Al6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1988 Pennsylvania All-American HARRISBURG (Dauphin) Ideal Hyrondella, Squires Gretel, Spar Hill Baguette, Vermount Ragapple Charity, Jester Sleeping Belmont Violet, and Guckian’s Venus Molly. Their names may fail to ring a ' Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wed., June 29, 1988 Report supplied by USDA CENTRAL U.S. CARLOT BEEF REPORT (INCLUDES THE MAJOR PRODUCTION AREAS IN THE MID WEST, TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA) AS OF 3:00 P.M. COMPARED TO TUESDAY’S 3:00 P.M. REPORT, CHOICE 3 STEER CAR CASSES $2.00 LOWER THAN LAST TEST, HEIFER STEADY TO WEAK; CHOICE 4 STEADY: SELECT $l.OO TO $2.00 HIGHER. DEMAND LIGHT TO MODERATE, MOVEMENT MOD ERATE ON MODERATE SUPPLIES AND OFFERINGS. 16 LOADS OF STEER CARCASSES AND 21 LOADS OF HEIFER CARCAS SES TRADED TO PACKER PROCESSORS. SALES REPORTED ON 64 LOADS OF STEER AND HEIFER CARCASSES. STEER CARCASSES: (22 LOADS REPORTED) FOB OMAHA BASIS CHOICE 3 600-900# 2 LOADS RANGE 99.00, LATEST ESTB. MKT. 99.00. CHOICE 4 600-900# 5 LOADS RANGE 88.00, LATEST ESTB. MKT. 88.00. SELECT 1-3 600-900# 15 LOADS RANGE 88.00-89.00, LATEST ESTB. MKT. 89.00. HOLSTEIN-TYPE CHOICE 1-3 600-900# LATEST ESTB. MKT. 88.50 SELECT 1-3 600-900# LATEST ESTB. MKT. 83.50 HEIFER CARCASSES (42 LOADS REPORTED) FOB OMAHA BASIS CHOICE 3 550-800# 7 LOADS RANGE 97.00-98.00, LATEST ESTB. MKT. 98.00. 500-550# 2 LOADS RANGE 94.00- LATEST ESTB. MKT. 94.00- 400-500# 1 LOAD RANGE 93.00- LATEST ESTB. MKT. 93.00- CHOICE 4 500-800# 5 LOAD RANGE 88.00, LATEST ESTB. MKT 88 00 SELECT 1-3 550-800# 27 LDS. RANGE 87.00-88.00, LATESTESTB MKT 88 00 400-550# LATEST ESTB MKT. 80 00 STEER CARCASSES bell with today’s readers, but in September 1964 each made news as the grand-champion cow in the six dairy breed shows at the first Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. FOB AMARILLO BASIS (0 LOADS REPORTED) CHOICE 4 600-900# LATEST ESTB. MKT. 88.00 HEIFER CARCASSES FOB AMARILLO BASIS (0 LOADS REPORTED) CHOICE 4 500-800# LATEST ESTB. MKT 88.00 STEER AND HEIFER PRIMAL CUTS (0 LOADS REPORTED) CHOICE 3 FOB OMAHA BASIS HEIFER HINDS 120-165# LATESTESTB. MKT. 113.00 FRONT QUARTERS 135-210# LATEST ESTB. MKT. 84.00 COW AND BULL CARCASSES (10 LOADS REPORTED) THIN TEST 2.00-4.00 HIGHER. DEMAND MODERATE WITH SELL ERS VERY BULLISH ON LIMITED OFFERINGS. FOB OMAHA UT, BRK. 2-4 450 & UP 3 LDS. FOB OMAHA 73 00-75 00 UT, BNG 1-3 400 & UP 2 LDS FOB OMAHA 77 00, FOB E.TX & OK 3 LDS. 78 00-79 00. 500 & UP UNQ., UNQ. CUTTER 1-2 350 & UP 2 LDS. FOB OMAHA 84.00, UNQ. 400 & UP FOB OMAHA UNQ, UNQ. BULL 1-2 600 & UP FOB OMAHA UNQ. BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/ BEEF TRIMMINGS (207 LOADS REPORTED) FOB OMAHA BASIS 90% FRESH 29 LDS. 111.00-115.00, M 114, 19 LDS. 114.00-115 00, M 115. 90% FROZEN 4 LDS. 114 00-115 00,3 LDS 115 50-116 00 85% FRESH 7 LDS 103 00-105 00, 2 LDS. 105 00-106.00 85% FROZEN UNQ 75% FRESH 5 LDS 85.00-85.50, UNQ 65% FRESH 5 LDS 64 00-65 00. 50% FRESH 84 LDS 38.00-41 00. 50% FROZEN 49 LDS 44.00-44 50. 50% BOX UNQ. **ABCDE AFTER QUOTES REPRE SENTS DAYS SINCE LAST ACTUAL MARKET TEST QUOTES ARE DROPPED AFTER 5 DAYS OF NO IEST OR BEFORE IF THEY NO LONGER REFLECT CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS »* Adhering to its annual schedule, the All-American will return to the Farm Show for its 25th anniver sary show Sept. 26-30. Exhibitors and sponsors - including some who have participated in each of the 24 preceding expositions - are completing plans for the special celebration. Committee members for this year’s All-American were appointed by Obie Snider of Imler, president of the Pennsylvania Dairy and Allied Industries Asso ciation, one of the show’s sponsors. Snider told the committee at the outset, “While the show long has been recognized for the high qual ity dairy animals shown here and has been the scene of many National Breed Shows year after year, we want to make the 1988 show stand out as the best ever.” In recent years the All- American has attracted exhibitors from as many as 30 states and Canadian provinces, Snider said. Fourteen states and provinces were represented at the 1964 show. The 1988 exposition has been ★ EASIER CLEANING ★ STRONGER FRONT END ★ STEEL INSERT OPTION ★ ADDED FEED SAVINGS THE LEADERS IN FEEDERS Distributed By: Phone (717) 249 6720 I 30 KW 120/240 Volts 1 Phase 1800 RPM 225 C.U. in. Chrysler Industrial Engine Brushless Alternator A.C. Meter Panel P.O. BOX 35 RT 1 BOX 166 MARTINDALE, PA 17549 VERSAILLES, MO 65084 215-445-4585 314-378-5457 Show Celebrates fine-tuned for public appeal, an innovation in itself since the previ ous shows focused internally on the dairy industry. Recognizing the event’s educa tional and entertainment potential, the committee has added new attractions and revamped some of the standing ones to attract group tours. Adult groups and school child ren, farm and city residents will find many interesting activities, Snider said. Admission to the show and its events is free. In addition to the outstanding dairy cattle on exhibit and the judging throughout the week, the 1988 All-American will feature the following: The Pennsylvania Junior Dairy Show, spotlighting over 800 dairy animals that serve as projects for the state’s young people. The All-American Invita tional Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest, in which Future Farmers of America, 4-H and college teams from 20 states rate animals that will compete in the open shows ARROW FRONT FEEDER WAGON Schaessaw m/ ms® ~yz± ii a ARTIN SPECIAL SALE WINCO POWER PLANTS 77? Wm 1 U.S. PATENT #4,258,663 AND PATENTS APPLIED FOR EFFICIENTLY FEEDS GREEN FEED SILAGE/HAYLAGE ROUND BALES CHOPPED HAY SQUARE BALES GROUND FEED ACHIWERY (While. Supply Lasts) • Engine Guages • Automatic Start Control Panel • Four Light Safety Shut Down • Main Line Circuit Breaker • Block Heater later in the week. A Country Craft Show and other craft demonstrations and activities to be held during the week on the Large Arena’s lower concourse. More than 50 dairy-related commercial exhibits. A cow-calf petting area for children. A mechanical cow depicting the “feed-to-milk process,” an entertaining, educational attraction. The “Home Built and Handy Contest,” a new event. Among other attractions will be the 25th PAADS Recognition Banquet and Dairy Shrine Awards Banquet on Sept 28, which is expected to draw 450 people, according to Snider. Information on tours and the show itself can be obtained by con tacting the Pennsylvania All- American Dairy Show, c/o Charles Itle, Shows Manager, Farm Show Complex, 2301 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408, or by calling (717) 787-2905. WAGON SIZE OPENINGS 12’ 23 16’ 29 20’ 35 24’ 39 30’ 47
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