Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Sat., Feb. 27, 1988 Report supplied by auction 1048 HOGS. US #l. 205-260 LBS, 47.00-47.75, 6 HD. 48.75-49.25. US #l&2-S, 225-245 LBS., 46.00-46.75, US #l&3’S, 200-250 LBS., 45.00-45.75. US #2&4’S, 200-250 LBS., 44.00-44.75. SOWS: 300-500 LBS., 30.00-34.75, OVER 500 LBS., 32.00-33.50. BOARS: UNDER 300 LBS., 37.00-37.85, OVER 300 LBS., 26.75-28.50. New Holland Hog Auction Lancaster, Pa. Monday, February 29, 1988 Hog Receipts; Today Last Week Last Year TREND: Compared to last Monday bar rows firm to SO higher. BARROWS AND GILTS’: US 1-2 210-2 SO lb 45.00-46.50. couple loti 46.50-47.00. US 1 210-245 lb 47.75-49.00. One lot 49.50. US 1-3 210-255 lb 44.00- few 43.50-44.00. 190-205 lb 40.00- State Graded Feeder Pig Sale at Westminster Livestock Auction Friday, Feb. 19, 198$ 1047 PIGS, 2 WKS. AGO 1419. COM PARED TO LAST SALE. PRICES FOR PIGS UNDER 45 LB. WERE S2O-28 HIGHER, OVER 45 LBS. WERE $5 TO 12 HIGHER. GRADE I&2: 118 HD. 32-42 LBS. 123.00- 299 HD. 43-49 LBS. 103.00- 214 HD. 51-55 LBS. 100.00- 86 HD. 55-59 LBS. 95.00- 173 HD. 60-66 LBS. 90.00- 16 HD. 64-65 LBS. 85.00- 14 HD. 82 LBS. 79.00; 7 HD. 95 LBS. 66.00. GRADE 2: 12 HD. 29 LBS. 140.00; 8 HD. 27-32 LBS. 102.00-104 00; 40 HD. 41-46 LBS. 98.00-111 00; 30 HD 69-72 LBS 72 00-79.00. GRADE 2&3- 5 HD. 50 LBS. 80 00 This auction appeared in last week’s pap cr in error as Carlisle Slate Graded Feeder Pig Sale PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI, MARCH 11 1 :30 at P.M. Carlisle LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC Exit 12 Oil I-81 (717 t 746 4511 or Evenings Jim 249 2359 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ ★ Direct off the farm ★ ★ ★ Give us a call whether you are buying or selling Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Fri., March 11 at 11:00 A.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel* (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast Peoria Hogs Peoria, Illinois Wednesday, March 2, 1988 HOGS; 2200 TRADING MODERATE. BARROWS AND GILTS STEADY WITH TUESDAY. US 1-3 220-250 LBS. 43.50-44.00 70 HEAD 44.25-44.50 200-220 LBS. 41.50- 2-3 240-260 LBS. 42.50- 260-280 LBS. 40.50-42.50 280-300 LBS. 38.50-40.50. SOWS: .50 TO 1.00 LOWER 23%. US 1-2 325-400 LBS. 35.50-36.00 1-3 400-600 LBS. MOSTLY 34.00, FEW 35.00 500-650 LBS. 34.50-35.00. BOARS: OVER 350 LBS. 34.00-34.25 UNDER 350 LBS. 33.00-33.50. HOG 214 HB 42.50-44.50 HC 43.50- HE 43.50-44.50 HH 42.00- HI 43.50-44.00 HJ 43.50- HK 43.50-44.00 HQ 42.50- HR 41.50-42.50 HS 38.50- VV 35.50-36.00 WW 34.00- XX 34.50-35.00 YY 34.50- ZZ 34.00-34.25. 899 799 1117 Joliet Hogs Joliet, Illinois Wednesday, March 2, 1988 HOGS: 50. NOT ENOUGH ANY CLASS FOR TRENDS. FEW US 1-3 250 LB. BARROWS AND GILTS 42.50. ACTUAL RECEIPTS FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 1. CATTLE NONE HOGS 18. New Holland Feeder Pigs New Holland, PA Monday, Mar. 2, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction 1108 HEAD. I’S AND 2’S: 30-39 LBS., 1.02-1.15; 40-49 LBS., .85-1.05; 50-59 LBS., .90-1.05; 60-69 LBS., ,75-.85. 2’S AND 3’S: 59-70 LBS., .68-.70. Midwest Flashes Thurs., Mar. 3, 1988 Indianapolis Hogs HOGS: 600 - MODERATELY ACTIVE. BARROWS AND GILTS WEAK. US 1-3; 220-255 LB. 44.00-44 50, MANY 44.50. US 2-3 . 265 LB 43.50. US 3-4. 280 LB 42.50. SOWS: STEADY. 12% US 1-3 360-650 LB. 35.00-38 00 BOARS OVER 300 LB 35.00. St. Louis Hogs 3000- TRADING ACTIVE EARLY, CLOSING SLOW BARROWS AND GILTS 25 TO MOS ELY 50 HIGHER EARLY, CLOSING STEADY US 1-3 230-270 LB 44 00-44 50. 100 HEAD 44 75; 200-230 LB 42 00-44 00 SOWS 300-500 LB 50 HIGHER, OVER 500 LB STEADY ABOUT 7% US 1-3 300-500 LB 34 50-36 50, OVER 500 LB 33 00 35 00, PART LOAD 36 00 BOARS, OVER 300 LB 34 50, UNDER 300 LB 34 00-34 50 (GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS CORN FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR, 203% 209% 213% 216 219% MAR 88 200’/. MAY 206% JULY 210’/. SEPT. 213 DEC. 217% SOYBEANS MON. FRI. MAR 88 MAY JUL AUG SEPT 625% 634 641% 642 640% 636 642% 649% 650% 652% NOV 649% 660% JAN. 89 657% 667% 667 CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUBS, 72.55 71.50 71.95 72.12 70.62 69.52 68.40 68.42 69.30 67.80 67.15 66.55 66.95 67.22 65.77 65.77 65.22 65.65 65.87 64.47 66.20 65.60 66.05 66.35 65.45 APR. JUNE AUG. OCT. DEC. ACRES CORN UPDATE; Com futures closed from 1-3/4 to 2-3/4 cents lower. Futures came under pressure after the May option failed to pierce technical resistance at $2.10. A lower open ing was dictated by India passing on its 200,000 metric tonne tender. Support came from continued strength in interior markets. Generic certificate premiums remained steady to fojjigr through out the day with bids in the 102 to 103% range. ACRES SOYBEAN UPDATE: Soybeans futures settled from 4-1/4 to 5-3/4 cents lower at session lows. Trading today was volatile with a rally mid day on fund buying. Selling on the close was attributed to concerns about competition from South Departments Editorial Farm Calendar, Classified Ads, Business News Mailbox Markets E 23, F 2 Sale Reports FlO Public Auction Register Home and Youth Homestead Notes B 2 Home On The Range B 6 Cook’s Question Comer B 8 Kid’s Komer 810 Features State Angus Queen Quilting Expert Country Store Swine-Feed Testing Adams Co. Ag. Conf. E 8 (Daily closing bids: Friday, Mar. 26 through Thursday, Mar. 3) 203% 209% 213% 215% 219% 200% 206% 210% 212% 216% 202 207 211 212% 216% WED, TUES, THUR, 630% 636% 645% 646 645% 655 662 635 641% 650% 651% 650% 623 629 637% 640% 641% 648% 657 659% THUR. WED. FUTURES MARKET TRENDS GRAIN AND LIVESTOCK Thu marital information provided by ACRES ACRES u a copyrifhtod marital information service developed by the American Farm Bureau and available to Pennsylvania farmers on a daily basis Pennsylvania Farmers' Association Farm Manafemcnt Services For additional market comments and tradin* service contact PFA Commodity Futures Service AtneHc&Nowember beans are still , ACRE , S CATTLE UPDATE; above the $6.50 mark with support ve f catUe cl L osed hl B her linked to ideas that this month this afternoon after a choppy, spor needs to remain firm going into the adic sess,on - ondie °Pf n planting season. March closed at was attributed to ideas that $6.30-1/2 down 4-1/2 after trading front end fed cattle supplies would in a $6.29-3/4 to $6.36-1/4 range. Jf u « ht In next few weeks. ACRES WHEAT UPDATE: Further support came from buying Wheat continued its downward jinked to a steep increase in open trend today pressured by the CCC interest. Technically, cattle fell auctions, and the lack of fresh below the 10 day moving average export news. Subsequent to the the third consecutive session, close, the CCC announced sales of which triggered some selling. 10 million bushels in its Tuesday " Feeders closed lower pressured by auction. Pressure on the opening dropping cash fundamentals, was attributed to reports that new FEEDER CATTLE SETTLE crop spring red wheat had begun to MENT PRICE: 02/29/88 $81.57 rrV,-“=159 e QIBY%9jJQ“!I=U!S dn $ .22. the winter in good condition. ACRES NEXT DAY OUT- March closed 4-1/4 cents lower at LOOK: cash -steady futures s3.o6-3/4 just 3/4 cents above the steady. low for the day. (Turn to Pag; Al 4) hi Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1988-A3 WHEAT MAR 88 MAY JULY SEPT. DEC. SOYBEAN MEAL FRI. MON, MAR 186.10 189.60 190.60 190.10 MAY 185.80 188.60 189.40 188.80 JULY 185.60 188.70 190.10 189.20 AUG. 186.30 190.00 190.90 189.90 SEPT. 187.20 190.00 191.70 190.50 OCT. 188.00 191.50 193.00 192.00 DEC. 189.70 194.60 194.80 193.90 CHICAGO HOGS APR. JUNE JULY AUG. OCT. DEC. this issue Six Sections Columns Now is the Time AlO AlO ,823 ,E 6 On Being A Farm Wife B 5 Ida’s Notebook Microwave Minutes 812 Farm Women Societies 816 Back Home 818 Have You Heard C 2 Beef Briefs E 2 Business Seminar E2O Fl 5 Dairy Richlawn Farms Broke Herd Average A2O Blair Co. DHIA D 2 Key To Low SCC D 4 Tioga DHIA D 5 Japanese Dairy Farms Dl2 Dairy Digest Dl3 Seed Slock Herd El 2 Dairy & Livestock Sales F 42 .B 9 .814 ,820 D 7 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUI 315% 324% 329% 333% 345% 311 318/2 323/, 328/. 340/. 315% 323% 328% 334 344% TUBS, FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR, 44.30 43.25 43.47 43.25 47.72 46.65 47.05 46.97 47.30 46.55 46.90 46.80 45.85 45.22 45.42 45.30 4210 41.90 42.00 41.92 4235 4240 42.50 42.40 304/. 312% 317/. 323 334 306/. 314/. 319/. 325/. 336 WED. THUR, 188.60 187.10 187.10 187.70 188.00 189.70 192.00 42.45 46.52 46.60 44.95 41.90 4225 AlO 812
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