AlMancmer Farming, Saturday, March 6 1993 Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okla. Wednesday, March 3, 1993 OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCKYARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY: Compared lo last volume lest last Thursday: Feeder steers over 600 lbs. steady to $l.OO higher. Feeder heifen over 600 lbs. steady. Compared with last volume test of last Monday; Steers under 600 lbs. steady to $2.00 higher. Heifers under 600 lbs. steady to $2.00 lower. Demand good. Trade active. Quality aver age through attractive. Gaunt to average weigh-ups. Flesh conditions on weights under 700 lbs. average to thin, over 700 lbs. varying from thin through fleshy. Wide spread extensive rains resulting in cancelation of some planned marketings. Slaughter cows steady Slaughter bulls ful ly steady. Slaughter cattle demand good. Special Feeder Cattle Sale this Thursday (March 4) starting at 10:30 A.M. Receipts this week 11,200; last week 10,268; last year 20,922. Run consisted of 68% feeders over 600 lbs ; 30% calves under 600 lbs.; 2% cows and bulls. Bulk price ranges follow. Weighted averages in parenthesis. Feeder Steers; Medium and Large Frame 1, 400-500 lbs. $103.00-$! 12.50 ($108.42); 500-600 lbs. $94.00-$104.00 ($98.46); 600-650 lbs. $87.25- $92.50 ($9O 91); 650-700 lbs. $85.25-590 25 ($B7 29), 700-750 lbs $84.50- $B6 00 ($B5 56), 750-800 lbs, 582.25-SB5 00 ($B4 02). 800-850 lbs. $80.50- $B4 75 ($B2 59); 850-900 lbs. $79.50-583.25 ($BO 96), 900-950 lbs. 578 50- $Bl5O (80.63). Large Frame 2 Holsteins, 520 lbs. $76.25; 650-800 lbs. $68.50-$72.50; 800-850 lbs. $68.00-$70.75; 850-1000 lbs. $67.75-$70.25. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1, 375-400 lbs. 591.00-595.50 (593.61); 400-500 lbs. 587.50-595.00 (593 04); 500-550 lbs SB6 00-589.00 (SBB 35); 550-600 lbs. SB3 75-587.50 (SB5 49), 600-650 lbs. SBl.OO-585.50 (SB3 19). 650-700 lbs. SBl.OO-583.50 ($81.67); 700-800 lbs. 578.75-582.25 (SBO 54), 800-900 lbs. 576.00-578.00 (576 90). Slaughter Cows; Cutter, Boning Utility, and Breaking Utility Y. G. 1-4, average dressing 551.00-554.00; high dressing $53.50-556.25; low dressing 546.50-550.50. Canner 540.00-545.00. Slaughter Bulls: Y.G. 1 1475-2150 lbs. average dressing 560.50-564.25; high dressing 564.00-566.75; high dressing/ high boning 566.00-569.50. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Mlddleburg, Pa. Tuesday, March 2, 1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 422... PDA . Steers steady to 1.50 lower, Cows steady to .50 lower, heif ers about steady. STEERS: Choice 1075/1450 lbs. 76.00-82.00, few Select 72.00- HOLSTEINS: few Choice 70.00- couple to 75.25, Select 64.00- HEIFERS: Choice 73.50-77.50, couple lo 81.50, few Select 65.00- few Choice Holsteins 70.00- COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 49.00-54.00, one 58.00, Cut ler & Bon. Utility 49.00-53.50, few high dressing to 54.00-56.00, Canner and Low Culler 42.00-48.00. Shells down to 38.00. BULLOCKS; few Select and Choice 69.75-73.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 985/2000 lbs. 58.00-69.00, one No. 2 2335 lbs at 55.00. FEEDER CATTLE: few Medium No. 1415/600 lbs. steers and bulls 75.00- few Large No. 2 650/900 lbs. 59.00- CALVES 237...VEALERS: Standard and Good 76/105 lbs. 60.00-70.00, Utility 50/80 lbs. 55.00-62.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls No. 1 90/130 lbs. 140.00- No. 2 85/125 lbs. 80.00- Holstein heifers No. 1 80/125 lbs. 125.00-181.00, few down to 80.00. Beef cross 75/100 lbs. bulls and heifers 107.00-170.00. HOGS 716...(03/01 & 02/93)..Barrows and gilts .75 to 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; No. 1 225/250 lbs. 47.50- US 1-2 220/250 lbs. 46.00-47.25,1-3 215/250 lbs. 44.50-45.75, 210/300 lbs. 38.50-44.25. SOWS: 1-3 400/600 lbs. 36.00-42.00, 275/400 lbs. 28.50- BOARS: 30.00-33.50. FEEDER PIGS 140... Few lots US 1-3 30/50 lbs. 31.00-44.00. - all per head, SHEEP 45,..few Choice 80/120 lbs. Wooled si. Lambs 71.00-84.00, Choice 30/45 lbs. New Crop lambs 112.50-142.50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 30.00-40.00. GOATS 7... few Large 49.00-78.00. all per head. Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, March 2, 1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 178... PDA .. si. cows weak to mostly 1.00 lower. STEERS: few Select 74 75-76.00. HOLSTEINS: one Choice 70 00, few Select 64.50-67.50, two Stan dard 52.00 & 60.75. HEIFERS: few Choice 1130/1220 lbs. 75.75-77.50, one Select 68.00, few Standard and Select Ilolsteins 55.75-59.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 48.25-51.75, few 52.25, low dressing down 46.25, Cutter and Boning Utility 47.25-51.75, few 53.50, Canner & Low Cutter 43.75-47.00. Shells 27.00-42.75 mostly 35.75-39.75. BULLS; few Yield Grade No. 1 1505/1725 lbs. 62.50-64.00. CALVES 153... Farm calves unevenly steady. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70/115 lbs. 50.00-60.00, Utility 30/85 lbs. 30.00- few down 25.00. RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein bulls 85/145 lbs. 142.00-181.00, few down to 86.00, No. 2 85/110 lbs. 67.00-147.00. mostly 95.00-135.00. Few No. I Holstein heifers 90/105 lbs. 135.00-170.00. Few Beef cioss 90/135 lbs. bulls and heifers 87.00- HOGS 78... BARROWS AND GILTS: 2 lots 1-2 238 & 267 lbs. 44.25 & 44.60, 1-3 235/250 lbs. 44.00-44.50, few lots 2-3 220/270 lbs. 43.00-43.75. few lots 1-3 190/211 lbs. 37.00-42.25. SOWS: few US 1-3 345/505 lbs. 36.00-38.75, one 2-3 590 lbs. 35.00. BOARS: one 29.50. FEEDER PIGS 0....N0 market lest. SHEEP 0..N0 market test. GOATS 0..N0 market test. Morrison Cove Livestock MartfMbwv, March 1, 1993 Report MppM bp mmE— CATTLE 227. STEERS CHOICE 78.00-13.85; GOOD 73 JO-77 JO. HEIFERS: CHOICE 77.00-SI.00; GOOD 70.50-76.00. COWS: UTILITY * COMMERCIAL 46.50- 50; CANNER A LOW CUTTER 37.50- BULLOCKS: GOOD * CHOICE 62J070.50. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. I 57.5065.50. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS 77.0093.00; BULLS 67.0083.00; HEIF ERS 57.0075.00. CALVES 223. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE. NO MKT. TEST; GOOD, 93.00-99.00; STANDARD 45.0066.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90130 LBS. 125.00181.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS 90130 LBS. 125.00180.0 a HOGS: ISS. US NO. 1-2 45.0046.50; US NO. 1-3 43.5044.30. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 31.0042.00. BOARS 31.5033.50. FEEDER PIGS: 41 HEAD. US# 1-3 2050 LBS. 11.0027.00 PER HEAD. SHEEP: 43 HEAD. CHOICE 85.00-95.00; GOOD 75.00-8S.00; SLAUGHTER EWES 20X1039.00. GOATS: 27.0072.00. 44 LOADS OF HAY. ALFALFA 85.00134.00; TIMOTHY 65.0082.00; S LOADS OF STRAW 80.0088.00, 1 LOAD FIREWOOD 27.00. Dewart Livestock Auction Dcwart, Pa. Monday, March 1, 1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 79.. PDA ..cows uneven, about steady. STEERS: few Choice 1175/1300 lbs. 76.75-79.00. HOLSTEINS: few Choice 72.25-74.25, few Select 67.25-70.75. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 54.00-54.50, Cutter and Bon ing Utility 49.50-54.00, few high dressing 55.00- Canner and Low Cutter 42.75- Shells down to 38.50. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1400/1970 lbs. 60.00-67.25. CALVES 165...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 50/80 lbs. 50.00-65.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 90/130 lbs. Hols tein bulls 145.00-180.00, couple 187.50, No. 2 85/125 lbs. 85.00-125.00; few No. 1 85/115 lbs. Holstein heifers 150.00- few No. 2 80/90 lbs. 62.50-77.50. Few Beef cross 70/100 bulls and heifers 87.50-157.50. HOGS 87... BARROWS & GILTS: about steady, few lots US 1-2 235/245 lbs. 44.00- two head 46.00, few 1-3 235/265 lbs. 42.00-45.50. SOWS: few US 1-3 300/400 lbs. 38.00-39.50,450/575 lbs. 39.75- BOARS: few 31.50-32.25. FEEDER PIGS 44....0ne US 1-3 25 lbs. 22.50, couple lots 50 & 55 lbs. 30.00 & 37.00. all per head. SHEEP 2...0ne Choice US lbs. wooled si. limbs 60.00. GOATS 0...N0 market test.
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