Phila. Fruit Market Wed., June 29, 1988 CLOUDY 71-87. GRAPEFRUIT FL 4/5' bushel carton Indian River Red 2J3Pfs 11.06 32-36 i 10.00-11.00 40-56 s 11.00 CA canon Red 23s 11.50 27s 13.00 32s 13.50 36s 13 00 40s 12.50 48s 10.50. LEMONS CA carton 95s 28.50 115 s 28 00-29.00 140 s 22.00-25.00 165 s 22.00 Choice 95s 22.50 115 s 21.50 140-165 s 17 00-18.50 SPAIN crate 120 s 18.00. LIMES STEADY FL 10-lb canon Per sian Seedless 48s 275-300 mostly 300 54s 275-300 63s 250-300. ORANGES CA carton Valencia 56s 11.50- one label 13 50 72-88 s 12.50- 113 s 14 50 Choice 56s 950-10.50 72-113 s 9 75-11.00 138 s 9.75 FL 4/5 bushel carton Valencia 48s 11 00 64s 11.00-12.50 80s 12.00-12.50100-125 s 12 50-13.00 Pope Summer 80s 12 00 APPLES STEADY CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE carton tray pack WA Red Delicious WA Extra Fancy 72-80 s 15 00-16.00 88s 15 00-16.00 most ly 16 00 100 s 1500-16.00 mostly 15 00 113 s 15 00-16.00 125 s 15 00 preferred labels 72s & 88-113 s 17 00 US Extra Fancy 80-IOOs & 138 s 12.50 preferred labels 113 s 15.00 125 s 14.50 Golden Delicious WA Extra Fancy 88s 15 00-16.00 100 s 12 00-14.00113sonelot 12.5012-31 b film bags 2-1/4“ minimum Supplies insufficient to quote Regular Storage canon tray pack ARGENTINA Granny Smith 100 s 16 00 NEW ZEALAND Granny Smith 100 s 19 00-20.00. APRICOTS CA 24-lb canon Katy fair appearance jumbo 10 00 extra large 7.00 WA 24-lb lug Perfection 6-1/2 row size 23 00 7-1/2 row size 21 00 Tilton 7 row size 22.00. AVOCADOS ABOUT STEADY. CA Hass 1-layer carton 20-24 s 17.00-18.00 2- layer carton 40-48 s 34.00-35.00 mostly 35.00 60s 28.00-31.00. BLUEBERRIES LOWER 12-1 pt flats film overwrapped NJ medium 15.00 small medium 14.00. CHERRIES ABOUT STEADY WA 20-lb carton Bing WA#l 12 row size & lar ger 24.00-25.00 mostly 25.00 NJ 8-quart carton Tart 11.00-12.00. GRAPES-TABLE ABOUT STEADY CA 22-Ib carton & lug Thompson Seedless 24.00- mostly 25.000ne lot 27.00 one lot 21.00-23.00 Flame Seedless 24.00- mostly 25.00-26 00 small 21.00- Exotic 20.00-21.00 Beauty NuPulse is more than just a milking machine... NuPulse has components which can improve the performance of any milking machine-such as shells & liners. Some of the features of the NuPulse Shells & Liners are: 1. The shells and liners are longer than conventional shells and liners to allow a better and more comfortable fit for all types of cows. 2. The shells have a replaceable end cap that pops out for easy, low cost replacement. 3 The liners are made with high quality New Zealand rubber which makes them last up to 3 times longer than competitive brands. 4. The high quality and unique design of NuPulse liners drastically reduces the squawking and unit fall-off. Let us prove It to you! Call today and find out about our July Special. You be the judge. For more information, contact your local dealer or NuPulse, Inc. Why pay more—it’s Time for a Change... a Change for the Better. «9Nu Pulse, Inc. ( M, f 908 Stewart Street • Madison, Wl 53713 USA • 608/274-2722 ZIMMERMAN’S SALES & SERVICE 2440 St.-Rt. 7 Columbiana, OH 44408 216/482-5190 Seedless 23.00-24.00 AZ 22-lb lug Flame Seedless 25.00 one lot 27.00 small 22.00-24.00 MEXICO 22-lb lug Thompson Seedless 23.00-25.00 small 20.00-22 00 mostly 20.00 Flame Seedless 25.00. KIWIFRUIT NEW ZEALAND I-layer Oat 30s few 10.50 33-39 s 950-10.50 42$ 9.50. MANGOS STEADY MEXICO carton Tommy Atkins 9s 900 10-12 s 900-10.00 14s 900. NECTARINES ABOUT STEADY CA 25-lb lug Spring Red 56 size one lot 14 60 64 size 12.50-15 00 mostly 13.00-13.50 72 size 12.00-12 50 80-84 size 10 50-12 00 mostly 10 50-11 00 Red Diamond 64 size 13 00-14 50 72 size 12 50Fircbntc56 size 16.00 64 size 14.00-15 00 72 size 12.50-13.00 80 size 10 50-12 00 Early Sun grand 64 size 13.00-14.00 72 size 12.00-12 50 80 size 10 50-11 00 Spring Diamonds 6 size 16 0064 size 14 00-14.50 72 size 12 50-13.00 84 size 12 00 2-laycr carton Summer Beaut 70s 10 00 SC 25-lb carton no variety or grade mark 2-1/2 mini mum 900 PAPAYAS JAMAICA carton 8s 800 PEACHES ABOUT ‘STEADY 38 1b carton various Yellow Flesh varieties up sizes US#I extra unless otherwise staled SC 2-1/2“ 16 00 fair condition 14 00 2-1/4“ 12 00 2-laycr carton Red Haven 48s 10 00-11 00 54s 10 00CA 2 layer carton Red Top 48-50 s 12 50-1300 Flavorcrcst 48 50s 13 00 25-lb carton Red Top & Fla vorcrcst 56 size 13 00-14.00 PEARS STEADY WA 4/5 bushel carton D’Anjou controlled atmosphere storage US# 1 90s 25 00 100 s 24 00 135 s few 22 00 WAExFcy 100 s 25 00- 26 00 110 s 24 00-25 00 ARGENTINA 4/5 bushel car ton wrapped Packham Triumph 100 s 19.00 PINEAPPLES HAWAII 1-laycr carton via air 6s 12.00 COSTA RICA 2-laycr car ton 10-12 s 18.00-19 00. PLUMS ABOUT STEADY CA 28-lb carton Santa Rosa 3x4 size 18.00-20.00 3x4x4 size 17 00-18 00 mostly 17 00 4x4 size 14 00-17 00 mostly 15 00- 16 50 3x4x5 size 14 00-15.00 4x5 size 12.00-14.00 Blackambcr 2x3 size one lot 18.00 2x3x3 & 3x3 size one lot 24.00 2x3x4 size 18 00-21 00 3x4 size 18.50-20.00 3x4x4 size 15.00-18 50 4x4 size 16.50 Queen Rosa 2x3 size 23.00 2x3x3 size 22.00 3x3 size 21 00 3x4 size 18 50 Fron tier 4x4 size 15.00 El Dorado 3x4 size 20 50 3*4x5 size 14.50. PRUNES NO SUPPLIES. RASPBERRIES CA 12-1/2 pint Bats STINER’S REFRIGERATION 25 Crooks Terrace Canton, PA 17724 717/673-8351 LUCASBARN EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 339 D Bellefonte, PA 16823 814/383-2806 FANCYFURROW FARMS AG EQUIP. INC. RD 1, Uhler Rd. Easton, PA 18042 For 24 Hour Service Call film overwrapped 10.00-12.00 mostly 12.00 one label 18.00-20.00 via air 15.00-18.00 WA 12-1/2 pint flats film overwrapped via air 14.00. STRAWBERRIES HIGHER CA 12-1 pint flats medium-large 8-BSO one lot 9-960 one label 11.00-1200 via air large with stems 12.00 CANTALOUPS LOWER CA 1/2 carton 12s 15.00 ISs IS.OO-16.00 18s 16.00 AZ 1/2 carton 12s 13.00 ISs 13.00-16.00 18s 14.00-16.00 GA 1/2 carton 23s 15 00 30s 13 00 MD large carton 10-12 s 10.00-12.00 HONEYDEWS ABOUT STEADY TX 2/3 carton 5s 800 8s 700 CA 2/3 carton one lot 4-6 s few 10.50 fair appearance 5s 7-750 6s 750-800 8s 700 AZ 2/3 carton 8s 750 MISC MELONS ABOUT STEADY TX 2/3 carton Mayan Sweet 5s 600 CA 2/3 car ton Crenshaw 4s & 6s 12.00 Casaba Ss 12.00 Juan Canary 6s 12.00 Santa Claus 5-6 s 13.00. WATERMELONS STEADY FL & GA tverage weight per melon Jubilee 37-lb 550-600 31-lb 400 26-lb 350 Crimson Sweet 28-lb 4-450 25-lb 350-400 22- lb 275-300 20-lb 225-250 Long Gray 35-lb 4-450 22-lb 3-325. Philadelphia Vegetables Wed., June 29, 1988 CLOUDY 71-87. ARTICHOKES CA carton 24s few 16.00 36s 14.00 48s few 1600. ASPARAGUS SUPPLIES LIGHT MEXICO 12-lb crate & carton bunched 12s extra large & large 20.00-22.00 standard 17.00-22.00 small 16.00-17.00. BEANS LOWER various bushel con tainers Round Green type unless otherwise slated VA 13.00-14.00 NJ 14.00. BEETS NJ crate bunched 12s 450-500 mostly 500 OH crate bunched 12s 600. BROCCOLI ABOUT STEADY CA car ton bunched 14s 9-950 mostly 900 18s 10.50. CABBAGE SLIGHTLY HIGHER 1-3/4 bushel carton & crate medium Green unless otherwise stated NC 500-600 mostly 5-550 Red 750 50-lb sacks medium-large 750 NJ 500-600 Urge 500 one lot 7-750 Savoy type 600 Red few 800. CARROTS SLIGHTLY LOWER 48-1 lb film bags in film tacks CA medium large 800-900 FL small-medium 600 50-lb sackiloote jumbo CA 10.50-11.00 mostly 11.00. CAULIFLOWER SUPPLIES LIGHT CA carton film wrapped 12s 15.00. CELERY SLIGHTLY HIGHER CA SCHMIDT’S EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 122 Hawley, PA 18428 717/253-3048 carton 2 dozen 10.00 2-1/2 dozen 10.50- 11.50 mostly 10.50-11.00 FL 2 dozen few 11.00. CHINESE CABBAGE NJ celery crate 7-750. CORN SLIGHTLYL LOWER wire bound crate approximately 4-1/2 dozen FL While 12.00-14.00 mostly 13.00-14.00 GA YeUow 12.00 NC Yellow small 10.00. CUCUMBERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crates & cartons Waxed medium unless otherwise stated GA fair appearance 12-00 fair quality 600-800 fair appearance 500 NC 14.00 fair quality 700-800 fair appearance 500 SC fair qual ity & appearance 500-600 small fair appearance 600-700 VA fair quality 600-800 DE fair quality 600 small 10.00. EGGPLANT HIGHER GA 1-1/9 bushel crate medium few 12 00 FL 1-1/9 bushel carton medium fair appearance 700-800 fair quality 500-600. ENDIVE ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crate & carton NJ prccooled 600-800 OH small 600-700. ESCAROLE ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crate & carton NJ precooled 600- 800 OH small 600-700 NY 700. GARLIC CA per lb 30-lb carton White colossal 80 cents super jumbo 70 cents. GREENS ABOUT STEADY crates approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise staled NJ Collards, Mustard, Turnip Tops & Rape 500-600 Kale 600-700 PA Collards, Mustard and Rape 550 Kale 650-700 Turnip Tops 600, LEEKS NJ crate bunched 12s 10.00. LETTUCE ICEBERG SLIGHTLY LOWER carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 10.50-12.00 mostly 10.50-11.50 film wrapped 11.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 NJ 500-600 NY 600-800 CANADA 650-700. LETTUCE-ROMAINE ABOUT STEADY CA 24s carton 950-10.00 mostly 950 crate 12 00 NJ carton 24s few 6-650 OH crate & carton 24s 500-600 NY carton 24s 550-600. LETTUCE-OTHER BIG BOSTON CA canoq 24s 800 OH crate 24s 500-600 most ly 500 8188 OH crate 24s 500 LEAF CA carton 24s including Red 9-950 OH crate 24s including Red 500-600 NY carton 24s including Red few 7-750. OKRA GA 1/2 bushel crate small medium 12.00. ONIONS-GREEN ABOUT STEADY NJ 4/5 bushel crate bunched 48s 800-900 CA carton bunched 48s few 10.00 MEX ICO carton bunched 48s 700. PARSLEY SLIGHTLY LOWER ASHBY PENN YORK FARM SERVICE REFRIGERATION RD 8 Box 1A RD1,80x390 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Knoxville, PA 16928 703/434-9943 814/326-4496 FISHER & THOMPSON HENRY JAQUITH 127 Newport Road RDI, Box 325 Leola, PA 17540 Spring Creek, PA 16436 717/656-3307 814/664-2397 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1988-Al7 DIST. SALES MANAGER 808 ABBOTT Cabot Plains Rd., Cabot, VT 05647 802/563-2435 bunched 5 dozen curly unleu otherwiie «Ulcd NJ bushel basket 650-800 mostly 700 Plain 650-800 mostly 700 OH crate 700 CA canon 10.50. PEAS-GREEN Supplies insufficient to quote. PEAS-SOUTHERN Supplies insuffi cient to quote. PEAS-SUGAR ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton per lb CA 120 GUATEMALA 150. PEPPERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crates ft cartons Calif Wander type Green unless otherwise stated GA extra large 10.00-11.00 large 10.00-11.00 small medium 700 CA large 10.50-12.00 medium 850-900 NJ Longhots few 10.00 NETHERLANDS 5 kilo carton Red large 18.00-20.00 Yellow ft Orange large 24.00. RADISHES STEADY OH canon Red 30-6 oz film bags 4-450 mostly 400 bunched 24s 500-600 mostly 600 White 24-8 oz film bags 700 MI carton Red 30-6 oz film bags 4-450. SPINACH SUPPLIES LIGHT Savoy type NJ bushel basket 10.00-12.00 mostly 12.00 OH 1-1/4 bushel crate bunched 12.00. SQUASH HIGHER 1/2 bushel cartons unless otherwise slated NJ Zucchini small medium 350-400 mostly 400 medium fair appearance 200 Yellow Slraighlncck small-medium 500. SWEET POTATOES NO SUPPLIES TOMATOES SLIGHTLY LOWER 25-lb canon Pink to Light Red 85% US#l or better unless otherwise staled SALES BY REPACKERS SC one lot sx6s 11 00 6x6s 10.00 SALES BY OTHERS FL sx6s 850-950 6x6s 750-850 6x7s 8-850 fair quality sx6s 700-850 SC sx6s 850-950 6x6s ft 6x7s 8-850 fair quality sx6s 700-850 Plum type 20-lb canons SC 12 00 FL 10.00-12 00 CHERRY TYPE 12-1 pint flats SC 16 00 CA 17.00-18 00. TURNIPS topped NJ 25-Ib film bags medium 400-500. NJ Fruit FOB (Seasonal) Wed., June 29, I9U MOSTLY SUNNY 64-85. SOUTH NEW JERSEY Salei fob ship ping point basis. BLUEBERRIES Supply light Growers between varieties. Demand exceeds supply. Market steady. 12-pint film-wrapped tray. WEYMOUTH & BLUETTA 14.00.
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