.
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