Ag dean assistant named UNIVERSITY PARK - Keith Stevens has been named assistant to the dean for development and alumni relations in the College of Agriculture at Penn State. “We have needed to strengthen our contact with alumni,” said College of Agriculture Dean Samuel H. Smith in announcing the appointment. “We have 19,000 alumni, most of whom live in Pennsylvania and are highly in terested in what we in the College are doing and planning to do. This appointment should be a clear sign that we recognize the important role that alumni have to play in the future of our College.” In his new position Stevens will be executive secretary for the College’s alumni society and will coordinate activities between the society and the College. He will also be liaison with the Univer sity’s Office of Development, helping plan and implement fund raising strategies and campaigns. He will be working closely with administrators in the College determining needs and priorities for private support. Stevens has been executive producer for television in the College’s department of Agricultural Communications since 1978. His responsibilities included planning, producing and hosting television features. Prior to joining the College of Agriculture staff, he worked as a portrait and commercial photographer and has held positions as news director for radio stations in State College and Cumberland, Maryland, and as news reporter for an Altoona radio and television station. Farmland Preservation - It’s Worth It Here's What You Get For Less Than 15* A Week! yryy^r/// (l ARTICLES OF INTEREST on the latest trends in farming and feature stories about your farming friends and neighbors! A WHOLE SECTION OF HOME NEWS and features, recipes and columns written just for our readers! REPORTS ON OUR YOUTH.. .photos and articles about the next generation of farmers...our farming youth! Our total farm coverage also gives you NEWS (including Dairy & DHIA Reports)... FEATURES...BEST BUYS ON PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT..FREE MAILBOX MARKET...and much, much more! Fa"ri'" At UNCASTER FARMING, we think we do a good job of keeping you in formed... and we have over 40,000 paid subscribers who think so too!
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