h mmiWf Farming, satartay, Octobar 11, 1988 OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC OCT. 13-19,1986 Plenty of weather to suit any taste. Columbus Day observed Oct 13 (Mon) Yom Kippur Oct 13 Abolitionist John Brown seized United States Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, WVa, Oct 16, 1854 Average length of days for the week 11 hours, 3 minutes Ownership of Alaska was officially transferred from Russia to the U S on Sitka's Castle Hill, Oct 18,1867 Full moon Oct 17 (Fn) More than 7,000 British and Hessian troops under Lord Cornwallis surrendered to Georae Washington at Yorktown, Va, Oct 19, 1781 A broken hand works, but not a broken heart Ask the Old Fanner: I have found Roman numerals carved into both an antique bed and a porch railing What was the signifi cance, if any, of this practice 7 DEW, Kezar Falls, Maine Such Roman numerals on old lumber are the check marks made by the lumber-gauger Usual ly they were cut into the wood with a sharp tool and refer to the footage in the plank or ;oist when it left the sawmill Home Hints: Use laundry prewash to remove tar stains from a car's extenor finish OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Showery and cool at beginning of week, midweek clear and warm, end of week tropical storm possible with heavy ram and warm temperatures Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins clear and warm, midweek sunny with mild temperatures, end of week rainy Middle Atlantic Coastal: Beginning of week cloudy and cool, midweek mild, end of week rainy and cool (All Rights Reserved, Yankee Publishing Incorporated, Dublin, NH 03444) Shippensburg Apples i-so-s.oo % bu. Whnlp<jalp Broccoli 2(KW - 65 bu - VYllUiCSctie Cabbage 4.25-5.50 50 lbs. Produce Auction Cantalopes .30-.50 ea. (Leinbach’s) Cauliflower .20-.60 ea. Shippensburg, PA Cucumbers 8.00-11.00 bu. Tuesday, Oct. 2,4 and 7 Eggplant 3.00-3.25 bu. Report Supplied by Auction Gourds 2.00-5.00 x k bu. Price quotes are only #1 and Indian Corn .35-1.00 bunch of 3; Firm Produce. fingers .35-.70 bunch of 3. ""“n) PENNSYLVANIA f>~-) /'■ '5 TOBACCO /; 3 AUCTION. INC. PUBLIC MEETING: Tuesday, Oct. 14,1986 - 7:30 P.M. Martins’ Carriage Auction, Intercourse GUEST SPEAKERS: John Yocum - Tobacco Specialist Mike Brubaker-Brubaker Agronomic Counceling Service We look forward to seeing all of you at this special meeting. Up-to-date information on the tobacco in dustry will be presented. We will give you information on what is happening locally. A question and answer period will follow. Office Hrs.: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs. n 17) 768-7100 1-4 P.M. TRANS EQUIPMENT, INC. LANCASTER COUNTY Rte 272 PO Box 415, Brown stow n PA 17508 717-859-2095 ALL ALUMINUM MINI "B" GOOSENECK TRAILER BUILT WITH THE SAME PARTS AS THE BIG "CIRCLE B" TRAILERS. • Approx. 40% Lighter Than Steel • Full Opening Rear End Gate • Corrugated Aluminum Tread with 'A Slide Floor • T Wide x 6'6" inside Height • Full Opening Divide Gate • Walk-in Side Door Manufactured by the “Big” Trailer People Belly ■ Lite Liner - Livestock Trailers BARRETT (pyTRAILERS, INC. TH£ STANDARD FEATURE! New & Used Trailers in Stock Lima Beans 7.00-13.00 bu. Mums .70-1.25 ea. Peppers Ig. 4.75-7.75 1 1/9 bu.; med. 3.00-5.2511/9 bu. Potatoes 4.25-5.00 50 lbs. Pumpkins face .04-.08 lb. or .40 2.05 ea.; neck .25-.5S ea. Squash 2.00-3.00 Mz bu. String Beans 10.00-18.00 bu. Sweet Potatoes 3.50-5.25 Mz bu. Tomatoes Ig. 7.00-10.50 25 lbs.; md. 5.75-8.50 25 lbs. Watermelon .35-.5S ea. (md. & sm.). Zucchini Squash 2.50-3.50 Mz bu. Frederick Livestock Monday, Oct. 6,1986 BUTCHER COWS: Steady t 05.50 higher. Good 37.00-39.50; Standard & Utility 33.00-36.00; Canners 29.00- 32.00; Shelly 30.00-down. BULLS: Steady. Good 44.50 46.50; Medium 42.00-44.00. STEERS: Good 50.00-53.00; Standard 40.00-44.00. HEIFERS: Medium37.oo-39.00. BUTCHER HOGS: $1.50 lower. 210-230 lbs. 48.50-50.50 ; 240-260 lbs. 48.00-49.00. SOWS; 500650 lbs. 44.00-46.00; 300450 lbs. 42.0044.00. LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Oilier, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 717-626-8653 pe r» onoe F&S OF VIRGINIA HAY AUCTION NEW MARKET. VA EVERY TUESDAY, AT 11:30 A.M. Open to everyone to buy & sell. Drought Stricken area in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley Horse Country, Dairy & Beef Cattle Country. 3% Commission will be charged to the sellers. Auction will be conducted at the F & S Auto Auction, located on Rt. 11 North, 2 miles North of New Market, VA and 3 miles South of Mount Jackson, VA. . Our policy is cash, certified check or bank approved letter. For more information call: 703-740-8005 or 703-298-9187. « _ ATTENTION FARMERS The New Way To Market Your Livestock { HATFIELD 0 MOYER PACKING CO. PACKING CO. Will Receive Hogs Will Receive Cattle, At The BLAIR-BEDFORD BUYING STATION RD 1 Martmsburg. Pa MONDAYS ■ Hogs 8 AM to 11:30 AM Cattle & Calves 8 AM to 3 PM THURSDAYS- Cattle & Calves 8 AM to 3 PM • No commission oi yardage fees deducted from check • Livestock weighed and paid for immediately • You may call oy-t ffice sale day for prices • DALE R. HOOVER - Owner Business 814-793-3077 * Residence 814-793-2657 VEAL CALVES: $2 higher. Good-Choice 65.0076.00; Standard 58.0064.00; Stocky & Thin 50.00 57.00; Light Calves 47.0054.00; Weak & Rough 46.00d0wn. CALVES RETURNING TO FARM: Very active, $5 higher. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: 90120 lbs. 52.0055.00. HOLSTEIN BULLS: 9095 lbs. 65.00-95.00; 100115 lbs. 90.00104.00. LAMBS: $1 higher. Good & Choice 58.0061.00; Medium 52.00 57.00. STOCK CATTLE: Steady Prices. Steers Choice 57.00-58.50; Good 53.00-56.00; Medium 48.00 52.00. Heifers Choice 50.00-55.00; Good 45.0049.00. Bulls Good 49.00 53.50; Medium 44.0048.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS: 575.00 810.00. PIGS & SHOATS; Good run $1 higher. By The Head 2030 lbs., 19.0028.00; 3050 lbs. 29.0043.50. By The Lb. Light Boars 170250 lbs. 39.00-43.00. Valley Livestock Athens, Pa. Monday, Oct. 6 Report supplied by auction Holstein Hfr. Calves 60.0063.00. Veal Calves 60.00-80.00. Vealer Bull Calves 65.00-79.00. Slaughter Calves 55.00-60.00. Grassers & Feeders 32.00-45.00. Lambs 50.00-74.00. Sheep 18.00-25.00. Hogs, 200 to 250 48.00-51.00. Sows 42.0048.00. Boars 33.00-37.00. Pigs each 25.00-50.00. Heifers 36.0(M3.00. Steers medium 38.0045.00. Steers, feeder 40.0070.00. Butts 38.0045.75. Cows, utility 36.0038.00, top 3.50. Cows, fat 36.0038.00. Cows, medium 34.0035.00. Cows, poor or small 28.0033.00. Cattle Market active & steady. Calf Market higher. Horses small to 100.00. Ponies none. Goats each 10.0035.00. Remarks: Plenty of round but good maiket me of year. Feeder Sale Ist Monday of Each lonth. Dairy Sale 3rd Thursday of Each lonth. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE 1:00 P.M. Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, right. 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, left. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head WHITE DIAMOND GILTS Here Now a new cross again. Large White A Landrace, first generation true F-1 gilts. Parent stock originated from Lleske Bros. Minnesota. Very. productive In litter size and feed conversion. Vaccinated for Lepto, Erysiplaa, Rhinitis, E'Coll, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Sr—ding Dates Local Track Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZniS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE DATE NOVEMBER 21,1:00 P.M
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