C2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30, 19! C.M- SCHNELLE PEED Looking For Suppliers Of Racetrack Quality Hay And Straw 215/255-4378. 302/999-1201 HTfl KEYSTONE MILLS - Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Wheat and Barley During harvest Season Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 PEANUT HULLS Whole Or Ground. Ship anywhere. Also, long distance livestock hauling. VANCE Livestock Tracking Strasburg, VA 0 1/800-682-3217 For Prices and Rates Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. 3109 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908-475-2578 • Beds like straw but absorbs 60% • 60 Lb. & 700 Lb. Bales Available sctter..5 ctter .. • All products arc hand sorted • Shredded into 5/8 strip , . , , • Order with or without bags * Delivered in totally enclosed truck We Deliver Outside Local Area - Good Prices @ AG-RECYCLING 215-383-0320 c/o Leon Lapp Highlands Corporate Center • 735 Fox Chase Building 107 • Coatesville, PA 19320 CONCERNED ABOUT Com Quality? SUBSTITUTE Hominy Feed • Free of mold and toxins • Made from Human Consumption Graded Com • Higher In Energy Than #2 Com • Already ground into useable form • available in most Md, Del, Pa., W. Va., Va., N.Y. and N.J. Points Call PACMA Today for details: 717-838-7050 1-800-PACMA me INC. M.H, MARTIN CO. UNCASTER COUNTY, PA (717) 738-1312 • • KILN DRIED WHITE PINE WOOD SHAVINGS 4 Cu. Ft. Bale - Dust Free Delivered FREE 40 bales $ ISO 00 120 bales s4so°° Bagged Dry Shavings For Dairy Bulk -» 200 bu sloo°° Delivered J4OO bu slBo°° Bags (4 cu. ft.) •« 40 for sl2o°® Delivered Jl2O for $330“ Saw Dust and Shavings for Horses Bulk . . 200 bu $80“ Delivered } 400 bu sl4o° Bags (4 cu. ft.) . 40 for $100“ Delivered } 120 for $270“ SHREDDED NEWSPAPER A Very Good Bedding Over 300 Satisfied Customers More advantages than disadvantages. Very absorbant. Lower cell counts perfect for manure pits v We now have paper £4O a ton FOB Honey Brook, Order Early write: Stoltzfus Enterprises RD 1 Box 704 Honey Brook, PA 19344 or call Answering Service 215-273-9266 OR CONTACT YOUR NEAREST DEALER: JAMES KREIDER LESLIE ROHRER Ouarryville, PA ' Millmount, PA 717/786*3936 717/922-3365 LEROY BUZZARD N^; d .'.r A OAVID ROHRER 717/354-56*1 Middleburg, PA ARMSTRONG BROTHERS 717/637-5256 Port Royal, PA 717/527-4554 ROD P^HTHEMER MONN'S FIREWOOD Mantllak), PA Shlppanaburg, PA (Almost At The NY Line) 1-600/762-0945 717/662-2756 WSPAPER BEDDING STRIPS 4 Shredded 5/8” Wide " As Low As s4o°° Per Ton FOB Os DUST FREE LESS LITTER FERTILIZER 11 1 nun? TO SUIT 11 YOURSELFi • We Deliver by Dump Truck • You pick up or • Use our spreaders! Rohrer’s Quality Hi-Cal Damp Lime 92% CCE Calcium Oxide ENP 69 Magnesium Oxide 55% passing 100 mesh 65% passing 60 mesh 98% passing 20 mesh NOW ONLY $ 5 BO Per Ton (Picked-Up) {^uam\uvc. Registered with PA Department of Agriculture Middle Earth Farm (s tocking for suppliers of quality timothy - timothy/alfalfa mix and blight wheat or barley straw. (215) 932-5968 Ba£l fertilizer /m \ M.H. MARTIN CO. |j >1 UNCASTER COUNTY, PA (717) 738-1312 MUSHROOM MULCH Delivered ioo bu. $60.00 ioo bu. $90.00 1,000 bu. $150.00 BARK MULCH - Delivered Syd*. $140.00 10 yd*. s2so.ooloyd*. $830.00 For Sale POULTRY MANURE * Delivered To Your Farm * Low Moisture * Order Now For Spring Delivery WnMartirunc. Ml. Joy. PA 717/653-5935 LltHz, PA • (717) 626-9760 BLENDERS -DEALERS: Largest Wholesaler of Fer tilizer and Raw Materials in the East. Complete inven tory of granular, solubles, liquid and micronutients Farmers call for nearest dealer. Excellent backhaul. HYDRO/KIRBY AGRI, Lancaster, PA 1-717-299-2541, 1-800-745-7524. Chicken manure: excellent fertilizer replacement, $4/ton FOB or can deliver. Large quantity discount Call and reserve your supply. (717)334-8553 HEN HOUSE FERTILIZER (layer manure), spreader truck service available Call evenings 717/684-2490. | Poultry S Manure 7 | For Sale I t Spreading • 7 available locally. I I Also mushroom V I mulch for sale 7 | 717/354-4174 J 43% 6%
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