A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 10,1988 N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, Dec. 6 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A" BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: EX. LARGE .96-1.00 •9S-.99 .99-1.03 .99 1.05-1.12 1.05 1.03-1.10 N. HAMP. MOSTLY R.I. MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY MAINE NE Chicken Parts Thursday, December 8, 1988 Prices were generally unchanged under an unsettled and mixed trade sentiment. Offerings were also in an irregular position from plant to plant and area to area Retail and distributive movement varied and was at best moderate. TODAY’S NEGOTIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M., PRICES PAID PER POUND ON ICE PACKED PARTS LANCASTER FARMIN' Everett R. Newswanger, Managing Editor Patricia S. Purcell, Staff Writer Lou Ann Good, Staff Writer Uaa Rlsser, Staff Writer NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Ginger Myers, Adams Llttlestown (717)359-7542 Bonnie Brechblll, Franklin Chamberaburg (717)369-2916 Mary Myera, Perry Elliotlsburg (717)582-4047 Craig Bingman, Snyder, Union, Juniata Beaver Springs (717)837-0085 Betsy Yoder, Huntingdon Huntingdon (814)667-3413 Carolyn Gilles, Crawford Meadville (814)724-4269 Randy Wells, Indiana Marlon Center (412)397-2529 Marianne Walker, Center Warriors Mark (814)692-2216 Linda Williams, Bedford Bedford (814)623-5745 Helen Kelchner, Columbia Berwick (717)752-4619 Beth Huber, Maryland Frederick (301)694-9329 Sharon Schuster, Maryland New Windsor (301)635-2654 Sue Crow, Maryland Kennedyville (301)648-5687 Karl Berger, Special Maryland (301)473-5178 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATK Subscription Price: $lO.OO per year; $lB.OO - 2 years $25 00 per year outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA 4 WV $4B 00-2 Years Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $lO 00 per year; $lB 00 - 2 years by Lancas ter Farming, P O Box 6091 E Mam Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Second Class postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER Send address changes to LAN CASTER FARMING, 1 East Mam Street, P O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone Lancaster (717)394-3047, Lititz (717)626-1164 or Ephrata (717)733-6397 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203)966-1746 PUBLISHER S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is stnctly limited to publication of the advertisement m any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement LARGE MEDIUM SMALL .89-.93 .73-.7V ,44-.48 .91-.92 .7S-.76 46.47 .92-.96 .76-.80 _ .48-.51 .92 .76 .48 1.00-1.04 .79-. BS 100 .85 .96-1 03 .80-.87 51-.58 DELIVERED IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES: ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING BREASTS SKINNED BONE LESS 185-190 RIBS ON 91-92 LINE RUN 90 LEGS 37-38 LEG QUARTERS 30 WINGS 61-63 BACKS & NECKS 10-12 LIVERS 15-20 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 40-45. Includes New York City Metropolitan area. Northern New Jersey, Massachusetts. Connecticut and Rhode Island. B automatic 3rS arm JgJL*? systems H[ | A 608 Evergreen Rd. OILIJM Lebanon, PA 17042 (717)274-5333 Heinsey’s Poultry Root*, East Petersburg Tuesday, December 6, 1988 Muscovy Ducks, Drakes Range ,72-,86. Hens .S4-.64. Pekin Ducks ,28-,42. Pullets 4-6# .40-.56. Red Fowl: 4-4.5# .8-.24; 5-6# .28-.55. Crossbred Roosters: 4-6# .40-.72; 7-12# .40-.68. Crossbred Fowl: 5-9# .20-.52. Banty Roosters 1.50-4.00 ea. Banty Hens .75-1.25 ea. Guinea Pigs .10-4.25 ea. Goats 48.00-68.00 ea. Guinea Fowl .75-1.05. Geese 8-14# .20-.64. Pigeons 1.35-1.85 ea. White Pigeons 3.50-4.70 ea. Rabbits: 4-6# 1.00-1.38; 7-11# .80-1.02. Leghorn Roosters .10-.24.- Leghom Hens ,10-.22. Bunnies .75-4.50 ea. Doves 2.50-4.00 ea. Silkies 5.00-7.00 ea. Total Coops Sold 810. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, N.J. Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .20-.60. LEGHORN FOWL .30-.60. MIXED FOWL .55. ROASTERS 1.05. BANTAMS .30-.50. ROOSTERS .50-70. DUCKS .40-1.30. TURKEYS .3S-.75. RABBITS .50-1.85. PIGEONS 1.40-1.50. GUINEAS 1.20-1.35. WHITE JUMBO & EXTRA LARGE .70-.80; LARGE .35-.66; MEDIUM .32-.48. BROWN JUMBO X LGE. .94-1.11; LARGE ■7l-.97; MEDIUM .SS-.77. Prices were unchanged to instances low er. Trade sentiment remained unsettled and cautious. Buying activity was mixed with advance inquiry improving. Raw materials were generally available but held with var ying degrees of confidence. Most breakers were adjusting schedules in line with upcoming holidays. Floor stocks were suf ficient for current and anticipated needs. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) U.S.D.A. INSPECTED CLASS TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) WHOLE 44-46 MOSTLY 45 47-55 BLENDS (/) - MOSTLY - 50-59 WHITES 39-40 MOSTLY 40 41-48 YOLKS (MIN. 43% SOLIDS) SUGARED 58-61 MOSTLY 59-60 62-70 SALTED 52-54 MOSTLY 54 - (/)-WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERAL LY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. WANTED TO BUY CAPONS & GEESE Top Prices Paid Call Eberly Poultry 215-267-6440 IT DOES NOT PAY! Pay When you Buy Your Feed. Make Your Own With A MASTER MILL You New York & Phila. Frozen Egg Report Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From FH., Dec. 2 to Thurs., Dec. 8 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM OFF GRADE UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 48-50 LBS. 34.00-35.00, 50 LBS. UP 35.00-37.00. WED. 48-50 LBS. 34.00-36.00,50 LBS. UP. 36.00-38.00. TOURS, 48-50 LBS. 35.00-37.00, 50 LBS. UP 37.00-38.00. Delmarva Broiler-Fryer Report Thursday, December 8, 1988 Demand for ready-to-cook whole birds continued good. Supplies were adequate at best In the parts complex all items were in lair balance with wings in the best position. Less than trucklot asking prices were unchanged at 55 to 66 cents. Live supplies were moderate. Weights were desirable to heavy. Slaughter schedules were mod erately heavy. The undertone was fully steady. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000). ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WGT. ACTUAL AVG. WGT. 12/8 12/6 12/6 12/1 11/29 1983 1996 4.68 1986 4.71. NEW YORK MULTIPLE DROP BROILER REPORT: CURRENT BROILER/FRYER NEGO TIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMAR VA. BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 55-66 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 61.89 NO. OF BOXES 8097. Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, Dec. 8, 1988 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: PRICES WERE UNCHANGED TO LOWER ON MEDIUMS, UNCHANGED ON THE BALANCE. TRADE SENTIMENT WAS STEADY TO OCCASIONALLY FULLY STEADY. OVERALL DEMAND CON TINUED TO IMPROVE AND WAS FAIR TO GOOD. SUPPLIES WERE ADEQU ATE TO FULLY ADEQUATE AND AVAILABLE. PRICES TO RETAILERS: SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS. CON SUMER GRADES WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR: A EXTRA LARGE .62-65'/.; A LARGE 60-.63V!; A MEDIUM .51-.54'/.. New England Shell Eggs Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Prices were unchanged. Trade sentiment was steady. Movement at all levels was fair to good and supplies were generally adequate. PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS FOR LOOSE BROWN EGGS AT FARM, CASES EXCHANGED. GRADE YIELD BASIS. CENTS PER DOZEN: RANGE JUMBO .77-.80; EX LARGE .70-.73; -LARGE .63-.66; MEDIUM .47-.50; SMALL .18-.21. BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS - SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, CON SUMER GRADE BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR. CENTS PER DOZEN: A EXTRA LARGE .89-.91; A LARGE .S2-.84; A MEDIUM .66-.65. New York Egg Market Thursday, December 8, 1988 Prices were lower on mediums, unchanged on the balance. Trade sentiment remained steady. Demand was mostly moderate in a wide range from light to good. P aor stocks were adequate to fully adequate and some dealers intentionally accumulated pre-holiday inventories. Sup plies of all sizes were available. PRICES TO RETAILERS - SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, CONSUMER GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: \ EXTRA LARGE ,64-.66; A LARGE 61-.64; A MEDIUM .S2-.55. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 National Egg Market Wednesday, December 7, 1988 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged. The market lone was steady to fully steady m the Soulh, Midwest and West Coast, steady in the Northeast. Demand was generally mod erate in a range of light to good. Retail spe cials were evident in most regions and pro vided the best movement Supplies were adequate to fully adequate in all regions with the exception of large in heavily fea tured parts of the West Coast and mediums in some Midwest areas. Breakers provided a light to moderate demand and shell egg offerings were light in the South, generally adequate elsewhere. Live supplies of spent hens were at least adequate under a barely steady to weak market tone. Eastern PA & New Jersey Poultry Report Wednesday, December 7, 1988 EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY LIVE POULTRY REPORT: Prices were lower. The under tone was barely steady to weak. Supplies were generally adequate. Finished product moved well. LIVE LIGHT TYPE HENS; AT FARM 8-10 MOSTLY - F. 0.8. PLANT - MOSTLY. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Tuesday, December 6, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 268...PDA...Compered with last Tuesday’! market: Slaughter steers $1.50 to $2 lower. Cows $2 lower. Choice si. steers 67.00-71.85, Select 65-67.50, Standard 58.00-62.00. Choice si. heifers 65.00- Select 63-64.60, few Standard 53.00- Breaking Utility & Commer cial si. cows 45.00-48.35, Cutter & Boning Utility 43.00-46, Canner & Low Cutter 37.00- Shells down to 29.00. Few Standard si. bullocks 54.00-56.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1400/2050 lbs. si. bulls 52.00- No. 2 1000/1400 lbs. 49.50-52.50. Feeder Cattle; Medium Frame No. 1, 350/550 lbs. steers 69.00- 600/800 lbs. 64.00-67.00. Medium Frame No. 1-2,350/500 lbs. heif ers 64.00-71, 600/800 lbs. 60.00-64.00. Medium Frame No. 1, 330/540 lbs. bulls 65.00- Lot Medium #2, 690 lbs. 55.50. CALVES 122... Few Good vealers 87.00- one Choice 99.00, Standard and Good 90/120 lbs. 64.00-88.00, 60/85 lbs. 58.00- few Utility 50/70 lbs. 35.00- Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100.00-145.00. HOGS 243...8arr0ws and gilts mostly .SO to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 220/260 lbs. 38.50-39.75.1-3 220/277 lbs. 37.00-38.85, 2-3 215/275 lbs. 36.00-37.20, 1-3 130/180 lbs. 28.00-32.50. US No. 1-3 300/625 lbs. sows 28.00-31.00, 2-3 325/580 lbs. 25.00-28.00. Few Boars 20.00-25.00. FEEDER PIGS 2...N0 Market Test. SHEEP S...SmaU Lot Choice 139 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 58.00. One Slaughter sheep 14.00. GOATS 12...5ma11 14.00-16.00 all per head. Peoria Cattle Peoria, Illinois Thursday, December 8, 1988 FEDERAL-STATE OPENING. MID SESSION AND CLOSE CATTLE: 10 NOT ENOUGH OFFERED FOR A MARKET TEST
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