Al4-Lnnca*t«r Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986 Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, Oct 6 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 539: Compared with last Monday’s market: Slaughter cows steady to weak. Few Good slaughter steers 51.00-54.50, Standard 44.00-49.00, few Utility 39.00- Few Choice slaughter heifers 53.00-54.00, few Good 49.00- 52.50, Standard 42.00-47.00, Utility 37.0041.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 36.00- 39.00. one 40.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 33.00-37.00, Canner and Low Cutter 29.00-33.25, Shells down to 21.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-1900 lbs. slaughter bulls 42.0049.00, Yield Grade No. 2, 900-1400 lbs. 35.0042.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame No. 1, 300-550 lbs. feeder steers 55.00-65.00, few Large Frame No. 1, 350450 lbs. 58.00- 68.00. Medium and Large Frame No. 1, 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers 48.00- Medium Frame No. 1, 360-650 lbs. feeder bulls 50.0062.00. CALVES 222: Few Choice vealers 74.0079.00, Good 65.00- 72.00. Standard and Good 90120 lbs. 46.0055.00, 6085 lbs. 40.00 46.00. few Utility 5090 lbs. 20.00 30.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90125 lbs. 68.00100.00. HOGS 122; Barrows and gilts $1.50 to mostly $2 lower. US No. 1-2 225-260 lbs. barrows and gilts 49.75- 50.25, lot 51.50,1-3 215-240 lbs. 49.00- 50.00, 2-3 200-260 lbs. 47.7548.50, lot 1-3190 lbs. 49.00. US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. sows 47.0049.00, No. 2-3 300-580 lbs. 46.0047.50. Boars 35.0041.00. FEEDER PIGS 28: US No. 1-3 F Belarus MOST TRACTORS IN STOCK Real “fuel misers” Low maintenance Butler, Berg, Farmway, Easy to work on —iat Fiberdome, Jamesway Excellent parts/service support second tonone JgfißEli iff Exclusive 4WD on 57,70,85,185H.P 250 28 Models BUY THE BEST 400 420 520 SOS 520 SSO4WD 5624WDCab Exit 31, Rt. 140 to ISO (Old Rt. 147) 611 to Watsontown Exit (You Are There!) 000 Pk. 717-53(5521 r 742-7521 mtiwbcab !!!!!!!! Ttii Fm pa HOO-232-MLE SS™*!!:..:::.:: M-FB-8; Sat. 5-5 KPH-2.1 Rotaiy Mower Belanu Warranty Included la Price tuYKOM mufMmffomrmßi ROVENDALE SUPPLY ANNUAL FALL STOCKER & FEEDER CATTLE AUCTION At LUTHER'S LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MARKET Rte. 22, Wassaic, Dutchess County, New York 12:30 p.m. There will be a large selection of all beef breeds of steers and heifers ranging from 350 lbs. up to 800 lbs. Already consigned from one farm - 35+ head of fancy angus steers and few heifers. Another Consignor - 45 head of Simmental Cross steers and heifers. Consignments for this sale will be accepted from now right up til 12 noon Sale Day. Also accepting stock cows and/or cow calf pairs. ** NOTE; it is an advantage to both the buyer and seller to have your cattle innoculated early against shipping fever. REASONABLE TRUCKING RATES TERMS OF SALE: Cash or good check day of sale; new customers must present a bank letter guaranteeing payment of their check. In addition to the above sale at 3 p.m., we will sell from one farm 60 ± REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD SELLING AS GRADES (Papers may be available by sale day) 40± of these cattle are cows, a couple of yearling heifers, balance are spring calves up to a few days old. Cows are in good condition and vet checked for pregnancy and are innoculated against shipping fever. TERMS OF SALE: Same as above. Sale by order of: Central New York Production Credit Assoc. Oneida, NY DELOS “LOS” LUTHER 11, Auctioneer & Sales Manager For Complete Auction Services (Cattle - Machinery - Equipment, etc.) If you are thinking of having an Auction - Give "Los” a Call (914)373-8171 (914)373-8172 (914)373-8045 Livestock market and auction news 25-30 lbs. feeder pigs 22.0029.00,35- 50 lbs. 25.0032.00, lot 73 lbs. 40.00. - -all per head. SHEEP 88: Wooled slaughter lambs steady. High Choice and Prime 80-95 lbs. slaughter lambs 64.0068.50, several 77 lbs. 81.00, Choice 80100 lbs. 60.0065.00, Good and Choice 50-70 lbs. feeder lambs 66.0063.00. Slaughter sheep 23.00 39.00. GOATS 10; 20.0040.00 - all per head. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, Oct. 8 Report supplied by USDA Cattle and Calves: Est. 1000 Same Day Last Week; 210 Actual Auction Sales: 569 Tuesday’s Final Auction Count 6195 Trends barely tested on any class. Limited numbers feeder steers and heifers steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 50 cents higher. Slaughter bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Bulk feeder offerings medium frame mixed 1-2 steers and heifers. Total sold on the cow turn 132 head. FEEDER STEERS: Medium frame 1 450-500# 66.00-68.60 ; 550# 65.30; 720# 62.00. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 375-500# 66.00-67.75 ; 500-600# 60.30-65.50; 635-700# 60.30-61.25. Medium frame 2 475-575# 56.75- 63.50; 705# 60.30. Large frame 2 holsteins 345-435# 53.00-56.50; 875# 45.80. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium frame 1 fleshy 425-665# 57.25-58.50; 745# 54.60. Small frame 1330# 58.25 ; 420430# Saturday, October 18,1986 53.10-54.50. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 350-375# 59.8061.50; 450600# 55.7567.80; lot 600# very fleshy 53.75. Medium frame 2 300675# 52.75- 54.25. SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility, boning & breaking 1-3 35.00-39.90. Cutter 1-2 36.30-38.00. Canner and low-dressing cutter 30.25-32.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS; Y.G. 1 1500-1800# 44.0047.00; 1200-1500# 43.0047.00. Y.G. 2 fat 1550-1950# 42.0043.00. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder steers and heifers steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows firm to 1.00 higher. Slaughter bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: Steers: Good Run - ■Sgjl EVERGREEN ■SSH Ebsltractor co., iNc.Eglga TRACTORS: JD 4230, QR, Sound Guard JD 4020 Power Shift Cab (1) White 2-105 w/Roll Guard IH 1066 Cab, Air MF 50 Gas (recently overhauled).. MH 22 w/3 pt. and 2 row cultivator MF 135 D Tractor w/Loader IH 350 R.C. Tractor 4020, Syncro Hydro Mack Skid Steer 4620, PS, cab, overhauled COMBINES & PICKERS: Gleaner M combine, 2 heads, nice JD 6600 Side Hill high back seat 6620 Side Hill, turbo hydro, heater & air, monitor, spreader. 6600 hydro, rotary screen, diesel, heater & air, chopper, US feeder house, monitor, adjustable rear axle, bin extension. CASH 6600 gear, rotary screen, diesel, monitor, heater & »,»« IMMS Plus (u|uo Freight til,IK & $U,(7t Dealer snju prep. |U,NS ns,m _ l t s ¥ SM,OK Trade-In »u,i» SK,Kt K,«O air, US feeder house, bin extension. 4400 Diesel, rotary screen, heater, monitor, US feeder house, bin extension, chopper. Nl 324 2 Row Wide 12 Row 327 bed Ml 818 combine 4R narrow head & 13' flex head. Sharp Nl 2 row narrow, pull type picker (1) #343 3 Row 30" (1) #443 Corn Heads #244 Corn Head #244 Corn Head JD 3CggjSS' Husker 13' Grain Table (2) #444 Corn Heads 13' & 15' Flex Heads. Black Reel JD 30(gESSer w/2 row Nl 2 Row Wide 8 Roll Bed PLANTERS & GRAIN DRILLS: JD 20x6 Model B Plain Grain with Grass 0.0 JD 8 Row 7000 30” Planter (l)j(8} 6 Row 7000 No-Til Planter each $7,850 HAY MACHINES: 12:30 p.m Hesston Hydro-Swing Mower Conditioner Hesston PTIO Mower Cond NH 850 Round Baler JO #336 Baler w/#3O ejector Hesston PTIO Mower Conditioner GRAIN DRYERS: New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryer. MUST MOVE. CALL FOR PRICE (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) Coming in... JO 7B 2500 Plow JD 2040 Dsl. Tractor JD 300 husker w/2 row Nl 2 row narrow, 12 roll bed, like new Nl 2 row narrow w/sheller or bed, like new Nl H 7 1 row picker JO 3020 side console, gas JD 643 corn head mostly steady. Choice 57.0069.50; Good 52.0066.00; Medium 51.00 & Down; Good Holsteins 48.0062.35; Medium Holsteins 47.00 & Down. Heifers: mostly steady. Good 51.5064.85; Choice Holsteins 48.00- 52.00; Medium-Good Holsteins 46.00 & Down. Cows: Good Run - Fully steady with last week. High Yield none offered; Good 36.50- 38.85; Medium 34.0066.25; Big Middle 33.00-36.00; Shelly 32.00 & Down. FAT Bulls; steady prices on a good run. Good 47.2561.35; Medium 42.00-46.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: (300-750 lbs.) mostly steady. Good 55.0069.50; Medium 49.0064.00; Culls 48.00 & Down. Heifers: (all weights) mostly steady. Good 47.0062.00; Medium 41.0046.00. Bulls (all weights): Good 52.00- 56.00; Medium4o.oo49.oo. VEAL CALVES: Demand stronger for light vealers and farm .. $14,500 .... $6,950 Make Offer .. $10,750 .... $3,250 ...$1,650 $1,500 $8,450 $4,850 $9,750 $11,700 $3,950 $3,950 $6,850 $2,450 $2,750 $2,350 $3,850 $950 [reen Rd., Lebanon, PA., (717) 272-4641 or Toll Free 1-800-441-44! 30 Ever) bulls. Choice 75.0d-90.00; Good 65.00- Medium 55.00-64.00; Light/Standard 46.00-54.00; Farm Bulls 75.00-104.00; Few Weak/Eough 45.00 & Down. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts strong demand .50 to .75 higher. (US No. 1- 3) 210-250 lbs. 53.00-54.75 ; 2 & 4’s (all weights) 45.50-52.75. SOWS: Steady to 2.00 higher on heavy sows. Over 450 lbs. 44.75- 49.00; under 450 45.75-46.25; 2 & 3’s 42.00- Boars: Heavy 36.75- 39.25; light to 46.00 lbs. FEEDER PIGS (by the hd.) (15- 20 lbs. 18.00-19.00) (25-40 lbs. 34.00- 43.00); (45-601b5.45.00-51.00). LAMBS: G00d52.00-58.00. EWES: Mostly 15.00-23.00 lbs. Goats: (Lg.) 47.5062.50; (hd) Sm./Med. 21.00-43.00 (hd). Sale every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Livestock; 5:30 Rabbits, Poultry & Eggs. TILLAGE: JO 1010 Flat Fold Field Cultivator 18' JDBWF 14’ Flex Disc JD 1450 5x16 Plow JD FB4S Roll Over Plow (New) 1H Model 470,20’ Disc 8 Tooth Bush Hog Chisel Plow. JD TWA 12’Plowing Disc . . .. HARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: NH Super 717 Harvester $2,450 NH P.U. Attachment $575 JD #35 Harvester, 1 row Row Crop $2,150 JD 35 Harvester, 2 row narrow & pickup, sharp JD #3B Harvester MISCELLANEOUS: 18.4x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels 14.9x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels Papec #BBO Grinder Mixer w/Molasses Attach-Sharp 14.9x26 T-rail duals JD 10' Dozer Blade 30 or 40 Series 2WD NH 679 tandem axle spreader, hyd. endgate NH #9O Bale Mover. NH #513 Spreader Nl 214 Spreader w/End Gate JD 148 Loader - Best Land Rock Picker 9 Tooth Folding Anhydrous Bar Little Giant 28' Elevator Owatonna stack wagon, model #540 NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT AT GENERIC PRICES (1) JD 21' Model 400 Rotary Hoe with Transport SPECIAL NEW 16' 3 BEATER ARTSWAY FORAGE WAGONS $3,450.00 each o^' SPECIAL New JD Weather Shields For 2840 Tractors Part# ARB6OBI List $317 SPECIAL $l4O. $3,650 $2,350 $1,950 $2,850 $2,650 ..$950 $2,950 $3,550 $1,450 $3,950 $2,650 $3,850 $1,450 $1,850 $2,650 $1,250 ..$B5O $3,450 $2,975 V !EEN )R
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