Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Tuesday, March 2, 1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 356.. PDA ..Compared with last Tuesday’s market; al. iteen uneven to 2 00 lower, si. cows 2.00 lower. STEERS; few High Choice and Prime 1090/1225 lbs. 77.85-82.10. Choice 1095/1370 lbs. 75.00- couple to 81.25, Select 925/1480 lbs. 65.00-75.10, few Standard 58.10-68.50. HOLSTEINS: couple Choice 1100/1175 lbs. 65.00 & 68.75, few Select 1140/1185 lbs. 63.00-65.00, few Standard 55.25- HEIFERS: Choice 1000/1410 lbs. 70.00-77.75, low yielding down to 64.75, Select 900/1200 lbs. 63 00-73.00, few Standard 53.50-60.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 47.50-54.25, Cutter and Bon. Utility 43.25- Canner and Low Cutter 40.00- Shells down to 33.50. BUL LOCKS; couple Select 1090/1285 lbs. 66.00. BULLS; one Yield No. 1 1240 lbs. 66.60. No. 2 1370/1990 lbs. 52.25-58.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: few Large No. 1545/850 lbs. 70.00-88.50,1000/1125 lbs. 62.00- few Urge No. 2 595/1075 lbs. 52.50-57.00, Medium No. 1 400/800 lbs. 66.50-93.00; Heifers: Urge No. 1 540/800 lbs. 70.00-76.00, Medium No. 1 340/800 lbs. 60.00-84.50; Bulls: few Urge No. 1 600/735 lbs. 64.50-78.00. CALVES 121..Holftein bulla steady. "• parallel parlors in three- and four-stall modules, Maestro inte grates the functions of SST™ lISS Deluxe automatic take-offs, milk meter controls, vacuum lines and wiring. And it enables you to control all these milking functions from a single, centralized panel. In addition to saving you time, as part of the Heavy-Duty Installation (HDI) line of products, Maestro is built to perform and last. Which translates to less expensive downtime for you. Plus, since all J. B. Zimmerman A Sons, Inc. Wilmtr Implamant Strvlca P. 0. Box 337, Lancaster County 1896 Bedford Rd. Blue Ball, PA 17506 Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-354-8030 717-532-6139 Erb and Haory Equipment, Inc. 22-26 Henry Avenue New Berlinville. PA 19545 215-367-2169 Fmnklln Hats Ent., Inc. Rt. 2, Box 130 Orangeville, PA 17859 717-925-6939 A' Alfa Laval AgrL The world’s largest dairy supplier is right next door. VBALBRS: Couple Good 90 lbs. 70.00- Standard and Good 70/110 lbs. 40.00-52.50, Utility 55/100 lbs. 20.00- RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein bulls 115/135 lbs. 115.00- 80/115 lbs. 130.00-185.00. No. 2 90/125 lbs. 65.00-115.00. Few No. 1 Holstein heifers 85/115 lbs. 130.00- few No. 2 60/130 lbs. 57.50-100.00. Beef cross 80/105 lbs. bulls and heifers 80.00-170.00. HOGS 155. .Barrows and gilts steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: one lot US 1-2 240/260 lbs. 44.00-44.85,1-3 235/250 lbs. 42.75-44.10, few 2-3 235/290 lbs. 39.10-42.25,1-3 265/570 lbs. 37.00-43.00. SOWS: few US 1-3 265/570 lbs. 37.00-43.00, couple Medium 270/330 lbs. 29.00 & 35.00. BOARS; one 480 lbs. 28.00. FEEDER PIGS 0....N0 market test. SHEEP 3....G00d and Choice 95 lbs. New Crop lambs 101.00. GOATS 0....N0 market lest Greencastle Livestock Creicartla. Pa. Man* L IMS SLAUGHTER CATTLE RECEIPTS: 627. SLAUGHTER STEERS: 140 HD. TREND: STEADY. HIGH CHOKE AND PRIME 2-4, 71.00- CHOKE 2-3 930-1075 LBS. 71.00- CHOICE 2-3 1073-1379 Introducing Maestro". hanks to the new Maestro” Automation System from Alfa Laval Agri, milking's never been easier to orchestrate. Available for Potomac Valley Supply 11606 Greencastle Pike Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-223-6877 LBS. 73.00-7100; CHOICE 2-3 OVER 1375 LBS. 65.00-75.75; CHOICE 4 ALL WEIGHTS 66.00-73.73; SELECT * CHOICE 1-2950-UOOLBS.6BXO-74.75; SELECT A CHOKE 1-21100-1373 LBS. 67.00-74.00; SELECT A CHOICE 1-2 OVER 137 S LBS. 64.00-7130. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 2-3 1050-1450 LBS. 66.50-72.00; SELECT 1-2 1030-1430 LBS. 60.00-66.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: SS HD. TREND: STEADY. CHOICE 2-3 830-1000 LBS. 66.00-74.00; CHOICE 2-3 1000-1230 LBS. 72X0-79.50; CHOICE 4 ALL WEIGHTS 66.00-73.75; SELECT A CHOICE 1-2 ISO-1000 LBS. 64.00-73.00; SELECT A CHOICE 1-21000-1230 LBS. 66.00-76.00. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 2-3 1000-1350 LBS. 63.00-69X0; SELECT A CHOICE 1-2 1000-1330 LBS. 37.004X00. SLAUGHTER BULLS; 29 HD. TREND: STEADY TO STRONGER. YIELD GRADE 1 ALL WEIGHTS 63.00-74.75; YIELD GRADE 2 ALL WEIGHTS 37.00-62J0. BULLOCKS: 4 HEAD. CHOICE 1-3 9SO-11S0 LBS., NONE; CHOICE 1-3 11S0-137S LBS., NONE; SELECT 1-2 950-1250 LBS. 68.00-75.75. COWS: 396 HD. TREND: STEADY TO STRONGER. BREAKING UTILITY A COMMERCIAL4B.OO-34.00; CUTTER A BONING UTTUTY 48.00-SS.7S; CAN NER A LOW CUTTER 47.00 A DOWN. STOCKER A FEEDER CATTLE The automation system. its elements are housed in an industrial-quality stainless steel enclo sure, Maestro will give your parlor a streamlined, high-tech appearance: provide you with better visibility and make clean-ups easier than ever. Contact your nearest independent Alfa Laval Agri dealer today. And hear about all the ways Maestro’s systematic, automated approach to milking can make you more efficient and profitable. It’ll be music to your ears. Bennett Machine Company 1601 So Dupont Blvd Milford, DE19963 302-422-4837 Paoplas Salas and Sarvfce Oakland Mills, PA 17076 717-463-2735 717-436-2735 Alfa Laval Agri Inc. • Kansas City, Missouri LancatMf Farming, Sturdty, March 6 IW3-Al9 RECEIPTS: 72 HD.. TREND: STEADY. BEEP TYPES: 200-400 LBS. STEERS 84.00- BULLS 78.00-101.00, HEIFERS 70.00-90.00; 400400 LBS. STEERS 74.00-84.00. BULLS 70.00- HEIFERS 69.00-79.00; 600-800 LBS. STEERS 70.00-78.50, BULLS 60.00-71.00; HEIFERS 66.00- 800-97 S LBS. STEERS 66.00- BULLS 37.0043X0; HEIF ERS, 62.00-7000. CALVES: SlO HD. VEAL CALVES. TREND: STEADY. CHOICE 150-300 LBS. 90.00-117.00; GOOD 150-300 LBS. 80.00- GOOD 100- ISO LBS. 70.00- GOOD 80-100 LBS. 600043.00; STANDARD 80-100 LBS. 5000-59.00; STANDARD 80 LBS. A DOWN 49.00 AND DOWN. CALVES RETURNING TO THE FARM: TREND: STEADY. HOLSTEIN BULLS OVER 100 LBS. UP TO 18000; UNDER 100 LBS. UP TO 175.00; HOLS TEIN HEIFERS OVER 100 LBS. UP TO 212J0; UNDER 100 LBS. UP TO 190.00; BEEF TYPE BULLS OVER 90 LBS. UP TO 190.00; BEEP TYPE HEIFERS OVER 90 LBS. 17000 SHEEP A LAMBS: 89 HD. LAMBS: TREND: STRONGER. CHOICE 80-100 LBS. 70.00-SS.OO; 100-120 LBS. 70.00- 120 AND OVER 56.00- MEDIUM AND GOOD. ALL WEIGHTS. 70.00-82.00; LIGHT LAMBS 85.00-106.0 a H. B. Duvall, Inc. 901 East Patrick St Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-1125 Out of State 800-423-4032 Stephanl Dairy Service RR 02 Columbia Crossroads, PA 16914 717-297-2580 SHEEP: EWES LEAN 31.00-39.00; EWES PAT 2100-36.00; YEARLINGS 40.00-52.00; BUCKS 24.00-35.00. GOATS: M HD.. SMALL 154X1-31.00; MEDIUM 31.00-57.00; LARGE 57.00-104.00. HOGS, SOWS 1 BOARS: 14S HD. TREND: 1.00 LOWER. HOGS, BAR ROWS * GILTS; 210-250 LBS. 44.00-46.50, 250-260 LBS. 43.50-44.50 260-270 LBS. 41.00-43.75; 270-300 LBS. 4000-4130 LIGHT HOGS: 140-I*o LBS. 25.00-33.00; I*o-210 LBS. 34.00-39.50. SOWS: TREND: 1.00 LOWER. GOOD SOWS UNDER 400 LBS. 35.0040.00; GOOD SOWS OVER 400 LBS. 36.50-43.00; CULL SOWS ALL WEIGHTS 33.00 A DOWN. BOARS: TREND: STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER. I*o-210 LBS. 34.00-3530; 210-260 LBS. 34.00-35.50; 260-300 LBS. 29.00- 300 LBS. A OVER 29.00- SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 2-00 P.M. A EVERY THURSDAY AT IKX) P.M. HAY A STRAW SALE EVERY MON DAY A THURSDAY AT 11:30 A.M. SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE; FRIDAY, MARCH. 5.1993, AT 7:15 P.M. SPECIAL FEEDER PIG SALE: SATURDAY, MARCH 27. AT 1.-00 PAL (Turn to Pag* A 23) United Dairy Co-op Services To Meet SENECA FALLS, N. annual meeting of United Dairy Coopera tive Services Inc., is to be held Wednesday, March 17.10:30 a.m., at United’s office, 12 N. Park SL, Seneca Falls, N.Y. The meeting is to include a review of the past year’s activities, the financial report, and reports by the officers. There is also be an election of six directors, three at-large, and three from member cooperatives. Those whose terms are ending and who are eligible for re-election are directors-at-large James Patsos, Roland Schallenberg, and Glen Seeley; and cooperative members Hubert Dinin ny, from Addison, Dale Wiltsey, from Otselic Valley, and J.W. Welch, from Progressive Dairy men’s co-op. There will not be any bylaw changes this year. AH members arc wel come to attend. Those who wish to attend should call United’s office at (315) 568-2750 for lunch reservations. A board of directors reorgan izational meet ing is to be held immedi ately following the elec tion of directors during the annual meeting. AIR TOOLS IN STOCK! Please write for prices. Prompt UPS Service Beiler’s
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