IHEORTHENE MACHME PROTECTS TOBACCO S. IT'S ME Drills flea beetles, cabbage loopers, hornworms, budworms, green peach aphids and other tobacco pests. Sprayable by vehicle or on foot Rolls over hard-to kill insect pests. They haven't developed resistance to it. Continues to work system ically by remote control. Atiy • v ' 11 'Refer to state regulations. Avoid accidents, for safety, read the entire label including precautions. Use all chemicals only as directed. Copyright © 1987 Chevron Chemical Company. All rights reserved. :^oi 'deduces need for :s or masks.* ITS MUX Low hazard to wildlife. * t * - . rV . fr * *■ «. Convenient-to-use soluble powder. Gentle enough to be used in transplant water. Workers riding transplant equip ment don't need to wear special protective clothing. Kills tobacco *• pests, but used as directed won't burn plants. Low toxicity to fish. I* , f Chevron ** Ortho ’""iVu Chevron Chemical Company
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers