: l4*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 p Sale Reports A Public Auction of farm tractors and equip ment was held March 4 by John G. Herr, 1 mile north of Millersville, Pa. on Ironstone Ridge' Road. There were over 200 registered buyers at the sale. Some prices included: old A.C. trac tor $lOOO, Farmall H tractor $lOOO, Farmall A tractor $lBOO, 2-row com planter $9OO, grain drill $370, hammer mill $475, rotary chopper $6OO, grain wagon $450, tobacco wagon $270, and table-top meat grinder $l4O. H. Edward Johnson was the auctioneer. XXX A Public Auction of mules and farm equip ment was held March 1 by Abram K. and Mary S. King, between Rt. 23 and 340 along Horseshoe Road, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 195 registered bidders at the farm. Some prices were: 5-year old horse $925, smooth-mouthed mule $750, two 8-year old mules $4600, and two 9-year old mules $2700. Other equipment was as follows: N.H. baler $3400, N.H. elevator $llOO, N.H. side rakes $220 & $2lO, two blue quilts $llOO & $1350, flower quilt $2lO, Amish doll $225, red coverlet $230 and 12 chairs $855. The auctioneers were Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin and Gerald Hoover. XXX A Public Auction of antiques was held March 5 by John G. Herr at the Central Man ex’ Auction, on Habeck er Church Rd., 2 miles south of Mountville, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices included; copper kettle $325, tobacco sizing box $ll5, old basket $BO, 2 walnut war drobes $950 each, pine comer cupboard $lOOO, roll-top desk $1250, rope bed $75, iron ket tles $55 each, spinning wheel $225, milk cans $27.50 each, wash boards $32.50 each, brass piano light $l5O, small Cowden crock $62.50, rooster cookie cutter $3O, old Victrola $225, Lancaster “Mar tin” lard tin $65 and pocket watch $55. H. Edward Johnson was the auctioneer. XXX A Public Sale of farm machinery was held March 4 by Paul R. King, along McKinley Road, York County, Pa. Some prices received were: J.D. 4030 tractor $9300, J.D. 2510 tractor $4300, J.D. 630 tractor $2400, N.I. manure spreader $2550, 3 hay wagons $B5O to $lOOO ea., A.C. forage wagon $525, N.H. forage wagon $5OO, N.H. 276 baler $2lOO, Int. 56 rake $875, J.D. 210 disc $1325, chisel plow $825, Wic straw shred der $B7O, Stewart clip pers $BO to $lOO each and show halters $l5 to $22.50 each. J. Everett Kreider, Stanley Bucher and Martin Heaps, Aucts. XXX A Public Sale of farm machinery was held- March 3 by John K. and Rachel Stoltzfus, 4 miles west of Gap on South Vintage Rd., Lan caster Co., Pa. Some prices included: two pairs of mules $3BOO & $2OOO, two mules $950 & $l5OO, set of harness’s $B5 to $llO, Pequea spreader $2lOO, walk ing plow $l2O, N.H. mower w/engine $2600, hydraulic plow $2650, flat bed wagon $75, N.H. #56 $l4OO, Pequea tedder $llOO, 2-way plow $l2O, milkers $320 each and Sputnick milk mover $llOO. Steve and Steve, Jr. f AUCTION - OPEN HOUSE Ti WARNER TRACTOR & JT I EQUIPMENT, INC. 7 / EST. 1945 m ~ Your Case-IH-Kubota Dealer FRIDAY, MARCH 18th at 9:30 A.M. MACHINERY: Case 580 diesel loader/backhoe; 420 Case Ind. gas tractor, shuttle shift, converter; 404 Int. tractor, pto & belly mtd., hyd. drive mower, INTERNATIONAL CARGO STAR 181 TRAC TOR, 46,000 miles, gas, cab over, new tires, with BUSH HOG 30’x8’ OVER SHOT TRAILER, hyd. tilt & winch, (to be sold 3 ways); 1982 PLYMOUTH HORIZON TC3 auto, transmission, Michelin radials, 62,000 miles, (good shape); 489 NH 9’ 3” haybine; 258 NH rake (like new); 256 NH rake, rubber teeth; 275 NH baler w/54A thrower, super sweep; 11 Case-IH 5’ blade (new); 15 Case-IH 6’ blade (new); 546 Oliver 4x16” hyd., aura-reset plow, hyd. side-hill hitch; Tum-A-Port trailer; N-14 Dion blower (like new); belt drive cutting box; 565 Oliver 4x16 semi plow; 2-btm. Case plow; Int. 37 baler w/#lO thrower; Hesston 1090 mower-conditioner; L 59 Woods 60” mid-mount mower; J6O Case 60” mid-mount mower; new 5’ Bush Hog rotary cutter; new 60” V* yd. bucket; 18” Int. backhoe bucket: Brillion SSI6 transport harrow (new); assorted front & rear Case wts.; floor crane lift; new NH parts & attachments. LAWN & GARDEN; Lawn rollers (new & used): 2 new 10 cu. ft. carts; 7’xl3’ utility shed mounted on trailer w/elec. (nice); 50 railroad ties; tarp; shredder w/3 hp motor; fuel tanks; new weed cater; 120,000 btu furnace; new Handy pressure washer; 2 new 36” fert. spreader; 2 Cyclone spreaders: gar den rakes; shovels; forks; Jari sickle-bar mower; office safe; parts cleaner; siding; tables; many 4’ fluorescent lights; 4 34”x48” glass; Parts bins; display shelving; blinking signs. MISCELLANEOUS: (50) 2x10x14 lumber; 2 sets steps; 2 tubs; 2 toilets; cement blocks; (20) 2x6xB planks; bunker silo; 4 post ROPS; 6 cast iron rollers; oil barrel & pump; Motorola base & 4 mobile units; pto shafts; 830 engine block; 3 hp elec, motor, 450 Case drive sprocket 65%; Gas-Boy 30 key elec, pump; 10:00x20 spreader tire & rim; 2 30-gal. Hy-tran; 1 55-gal. Hy-tran; 6 55-gal. series 3-30 wt oil; 630 Hotsy washer; many new & used shop tools; new batteries; suspended ceiling; wheels; tires; mufflers; battery charger; plus large quantity of good new & used items. ANTIQUES & OLDER ITEMS: School desks; milk can/stools; trunks; 12’ oak display case; can ning jars; oak office desk; oak book case; just a large quantity of antiques; Lorraine quit the antique business 4 years ago after 25 years in the business & is selling to the wall the remainder. SALES MGR. NOTE: The Warners have just completely remodeled their reception- display parts- store room areas to better service their customers. Come on down to their Auction-Open House and they will have lunch for you. SALE ORDER: Small Items 9:30-11:30, Machines 11:45, Furniture & Antiques and remainder of small items last. TERMS: Cash or honorable check sale day. Petersheim were the auctioneers. XXX A Public Auction of farm equipment was held March 5 by Nora Z. Martin, off Route 422 between Lebanon and Reading at Myerstown in Jackson Township, Pa. A large crowd attended the sale. Some prices were: J.D. 4020 D tractor $4825, J.D. 2640 tractor w/loader $11,550. J.D. 2020 gas tractor $4200, J.D. 2520 tractor $4lOO, J.D. 4400 combine w/2 heads $3900, J.D. 2-row com picker $5600, J.D. 450 manure spreader $2700, Int. 3 pt. chisel plow $1125, J.D. chisel plow $lBOO, J.D. disc $2525, J.D. 716 forage wagon $5550, J.D. hay rake $1550, J.D. 336 baler w/thrower $4200, J.D. mower-conditioner $3075 and Little Giant 32’ elevator $1225. J&P Auctions con ducted the sale. XXX Kit-Way Farm Com plete Dispersal was held March 3 by Wayne and Susan Reeder, west of Hanover, Pa. on Bender Road. The top price of $2150 was paid by Dale Located at East Troy, Pa., on U.S. Rte. 6. Robert M. Shaylor Sales 515 Elmira St., Troy, Pa. - 717-297-3278 Reputable Sales Service Licensed Bonded Barshinger, Locust Point Rd., York Pa. for a two year old daughter of Harmony-Corners Simon-Twin. The second high price was $2OOO for a one year old daughter of Lekker Valiant Royalty and she was purchased bv Marlin Hoff, New Public Auction Register Closing Dalf Monday 5 00PM ol each week s publication FRI MAR 11 & SAT. MAR 12-9 30AM Frederick Co 22nd Annual Consignment Sale. Frederick Fair grounds, Frederick, Md Managed by The Family of Mehrle N Wachter FRI & SAT MAR 11 &12- 10AM Tractors, Trucks, Farm Machinery, Tools, Misc Located just S of Mt Jackson, Va on US 11-181, Exit 69 Strathmore Inc Foltz Auction, Inc. FRI & SAT MAR 11 &12- Fredenck County’s 22nd Annual Consignment Sale at Frederick Fairgrounds Industnal & Farm Eq Man aged by Mehrle N Wachter SAT MAR 12 - Real Windsor, Maryland. The third high cow sold was a 7 year old daughter of Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. She was purchased for $l9OO by Harold Long of Thurmont, Maryland. Backus Associates, Inc. were the sale mana gers and auctioneers. Estate, Farm Eq . Antiques & HH Virginia Fry, Kramer Mill Rd . Denver, PA Paul E Martin and John D Stauffer, Auctioneers SAT MAR 12 - Real Estate, HH, Painting & Wallpapering Supplies Located 203 Lancaster Avenue, Terre Hill, PA Mrs Aaron Burkholder, Owner Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff, Aucts SAT MAR 12 - Approx 4Vi mis Wof Lewisburg, PA, N of Rt 192, at Buffalo Cross Rds, Union Co Modern JD Farm Machin ery Wood-Ann Farm Inc Elwood, Anna & Doug Wal ter, Owners Wayne & Alan Hess, Aucts ’*£l; lh f% FARM EQUIPMENT and TRUCKS PUBLIC SALE Saturday, March 19,1988 At 11:00 A.M. Discontinuing crop farming will sell the following at the home farm located 2 miles south of Greencastle, Pennsylva nia -1 mile south of Interstate 81 • Exit 2 along Route 11 at 14648 Molly Pitcher Highway. FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall M, New Idea 500 Loader for Far mall, 300 International Utility, Farmall M with extra clean N. 1.307 Mounted picker, N.H. 275 Baler w/thrower, Hesslon PTIO-9 ft. Haybine, 2 like new 18 ft. Banco Bale wagons, Massey- Harris 80 Combinc/12 ft. Grain head. Late N.I. 402 Bar Rake, 300 bu. gravity bin, 30 ft. Smok er elevator, 14 ft. Crib elevator, N.H. table ele vator, I.H. manure spreader, LH. 13 disc grain drill and seed, 200 gal. fiberglass field sprayer, side rake, 249 LH. 2 row complantcr, I.H. 3 bottom trip plow, I.H. 2 bottom trip plow, 3 disc plow, 2 Int. 198 Discs, 9A Disc, Cobey steel cultipackcr, 2 N.I. Hayloadcrs, 2 pt. plat form bin, some horse equipment, 10x20 tires, log chains, tools, hydraulic cylinders. Farm and Shop items. TRUCKS and VEHICLES 1977 Ford LN 800 Louisville, 1968 1700 Int. single axle dump, 1975 Int. 150 V-8 auto. Camper Special, 1975 Olds Cutlass Supreme 350 and a Shasta Dclux 21 ft. camper trailer. MR. and MRS. HARRY E. HYKES (717) 597-8491 Auctioneer - J. Rodger Wildeson AU-1012-L Phone: 717-263-5702 OLD FEED MILL AUCTIONS Mailing Address; 318 WASHINGTON ST. BOONTON, N.J. 07005 JACK WOOTTON, Auctioneer (201) 334-0001 ANTIQUE CAR & EQUIP. AUCTION SAT., MARCH 19, 10:00 AM Auction to be held in the Mill Yard at Old Feed Mill Auctions, 487 Division St., Boonton, Morris County, New Jersey (201) 334-0001 or (201) 892-1792. Auction will be held rain or shine ~ Small tools and garden equipment Inside, antique cars, trucks, contractor and farm equipment outside. Preview 8 a.m. day of auction. Terms: Cash or good check with 1,0. Cars released when check clears. AUCTION INCLUDES 1931 Model A two door sedan, fully restored, show car; 1942 Cadillac four door sedan; 1940 Dodge four door sedan; 1949 Dodge pickup; 1971 Buick convertible; 1974 Chevrolet step van; 1975 Dodge 300 cube van; International truck with snow plow; Dodge Ram Charger with Meyers snow plow; Jeep 4WD pickup with Meyers snow plow; 1975 Lincoln Continental Coupe; 1974 Chevrolet Suburban 1981; Dodge window van; Ford 9N Jubilee tractor with hydraulic bucket loader and York Rake; Electric forklift truck; Bench saws; Roto Hoe 8 HP shredder like new; Sears 11 HP tractor with rotary mower; Jacobsen 8 HP tractor; Jari sickle bar mower; Garage pow er hoists; Parts bins and shelves; Truckloads of small tools; Industrial hardware; Garden tools of all sorts; Bolens Husky tractor; Rotary pow er mowers, Cyclone and drop spreaders; mortar mixer; International dump cart; Horse drawn implements; Shop tools; Jacks; Fifty five gal lon drums of motor oil, hydraulic fluid; Anti que and Classic car parts and much more. TRUCKING CAN BE ARRANGED National Auctioneers Association New Jersey State Society of Auctioneers Jack Wootton, Auctioneer Gallery at: 487 DIVISION ST. BOONTON, N.J. 07005
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