■ ■ ■ ■ “Prime Time”.... the 60 most important days of a cow’s life that determine how your cow performs for the next 305 days. Your local Purina Mills Dealer has 3 different types of “Prime Time” programs to fit your different dry cow feeding needs! Our premium products for dry cows that supplement forages and grains to meet the critical nutritional requirements of the dry cow. Vitamin-mineral fortified, 22% protein, molasses-based block for free-choice feeding to dry cows; weatherproof; convenient; replaces grain-portion of ration-must full feed forages. Low-cost, vitamin-mineral supplementation for high quality forages and well-condition ed cows. Body Building She used most of the nutrients from her store house to make milk in her last lactation Now she s replenishing those nutnents in preparation for freshening and her next lactation The better shape she s in come calving time the greater her milk production in the next lactation and the sooner she will peak Stockpiling Minerals Milking during t last lactation mav have sapped her reserves of calcium phosphorous and other essential minerals Improper amounts or improper balance of these can cause milk fever and other problems at freshening These “Prime Time” Programs, when nutritionally-balanced by your Purina Farm Consultant, can prevent calving problems such as milk fever, retained placentas, and ketosis as well as increase that cow’s performance this lactation. If you don’t have a dry cow program or if your present one is not performing, contact your local Purina Mills Dealer for a “Prime Time” dry cow program that fits your needs. ee Your Purina Dealer Today! BERRYMAN’S MILLS, INC Box#lBl,Rte 75 Old Port Port Royal, PA 17082 717/527-2274 WARRIOR’S MARK FEED CENTER PO Bo* #l3O Warriors Mark PA 16877 814/632-8623 ALBRIGHT'S MILL PO Box #195 Kempton PA 19529 215/756-6022 FARMER’S UNION CO-OP 30 East Walters Avenue Greencastle. PA 17225 717/597 3191 * Trademark Ralston Purina Company Dairy Products of the Month “PRIMETIME” DRY COW PROGRAMS. 60 days that determine how your cow performs ' for the next 305- R D 44 - 23 N Park Street 717/866 2324 Richland PA 17087 CLARK’S A 6 CENTER Mam Street. P O Box #36 Turbotv tile, PA 17772 WOODSTOWN ICE & COAL CO., INC. 1. Freshstart D&H Conn 3. Purina Daii ■A f ( <<f II () imprnu the gr iphie hvnui the ktis is sh« >un dm the uiw s left mste id of right side 1 K ft K FEED. INC. KS^ILLS Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4183 717-768-3301 Umonville, PA 19375 215/347:2377 717/275-2613 50 East Grant Street Woodstown. NJ 08098 609/769-0069 iletes and Concentrates Care Block 2. Eas Plus and Purina Pali lactation That s why her milk pro duction went wav down Now she is rebuilding alveoli numbers to make * more milk in her next lactation a WEST WlllOW (ARKUS' ASSOC Feeds designed with you in mind. Minerals It f HIGH BROTHERS 441 Centerville Road Gordonville. PA 17529 717/354-0301 UMBERGER’S MILL R D *4-Box 4545 717/867 5161 Lebanon. PA 17042 KEYSTONE MILLS |gl ■Sum H 94- RD 3 Ephrata PA 17522 (717) 354-4616 RD II West Willow. PA 17583 717/464 3386 mg a Baby The calf triples in size these oO days She'll be bom small and weak if Mom's in poor shape at calving time That's hard on everybody ig in Shape (without getting fat) She lost up to 350 pounds in the first four months of lacta non She's put some of it back on already To keep milk production up in the next lacta tion she must restore her body condition without getting too fat FRANKLIN FEED 1977 Philadelphia Avenue Box Chambersburg PA 17201 717264-6148 Altenwald Div 717 264 6619 717 762 2390 PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE, II Bath. PA 18014 215/837-6061 Morgantown PA 19543 215 286 9029 Germansville PA 18053 215 767 3819 PURINA MILLS, INC.
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