834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993 t ion, building supplies, pro- ————————— duce and other consign- Public Auction Register JSA"*. Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. Mifflinburg, Pa. Hassinger/ of each week’s publication Courtney. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM 12th Annual Manhelm Com munity farm show, sale. Location: Farm Show Building, beside Manhelm Central High School, Man leim, Pa. John Stauffer, IUCt. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM 1986 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, ntemational Super A trac er, personal property, anti ques. tools. One mile west }f Rehrersburg (Berks Co.) an Rehrersburg Road, across From Little Swatara Church of the Brethren. By J. Morris Keller. Dave Riss ar, auct. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM Anti ques, household goods, »ins, guns. Danville, Pa. - Traveling Rt. 54 E to Elys aurg, turn right on E. Mill St. = ollow to sale. Held at Elys 3urg Fire Hall. Owners: Wil iam & Anna Fisher. Melvin Sensonig, auct. SAT. APR. 3 - SAM House hpld goods, antiques, guns, 'awn equip. & tools. At 72 Center Sq. Rd, Leola, Lane. Co From Rt. 23 in Leola, take Rt. 772 N tow ards Talmage, turn right at the first crossroad. Richard N. & Lydia M. Kametz. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, aucts SAT. APR. 3 - SAM Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Miller com plete cattle and equip, dis persal. On the farm on West Rd. Conewango Val ley NJ. Off Rt. 62 20 miles S. of Gowanda 15 miles N. of Kennedy off Rt. 17. Cherry Creek Livestock Market. SAT. APR. 3 - SAM Ninth Annual consignment auc tion located on the Gratz Fairgrounds, Gratz, (Route 25 West of Rt. 81, Exit 35) Dauphin Co., Pa. Mervin W. Adams, auct. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM Anti ques, household goods, guns. 49 Fox Rd., Palmyra. S. Londonderry Twp., Leb. Co., Pa. in Campbelltown at A&M Pizza along Rt. 322 - south of Locust St. app. .4 mile to Fox Rd. By Milton & Sara Gingrich. Harry H. Bachman, auct. SAT. ARP. 3 - 9AM, Anti ques, Household Goods & Car. Located At 316 E. Front St., Lititz, Lane. Co. Pa. 2PM- Real Estate. Located At 339 East Front St, Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. Sale For, Helen M. Sharp Estate. Horst Aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM, Real Estate, Furniture, Antiques & Tools. Located 4V4 Miles South Of Belleville, Pa. Turn W. On Back Mt. Road. J.N. Allison. Mark Glick, Auct. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM, Con signment Sale, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Horses, Tools, New Bicy cles & Farm Equipment. Located 222 North Of Lan caster To Brownstown/ Rothsville Exit Turn Right On To 772 West, To Traffic Lights Turn Right On 272 North Go Approx. 2/10 Mile Turn Right Onto N. Church St, Turn Left On To Metz ler Rd. Take First Rd. Left At Brownstown Vocational School, Turn Left Onto Pool Road To Auction On Right. Terms By, Shirk’s Repair Shop. Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM Dairy farm, machinery, antiques & housejhold. Located 4 miles S. of Dillsburg, Pa. on Rt. 74, Turn left on Spring Valley Road to Willow Rd. Turn left to the farm. Own ers: Rick and Janet Cook Kling's Auctions. Inc. SAT. APR. 3 ■ 9AM, George And Doris Robin son Will Offer At Public Sale Household Goods, Antiques & Old Car & Pick up Truck. Located In Kreamer, Pa. (Snyder County). Ken Smith, Auct SAT. APR. 3-9 AM Annual REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY, APRIL 1 11:00 Beacon Hill Subdivision, Alsace Twp. Berks Co., Fully approved 33 lot subdivision. Wonderful opportunity for builders, deve lopers & investors. Call for information! TERMS: 10% down, settlement 60 days. DIRECTIONS; From Fairgrounds Sq. Mall, N. on 222 to Rt. on Belvue Rt. on Kutztown to L. on Elizabeth Ave. (Ist light) past Leader Home to L. at Y (Ra mich) to L. on Heckman. Sign on rt. AUCTIONEER: Jim McClellan AU2B3IL 717-933-8264 717-933-4201 Auction By: ' emwood uction Co. Amish Farm Dispersal Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Miller Complete Cattle and Equipt. Dispersal April 3rd At 9:00 AM On the farm on West Rd. Conewango Valley N.J. Off Route 62 20 miles South of Gowanda 15 miles North of Kennedy off Route 17. Watch for signs. 40 Holstein Dairy Cattle 38 milk cows consisting of 10 recently fresh, balance in all stages of lactation - 2 Holstein service bulls. 5 Horses: 5 yr. old Percheron gelding (well broke), 2 yr. old Percheron gelding (not broke), 7 yr. old all purpose yelding (well broke), 6 yr. old big Standard bred gelding (well broke), smooth mouth gelding. Equipt; 271 GM Detroit power unit (rebuilt), 6 cylinder Waukeske power unit w/ Bizz rig, 16 horse Briggs motor, 2 Model K 18” Papec silo fillers, Gehl B silo filler (like new), Case silo Filler, J.D. Big #4 6’ hay mow er, 3 McD #9 6’ hay mowers, 2-8’ Me D grain binders, McD hay loader, N 1 hay loader, 2- McD com binders, McD binder truck, 14” Hostetler riding plow, NH hay rake, Case hay rake, McD hay rake, NI #8 manure spreader (like new), 2- Nl #8 manure spreaders (need work), Pioneer 10’ spike tooth harrow, 2 - 1H com planter, 13 hole Van Brunt grain drill, 2 - Sulky cultivators, grain box wagon, 2 - 2 wheel buzz saws, hand com shelter, platform scales, hay carriers, pulleys, ropes and hay forks, 2-new F&W water pumps, cow clip pers, sleigh, work harness, collars, neck yokes, eveners, traps & hide stretchers, old hand gar den planter, plus many small tools, 28 alumi num milk cans, wash vaL 20 steel cans, strain ers and pails. Guns: sell at 11:00: Winchester model 120 12 ga. pump, Browning 20 ga. automatic (like new), Mosburg 22 mag., 2-22 Marlins, 410 single shoL 12 ga. single shot. 1000 Bales Good Hay. Household, oak kitchen cabinet. Gem Pac kitchen stove (new), new Perfection 5 burner (like new), New Per fection 4 burner, kerosene lamps, chest of drawers, bids, library table, Maytag wash machine, ice chest, crocks. Lunch Served by Amish Ladies Terms: Cash or good check. Nothing removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents if they should occur. Private Treaty; 188 ac. dairy farm. 135 till able, large house, 45 stall cow bam, 16x50 silo, 34x60 shop, 80x32 loafing shed, 24x40 enclosed com crib, year round water, free gas. ALSO; 163 ac. pastureland or recreation (free gas). Call John Condon on Real Estate Sale Managed By: Cherry Creek Livestock Market Cherry Creek, New York 716-296-5227 716-287-3308 AY43L PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE Thursday, April 15th, 1993 At 6:30 P.M. From Quarryville Take Rt. 222 South To Little Britain Road N, Go Approximately 1 Mile To Property On Corner Of Little Bri tain And Fulton View Roads. Little Britain Twp., Lancaster Co. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF: 30 x4o’ Cape Cod Dwelling, Frame & Aluminum Siding With Tin Roof. Ist Fir, Has Kit., Dining Room, Living Room, Bedroom, Bath & Laun dry. 2nd Fir. Has 3 Bedrooms, Study & Bath. Full Unfinished Basement, Wood/Coal Space Heater, Porch On 2 Sides. House Needs Some Redecorating. HORSE BARN: 20’x30’, 2 Story, Block & Frame, Slate Roof. (2) 10’ Lean-To Extensions. SHED: 12’x20’; Frame. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, March 27th From 2 To 4 P.M. TERMS: 10% Day Of Sale; Settlement On Or Before June 15, 1993. TERMS BY: JACOB M. & RACHEL B. STOLTZFUS HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Merle Eberly AU-2417-L Main Street, Morgantown 215-286-5183 f-FRX* PUBUC AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY. APRIL 3, 1993 10:00 A.M. Located In Juniata Co., along Rt. 35, 24 miles South of Mlfflintown, PA and 14 miles North of Shade Gap, PA near Cross Keys. Farm Machinery, Automobile, Butchering Equipment & Related Items M.F. 65 gas with multi-power, looks good; Farmall H with new paint, sharp; NH 328 single beater PTO manure spreader; Papec belt driven feed grinder; NH 469 haybine with cylinder, JD 3 pL T mower; NH Super 68 thrower baler; NH 56 rollabar rake; Pequea PTO tedder, 2 - Grove chassis, one W.T. with 16’ wooden hay racks; N.I. chassis with 16’ wooden hay rack; King Wyse 24’ hay and grain elevator; 4”xl6’ grain auger elevator with elec.; M.F. 3 pt. 2 row com planter; one row com disc planter; McCormick 76 7’ PTO pull type combine; Blizzard 500 silo filler with pipe; NH 230 chassis with 130 bu. elec, gravi ty box; Oliver 3 pt. 3x14” plow; Walsh 200 gallon portable field sprayer; Oliver Superior 16 disc steel wheel grain drill; Ontario 800 series grain drill; I.H. 4 section drag harrow; 2 section harrow; single section trail plow; Bal tic 3 pt. P.T.O. fertilizer spreader, Sauder T front mount scraper blade; Bear Cat 12’ single roll cuitipacker; 2 - Sauder loaders; Sauder hydraulic manure loader, shovel plow; imple ment tires: M.F. tractor bumper; metal imple ment seat; flat pulley belts; 2 - 50 lb. Surge pail milkers; 14 qt. S.S. milk pail; S.S. strain er; approx. 12 milk cans; Surge 3 unit vacuum pump; bam fan; chicken crates; potato crates; 2 hay knives; hay fork; sump pump; 2 butcher kettles; lard press; butchering tools; head and meat hooks; anvil; traps; table and chairs; 4 burner elec, stove; wash boiler; wagon load of small related items. 1978 Plymouth Volarie 4 door, 6 cylinder, auto., gray. Sale Order: Small Items 10:00 a.m. Farm Machinery 11:00 a.m. Terms: Cash or Good Check Lunch by Richvale United Methodist Church CLAIR & ELEANOR GOSHORN Owners Phone 717-734-3982 BRYAN D. HUES, Auctioneer Complete Sale Service Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PUBLIC AUCTION HEATING & COOLING CONTRACTOR Sheet Metal • Shop Tools SAT., APRIL 3 10 am 333 W. King St., York, Pa. This well established contractor is downs caling operations selling all types shop tools, HVAC speciality tools, gauges, 24’ Hy- Reach, heat pumps, air conditioners, ice mach., walk-in cooler 12’xlO’, sheet metal shears, formers, restaurant equip-Vulcan steamer. South Bend stove, broiler, griddle. Great Mechanical, refrigeration, HVAC carts and parts. Auctioneer will Fax Lists Mark Baranowski AU 2570 (717) 657-2317 Tools and Equipment Consignments Always Welcome FROST PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., APRIL 3, 1993 10 AM Lowell Frost Farm Covington, PA. (Signs off Rte. 15 at Intersection of Rte. 660 4 miles South of Mansfield, Pa.) ANTIQUES - FARM MACHINERY - LUMBER - MISC. Due to the death of her husband, Mrs. Frost has commissioned us to liquidate this line of housed, well maintained machinery as well as the antique furniture from the very house where Mr. Frost grew up. This is a rare oppor tunity to buy merchandise this well kept! Auction will be held regardless of weather. ANTIQUES: Fancy oak high back side board w/mirror, fancy oak side-by-side desk, (3) oak commodes w/towel bars, 5-leg oak drop leaf farm table, oak dressers, fancy Grif fin carved oaK vestibule chair, jelly cupboard, baker’s cabinet w/porcelain pulls, drop leaf dining table, old trunks, 7 old QUILTS (recen- Uy discovered in trunk in attic), oak chairs,- common crocks, rocker chairs, American Gra phiphone (Columbia) CYLINDER record player, old fiddle in coffin case, 3 porcelain head dolls, tin doll house & acc., LINDS J TROM’S #6OO GOLD STAR game in orig. box, Singer treadle sew. machines, childrens books & puzzles, clay & other old marbles, butter chum, many old frames & prints, Childs rocker, youth chair, buck saws, grain cradle, chicken & egg crates, single ox-yoke, wood grain measures, 1924 GEARHART knitting machine (never un-packed), tobacco tins, milk bottle, many other nice smalls, at approx. 12 noon. FARM ITEMS: FORD 861 tractor, FORD 2-Btm. 14 in. mid. plows, FORD 501 sicklebar mower (7 ft. cut-3 pi. hitch), FORD 17-15 combine, NEW HOLLAND 477 Haybine, NEW HOLLAND 328 manure spreader, NEW HOLLAND 66 baler, side delivery rake, SMOKER 24 ft. transport elevator, EZEE FLOW 100 seeder/spreader, 4”xl0 ft. grain auger, 4”x20 ft. grain auger, IH grain drill (old but works good), IH 2 row com planter, 3 flat hay wagons, 3 farm utility trailers, stone boat, drags, land roller, cement mixer, buzz saw, fuel tank w/gasoline, com shelter, 8 milk cans, wagon full of small items, gas weed trimmer, chain saw, dbl. hung windows (never used) & much more! LUMBER: large quantity of dry hemlock LUMBER (STORED INSIDE - RANDOM WIDTHS - 1 & 2 INCH THICK - SOME REAL CLEAR STUFF HERE!) Auc tion Outside (tent if inclement) bring a chair - lunch available. TERMS: Cash or approved check - I.D. Required. Owner: mum FROST Professional Auction Management And Appraisals By l) jeuiff /lucTiotJ Tioga, PA AU-1548-L 717-835-4214 "A JELLIFF AUCTION IS AN ACTION AUCTIONI"
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