CM-l«ncnfer Fairing, Saturday, October 29, 1988 STRALEY FARM SUPPLY Dover. PA i 717) 292-2631 Ford TWIO w/cab A air Ford 6000, good rubber Ford 2000 offset Ford 4000, diesel engine Ford 5000w/dicsel engine, real good Ford 754,4WD. Ford County 4 cyl. Ford 3600, low ho, good cond. F0rd2810,2414 hr*., diesel, like new Fold 3000, nice New- 5 his. 2600 Ford w/HD loader Ford 1900,4WD w/loader A bucket Ford SSS Loader Backhoe w/cab, 4WD, toiq. conv. Ford 4SS Loader Backhoe w/cab Ford SSS Loader Backhoe w/ROPS Ford SSS Loader Backhoe w/cab Ford 550 Loader Backhoe w/ROPS Ford 340 loader backhoe, 600 hrs. on tractor loader- demo hoe, sharp Ford 4500 TLB w/cab Ford 545 loader bucket, good tires, good condition DEUTZ 19 fteuffer Diesel Inc. Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-2500 Branch: Irwin, PA (412) 864-6969 ikid Loader Replacement Engines • V465D-LB, 65.9 HP... • VG4D-SB, 37 HP • W 4 1770-LB 35 HP.... • VH4D-LB, 30 HP • VH4D, 30 HP. LB Bobcat Repl.. Kohler Replacement Engines • K3OIS 12 HP. Elect • KIBIT 8 HP. Recoil... • K 5825 23 HP. Elect... IWJM.HJL I electric L Welders. 150-225 Amps. • Wisconsin Robin • Honda • Kawasaki ■ • Kohler • Tecumseh • Briggs & Stratton • Honda Industrial Generators Authorized Service Center • Complete Rebuilding • Large Parts Inventory FISHER ENGINE SERVICE 3141 Old Phila. Pike, Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 (717) 768-3729 HOURS. Mon.-Fri. 7AM S PM; Sat. BAM - II AM Ford SIS tractor loader AC G w/under mounted mower IHC Cub w/under mounted mower JD 2010, Bx 2 tranx., good cond. NH L 455 skid loader, nice Gehl model HL2SOOA skid loader Swinger 200 skid loader, new paint Ford forklift model 600, dual tires Selection of Ford BN, 9N and (3) Fergusons Gehl forage box, 10T running gear, new wood & floor chain, 12.5H65L tires, model BU6IO New Ford baler, model 530 Used 7*9" Lely disc mower New 5*6” Lely disc mower Moore no till drill- Sale or Rent Several used 5* rotary mowers Used 9, 10, 12 A 15 ton trailers New 4 to 20 ton trailers- General & Hudson low as $2,550 low as $1,650 low a 551,550 low as $1,450 low as $1,395 .... as low as $555 .... as low as $375 .as low as $1,295 FALL SPECIAL jJML MF 20 V.G. Cond., Live PTO, 3 Pt. $4,800 301-833-9091 f*HERR &*LEAMAN ♦ Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service ♦ 10 miles S. of Lancaster along JD 4450, fact, cab & air, 15 spd, powershift JD 4250, fact, cab & air, MFWD, :5 spd powershift JD 4640 Quad, fact cab & air, vary nica JD 4440 Quad, 1982 modal, fact, cab & air, vary nlca JD 4040, fact, cab & air, powershlft, 38” rubber JD 2940, fender tractor JD 4230 Quad, fender tractor, 38” rubber JD 2030 dleael, deluxe fenders, 2100 orlg. hrs., extremely nice JD 4020 dleael, 67 model, WF, 3 Ft. ' JD 3020 gas w/JD Idr., ons owner, 2700 hrs. JD 730 diesel standard w/3PT, PTO & adj. WF JD 70 nl-.i JD 310 B tractor loader, backhoe JD 4508 D&gS9w/6*way blade JD 350 D w/ioader Uni Systems Ml 800, cab & alr.tesaayhael assist, 680actu- Nl 729-A Shelter al hrs., very Nl 711, 713 & 715 Grain heads Nl 709, cab, air, rear wheel assist Nl 727 12 roll husking bed Nl 708, cab, hydro Nl 737 Huskers, $2500 & up, 2 late model low Nl 707, Perkins diesel, cab acres Nl 705, V 6 diesel, low hrs. Nl 839 16 roll husking bed, low acres Nl 705, V 6 diesel (with minor fire damage) Nl 866 grass head Nl 704, Gas, variable speed, cab Nl 740 & 741 Quick Tach Throats Nl 702 diesel w/cab Nl Chopper Heads wide & narrow Nl 702 Gas w/cab Nl 2, 3 & 4R heads wide or narrow Nl 701 gas w/cab Nl 844 wide & narrow heads Nl 717 Combines $lOOO & Up, some very Nl 846 6RN, sharp nice Nl 818 combine, very nice ombines MF 410 diesel, cab, air, 4RW & 13’ head, good cheap unit Pull Nice JD 300 Husker W/3RN or 2RW Head Nl 325 12 roll narrow picker IH 370 11’ Disc NH 850 Round Baler, very nice Dual wheels - 34’a and 38’s Year round cab for JD 3020 thru 4320 Tractor Weights JD & IH Complete rebuilt M&W Turbo w/klt for IH 856 IH 66 Series cab, cheap IH 504 Utility IH 856 Diesel IH 706 Diesel IH 1256 IH 70 hydro IH 806 Diesel & gas Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.S. Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 Business Ph. 717-786-1606 717/464-5960 Evenings QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED i BACKED WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN ON TRACTORS PRICED OVER $4,000 DELIVERY AVAILABLE ANYWHERE Tn >e Pickers mem Donahue 28’ plantar & comblna haad trailer NH 520 apraadar w/hyd. andgate, aide axt., T-bar wabb, 1 yr. old JD AW Dlac, 14’ 11 tooth 3PT mtd. DMI chlsal Krause pull type chlsal, 10-tooth IH 37 10’ Disc Used Parts IH 560 D Farmall 400 & 450 D & gas Complete factorv 3PTH for 706 thru 966 Nl 702 D Calf Hutches & Tanks Factory to farm prices. Long lasting durable polyethylene calf hutches, lightweight, well ventilated, easily cleaned, 3 v yr. warranty. Need a water tank? 25 to 2500 gal. Pick up tanks, 300,420 & 465 gal. Starting at $155. ~~~717-267-3654''~~ Frey’s Dairy Garage 1308 Spring View Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 irs IH 3583 2+2, 3 outlets, IH 1086, fact, cab & air IH 986, 81 model, low hra., 38” rubber IH 886 4-post rollguard, 38” rubber IH 686 Gernrgggasl., WF, 3PT IH 1466, red cab w/alr, vary clean IH 1066 fender tractor, new radlals, new TA, sharp IH 966 fact, cab & air IH 766 w/cab, low bra., ona owner IH 766 W/2PT hitch, WF IH 1456 fender tractor w/20.8x38 tirea IH 856 WF, 3PT, 38” rubber, 3300 hrs., extra nice IH 856 diasal, new TA IH 856 dlaaal, standard, vary nice IH 806 dieaal, WF, 3PT IH hydro 84, low hra. Farmed 400 &S& pt., PS, live PTO Ford 9700 fender tractor Ford 4000 gaa gear drive AC 180 dal., w/AC loader Heads New MF corn head Used MF 1143 4RN corn head MF 43 4RN MF 13 grain head IH 844 W 4RW (ft) (1) JD 343 corn head, 3RN Misc. N( .'l7 Combine IH 706 Gas Tractor Farmall H & M Complata IH Wide Fronts IH Dual PTO Units IH 826 Diesel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers