Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, Oct. 4 Report supplied by auction STEERS: M-l 200-300 lbs. 63.00 73.00, 300-400 lbs. 64.25-67.00, 400 500 lbs. 60.25-66.50, 500-600 lbs. 57.00-66.50, 600-700 lbs. 56.75-59.75, 700-600 lbs. 54.5060.00, 800-900 lbs. 58.0060.50,900-1100 lbs. 53.75-56.00; TOP PRICES FOR DOWN, CRIPPLED AND AS IS COWS, BULLS & STEERS Slaughtered Under Federal Inspection Paid On Dressed Weight Tom Mulvaney livestock Trucking (201)454-4247 HANDLING: Warren, Hunterdon, Sussex And Somerset Counties, New Jersey INPENNA: Northampton, H Lehigh And Parts (A Of Carbon, Monroe & Schuylkill Counties 1 4 GAL. MONOFLO MEDICATOR IV Featuring: W • Large 4 Gallon Capacity • Insta-Flo Adjustments Pat. Pend. No Shut Down To Change Washers • No Moving Parts - No Sticking Pumps • All Stainless Steel Clamp - No Messing Around With 24 Nuts & 24 Bolts! • Built In Pressure Reducer More Accurate • New Chemical Resistant, Tough Diaphragm- With 5 Year Warranty! • Quick Couplings Make Cleaning And Assembly Fast And Easy UsUl4 " 5 d»QQ Qtr Reg. $129.95 NOW EAIHERR EQUIP. INC. Willow Street, Pa. 17584 Rt. 272 South (717) 464-3321 or Toll Free 1-800-732-0053 SWINE PRODUCTION SALES AND SERVICE Complete Feeding Programs and Services Feeding Programs to Meet Your Individual Needs Computerized Record Keeping System Providing Veterinarian Service PA. Toll Free 1-800-468-5524 f Livestock market qnd auction news AIRGINI4 MARKETS L-l 300-400 lbs. 61.0066.00, 400-500 lbs. 60.5066.75, 500600 lbs. 62.50 65.50,900-1100 lbs. 49.50; S-l 300-400 lbs. 57.0060.00, 400600 lbs. 54.00 60.00, 500600 lbs. 55.0062.75, 600 700 lbs. 51.0066.50, 700600 lbs. 48.5063.50, 800-900 lbs. 51.00-53.75; M&L2 300-400 lbs. 54.5060.00, 400 500 lbs. 54.7560.00, 500600 lbs. 52.0067.50, 600-700 lbs. 50.5065.00, 800-900 lbs. 49.5061.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: M&L 1-2 419 W. High Street Elizabethtown, PA Developing Individual I 'Financial Programs AmmON FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately. • We will also accept your sows & boars. .* Your cattle will be received from 12:30 to 5 P.M. We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be 'able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day. MELVIN M. LEHMAN • Owner Danville Buying Station Phone:7l7-275-2880 omit Direct Dial (717) 367-1525 300-500 lbs. 43.50-47.00, 500-700 lbs. 39.50-47.00,700-900 lbs. 41.00. HEIFERS: M-l 300600 lbs. 47.75- 53.25, 400600 lbs. 48.25-53.50, 500 600 lbs. 48.5063.50, 600-700 lbs. 45.75-50.50, 700600 lbs. 55.0065.75; L-l 400600 lbs. 53.0064.00, 500600 lbs. 53.5065.50, 600-700 lbs. 51.00 54.50; S-l 300400 lbs. 43.50-47.50, 500600 lbs. 45.00-48.25, 700800 lbs. 45.00; M&L2 300400 lbs. 41.00 47.00. FEEDER BULLS: M-l 200300 lbs. 60.5070.00, 300600 lbs. 56.00 67.50, 500700 lbs. 50.5063.50,' 700 900 lbs. 48.0049.50; LI 500700 lbs. 54.75, 700900 lbs. 49.50; S-l 300500 Supplying Farm Fresh Feeder Pigs Marketing and Hedging Services Marketing of Genesis Breeding Stock lbs. 50.0066.50, 500700 lbs. 45.00 54.50,700900 lbs. 39.00-42.00; M&L 2 500700 lbs. 45.5050.00,700600 lbs. 46.50. COWS RETURNED TO FARMS: Receipts 2 head M 4 yr. 1050# open 150# $355/pr. BABY CALVES RETURNED TO FARMS: Total receipts 105; Newborn to 4 wks. 35.00-40.00; Over 100 lbs. by the cwt. 60.00 80.00. SLAUGHTER HOGS: Receipts 23. BARROWS & GILTS: U.S. 2-4 200250 lbs. 50.00, 36 250300 lbs. 47.00,26180200 lbs. 46.00. SOWS: U.S. 1-3 300500 lbs. 43.00, 500 & Over lbs. 44.5050.00. CATTLE: (All Slaughter Classes) Total Receints 217. Seeking Profits In Commodities Trading? • Hedging • Speculating • Managed Account • Commodity Options Call Forney Longenecker, Commodities Investment Executive, At (717) 2956914 BROTHERS SHEARSON LEHMAN BROTHERS MPMI 29 E. King St. KS Lancaster, PA 17603 « SPECIAL GRADED SALE a • 110 Head New York State. Weighing 700 to 800 lbs. • 34 Head Charolais, Balance Angus • Plus 250 Head Local Acclimated Cattle Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast With The Times “ATTENTION Dairy Buyout Farmers * Get the most for your herd * Go direct - Farm to Packer * Any size herd - all weights and grades of cows • Trucking provided * Paperwork handled quickly and efficiently TAYLOR PACKING CO., INC Wyalusing, PA 18853 717-746-1309 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986-A9 SLAUGHTER COWS; Head 165. Cutter & Bng. Ut. 1-3 30.50-35.00, Brkg. Ut. & Comm. 2 A 35.75-38.50, Can. & Low Cutter 1-2 29.50-33.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Head 24. Y.G. 1-2 900-1300 lb. 38.00-43.25. SLAUGHTER CALVES & VEALERS: Receipts. 28. Vealers H. Choice & Prime 100-250 lbs. 60.00-74.00, Good & Choice 100-250 lbs. 45.50-54.00; Calves Good & Choice 250500 lbs. 46.0060.00. Lamb Receipts: 86. FEEDER LAMBS: Choice & Fancy 7085 lbs. 62.00, 6070 lbs. 57.00. Wooled: H. Choice & Prime 95- 125 lb. 60.35; ChoiceBs-125 lb. 59.50. SLAUGHTER EWES Grades 13.5023.00. P.O. Box 188 M w»
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