AIS-Unoster Firming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 Produce Markets Phila. Vegetable Market Wed., March 9, 1988 PARTLY CLOUDY *4-56. ARTICHOKES CA canon fair appear ance 36» 15.00-16.00 48s 15.00 60s 13.00. ASPARAGUS LOWER CA 30-lb crate & carton large 25.00 atandard 24.00- 25.00 imall 20.00 Long Green jumbo & extra large 26.00 large 26.00-28.00 standard 26.00 15-lb crate & carton jumbo 12.00- extra Urge few 15.00 MEX ICO 30-tb crate Urge 25.00-26.00 standard 22.00- small 20.00. BEANS SUPPLIES LIGHT FL various bushel containers Round green type hand picked 18.00-20.00 mostly 18.00. BEETS TX carton bunched 12s 500 topped 25-lb film bags 500. BROCCOLI SLIGHTLY LOWER car ton bunched CA 14s 600-700 18s 600-750 some including one label 8-850 AZ 14s & 18s 600 MEXICO 14s 5-550. CABBAGE SLIGHTLY HIGHER 1-3/4 bushel crate & carton medium gteen unless otherwise stated FL 550650 mostly 6-650 Red 800 Savoy type 10.00 Urge 800 TX 625 NY 501 b sacks Urge 425-450 mostly 450 Red SOlb sacks 600. CARROTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER 48-1 lb film bags in film sacks FL medium j 650700 mostly 700 50-lb sacks loose jum bo CA 6-650 FL 550600 mostly 600. CAULIFLOWER SLIGHTLY HIGH ER carton film wrapped CA 9s few 90012 s few 10.00-11.00 AZ 9s 650-700 12s 700-800 16s few 600 FL 12s 700. CELERY ABOUT STEADY CA carton 2 dozen 950-11.00 2-1/2 dozen 900 3-4 dozen few 900 FL crate & canon 2-1/2 dozen few 900-10.00 3 dozen 900 TX car ton 2 dozen 900. CHINESE CABBAGE FL celery crate few 800. CORN SUPPLIES LIGHT FL wire bound crate approximately 4-1/2 dozen Yellow 900 While few 18.00. CUCUMBERS SUPPLIES LIGHT 1-1/9 bushel crates & cartons Waxed medium unless otherwise slated MEXICO 20.00 fair quality 18.00-19.00 mostly 19.00. EGGPLANT Supplies insufficient to quote. ENDIVE STEADY FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 500-600 mostly 550-600. ESCAROLE ABOUT STEADY FL Vhi.iiis4.nKni Many Hearing Problems Can Be Helped. Chicago, II —A trecotlci ot special intciest to those who hear but do not un derstand words has been announced by Bcltone A non-operating model ot the most popular canal hearing aid in America today will be given ab solutely free to anyone who sends for this free model now. It’s yours for the ask ing, so send for it now. It is not a real hearing aid, but it will stiow you how tiny hearing help can be. The actual aid weighs less than an eighth of an ounce, and it fits com pletely into the ear canal. These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours now. Again, we repeat, there is no cost, and certainly no obliga tion Although a hearing aid may not help every one, more and more people w ith hearing losses are being helped For your free sample, send your name, address and phone numbei today to' Depart ment 82605, Bcltonc Flex tronics Corporation, 4201 West Victoria Street, Chicago, Illinois 60646. 1-1/9 bushel crate 6-650. GREENS ABOUT STEADY crate & carton approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise stated GA Col- Urds 6-650 Mustard & Kale 650700 Rape 700 TX 24s Mustard & Turnip Tops 7-750 mostly 700 Kale 700 Swiss Chard 700 CA 24s Red Kale 14.00 Swiss Chard Red 10.00 201 b carton Broccoli Rabe loose one label 16.00 MEXICO 20-lb canon Broccoli Rabe 15.00-17.00 mostly 15 00. LEEKS ABOUT STEADY carton bunched 12s FL 14.00 MEXICO few 12.00. LETTUCE-ICEBERG HIGHER carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 16.00- 17.00 AZ 16.00-17.00 mostly 17.00 film wrapped 18.00 30s 17.00 FL 14.00. LETTUCE-ROMAINE ABOUT STEADY CA 24s crate 11.00 carton 750-850 AZ 24s carton 850-900. LETTUCE-OTHERS Big Boston carton 24s CA 7-750 AZ 600-700 mostly 700 Bibb Too few sales to quote Leaf CA carton 24s 500-600 mostly 500 Red 500-700 AZ & MEXICO carton 24s 500-600 Red 500-600. LETTUCE-PROCESSING No supplies. OKRA Supplies insufficient to quote. ONIONS-GREEN SLIGHTLY LOW ER canon bunched 48s MEXICO 500-650 mostly 500-600. PARSLEY LOWER bunched 5 dozen Curly unless otherwise stated FL crate 800-10.00 Plain 800 TX crate 800 Plain 800 CA canon 950. PEAS-GREEN Supplies insufficient to quote. PEAS-SOUTHERN No Supplies. PEAS-SUGAR ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton per lb CA 100 GUATEMALA 110-12010-lb crate per lb MEXICO 80-90, PEPPERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crate & canon California Wonder type green unless otherwise slated FL large 600-700 medium 500-600 mostly 500 small 400-500 mostly 400 Mixed Red large 400-500 Red large 13.00-14.00 mostly 13.00 medium 10J30 MEXICO large 600. RADISHES SLIGHTLY LOWER car ton Red 30-6 oz film bags unless otherwise stated FL 3-325 MEXICO bunched 24s 500-600 mostly 600. SPINACH ABOUT STEADY Savoy type TX bushel basket 800 FL 1-1/2 bushel carton 700 GA 1-1/2 bushel crate 700 MEXICO carton bunched 24s 600-700 flat type carton bunched 24s CA 7-750 MEX ICO 600-700. SQUASH LOWER FL 1/2 bushel carton JESSTi Mwnw buildings CM or writ, lod.y lo lo ... .nd h.„ mor« purcnasea imam why you should own • Morion lulldlng 3368 York Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325.... Ph. 717/624-3331 Box 126 Zucchini inull-medium 12.00 Yellow Straighmeck Supplies insufficient to quote MEXICO lug Zucchini medium one lot 18.00. TOMATOES ABOUT STEADY 25-lb carton Pink to light Red 85% or better US# 1 quality unless otherwise stated Sales by Repackers FL 5x6« one lot 10.00 6x6s one lot 900 6x7s one lot 800 Sales by Others FL 5x6« 750-800 one lot 900 Red 700 6x6s 650-700 mostly 700 one lot 800 Red 600 6x7s 650 fair quality Sx6s SSO-700 6x6s 600 6x7s few 600 MEXICO 2-layer flat 4xss 600-700 sxss 500-600 sx6s 4-450 Cherry type 12-1 pint flat FL 6-650 MEX ICO including large 500 one label 900. TURNIPS topped NJ 25-lb mesh sacks medium 600 1245. SLAUGHTER: FED STEERS CHOICE FEW TO 70.25; SELECT 62.00- STANDARD 52.00-60.00. FED HEIFERS- LO CHOICE FEW 63.50, SELECT 55.00-59.00. COWS- HIGH YIELD 49.00-52.00; UTILITY COMMERCIAL 44.00-49.00; CANNER CUTTER 40.00-44.00; SHELLY 40.00- DOWN. BULLS- MD. 53.00-55.00. VEAL CALVES: LO CHOICE TO 103 00; GOOD 89.00-93.00; STANDARD CULLS 80-100 LB. 85.00-96.00; 60-80 LB. 75.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS- 95-120 LBS. 110.00-140.00; 90 LBS. 90.00- 00. HOLSTEIN HFRS. 95-120 LBS. TO 151.00. BEEFX-100.00-118.00 LAMBS- CHOICE 90-100 LBS 81.0086 00. GOATS- 21.00-47.00 STOCKER- STEERS MEDIUM & LARGE FRAME. 300-500 LBS. 80.0085.00; 400600 LBS. 77.00-83.00; 600800 LBS. 70 0080.00; 800-1000 LBS. Phiillpsburg, NJ 08865... Ph. 201/454-7900 SWEET POTATOES 50-lb carton Jewel type cured NC 14.00 DE fair appearance 800-900. Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wed., March 9, 1988 Report supplied by Auction 57.0067.00; HOLSTEIN St HOLSTEIN X STEERS- 400600 LBS. 63.00-71.50; 600800 LBS. 60.00-65.00. HEIFERS -300400 LBS. 70.008X00; 400600 LBS. 68.0078.00; 600800 LBS. 58.00-64.00, BULLS- 400600 LBS. 70.0078.00; 600800 LBS. 60.00-64.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS- SPRINGING HEIFERS- 500.00-660.00; HEIFERS -300500 LBS. 74.0079.00; 500700 LBS. 63.00-74.00; SERVICE BULLS- 1 POLLED HEREFORD; 875 LBS. @ 65.00. PIGS & SHOATS- 2030 LBS. 25.0038.00; 3050 LBS. 35.00-50.00. BY THE LB.- 120170 LBS. 40.00-43.00. SLAUGHTER HOGS- 215-245 LBS. 41.25-42.50; 260270 LBS. 38.75-39.50; 1 330 LBS. AT 38.00. SOWS- 300600 LBS. 32.0034.00; THIN 25 0030.00. BOARS -27.75. New Wilmington Livestock Auction N. Wilmington, PA Monday, March 7, 1988 CATTLE 268..PDA...Compared with last Monday’s market: Slaughter Cows mostly $1 lower. Few Choice si. steers 66.5068, Select 63.50-66.75, Standard 55.0061.50, few Utility 53.00-55.00. Select si. heifer, individual 60.50, Standard 52.5058.00. Breaking Utility & Commer cial si. cows 48.0050.75, few Low Dress ing down to 46.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 44.5049.50, few Low Dressing down to 43.00, Canner & Low Cutter 38.0045, Shells down to 30.00. Yield Grade No. 1-2 1140/2190 lbs. si. bulls 53.0060.00. Feed er Cattle; Few Medium Frame No. 1. 250/400 lbs. steers 82.00-85, 1-2, 385/585 lbs. 66.0077, Urge #2,570/930 lbs. hols tcins 54.0064.00. Medium Frame No. 1, 320/555 lbs. heifers 64.0074, Urge 1-2, 575/800 lbs. 55.50-63.00. CALVES 357...Primee vealer, individu al 130.00, couple Choice 112.00&127, few Good 90.00-105, Standard & Good 90/120 lbs. 80.00-91,65/85 lbs. 70.00-87, lot Utili ty 59 lbs. 57.00, lot 47 lbs. 28.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/135 lbs. I'd like to invest □ $5OOO □ $25,000 □ $50,000 □ $--,000 in a tax-deferred SPDA. MONT FINANCIAL services NORTH COAST SEED CORN 2080 - 96 Day 2340 - 111 Day Top Yielder At Hampster, MD - 20 Varieties Of Competition Boyds 84 VWAP Brand Boyds 78AT Brand OATS Ogle Porter 90.00- Holstein Heifers 90/125 lbs. 98.00- Beef cross bulls & heifers 80/135 lbs. 95.00-130.00. HOGS 362...8arr0ws and gilts $1 to $1.50 lower. US No. 1-2 225-260 lbs. 43.10-44.60, few small lots 46.50, 1-3 220/265 lbs. 41.85-43.25,2-3 235/290 lbs. 39.50- 1-3 180/200 lbs. 38.00-39.50. Sows $4 higher. US No. 1-3 345/545 lbs. sows 43.50-48, one 49.50, few 2-3 375/545 lbs. 40.00-44, Medium 275/390 lbs. 28.50- Boars 28.00-31.75. FEEDER PIGS 11... US 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 22.00-42.00 all per head. SHEEP 53... High Choice & Prime 60/85 lbs. new crop lambs 91.00-92.00; Good 70/85 lbs. feeder lambs 70.00-78.00. Few Slaughter ewes 16.00-40.00. GOATS 27... Large 41.00-50.00, Medium 27.00-39.00. Kids 17.00-24.00 all per head. Special Sale Work Horses, Driving Horses & Mules New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Friday, Mar. 4, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction 263 HEAD. 2 LD. WORK HORSES VA, PAIRS 1750.00- SINGLES 775.00- LOAD MI WORK P. 1275.00-1850, S. 500.00- LOAD VA WORK. P. 1700.00- S. 850.00-985.00, LD. TN WORK. P. 1675 00-1825.00; S. 600.00- TN MULES, P 1475.00- S. 700.00-1550.00. DRIVING HORSES. NJ 525.00-650 00; OH 610.00-975.00; PA 625 00-1100.00. LOCAL DRIVING. 550.00-1125.00; LOCAL WORK P. 1700.00-220000. S. 600.00- MULES, PRS. 1100.00-1650.00; S. 600.00-800.00. A Single Premium Deferred Annuity from MONY Financial Services give you' • Tax-deferred interest • Competitive interest rates * Principal guaranteed against market loss. • Full year guaranteed interest. And if that's not enough our SPDA doesn't have an upfront sales charge. Call MONY Financial Services now to find out our latest interest rates. Donald L. Cromer 1794 Oregon Pike, Lancaeter (717) 569-5700 SCHLESSMAN'S HYBRID CORhT^ 2520 - 116 Day 2515 ■ 114 Day Top Yielder At Quarryville, PA - 201.95 versus 191.5 for Pioneer ALFALFAS Boyds Wet Foot Brand Erie and others FERTILIZER CHEMICALS BALER TWINE Jw 80S - 711 -642-, SOYBEANS S3l3s’s Pella Waves Williams
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