New Ford 1720 New Ford 1920 Ford 8N Tractor (2) Ford 9N Ford 800 Ford 2910 w/loader Ford 3000 Ford 4000 Ford 4610, 1984 w/1,100 hrs. Ford 5000 row crop Ford 445 industrial w/loader 1983 Ford 7600, DP Ford 7600 w/Cab & DP Ford 7700, 1979 w/DP Ford 7710, 75 hrs. • w/cab & air Ford 8210, 350 hrs.. 4WO w/cab & air w/loader JD 2010 row crop Irrigation pump & JD 2940. 4WD engine unit, 354 JD 555, 1980 Perkins diesel, crawler loader $6,500 We also bare a large inventory of tractors at our other location at 4530 Olde Scotland Rd., '/< mile off Exit Bon 696 North. Mile East of Exit 6 1-81 on U.S. 30 Hours: 8:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 - 12:00 Saturdays Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment ■■ihibb RD 2 Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 [tfISHIII 717-943-2131 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 Sat. USED EQUIPMENT USED fIOMffIWES lnt. 915, late model IH 1460 combine, real nice condition USED EQUIPMENT Ml 600 forage box Ml #3ll 2 RW picker McCormick #3 blower w/tabio int. 2 btm F.H. plow Int. 175 manure spreader Int. 642 roll over plow Int. 5500 3 pt. chisel plow IH #430 Baler NH 1495 self propelled mower Deutz Fahr hay tedders In stock 2, 4 & 6 star NH 514 Manure Spreader, 1100x20 Tires NH 790 Harvester with Metal Detector (Demo) Cash Discount $450 NH 499 Haybine Free Financing on Hay & Forage Equipment or DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. IH 856 IH 1466 MF 12 h.p. w/mower MF 20 industrial MF 135 Long 310, 2WD Long 445 w/Loader New Long 510 w/Shutde Drive & Loader Long 560, 4WD w/loader New Mitsubishi 372, 15 h.p. New Mitsubishi 180, 4WD. 18 h.p. New Kioti 22 h.p. Ebro 480. 80 h.p. Mitsubishi 372, 15 h p. w/loader Mitsubishi 160, 16 h.p. UIPMENT SPECIALS NEW E Many more Items In stoci Check our Inventory & price beta Low Finance Rates 0% - 12 Months 5.9% - 24 Months 7.9% - 36 Months or Check with us for Big Cash Rebate Amounts East Main St., Honey Brook, Pa. 215/273-3131 or 215/273-3737 Dependable Is More Than Our Name WHITE tiARM EQUIPMENT G & D REPAIR Your Factory Authorized Whits Dealer RD 5 Penryn Hd., Manheim, PA 717-664-2207 Quality Is Our Game - Service Is Our Aim TRACTORS New While 3 bt. roll-over 140 4WD p i ow 2-65 w/Loader New White 435 disk 43 4WD chisel 37 4WD New While 273 Disk 31 4WD w/Lo»der 17*10” 21 w/Turf Tire* (2) New Kewanee Field USED TRACTORS Cultivators 15’ & 18’ JD 4440 P.S. Used JD 210 disk JD 2840 Original, Nice Used 7 Tooth Glencoe Oliver 1755 D Complete Chisel Plow Engine Rebuilt m 450 3 Bottom Mtd. Oliver 1755 D Plow Auto/Reset Ford Jubilee (nice) JD 60 MISCELLANEOUS HARVESTING Set 18.4x38 Duals. 9 Bolt EQUIPMENT Hubs New 8-10-12 ton 5’ Rotary Cutter miming gears Like New New Hay Tedders New Material Buckets To New Bale Wagons Fit JD Loaders New Forage Boxes 145-146-148-158 Used NH 890 Harvester 48-58 in stock w/5 Ft Hay P/U & 2R JD 343 Com Head Com Head 1 Set of Pallet Forks Oliver 25 Combine 1 Used 12x38 rear ‘"tYILAGE PLANTERS EQUIPMENT New White 4&6 R No-lil New White 3-4-5 btm. Used JD 7000 6R w/Diy pI OW3 Fertilizer & Monitor Farmall M w/wlde front end, nice Farmall Super M Farmall BN Kubota L 245 w/mower & loader, 1,100 hrs. iW GEHL EQUIPMENT 309 manure spreader Mustang Model 310 FORD E\AJ HOLLAKD Cash \ >ED TRACTORS $ 3,350 $10,250 r w/Cushion Gangs S Model 380 HD Baler f 750 Gal. (Cagle) Sprayer ■ USED EQUIPMENT JD 1290 Mower-Conditioner ■ IH 800 4 Row Plate Planter w/Liquid : Fertilizer Field Ready s 5 Bottom model 700 IH Plow, s spring reset ■ Kuhn 3 Pt. 6’7” Mower ! AC E-m Combine w/240 Corn Head and 10 Ft. Grain Head Excellent Condition Used Grove forage box, 16’ 3 beater w/JD gear r Case 1490 Tractor h —— Special On Planters New & Used :, Liquid & Dry Fertilizer Plate & Air Units v L '*"‘*" 1 mi—■' ■ ' ■** COMPARE OUR PRICES ON WOODS MOWERS [, B. EQUIP. INC. > _______ 8422 Wayne Highway I I mm Waynesboro, Pa. 17268 *; I alu» 717-762*3193 Used IH 1440 Combine, Automatic Header, Electro Hyd. Controls, Excellent Condition, NEW EQUIPMENT Case IH 885 Row Crop. FWD Case IH 370 Disc, 11’6” w/Cab Case IH 9’, 13’ Chisels Case IH 585 Row Crop, FWD Case IH 900 6-Row Planter Case IH 245, FWD Case IH 2250 Loader Case IHRgSaS Skid Loader Case IH 96 Rake IH 440 Baler w/15 Thrower, IH 56 Blower Very Good IH 530 Spreader IH 656 Utility Hydro w/2000 IH 720 F. Harv. Loader (Consignment) IH 1150 Grinder-Mixer * Make Your Life Better * We Are The Best In What We Do Parts & Service Gorman Rupp, Hale, Berkeley, Marlow, Peerless, Hypro, Cat, Jabsco, Deming Design - Manure & Sewage Systems Portable, Underground, Pivots, Reels Irrigation Fittings RACE, WOSCO. WADE. IRRECO. CHAMPION. SHUR-RANE, McDOWELL. RAINBOW, A-M AND OTHERS “We Deal In Solutions" 4021 N. 6th St., Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-238-9423 Licensed Engineering Service Since 1944 Free - 40 Years Experience & Reliability Unewnr taring, Seturdey, October 29. 1988-C23 Priced To Sell-1400 Hrs. MF 135 Gu MF 175 D MF 1150 MF 670 Cib A Air MF 235 D MF 1080 Tractor MH Pony ID 2600, 4B Plow Cue SB Amo Reset Plow Brillion 24’ Field Harrow MF 124 Baler w/Thiower IH 37 Baler NH 569 Baler Ni l 320 Baler w/70 Thrower Nil 469 Haybme HI 1190 Mower Conditioner NH 1469 Haybine IH 56 Blower NH 27 Blower Herd Fee Spreader Hub 30' Elevator JD 90 Skid Loader Gravity Box A 10T Gear Woods CBO Rotary Cutter NH 56 Rake SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 717-648-1811
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