r—zm MARKETS / New Holland Feeder Pigs New Holland, PA December 7, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction 777 HEAD. I’S & 2’S: 30-39 LBS. 61.00-89 00, 40-49 LBS. 54.00-80.00; 50-59 LBS 61 00-73.00. 2’S & 3’S; 30-40 LBS. 52.00-82 00 Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Sat., Dec. 3, 1988 Report supplied by auction 1020 HEAD. US 1 215-245 LBS. 41.00-43.00. US 1-2 215-245 LBS. 39.50-40.75. US 2-4 210-255 LBS. 37.00-38.00. SOWS ALL WEIGHTS- 24.00-28.00. BOARS: UNDER 270 LBS, 25.00-28.00; OVER 270 LBS 22 00-24.00. New Holland Hog Auction Lancaster, Pa. Monday, December 5, 1988 Hog Receipts: Today 1493 Last Monday 1061 Last Year 1115 TREND. Compared to last Monday bar rows and gilts 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-255 lb 39 00-40 25. US 1 215-235 43.50. US 1-3 210-260 lb 38 00-39 00 US 2-4 220-260 LB 36 50-38.00 one lot US 3-4 272 lb 33.00. RECEIVING SLAUGHTER HOGS Wednesdays - 7-11 A.M. C.A. Hulshart Receiving Station Stewartstown, PA • Southern York Co. 7 Miles east of i-83 Authorized Smldley Dealer Arlie Cornbower, 717-235-2069 Sale Barn, 717-993-2117 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ ★ Direct off the farm ★ ★ ★ Give us a call whether you are buying or selling No Feeder Sale Fri., Dec. 23 No Hog Sale Sat., Dec. 24 OPEN: Mon., Dec. 26 As Usual Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Fri., Dec. 30 at 11:00 A.M. CLOSED: No Hog Sale Sat., Dec. 31 Open Same As Usual Mon., Jan. 2, 1989 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Diet Um Commission Firm Keeping Abreast State Graded Feeder Pig Sale at Westminster Livestock Auction December 2, 1988 1103 PIGS. 2 WEEKS AGO 1916; COMPARED TO LAST SALE PRICES WERE $5-10 PER HUNDRED HIGHER. ALL PIGS WEIGHED ON ARRIVAL AND SOLD BY THE POUND. GRADE 1&2: 23 HD. 28-36 LBS 48.00*57.00; 79 HD. 40-44 LBS. 67.00- 121 HD. 42-49 LBS, 52.00- 433 HD. 50-59 LBS. 52 00-61.50; 222 HD. 61-69 LBS 50.00- 38 HD. 74-79 LBS 42 00-51.00; 18 HD. 141-152 LBS 34 50-41.50. GRADE 1: 32 HD. 75 LBS. 57.00. GRADE 2: 17 HD. 20-32 LBS 38.00-46.00; 33 HD. 41-45 LBS 42 00-57.00. GRADE 2&3: 37 HD. 43 LBS. 36.00 NEXT SALE: DEC. 16. 1-30 PM. Peoria Hogs Peoria, Illinois Thursday, December 8, 1988 FEDERAL-STATE MIDSESSION AND CLOSE HOGS; 2000 TRADING ACTIVE. BARROWS AND GILTS MOSTLY STEADY COMPARED WITH WEDNESDAY. US 1-3 220-250 LBS. 39.00-39.50 2-3 240-260 LBS. 37 50-39 00 260-280 LBS 35.50-37.50 SOWS: STEADY 14%. US 1-3 325-400 LBS. 27.00-27.50 400-500 LBS. MOSTLY 27.00, FEW 26 50 500-650 LBS. 27.00-27 50. BOARS: OVER 350 LBS. 29 00 UNDER 350 LBS. 26 00-28 00. HOG 214 HC 39.00-39.50 HD 39.00- HE 39.00-39 50 HI 39.00- HJ 39.00-39 50 UK 38.50-39.50 HQ 37.50-38.50 PIG SALE Graded on USDA Standards First and Third Thursday 4 p.m. South Central Virgi nia Feeder Pig Sale, Farmville, VA All pigs from pseudo rabies tested herds Phone Sale Day 804-392-5376 Home Phone 804-983-2869 Tele Auction - No charge to be on conference call GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG I FUTURES MARKETS I CORN FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR. DEC. 258’/. 252’/. 258 255’/. 256% MAR 89 268% 265 269% 268% 269% MAY 273 269% 274% 273% 273% JUL 275% 272% 276% 275% 275% SEPT 260 258% 261 259% 258% DEC. 255 253% 257% 257% 256 SOYBEANS FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR, 768’/. 780’/. 783% 782% 770 714% 681 DEC. MAR. MAY JUL. AUG. SEPT. NOV. CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR. 71.50 71.45 73.10 71.75 69 62 DEC. FEB. 89 APR. JUNE AUG. FUTURES MARKET TRENDS fgy&g? GRABS AND LIVESTOCK j This market information provided by ACRES ACRES is a copyrighted \ | market information service developed by the American Farm Bureau and available to Pennsylvania farmers on a daily basis through Pennsylvania ~r - f Farmers Association Farm Management Services For additional market "vV comments and trading service contact PFA Commodity Futures Service U M (717)761 2740 ACRES CORN UPDATE: Com futures closed lower and at session lows in response to late local long liquidation, posting los ses from unchanged on the deferred December contract to 2-3/4 on the spot option. Selling throughout the session was tied to the lack of fresh fundamentals with the market awaiting news on Egypt’s tender for 250,000 metric tonnes. Losses in the spot Decem ber were tied to the continued heavy delivery pace with its close today 2-3/4 cents lower at $2.55-1/4. ACRES SOYBEAN UPDATE: Soybean futures closed lower from 2 to 5-1/4 cents on late long liquidation. Today’s Home And Youth Homestead Notes Home On The Range B 6 Cook’s Question Comer B 8 Kid’s Korncr 810 FFA Happenings 822 4-H Happenings 826 Features Brian Wclty Trainaholic Bobbi White Makc-It-Yoursclf Winners ....818 Jefferson Century Farms 824 Charolais Show Vairy Columbia DHIA Meeting.... A 24 Crawford Holstein. Cumberland DHIA Adams DHIA Chester DHIA Berks DHIA Dauphin DHIA (Daily closing bids; Friday, Dec. 2 through Thursday, Dee. 8) 756% 769% 774% 773 763% 711 678 768 781 786% 785% 774% 722 689% 733% 783% 790% 789% 779 725% 693 71.55 71 47 73 57 72 05 70 07 71 37 71 27 73 17 71 75 69 77 71.40 71.35 73 17 71.77 69 75 session was choppy with both buying and selling attributed to conflicting South American weather forecasts. This market has turned into a full-blown weather market with all eyes focused on the latest reports from South America. Today’s steep climb in the dollar had little impact on the soy futures. Some pressure was in response to news that Taiwan had passed on its tenders. January lost 5-1/4 cents and closed out the day at $7.68. ACRES WHEAT UPDATE: Wheat futures closed higher today from 1/2 on the July option to 3 cents on the spot option with buy ing linked to a firmer export link- ##i this B 2 Al 9 814 818 D2O A 36 .823 .837 .C 9 D 23 D 24 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December to, 1988-A3 WHEAT DEC. 419 413% 420 423 429% MAR. 89 419% 413% 422% 423% 429% MAY 403 398% 405% 406% 412% JULY 377% 372% 378% 379% 384% SEPT. 382% 377% 382 383 388 SOYBEAN MEAL FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR, DEC. JAN. 89, 773% 785% 792 788% 776 727% 695% MAR. MAY JUL. AUG. SEPT. CHICAGO HOGS DEC. 40 35 40.77 40 62 40 87 4047 FEB. 89 43 82 44 47 43 92 44.17 43 72 APR. 42 85 43 42 42 90 43 10 4267 JUNE 47.32 47 72 47 55 47 42 47 05 JUL. 47.57 47 80 47 85 47 72 47 25 AUG. 46 87 47 25 47 20 47 25 46 62 70 87 70 60 72.70 71 40 69 55 issue Four Sections FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR, 244.70 241.90 248 20 246 90 246 60 243.30 249.50 248 10 245 70 243 40 249 50 247 80 242 50 240.70 246 00 244.20 236 00 236 00 240.70 238 70 226 20 228 00 231 00 229 00 219 00 218 50 223 00 219 50 FRI. MON. TUES, eup. Movement was rather choppy due to low volume, with heavy professional buying in the spot option late in the session. Some pressure late in the day was linked to spillover from the soy complex and com pits with December clos ing out the day 3 cents higher at $4.23. ACRES CATTLE UPDATE: Live cattle futures closed from 15 to 40 points higher today while feeders closed from 8 lower to 15 higher. Cash connected buying supported in an other wise lack luster session with selling interest absent due to concerns over a heavy winter storm which is expected to hit the Texas panhan- (Turn to Page Al 5) Departments Editorial Farm Calendar Farm Forum.... Classified Ads .... Mailbox Markets Sale Reports 830 Public Auction Register D3O Business News C 6 Columns Now is ihc Time On Being A Farm Wife B 4 Microwave Minutes B 5 Have You Heard 812 Ida’s Notebook 816 Farm Women 821 Low down On Layers C 2 Business Seminar C 5 Farm Management C 8 245 50 246 90 246 243.70 238.00 230 20 220 00 WED. THUR AlO AlO AlO 838.C14 826 AlO
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