Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Sat., Oct. 22, 1988 Report supplied by auction 875 HEAD. US I, 220-245 LBS. 42.75-44.50. US 1-2 215-250 LBS. 41.75-42.75. US 1-3 210-255 LBS. 40.50-41.50. US 2-4 205-260 LBS. 39.50-40.25 A FEW 39 00-39.50. SOWS ALL WEIGHTS 28.00-31.00 A FEW UNDER 500 LBS. UP TO 32.00. BOARS: UNDER 270 LBS. 28.00- OVER 270 LBS. 24.00- State Graded Feeder Pig Sale at Westminster Livestock Auction October 21, 1988 921 PIGS. 2 WEEKS AGO 1564. COM PARED TO LAST SALE PRICES WERE $5-10 HIGHER. FEW PIGS UNDER 40 LB. OFFERED. ALL PIGS WEIGHED ON ARRIVAL AND SOLD BY THE POUND. GRADE 1: 37 HD. 37-42 LBS. 70.00; 133 HD. 48 LBS. 69.00-78.00; 145 HD. 50-58 LBS. 67.00-71.50; 84 HD. 60-66 LBS, 60.00-63.50. GRADE 1-2:30 HD. 20 LBS. 76.00; 12 HD. 34-35 LBS. 58.00-61.00; 61 HD. 44-49 LBS. 61.00-68.00; 99 HD. 56-59 LBS. 55.00-66.00; 70 HD. 61-68 LBS. 55.0061.50; 19 HD. LATE 60-62 LBS. 46.00-50.00; 55 HD. 76-81 LBS. 50.0052.50; 48 HD. 1 LOT 88 LBS. 46.00; 33 HD. 1 LOT 107 LBS. 45.50. GRADE 2: 56 HD. 30-44 LBS. 60.00-75.00; 23 HD. 53 LBS. 49.00; 14 HD. 70 LBS. 51.00. NEXT SALE: FRIDAY, 1:30 P.M. RECEIVING SLAUGHTER HOGS Wednesdays - 7-11 A.M. C.A. Hulshart Receiving Station Stewartstown, PA - Southern York Co. 7 Miles east of 1-83 Authorized Smldley Dealer Arlie Cornbower, 717-235-2069 Sale Bam, 717-993-2117 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us - For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ * Direct off the farm ★ ★ * Give us a call whether you are buying or selling Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Fri., Nov. II at 11:00 A.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Uneartar Stockyard* An Old Um CominlsstOfi Firm Keeping Abreast ; _ . , With The Time* . 1 October 24, 1988 NEW HOLLAND HOG AUCTION FOR TODAY; MONDAY 10/24/88 HOG RECEIPTS TODAY LAST MONDAY LAST YEAR TREND: Compared to last Monday bar rows and gilts 1.00-2.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb 40 00-41.00, Few 41.50-42.00. US 1 20 head 215-230 lb 45.00. US 1-3 210-260 lb 39.00-40.00, 200-210 lb 36.00-38.50. Peoria Hogs Peoria, Illinois Wednesday, October 26, 1988 FEDERAL-STATE MIDSESSION AND CLOSE HOGS: 2000 TRADING FAIRLY ACTIVE. BARROWS AND GILTS STEADY TO .25 LOWER COM PARED WITH THE BULK OF TUES DAY’S SALES. US 1-3 220-250 LBS. 38.50-39.00 2-3 240-260 LBS. 38.00-38.50 260-280 LBS. 36.00-38.00 SOWS: UNDER 500 LBS. MOSTLY STEADY, INSTANCES .50 LOWER. OVER 500 LBS. .50 HIGHER 17% US 1-3 325-400 LBS. 28.50-29.50 400-500 LBS. 28.00 500-650 LBS. 28.50-29.50 BOARS; OVER 350 LBS. 31.50 250-350 LBS. 30.50 UNDER 250 LBS. 33.00 HOG 214 Feeder Pigs New Holland, PA October 26, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction NOV. 4TH, 1522 HEAD. I’S ft 2’S: 30-39 LBS. 59.00-70.00; 40-49 LBS. 50.00-68.00; 50-59 LBS. 50.00-68.00; 60-69 LBS. 47.00-63.00. 2'S ft 3’S: 30-39 LBS. 42.00-50.00; 40-49 LBS. 36.00-45.00. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sale* Stables Wednesday, Oct 26, 1988 REPORTED RECEIPTS OF 200 COWS, 76 HEIFERS, AND 6 BULLS. VERY ACTIVE SALE. OPEN HEIFERS 235.00-570.00. BRED HEIFERS 525.00-985.00. SEVERAL LOCAL FRESH COWS AND SPRINGERS 540.00-1030.00. BULLS 410.00-900.00. GRAND CHAMPION GRADE COW SOLD FOR 2200.00. HIGHEST SELLING REGISTERED COW 3800.00. 15 COWS SOLD FOR 2000.00-3800.00; AVERAGE 2056.00. TOP TWO REGISTERED RED-AND WHITB HOLSTEINS 2350.00 AND 2400.00 TOP SELLING REGISTERED TWO YEAR-OLD 2600.00. HIGHEST SELLING BRED HEIFER, REGISTERED RED-AND-WHITB 2100.00. New Holland Hog Auction Lancaster, Pa. 1190 909 1062 New Holland GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS ORN FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR. 277/. 282/. 284/. 283/. 269/. 259/. DEC. 283/1 MAR 89 288 MAY 290/. JUL 289/. SEPT 271 DEC. 259/. SOYBEANS FRI. MON, NOV. 774/. 265/. 761/. JAN 89 789 780/. 776/. MAR. 799/. 789/. 787/. MAY 801/. 792/. 789 JUL. 799/. 790/. 788 AUG. 790 782/. 780 SEPT. 747 744 740/. CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUBS, DEC. FEB. 89 APR. JUNE AUG. 74.42 74.75 75.75 74.30 71.95 74.85 75.22 76.22 74.47 71.95 FUTURES MARKET TRENDS GRAIN AND LIVESTOCK Acres Com Update Com futures recovered today posting gains from 4 to 6-1/4 cents on short cover ing coupled with ideas that the pit had become oversold. December traded to a low of $2.72-3/4 early in the session with prices improving thereafter as the market was able to hold above the July low of $2.72. Today’s dose at $2.80-1/2 indicated a key technical reversal and was linked to an improved export outlook with Taiwan in the market. Acres Soybean Update Soybeans were higher this afternoon from 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 cents supported by renewed strength in the product and active short covering. In the absence of follow through selling after November took out its July low encouraged buying with added strength coming from news that Taiwan had purchased. Ideas that prices were now tifaSSßSS====== Columns Now is the Time AlO On Being A Farm Wife B 4 Back Home Have You Heard Microwave Minutes Ida’s Notebook Dairy Lancaster 4-H Dairy Banquet A 24 Frederick Co. Dairy Show. A 26 Beaver Dairy Show C 2 Lancaster DHIA D 8 Dairy & Livestock 5a1e5....D34 Features Christmas in October 816 (Dally closing bids: Friday, Oct. 21 through Thursday, Oct. 27) 274/. 279/. 280/. 279/. 265/. 254/. 280/. 285/. 286/. 285/. 270 258/, WED, TUES, THUR, 768 784 795 798/, 797/, 789 747 759 775 788/. 790/. 790 780 740 WED. THUR. 74.75 75.12 75.87 74.30 71.90 73.90 74.45 75.47 73.90 71.40 This market information provided by ACRES. ACRES is a copyrighted market information service developed by the American Farm Bureau and available to Pennsylvania farmers on a daily basis through Pennsylvania Farmers' Association Farm Management Services. For additional market comments and trading service contact PFA Commodity Futures Service. (717)761-2740 becoming more attractive to exporters underpinned. November closed today at $7.68, up 6-1/2 cents after trading to a high of $7.70 shortly before the close. Acres Wheat Update Wheat futures closed from 3/4 cent to 5-1/4 cents higher today rebounding from yesterday’s steep losses on acuve short covering attributed to ideas that recent los ses were overdone. Further support came from a brighter export outlook and a weak er dollar. News late m the session that Algeria was expected to bid today for 200,000 MT of export bonus underpinned. December closed out the day at $4.12-1/4, up 4-3/4 after touching $4.04-1/2 earlier in the session. Acres Cattle Update Live cattle and feeder cattle futures closed lower this afternoon from 30 to 85 points on pressure attributed to sluggish In this .B 5 .B 9 812 813 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 29, 1988 A 3 WHEAT 274/. 280V1 283/. 283 266/. 256/. DEC. MAR. 89 MAY JULY SEPT, SOYBEAN MEAL DEC. 250.70 245.20 246.30 249.20 JAN. 89. 250.70 245.20 245.70 248 70 MAR. 250.20 245.20 245.40 247.20 MAY 247.70 243.20 242.20 244 50 JUJ,. 245.70 241.20 239.00 242 00 AUG. 241.00 235.50 235.00 235.00 SEPT. 233.00 230.00 228 50 229.50 CHICAGO HOGS DEC. 41.87 42.25 42.12 41.27 41.12 FEB. 89 45.77 46.25 45.90 44.95 44.90 APR. 44.40 44.95 44.97 43.95 43.42 JUNE 48.85 49.25 48.80 48.25 ' 48.05 JUL. 49.10 49.27 49 25 48.95 48.62 AUG. 48.20 48.42 48.40 48 02 47.75 73.67 74.37 75.35 73.85 71.42 issue Four Sections Homestead Notes Home On The Range B 6 Cook’s Question Comer B 8 4-H Happenings FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THI 407/, 413 400 366/. 371 418/. 423/. 404/. 367/. 419/. 422/. 408 370/. 374/. FRI. MON. TUES. TUES. WED. FRI. MON. boxed beef movement at lower prices. Ideas that supplies of compeutive meats were plentiful set off heavy commercial and commission house selling. Support near the lows was linked to bottom picking and ideas of firmer fed cattle cash prices, while end of the month liquidation and packer pricing of contracted cattle offset. December closed 85 points lower at $73.90. Acres Hog Update Live hog futures plunged lower today under pressure of limit declines in the belly pit and ideas that cash markets would con tinue to soften. Continuing large receipts added to the selling pressure with some spreading featured. Bellies closed limit lower except for the July as long liquida tion and weak cash fundamentals coupled with ideas recent gains were overdone pressured. Ideas that slaughter levels will remain high cash a pall on the market Departments Editorial Farm Calendar Farm Women News Classified Ads .......... Mailbox Markets Dl4 Sale Reports Dl9 Public Auction Register D 22 Home And Youth A I 411% 418% 400% 371% 376 412% 418% 400% 369'/. 372 WED. THUR. 245.60 245.60 244.90 242.20 240.00 234.00 229.00 THUR. AID AIO B2O 821. C 4 ,B 2 ,810
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