Philadelphia Fruit Market Wed, May 25.4J88, GRAPEFRUIT FL 4/5 Bushel carton Indian River White 32-40 s 10.00 Red 23s 800-950 27s 850-950 32-36 s 9-950 40s 9-950 mostly 900 48s 900-10.00 56s 850-900. LEMONS CA carton 115 s 26.00 140 s 20.00 165$ 17.50 200 s 13.50 Choice 95-115 s 18.00-18.50 140 s 13.50-14.50 165 s 13.50 200 s 12.75. LIMES ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton Persian Seedless FL 42s 3-350 48-54 s 300-400 mostly 350-400 63s 300-400 mostly 350 MEXICO 63s 300. ORANGES CA carton Navel 56s 15.00 72s 15.50-17.00 88s 1650-17.00 Choice 56s 11.00 72s 12 00-12.50 88s 13.00 Val encia 56s 12.5072-88$ 12.50-13.50 Choice 72s 10.00-11.00 mostly 10.00 88s 10.50 113 s 10.50138 s 10.00 FL 4/5 bushel canon Valencia 64-100 s 950-10 00 125 s 10 25-11.00. APPLES ABOUT STEADY CON TROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE carton tray pack WA Red Delicious WA Extra Fancy 78-113 s 12 00-12.50 pre ferred labels 88s 14 00 100 s 13.00-14.00 113-125 s 13 50-14 00 Golden Delicious WA Extra Fancy 88s 14.50-15 50 100 s 13.50 113 s 12.50 cm 12-3 lb film bags 2-1/4“ minimum Too few sales to quote REGULAR STORAGE carton tray pack CHILE Granny Smith 70s 17 00-18.00 80s 16 00-17.00 mostly 16 00 90s 15 00-16.00 100 s 15 00. APRICOTS LOWER CA 24-Ib carton Castlebnte extra jumbo 20.00-23 00jumbo 16 00-20.00 extra large 12 00 large 10.00 Katy extra jumbo 20 00 jumbo 18 00 Improved Flaming Gold jumbo 15.00-16.00 2-layer carton Castlebnte 88s 18 00 108 s 800. AVOCADOS SUPPLIES LIGHT CA carton Hass l-layer 20s 15.00 2-layer 40-48 s 30.00. CHERRIES ABOUT STEADY CA 18-lb carton Bing via air 11-1/2 row size & larger 28.00 12 row size & larger 25 00-26 00. GRAPES-TABLE FLAME SEEDLESS LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY 22-lb carton & lug CA Perlette 23.00-24.00 Flame Seedless 30.00 18-lb lug wrapped CHILE Emperor 700-900 Almena 800 Ribier 19.00-20,00 Black Giant 19.00-20.00. KIWIFRUIT CA 1-layer 10.00-10.50 36s 10 50 42s MANGOS Supplies insufficient to quote. NECTARINES LOWER CA 2-layer carton Early Diamond 72s 23 00 84s 19.00- 25-lb lug MaybeUe 72 size 26.00 84 size 22.00-23.00 96 size 17.00- 108 size 13.00-13.50 May Glo 84 size 21.00 96s 17.50 Aureho Grand 70 size 28.00-30 00 96 size 15 00-19.00 FL 25-lb carton Sun Red US#l 1-7/8 inch minimum 10.00. PAPAYAS HAWAII carton via air 12s 13.00. PEACHES LOWER SC 25-lb carton Camden US#l Extra 2 inch & up 10.00- 00 1-7/8 inch minimum 600-800 1-3/4 inch minimum 500-600 GA 38-lb car ton Spring Bright US#l Extra 2 inch & up 14.00- 1-7/8 inch & up 10 00 1-3/4 inch & up 700 CA 2-layer lug Spnngcrest 48-50 s 17.00 72s 14.00 May Crest 64s 14.00 Raycrest 80s 800. PEARS STEADY WA 4/5 bushel carton D’Anjou controlled atmosphere storage US#l 90s 22.00 100 s 21.00 110 s 18.00- WA Extra Fancy 90-110 s 20.00- AUSTRALIA 4/5 bushel car ton wrapped Bose 120 s few 32 00 CHILE 4/5 bushel crate wrapped Packham Triumph 70s & 90-100 s 22 00 120 s 18.50 135 s 17.50. PINEAPPLES HAWAII carton via air 6s 12.00. PLUMS LOWER CA 28-lb carton Red Beaut 3x4x4 size 20.00 4x4 size 17.00- 503x4x5size 14.00-15 00 mostly 14.00- 4x5 size 10.00-13.00 mostly 10.00- Durado one lot 4x4 size 18.00 3x4x5 & 4x5 size 12.00. PRUNES No Supplies. RASPBERRIES ABOUT STEADY 12-1/2 pint film overwrapped flats CA 12.00 one label 15.00-16.00. STRAWBERRIES HIGHER 12-1 pint flats CA medium-large 720-900 mostly 800 one lot 10.80 one label 13.00. CANTALOUPS CA 1/2 carton 12s 22.00-25.0015-18 s 25.0023 s 23.00 TX 1/2 carton 15-18 s 24.00 MEXICO 1/2 crate 18s 21.00 one lot 26.00-27.00 23s 19.00 30s 15.00. HONEYDEWS SLIGHTLY LOWER CA 2/3 carton 6s 900-10.00 8s 700-800 TX 2/3 carton 6s 10.00 one label 12.00 8s 600-800 mostly 700 9s 500-600 10s 500-600 mostly 500 12s 400 PUERTO Rl£o 2/3 pony carton 8s 600-700 9s 500-600 EL SALVADOR 2/3 carton 4-5 s 900- lO.OOmostly 9-950 MEXICO 2/3 crate 6s 900 8s 800 9s 700. flat 30-33 s 1000 MISC MELONS Supplies insufficient to 0% Finan V For 1 Yf 4.7% For 24 “ For 36 ~7 Qa /Choice Of Rt */ Up To $: yW’ DEALS'.!^ They’re That s right' Yanmar Tractors famous for quality and diesel dependability are on sale and they re selling hot l And right now your YANMAR Dealer will make the hottest deal to help you haul away big “A Little Out Of The Way... But A Lot Less To Pay” “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO’’ LAWN CARE OF PA. Sales & Service 1 Mi North ol Martlndals on Gnat Mill Rd„ Martindale, PA 17549 (215) 445-4541 quote. WATERMELONS ABOUT STEADY average weight per melon FL Jubilee 32-lb 550-600 mostly 550 Long Gray 30-lb 5-550 mostly 500 Mirage 35-lb 650-700 mostly 650 Crimson Sweet 30-lb 5-550 mostly 500 23-lb 325-350 mostly 325 carton per lb FL Mirage 3s 25 cents Seedless variety 4s 30 cents. Philadelphia Vegetable Market Wed., May 25, 1988 ARTICHOKES CA carton 36s 500 48$ 600. ASPARAGUS LOWER CA 30-lb crate jumbo 18.50 large 17.50 WA 30-lb crate Long Green WA Extra Fancy jumbo 20 00 large & standard 20.00-21.00 mostly 20 00 NJ pyramid crate bunched 12s field ran medium-large 15.00-16.00 mostly 16.00. BEANS LOWER various bushel con tainers Round Green type unless otherwise stated FL Handpicked 900-10 00 GA 800-900 SC 800-900 mostly 900. BEETS SUPPLIES LIGHT TX topped 25-lb film bags 600-700 BROCCOLI ABOUT STEADY carton bunched CA 14s 7-750 18s one label 800 NC 14s 5-575. CABBAGE SLIGHTLY LOWER 1-3/4 bushel crate & canon medium green unless otherwise stated FL 600 Red few 750 NC 600-700 small-medium 550-600 Savoy type 800-900 Red 750-800 GA 600-700 small-medium 6-650 50-Ib sacks 600 NY 50-lb sacks medium-large 850 CARROTS LOWER 48-1 lb film bags in film sacks CA medium-large 10 00-1200 mostly 11 00 medium 1000 FL medium 9-950 mostly 900 50-Ib sacks loose jumbo CA 1150-13.00 FL 10.50-11 00 mostly 1100 CAULIFLOWER SLIGHTLY HIGH ER carton film wrapped CA 12s 900-10.50 mostly 10.00. CELERY SLIGHTLY LOWER CA car ton 2 dozen 12 00 2-1/2 dozen 12.00-13.00 mostly 12 00 FL crate & carton 2-3 dozen 10.00-11.00. CHINESE CABBAGE NJ celery crate 600-700. CORN ABOUT STEADY FL wire bound crates approximately 4-1/2 dozen Yellow 650-800 mostly 700 While 850-10 00 mostly 900. CUCUMBERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel cartons Waxed medium unless All Models In Stock 14 HP to 33 HP, HOURS; Mon , Thurs , Fn ‘ 8 AM - 8 PM lues & Wed 8 AM - 5 30 PM Sat 8 AM - 2 PM otherwise stated FL most offerings fair appearance 6-650 fair quality 350-500 SC 700-900 fair quality 500-700. EGGPLANT HIGHER FL 1-1/9 bushel carton medium fair condition 400-600. ENDIVE 1-1/9 bushel crate NJ 900. ESCAROLE SUPPLIES LIGHT 1-1/9 bushel crate NJ 900 FL 700-800. GREENS SLIGHTLY LOWER crate & canon approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise stated GA Collards 550 Kale 600-700 mostly 650 NC Collards 600 Kale 6-650 mostly 600 NJ Collards 600 Mustard & Turnip Tops 500-600 Rape 500-600 mostly 600 CA 24s Swiss Chard Red 900 650. LEEKS bunched 12s NJ crate 750-10 00. LETTUCE-ICEBERG ABOUT STEADY carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 750-900 mostly 8-850 film wrapped 900-10,50 AZ 7-750. LETTUCE-ROMAINE ABOUT STEADY CA 24s crate 11.00 canon 850-950 mostly 850-900 NJ carton 24s 4-450. LETTUCE-OTHERS Big Boston CA carton 24s 700-800 Bibb OH l-layer carton 500 Leaf CA carton 24s including Red 800-900 NJ crate 24s 600 LETTUCE-PROCESSING No supplies. OKRA Supplies insufficient to quote. ONIONS-GREEN ABOUT STEADY 4/5 bushel crate bunched NJ 48s 700-800 carton bunched 48s CA 600 MEXICO 700-800 mostly 700 PARSLEY CURLY HIGHER, PLAIN ABOUT STEADY bunched 5 dozen Curly unless otherwise staled NJ bushel basket 800-900 Plain 800-900 FL crate 900 Plain 800-900 CA carton few 850. PEAS-GREEN CA bushel crate 20.00 VA bushel hamper 12 00-14.00. PEAS-SOUTHERN No supplies. PEAS-SUGAR ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton per lb CA including via air 120-130 Sugar Snap few 130 GUATEMA LA 120-130 mostly 120 MEXICO 110-120. PEPPERS HIGHER 1-1/9 bushel crate & carton California Wonder type Green unless otherwise stated FL large 800-950 mostly 850-900 medium-large 600-700 medium one lot 700 Mixed Red medium large 400-500 Red medium 12.00. RADISHES ABOUT STEADY carton HERE’S A WINNING TEAM... Let Us Show You How The TEAM Can INCREASE YOUR PROFITS! Contact Marv For A No-Obligation Do-It-Yourself Field Trial Uon.-Ft. gg'Jl'rl-B ff \V 7:30 AM IHbj \ GROFF)) ,o «r M I ~ Si«« 1890 • n«m« y»u cut Iriltl mt. jAii _ 7 AM to 12 Noon 110 South Railroad Ave « New Holland, PA 17557 • Telephone Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1988-At3 Red 30-6 oz film bags unless otherwise stated FI, 700 OH 7-750 bunched 24s 500-600 CA bunched 24s 750. SPINACH ABOUT STEADY Savoy type NJ bushel baskets 400-500 1-1/4 bushel crate bunched 600 PA 1-1/4 bushel crate 400 Flat type CA carton 24s 750. SQUASH HIGHER FL 1/2 bushel car ton Zucchini small-medium 400-600 medium 250-400 mostly 300 Yellow Straightneck medium 250-400 GA 5 19 bushel carton Zucchini medium 350. SWEET POTATOES SUPPLIES LIGHT CA 40-lb carton Jewel type cured 22.00 NC 50-lb carton Jewel type cured 24.00 Urge 17.00. TOMATOES LOWER 25-lb carton Pink to light Red 85% or better US#l quality unless otherwise stated Sales by Repackers FL sx6s 9-950 mostly 900 6x6s 8-850 6x7s 700 one lot previous commitments sx6s 12.00 6x6s 11.00 6x7s 10.00 Sales by Others FL sx6s 10.00 6x6s 800-900 6x7s 700 fair quality sx6s 700-900 mostly 700-800 6x6s 700 Cherry type 12-1 pint flat FL 10.00 MEXICO one label 11.00. TURNIPS topped CA 25-lb film sacks large 500. Shippensburg Produce Auction (717) 530-1700 Shippensburg, PA May 19 & 24 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES 1.50-2.75 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS 4.50-9.50 10# BOX. BEDDING PLANTS 1.75-5.50 FLAT. EGGS .31.56 DOZ. LETTUCE 3.50-5.00 Vi BU. ONIONS 4.50-5.50 50 LB. BAG; (SPRING) 9.00-11.50 Vi BU. LOT. POTATOES (OLD) 2.50-3.00 50# BAG. RADISHES 6.00-11.25 Vi BU. RHUBARB 4.50-6.00 Vi BU. SPINACH 3.25-5.00 Vi BU. TOMATOES (FL.) 5.50-8.00 25# BOX. WATERMELON 3.10 EA. and ~D ST liniiiTic- 717; 353-2121
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