|U FRUITS & H M VEGETABLES rj. A Vegetable growing sup plies and equipment Raised and flatbed mulch layers, transplanters, and mulch lifters. 3 pt. and horse drawn models avail able. Fruit and vegetable packing lines, plastic mulch, drip and small over head irrigation equipment Free Catalog. MARTIN’S PRODUCE SUPPLIES. 625 Britton RD., Shippens burg. PA 1 7257 (717)532-5918. NURSERY All sizes unsheard Douglas Fir. Must move. Lancaster County. 215-267-7070. Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. Caretree 36’ tree spade, 3-pt hitch very lew hours 215-756-6610; 215-285-2120 $6OOO. For The: Ontologist £ SEEDLINGS^ Pines - Firs - Spruce Sch&efer Tree Farm Box 1240 Hay Road Temple, Pa. 19560 Also: Machine Dug B&B Conflers (13 Species) jk Wholesale Retail J J||s. 215-929-0522 ' % After Dark yfy Berks County ± EVERGREEN Ml seedlings & TRANSPLANTS Many varieties of Fir, Hemiock, Pine & Spruce are still available TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS RR 2, Box 2070 Shickshinny, PA 18655 717-256-3566 Ask for Allan “Proudly Serving The Fussiest Boys In The Business" 14 4 *4 •evergreen*!* Seedlings and A SCOTCH PINE ■ Spanish t Franch s'-10'2 yr. seedling 8“ • 14’ 3 yr. seedling R.P. 10' • 18' 3 yr. seedling R.P. AUSTRIAN PINE S' -10'2 yr. seedling 6“-12* 3 yr. seedling R.P. WHITE PINE • Southern A N.E.* S'-10'2 yr. seedling 6* ■ 12* 3 yr. seedling 6' -14* 2-2 transplant HIMALAYAN PINE 6'-12'3 yr. seedling VIRQINIA PINE* 7" -14" 3 yr. seedling R.P. C.P. SOUTHWESTERN WHITE PINE 6'-12* 3 yr. seeding NORWAY SPRUCE* 7'-14* Syr. seedling 6' • 12* 3-1 transplant 6' -14* 2-2 tranaplant Haines pallet bln dumper, complete w/motor and pump $2,000 (717) 887-3258 daya (717) 886-0226 evenings TREE TRANSPUNTERS, 3 models, plants trees from 3’ seedlings to 10' shade trees. Rentals also avail able. TREE PUNT DE SIGN INC. RO 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. WANTED: Anyone out there have a 44’ tree spade for loader hook-up that is still alive? Spencer Schaefer, Box 1240 Hay RD, Temple, PA 19560 (215)929-0522 after dark. Cmhw Nursery Aevercteen4 P.O. Box 339 □ Mill Laos □ Columbus, N.J. 08022 tSuL£* » (609) 298-0477 A 44 DAVID W. CROSHAW ▼ » PRICE LIST —1992 and SPRING 1993 PER* PER* 100-299 300-499* FOB FOB 0.26 0.32 0.34 0.30 0.36 0.38 0.26 0.34 0.30 0.38 0.29 0.43 0.75 0.33 0.47 0.85 0.44 0.48 0.31 0.3 S 0.42 0.46 0.34 0.60 0.75 0.38 0.85 0.85 Cornus Kousa Dogwood Cheninsus: 24-30", 100-400, 500-350, 1000-300; 18-24" 100-300, 500-250, 1000-200; 12-15" 100-250, 500-200, 1000-150. J.R. NURSERY. RDI, Box 182, Allentown, NJ 08501 609-259-7225. ELLIOTT'S CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS AND NURSERY Container stock, fruit, shade trees, seedlings/transplants. Concolor Fir 2-0, 6"-12", s2oom; Douglas Fir 2-0, 8"-15", sl3om; Grand Fir 2-0, 4"-8", slBsm; Scotch Pine 2-0, 4"-8", s9om. Call for free price list. 717-349-9916; 717-349-7319; 717-349-2538. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPUNTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 WANTED Soft wood logs for chipping. Cut to 5” minimum diameter and 14’ long. CaU (717) 354-4174 For details. —Penn Ag— Products New Holland, PA Bare Root Flaming Stock PMtH M l«M ABIES Balsams* (BalMm Pit) »*r s. • •12* S ... ABIES asncslsr (Whits Fir) • •12* 8.. . 00 14-20* 8. (Heavy) 100 ABIES Irassrl (Fraser Fir) s*r s PiCEA sßisa (Msnvay Sprues) *-r s 24 • •12* S 40 • 12* tr 8. (Hsavy) M 11*24* 8. (Heavy) ..70 PICEA alsuea (While Sprues) »•»* 8 92 B*l2* 8... 40 12* tr 8 ~ 00 PICEA flsues Senseis (■lack Hills WMl* Sprues) 9-S* 8 <0 S*r 8 44 NNUt aylvaalrla OuaOarrama (Spantah Saaleh Final (Faat Orawlnf Chilalmaa Traa) FtCEA ablaa (Narway Spruce) * »*r 4 .. 32 tao *-r 40 IflO * # ‘ ,r # 32S *'T 44 IS • s(Haaay) 75 375 7-r M 400 I# * lr B tM** v 7) 55 42$ * w FICEA glauca (While Spruea) FtNUS thunkarfl (Japanaaa Black Fine) 4.5’ so (Nat f rawing, aiatla (arm) <>s* 40 IBA •*«“ 8 52 240 • •T’ 41 S® • 14-2 T S.(Haavy) 74 370 *" 30*4T S. (Heavy)....... .. .100 MO NWS atrabua (Eaatern While Fine) FSEUOOTBUOA laxNalla alauaa. 4-r . . , 4f Unaaln NF (Blue Oauftoa FH 7»r 54 4-r f... .31 1M * 4*l2* 5... 44 240 FSEUOOTSUOA taxllalla (Oaualaa Fir) * 12*ir 8.(Haaw)»~» ..40 300 *•s■ 40 1T5.1? ,, S "“jj ""i. thuja *:» S * s*r 8.'.'.!" .!s4 240 4.a-Arkarvllae)^ I• 1 r tZZ’ZZZ/ ’Z. io _* NDKATts 10% maeomr tA/tneo fob Quuamt* of moo ok wow WCBA amarlka (IwUm Ihum) s-r s u •*i t % so is-ir s so PICEA sungtn* alauca, KUSab H.P. (llua tiraei) *-r s m • •12* 8 SI PWUB (laillla ratlaxa (Mailcan Whlla Pina) S-r 8....... 40 • •12* 8. (Haavy) M 12-ir 8 (Haavy) M PER* SOO&Up FOB WHITE SPRUCE 6*-12* Syr. seedling 0.150 0.180 0.190 COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE • San Juan, Uneomphra, Rio Grande 6* -12* 3 yr. seedling 6' • 14' 2-2 transplant 0.150 0.190 SERBIAN SPRUCE 6' -12" 3 yr. seedling 0.165 0.235 0.540 DOUGLAS FIR • Lincoln, Santd Fe A Gila 8" • 16* 3 yr. seedling 10' -18' 3 yr. seedling 6' • 12' 2-1 transplant 6' -14'2-2 transplant *0.240 CONCOLOR FIR 5“ • 9* 2 yr. seedling 6'-12* Syr. seedling 0.175 FRASER FIR • SPRING ONLY 5' • 10* 3 yr. seedling 0.230 CANADIAN HEMLOCK • SPRING ONLY* 6* -12* 3 yr. seedling B'-12* 2-2 transplant 0.190 0.420 0.550 MILLER’S GREENHOUSES Wholesale Growers Of Bedding Plants - Perennials For Your 1993 Price List Write: Miller’s Greenhouses, Inc. 485 Church St. Landlsviife, PA 17538 (717) 898-8741 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave Nf tW Pm IM HMD* inn fMtmla (Owsrt Mas Muf* nrM) »*r t..™ 44 2SO ■*«* • «0 456 WNUS ntfra (Austrian Pina) • J*r s .L.ao * 12-ir to PINUt r*iln«M (PM •* Norw»y Pin*) w-ir S. . si malt Blrstua (Caalwn Whlia Pina} **r m ioo 140 * *’ ir . 8 "* «0 250 US * t!.& 450 *-ABIX (Japanaaa Larch) FIND* •ylmtilt, rimnn «•<£»', •' 65 ‘Ms <Froneh mut Fine) JJ'J* ®» *» 110 |Fm OrMkif Ctulalmai Tim) KKr S(Hmv») mo 700 * 5-r «... . M 1U 000 •■ lr * 65 «» '•-of iW’:. 15 425 * »uill»0( Stock (In wire kukolt) O*W. I# •> (Mk Mn Ml Kina) Mahanoy WHOLESALE * RETAIL v . u * , growers and suppliers Valley Nurseries WHOLESALE UST SPRING 1993 • Prict Is ptr tm ORDER EARLY A*- rootprun* h) IN hi ItM THUJA •rttmaUt auraa Oflanlal Arbarvllu) “* »•!r s"|Hm>y| ... M tea THUJA •rltnlalla campaeta ijz (Compact Oftantal Arkwvilat) 280 •♦I? 8 (Haavy) M 450 FHUJA •rlanuila pyramWaiis (PyramMal Orlanial Arborvllat} »*•* • ao no • S {Haavy) $0 400 15*2T S (Haavy) 120 $OO Hogar D. Salyarda R D. 2, Boa 2131 Duncannon, pa 17020 POona (717) 114-2 MO 1-000-S2S-0514 0.30 0.35 0.160 0.180 0.32 0.36 0.550 0.75 0.85 0.270 0.50 0.54 0.230 0.235 0.430 0.550 0.42 0.43 0.61 0.75 0.46 0.47 0.65 0.85 0.195 0.245 0.35 0.45 0.39 0.49 0.55 0.275 0.51 0.250 6.50 0.88 0.46 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30, 1993-C29 QSJ LAWNS GARDEN Grasshopper 61” mower deck w/blower attachment, $950. (410)833-1847 Grasshopper Demo72l-D w/61" deck, $7,750 (410)833-1847 John Deere walk-behind w/ catcher, 32”, like new $1,050. (410)833-1847 Will Repair Lawn, Garden and Farm Equipment. Rate $2O hour. 717-867-1400. HI SERVICES CORRECTIVE HOOF TRIMMING. Hydraulic table, gentle to cows Myron Nolt (717)548-2849. Hoof Trimming, Isaac Bru baker. 717-345-2656. Ken's Furniture Refmish ing. Expert refinishing fast service pick-up and deliv ery available 717-665-6167 POLLINATION Tony or Ellen B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST Wasps & Hornets Venomous Insects. 1-800-47-STING Soybean roasting on your farm. Dale L. Schnupp, RD 6, Lebanon, PA 17042 717-865-6611, r CUP & SAVE THIS AD T MERV’S HAULING M TOBACCO. HAY, STRAW AND j/ EQUIPMENT 717-355-0208 or OQ 717-687-7939 L I Hauling By Ziesemer light Hauling Hay, Equipment, Building Supplies, Etc. 717/733-0844 jw i sssm V LJ OO SERVICE • ISV2 Ton Max. Load Capacity • 26 Ft. Cargo Araa • Side Panala & Tarp Available If Required • Special Leasing Rates P.O. BOX 00 Rlk Htrr CONESTOGA. PA 1751 1-0016 (717) 071 -0601 —-- LLOYD 2. NOLI (717) 733-7226 l=l l\ wousiha. |coM®m I AGRICULTURAL I RESIDENT! A. TASJIK®, Brand new from DTN AgDaily- Color and a whole lot more! Over 60,000 producers rely on DTN AgDaily each day for ag news, market quotes and radar weather. As America's largest provider of electronically trans mitted ag market information, DTN Announces: COLOR HAS ARRIVED Our new AgDaily 6001 features the sharpest graphics...more programmable quotes and charts...the most complete weather package - avail able to the producer. AgDaily 600 j provides you with the time sensitive information you need to market more profitably. That's because DTN gives you news...not history. For a 20 day free trial Call Roy at (717) 244-2733 WORKSHOP Seminar, How to Keep the Farm in the Family. For information call (717)560-0371. CATTLE I HOOP TRIMMING >(215) 345-0897 Zimmerman s Custom Freezing Complete Mobile Unit P.O. Box 43 New Holland, PA 17557 717-355-2048 1-800-472-2641 PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING: Over 20 years experience Fast and accurate work. 70-100 cows per day Increases milk production. Easy and gentle on the cows and farmer No farmer’s help needed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 717-755-0770 _4lO-484-6191 1301 LINCOLN ROAD UTITZ, PA 17543
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