mm ~ VOL & NO. 51 Smith Inducted Into York Holstein Hall Of Fame John T. Smith, retired York extension agent, was inducted to the York County Holstein Hall of Farm. Club president Tom Boyer presented Smith with a plaque honor ing his leadership to the association. State Grange Convention Marketing Will Keep Agriculture Pennsylvania’s No. 1 Industry BY LISA RISSER ALLENTOWN (Lehigh) Marketing is the key to ensuring that agriculture remains Pennsyl vania’s top industry into and bey ond 1990, according to Boyd Wolff, state Secretary of Agricul ture. Wolff spoke at a banquet Tuesday night before several hundred members of the Pennsyl- Future Of Agriculture Demands Changes In Vo-Ag Programs BY PAT PURCELL HARRISBURG (Dauphin) Enrollment in vocational Directors Named At Poultry Association Banquet BY LOU ANN GOOD LANCASTER Poultry pro ducers elected three board mem bers for the Lancaster County Poultry Association on Thursday night. The election took place at their annual banquet held at Olde Robert Zimmerman, president of the Lancaster County Poultry Association, presented scholarships to Alfssa Hoober, (center) poultry queen, and to Rebecca Barley, alternate. FOur Sections vania State Grange during their ll^UTconvention. “Agricultural strength is vulner able to changes,” stated Wolff. “Good marketing can form the economic bridge between specialized-food producers and consumers.” Because consumer needs are changing and traditional avenues agriculture programs in high schools throughout the nation has fallen to 5 percent of the student Hickory Inn. Lancaster. Elected for a three year term were Thomas R. Pantano, Stras burg; Richard E. Landis, Man heim; Kenneth Martin, East Earl; and Barry Renno, Mount Joy. (Turn to Pago A 39) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 29, 1988 BY JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent YORK—Retired York County extension agent John T. Smith is the newest inductee into the York County Holstein Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame award was made during the York Holstein Association’s annual meeting and dinner, hosted October 19 at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. A plaque honoring all Hall of Fame members is displayed at the York Agricultural Extension offices. Hall of Fame recognition is bes towed on individuals whose con tributions have been significant to the county’s Holstein breed and dairy industry. Smith, a Juniata County dairy farm son, received his Ag Educa tion degree from Penn State and taught vo-ag, prior to Navy ser vice in 194-t Following military service, he supervised a G.I. train ing program to educate rural youth for increasing iood sales are nar rowing, agricultural producers need to expand their markets by capitalizing on the changes. Some of the facts of which producers should be aware, according to Wolff, are: •Aging Americans - More than 20 percent of Americans arc 55 years of age and older. It is pre- body in rural areas as well as urban areas and while high quality marks some vo-ag programs, there are many which do not meet the basic eduational needs of its students. These findings come from a national study on the quality of agricultural education in the United States. The study, con ducted by the Academy of Natural (Turn to Pag« A37j Standard Time Returns Tomorrow Morning Because it’s time to turn the clocks back to Standard Time, one farmer said that daylight will come at 6 a.m.instead of 7 a.m. and darkness will come at 5 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. Officially this happens at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, but many farmers will start to change feeding and milk ing schedules today. Good far mers ease their livestock into the time change so production is not reduced. Some Lancaster Farming readers don’t change their clocks in this summer ritual. But if you moved your clock ahead last spring, you’ll want to move it back an hour when you go to bed tonight. That way you’ll be on time Sunday morning. 50$ Per Copy while they continued to work on farms. Smith’s extension career began in 1947, as Snyder County’s extension agent. Prior to accepting the York position in 1952, he also worked as multi-county agent in Erie-Warren-Crawford counties. His dairy leadership was preva lent in helping to organize the York County Milk Producers and Lebanon Holstein Club Honors Junior Members BY PAT PURCELL LEBANON The Lebanon County Holstein Club honored the accomplishments of their junior members at the annual banquet held Tuesday evening at the Zoar’s Lutheran Church in Mt. Zion and elected new mbmbcrs for their board of directors. Phares Musser, David Himmel- dieted (hat by 2010 one in four Americans will be older than 55 years, and currently the fastest growing segment of our popula tion is those adults aged 85 years and older. •Education - Much of the 18- to Mark Slater receives help covering his corn silage after his 16-year-old concrete-staved silo collapsed last Sunday. Slater estimates that the silo contained about 700 tons of Silage HioM by Tom Kolly, Mtratrj Silo Collapses On Montgomery County Farm BY LISA RISSER PERKIOMENVILLE (Mont gomery) Last Sunday morning dairy farmer Mark Slater and his wife, Carol, were rudely awakened by the noise of their 20x70-foot silo collapsing. “It made a big noise and just fell over,” said Carol. The 16-year-old, concrete staved silo was only a couple loads short of being filled with com sil age when it fell. “We figured it was about7ootons ot silage,” said Car ol. The Slaters have covered the exposed silage with plastic in order to mmimi/.e spoilage. The silo fell at approximately 7:20 a.m. after, Slater had finished milking his 90 cows and returned to bed. No one was injured by the fallen silo, although it did crush a $lO.OO Per Year encouraging dairymen to the tech nological advances of DHIA test ing and artificial insemination for herds. Smith coached 4-H dairy and livestock judging teams earn ing success at state and national competition, and remained an avid 4-H and youth supporter through and beyond his extension career. He received the Pennsylvania (Turn to Page A 22) bergcr and Barry Donmoyer will leave the board at the end of their expired terms. Elected to the board were Vince Wagner, Nelson Bomgardncr and Arthur Swcmhart. David Vail and Dale Himmel berger, advisors of the junior Hols tein club, presented trophies and (Turn to Page A2B) 20-yeai-old Head of Household group is composed of college stu dents and females. •Double-Income Family - An ever-increasing number of double income families means the need (Turn to Pag* Al 9) tractor and the silo unloader was damaged. Officials from Lancaster Silo Co. examined the silo, but “it’s hard to tell what happened until the silage is cleared away,” explained Brain Weaver, vice president for th' firm. “The silo’s structure itself looked fine, we think maybe it could be the footer, but nothing's definite vet ” Before viewing the 010 Weaver thought perhaps the damage could have been Irom poor maintenance, “Silos need maintenance, especial ly at tins year. People put silage in while it was still green and the silos juiced. The juice can deteriorate the slays and rods if it (the juicing) goes on for years,” commented Weaver.
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