Sale Reports An Auction Sale of farm machinery and trucks was held March 5 by Marion Townsend, Sr., 2 miles north of Rock Hall, Md. on Edesville-Piney Neck Road. Some prices were: John Blue sprayer $1350, M.F. ditcher $350, Brillion 15’ rotary cutter $BOO, rotary cut ter $ll5O, J.D. sub soilersl32s, 3 pt. hitch boom $17.50, J.D. cart PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Farm Machinery, 4 Tractors, Combine, Butcher Items, Etc. Located on Farm 3 miles S. of Lairdsville, Pa., 10 miles SE of Hughes vide near Star School House along Star Road. Watch for Auction Arrows off Rt. 118 In Village of Lairdsville (Lyc. Co.) SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1988 Starting 11:00 A.M. 4 Tractors, Farm Machinery, Etc. IH 826 wfe Tractor- German Diesel, T.A., Dual Hyds., 540 & 1000 rpm Shafts, 3 Pth., 18.4-38” Good Rubber- 1 Owner, Clean; Farmall 350 Gas Tractor- wfe, Fast Hitch, Dual Hyds., PS, TA-1 Owner; Oliver OC4 Crawler Tractor w/Avery Cultivators. 4 Speed - Belt Pully, PTO; Oliver OC3 Craw ler Tractor w/Avery Cultivators, PTO Belt Pully; MH 82 Gas Self-Propelled Combine 12 Cut, Variable Speed. Good Motor; 50 Dodge 14’ Stake Body Truck, Dual 9:00-20" Wheels, 5-2 Spd., 26,000 GVW- Good; FARM MACHINERY: McConnell 16’ 3 Section Spnngtooth Harrow; JD & Chata nooga 12’ Springlooth Harrows; 20’ Pull- Type Rotary Hoe; Brillion 11 ’ Double Culti packer; Ontario 14-7 Hoe Drill on Rubber- Good Fert.; Ontario 13-8 Hoe Drill on Steel; JD & Ezee-Flo Lime Drills; IH no. 110 Side Mounted 7’ Balanced Head Bar Mower; NH 256 & 55 Roto-Bar Rakes; Brady 80” Direct Cut Flail Chopper; Fox Ind. Forage Harves ter w/1 Row Corn, Pickup, Direct Cut Heads; NH 276 PTO Baler w/PTO Thrower- Flotation Tires: 2-20’ Thrower Rack Wagons w/Grove 7 Ton Chassis, 9L Tires, Adj. Tongue: 2-16” Solid Sides Thrower Rack Wagons w/Grove 8 Ton Chassis; 2-14’ Solid Sides Thrower Wagons w/5 Ton Grove Chassis- Flip-Up End Gates; Nl 205 PTO Flail Manure Spreader; Nl 17 PTO Manure Spreader; Nl no. 10 1 Row Corn Picker; IH 2 Row Cultivators w/Fast Hitch Back Gang; IH 2 Pth. 2 row Tool Bar Cultivators: AC Long Table Belt Drive Blower; King-Wyse 34’ All-Purpose Eleva tor w/1 hp. Elec. Motor; 20’x4” Grain Auger; Harvest Handler 16’ Alum. Corn elevator; Little Giant Drag Elevator; Corn Saver; I Herd 3 Pth. Spinner Fert. Spreader; Seed Cleaner w/Elec. Motor; Bolens Walking Tractor w/2 Reel Mowers & Cultivators: Quantity of Lumber; House Doors; 3 Walk ing Plows Syc Right, Valcan, Oliver Flip- Over; BUTCHER ITEMS: 3 C.l. Butcher Ket tles; Hobart Comm. Meat Grinder w/% hp. Elec. Motor; 4 & 8 qt. Enterprise Lard Presses: Kettle Rings; Hog Hangers; New Scaulding Trough made by Chas. Yocum- Nice; Large Copper Applebutter Kettle- Dovetail ed; Lots More, Etc. Etc. TERMS; Cash or Good Check Day of Sale. I Out of state buyers must have current bank I letter of credit guaranteeing funds. I Owner I FRANCES SONES 584-3059 I Conducted By FRALEY AUCTION CO. LICENSED & BONDED Auct. Uc. No.; AU-001194-L R.D. 4, BOX 328, MUNCY, PA. 17756 (717) 546-6907 Lunch Available i 1 ‘ * I / ;J $1450, J.D. 1210 A grain cart $2lOO, Dunham-Lehr 30’ pack er $3200, J.D. 330 28 ft disc $2200. J.D. 330 26 ft. disc $2900, Krause 30’ cultivator $3550, J.D. 25’ chisel plow $2OOO, Int. 5100 grain drill $3900, Int. 720 6xlB plows $6300, Bril lion 16’ chisel plow $6OO, J.D. 4040 tractor $16,900, M.F. 1150 tractor $5500, J.D. 8630 tractor $13,000, Steiger ■ 4 * r - Aj\ If ( f t » ' 251 Cougar $18,300. 1972 Fruehauf 32’ trail er $lO,OOO and 1974 Fruehauf 28’ trailer $9lOO. Pete Richardson Auc tion Sales conducted the sale. XXX A Complete Disper sal was held March 4 by Lester and Anna Mae Eby, R.D. 1, Swan Road, Atglen, Pa. A large crowd attended the sale. The average of the 99 head of cows and heifers sold was $l2OO with the 65 cows averaging $1360. Five cows sold for over $2OOO and 11 cows brought $1750 or over. The two lop animals brought $2200 and $2150. Lee Kurtz and Omar Stoltzfus were the auctioneers. PUBLIC AUCTION OF COMBINE - TRACTORS FARM EQUIPMENT - TRUCK HOUSEHOLD Location: 1 mile east of Dover, Del. on Rt. 8 North Little Creek Rd. Ist farm on left from Dover. Sat., March 19. 1988 11 A.M. TRACTORS - TRUCK & COMBINE 1086 International diesel tractor w/cab, air, 20.8x38 duals (3127 hrs); 4010 John Deere diesel tractor w/Royal Guardian cab (1963 M International gas tractor w/wide front hydraul ics; F-12 Farmall tractor; 6600 John Deere diesel combine w/15’ grain head, cab, an - , straw chopper (2050 hrs.); 1968 International 10 wheel Loadstar gas truck, 392 engine, 22’ grain body w/tarp. FARM EQUIPMENT #5lOO Int. grain drill w/double disc & press wheels, #5B Int 6 row planter w/insecticide boxes, J.D. no-till 3ph bean planter w/8x20” rows, Bnllion 6 row S tyne cultivator, J.D. 6 row R.G. cultivator, #507 Gyromor J.D. rotary mower, #l5B J.D. loader, 8’ J.D. bucket for loader, Horn manure loader, John Blue4oogal. sprayer w/4000 pump, 1000 gal. J.B. nurse tank w/pump, 18’ 3 ph Brillion field cultivator w/bustcr bar, Snowco #23-067 three-way rotat ing grain cleaner, Snowco 6’x32’ grain auger w/5 horse electric motor, 4”x2o’ grain auger, #475 Int. 16.5’ disc, 14’ solid wheel Brillion packer w/2-3’ gang packers, 12’ Brillion solid wheel packer, 8’ Bnllion crowfoot packer w/2-6’ gang packers, #55 10’ Int. pull type chisel plow, 3 #1065 J.D. wagons w/flat dumps & 4’ grain sides, #1065 J.D. wagon with flat bed, 10 ton electric wagon w/dump & 4’ grain side, grain aeration fan, J.D. model 4 grain tes ter, #BO J.D. blade, 4 section J.D. rotary hoe, J.D. 12’ tool bar, 18’ Int. drag, 3 ph log splitter, 2 J.D. fast hitches, 14.9x38 duals, Detecto scales. SHOP TOOLS Garden trailer, yard seeder, Int. #355 power washer, Lincoln 250 welder, Electro-Magic #l6OO steam cleaner, floor jack, extension lad ders, 50-5/8 baskets, angle & flat iron, step lad ders, exhaust fans, misc. HOUSEHOLD Kenmore washer. Whirlpool dryer, walnut hall hat & umbrella rack w/marble, blanket chest, Whitney baby carriage, 2 platform rock ers, 2 overstuffed chairs. Kerosene lamps, oak desk. Quilting frame, doll house & china closet, walnut dresser, dishwasher, jars, fishing poles, crib, misc. ALSO SELLING Cub tractor w/mower Terms: Cash or Approved Check Day of Sale. Owner B.W. ROUEHL, JR. Sales Mgr. & Auctioneers C.T. Scuse & Sons 302-653-7530 Lunch T -. J U'l ,‘i i\ v vt !i A Public Sale of household goods and antiques was held March 4 by Elizabeth Fisher, Intercourse, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices were: Dutch cupboards $3400 & $lO5O, cherry desk $625, bonnet desk $227.50, comer cup board $5OO, extension table $2BO, small table $350, rocker $360, side board $4OO, blanket chests $250 & $175, toy wooden horse and wagon $6O and toy marble roller $llO. Steve and Steve Jr. Petersheim were the auctioneers. XXX The Henry-H Farm Holstein Sale was held March 5 at the farm near Westminster in Carroll Co., Maryland. Owners were Henry T. and Lil lian Muller. There were 110 head of animals sold which included 32 cows and 78 heifers and they aver aged $ll3B. The top cow sold for $2600 and several sold for over $2OOO. The sale manager was Remsburg Sale Service. XXX A Public Auction of real estate and house hold goods was held March 5 for the estate of Noah M. Hollinger, Goodville. There were 396 registered bidders. The brick ranch-style house with an attached 2-car garage at the cor ner of Route 23 and Bridgeville Rd., in E. Earl Twp. was sold to Phares Newswanger, Goodville for $105,000. Other prices included; oak bedroom suite $l6OO, 6 oak chairs $125 each, rocker $2lO, 2 cedar chests $260 & $3lO, drop leaf table $3OO, oak exten sion table $6OO, desk and bookcase combina tion $l5OO, bench $l9O, 2 log cabin quilts $1125 & $l4OO, Donald Duck rubber car $75 and a cast iron locomotive $155. Robert E. and Jeffrey R. Martin and Gerald Hoover were the auctioneers. XXX A Public Auction of equipment and house hold goods was held March 5 by Mahlon and Charlotte Kurtz of West Nantmeal Twp. south of Elverson, Pa. Some prices were: T-D-9 IHC crawler $4600, Ford 801 tractor $l7OO, copper kettle $3lO, iron kettle $BO, dinner bell $175 and rough cherry lumber $1.45 a board foot. The auctioneers were Elton Homing and Rod ney Homing. ysje^sterfarming PHOTO ORDER FORM As a service to our readers, Lancaster Farming offers you the opportunity to order prints of the photos that appear m the paper. If you would like to order a picture, please complete the form below and mail it, along with a check made payable to Lititz Record Express, Inc., to Photo Order, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543. Price For Bxlo Only: Includes Tax No. of Prints Issue Date Page Amount Enclosed Name Please Print Address Phone g mm \ «m> i MMIMmi SMbft PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS, MILK TANK, BULLDOZER, SILO UNLOADER AND FEEDER Due to having sold our farm, we will be having sale of the following items at: 1242 Poole Rd.. Westminster, Carroll Co., Md. Approx. 114 mi. on Hook Rd. off Rt. 97 to Arnold Rd. on left. SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 At 9:30 A.M. MACHINERY - J.D. 4230 D. w//a cab, W.F., quad shift, 2 speed PTO, dual hyd. outlets, good cond.; I.H. TD-6 Bulldozer w/angle blade & rear winch, good cond.; Oliver 70; Oliver S-55; JD 420, W.F. 3 pt, good shape; A.C. -B, w/side mt. mower; Oliver 6342. 3 pt., 3 hot. roll-over plow; Oliver 3-14”, 3 pt. plow; loader to fit Oliver 55 & S-55; Oliver 4-row front cult, off of 1650; Brillion 10’ cultimulcher; Oliver 10’-3 pt. disc; I.H. roll bar; M.F. 9’ model 81-Haybine; M.F. 15 disc drill; Model 33 w/ grass seed box, g.s.; Century 500 gal. sprayer w/cenL pump & 12 volt agitator; 2-N.H. #8 unloading wagons on 8-T.-N.I. gears; 2- Grove boxes on Grove gears; other wagons; flat beds w/racks & gears, some w/thrower racks; N.H. 36 flail chopper, g.s.; N.H. 717 & 770 Harves ters w/1 & 2 row hds., pick-up & direct cut heads; Gehl harvester w/1 row hd., N.H. 27-whirl feed blower w/60’ pipe; N.H. 23 blower; 110 PTO generator, M.F. 1 row picker; 3 pt. counter wt.; 3 pt cement mixer; 12’ cardi nal alum, elev.; N.I. rake; V-blade; 500 gal. tank on wheels; lime spreader box for truck; garage doors; J.D. 500 snowmobile for parts; N.H. tandem axle tank spreader and other misc. misc. TRUCKS - ’7l Dodge 300 power wagon, w/318 w/9’ cattle bed, 4-WD, 4 speed, 1 ton; ’74 CMC 3500,1 ton dump w/350,4 speed. ’53 Dodge K-I'A ton, 4 speed, 2 speed axle. SILO UNLOADER & FEEDER - 7'A hp motor, Patz silo unloader to fit 14’ & 16’ silos; unit only 1 Year Old; Patz - 70’ auto, belt feed er, good shape. Patz - 40’ single chain convey or; 6-ton feed bin; parlor feeders. MILK TANK - Mueller Malic 1000 gal. milk tank w/auto washer, w/ NEW 5 hp compressor lank & NEW fan motor, V.G. Shape; 60 day Semen Tank. TERMS - Cash or Good Check MR. & MRS. EARL WILES, OWNERS 301-848-1580 Nevm E. Tasto. Auctioneer 301-374-4067 Not Responsible for Accidents.
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