Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wednesday, Oct. 8 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 3:00 P.M. report, choice steer steady, heifer steady to mostly 1.00 lower. Holstein-typd steady to .50 higher. Good not established. Demand light, trading slow on moderate supplies. 14 loads of steer carcasses and 3 loads of heifer carcasses traded to packer-processors. Sale reported on 33 loads of steer and heifer carcasses. Steer Carcasses: (18 Loads Reported) FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3 600-900 lbs. 3 Ids. range 91.00, latest est. mkt. 91.00. Choice 4 600-900 lbs. 4 Idg. range 78.00, latest est. mkt 78.00. Good 1-3 600-900 lbs. latest estb. mkt. 85.00 Holstein Type- Choice 1-3 600-900 lbs. 7 Ids. range 86.50, latest est. mkt. 86.50. Good 1-3 600-900 lbs. 4 Ids. range 80.50, latest est. mkt. 80.50. Heifer Carcasses (IS Loads Reported) Producers who have used Tylan® Sulfa-G 1M know how effectively it controls respiratory diseases like atrophic rhinitis 1 and bacterial pneumonia (like Pasteurella) 2 . But there's more to Tylan Sulfa-G than just good disease control. Tylan Feed Medication (“The Feed/Money Saver”) is proven to boost a pig’s gam and feed conversion, and, in combination with Sulfa-G (sulfamethazine Granurolls) provides effective respiratory disease control. Now we give you the Tylan Sulfa-G Challenge: Compare it to your other starter/grower medications. We believe you'll like what you see. For disease control, that might mean less coughing and sneezing, or a better slaughter check. As to resulting performance, Tylan Sulfa-G can mean faster gams on less feed, for more efficiency in practically all units. (Results of TRAC Clinics indicate that almost every herd has respiratory disease.) It all means a better return on your medication investment. The challenge to you is to try the product; the challenge to us is to deliver on our word: Tylan Sulfa-G really works. For more information, ask your feed man or Banco representative about the Challenge. We’re ready for you. 1 For towering the incidence and seventy ot BortitWlabronchisopiica rhinitis 2 Caused by Pesteure/Ze multocid* and Coryn*bact»rlum pyogenes Tylan' (tylosm Elanco) Sulfa G™ (sulfamethazineelliptical pellets Elanco) FOB Omaha Basis Choices 550-800 lbs. 9 Ids. range 89.00- 90.00, latest estb. mkt. 89.00. 500-550 lbs. 2 Ids. range 87.00- 88.00, latest estb. mkt. 87.0088.00 400-500 lbs. 1 Id. range 86.0087.00, latest estb. mkt. 86.0087.00. Choice 4 500800 lbs. 3 Ids. range 78.00, latest est. mkt. 78.00. Good 1-3 550-700 lbs. latest estb. mkt. 85.00 B. 400-550 lbs. latest estb. mkt. 77.00 Steer Carcasses FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 4 600-900 lbs. latest est. mkt. 76.50 Heifer Carcasses FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 4 500800 lbs. latest est. mkt. 76.50 Steer and Heifer Primal Cuts FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3 Heifer Hinds 119-167 lbs. latest est. mkt. 99.00- 100.00 A. Front Quarters 131-183 lbs. latest estb. rAkt. 80.00 Cow and Bull Caracasses (9 Loads Reported) Midwest: Thin test utility 1.00 higher, cutters generally steady. Demand light, trading slow with sellers bullish on limited offerings. Eastern Texas and Oklahoma: Market not tested. Limited of ferings at sharply higher asking prices retarding trade. Sales In The Midwest Production Area: FOB Omaha Basis Util, Brkg 2-4 450/Up# 2 Ids. 63.50. Util, Bng 1-3 400/Up# 64.50 C. 500/Up# 66.00 E. Cutter 1-2 350/Up# 1 Id. 73.00. 400/Up# 6 Ids. 75.00. Sales in Eastern Texas and Oklahoma Production Areas; FOB Plant Util, Brkg 2-4 450/Up lbs. 62.00- 63.00 D. Util., Bng 1-3 400/up lbs. 64.00- 65.00 E. Utl. Bng. 500/up lbs. 66.00 D. Cutter 1-2 350/up lbs. 70.00-71.00 D. Boneless Processing Beef Beef Trimmings (225 Lds. Reported) FOB Omaha Basis 90% Chem Lean 15 Ids. fresh 99.00. 85% Chem Lean 8 Ids. fresh 90.00- 91.50. 75% Chem Lean 6 Ids. fresh 79.00- 79.50. 50% Chem Lean 90 Ids. fresh 47.00-51.00, M 48.00-50.00, 67 Ids. frozen 51.00-53.00, M 52.00. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986-Al3 50% Chem Lean 11 Ids. fresh 49.00- boxed. Eastern Texas/Oklahoma Production Areas-FOB Plant 90% Chem Lean 21 Ids. fresh 99.00- frozen 7 Ids. 101.00. 85% Chem Lean fresh 87.00 E, frozen 87.00 E. ABCDE after market quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes- will be dropped after 5 days of no test. Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, Oct. 8 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 3-.00 P.M. report: Fresh pork loins 14-18 lbs. 2.00-3.00 higher; Boston Butts 3.00-4.00 higher; Skd Hams 2.00- 3.00 higher; Sdls Bellies .50-2.00 higher. Trade slow to moderate for light to moderate offerings and moderate to good demand. U.S. No. 2 175 lb. pork carcass cutout value advanced .69 to an estimated 76.36 per cwt. Sales reported on 35 loads of fresh pork cuts, and 4 loads of trimmings and boneless processing pork. Fresh Pork Cuts FOB Omaha Basis Loins, Regular, Fresh 14-18 lbs. 8 Ids. 113.00-116.00. 18-22 lbs. 111.00 A. 22/Up lbs. 103.00 E. Tenderloins, 2/Bag 290.00-295.00 B. Picnics 4-8 lbs. 1% Ids. 53.00. 8/Up 53.00 D. Boston Butts 4-8 lbs. 4 Ids. 79.00-84.00. 8/Up 82.00 E. Spareribs, Fresh 1.5-3.5 lbs. IVi Ids. 112.00. Sparerlbs, Frozen 1.5-3.5112.00 E. Loin Backribs 1.5/DN 275.00 A. 1.75/DN 265.00 A. Hams, Skinned Fresh 14-17 lbs. lid. 107.50. 17-20 lbs. 8 Ids. 106.00-107.50. 20-26 lbs. lid. 106.00. 26-32 lbs. lid. 100.00. 32/Up lbs. 2 Ids. 100.00. Hams, Skinned, Frozen 17- lbs. 99.50-101.00 C. Bellies, Sdls, Skin On, Fresh 10-12 lbs. 55.00 D. 12-14 lbs. 2% Ids. 56.00-57.00. 14-16 lbs. 2 y% Ids. 56.00-57.00. 16-18 lbs. 2 Ids. 54.00. 18- lbs. lid. 51.00. 20-25 lbs. 46.50 D. Bellies, Sdls, Skin On, Frozen 16-18 lbs. 54.50-55.00 B. Pork Trimmings/ Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) Combo 42% Fresh 43.25 A. Combo 72% Fresh 1 Id. 79.50. Blademeat Combo 88% Fresh 106.00 C. Shank Meat Frozen PL 89.50, Bals Picnic Combo 72% Fresh 1 Id. 80.00. Skinned Jowls Combo Fresh 37.75 B. Boxed Frozen 41.00 B. Cured and Processed Meats Hams, Smoked, Skinned, Water Added 16-19 lbs. 117.00-124.00. 19-23 lbs. 116.00-124.00. Picnics, Smoked, Water Added 4-7 lbs. 68.00-71.00. Bacon, Sliced, 1 lb. pkg. 128.00-165.00. ABCDE After Market Quotes Represents Days Since Last Actual Reported Sales. Quotes After 5 Days Will Be Dropped. LIVESTOCK spoken here. 3 I /All kinds of s __ / loans for livestock wj produciton. \ / ? FIXED RATE LOANS FOR FEEDER CATTLE Terms - 6,9 &12 Months Minimum Loan Size $20,000 FARM CREDIT SERVICE Lancaster 717-291-1855 354-6300 New Holland L Quarryville 786-7007 Annville ElizabethviUe 362-8115 Vac. Pack 867-4474
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