Bl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser It is so easy to form habits and so hard to break them. Good habits help us to get through our days without concentrating on little things. We just naturally do our regular jobs without too much thought. Every morning after breakfast, I feed my goldfish and every night after supper I feed the URGE SELECTION OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE; NEW SPRING AIR BEDDING INCLUDING THE FAMOUS BACK SUPPORTER. SOME MISMATCHED SETS AT BARGAIN PRICES. CATNAPPER RECLINERS, UNE CEDAR CHEST, VARIETY OF QUALITY BEDROOM, DINING ROOM. LIVING ROOM SUITES. NEW SOFA BEDS. SOME SLIGHTLY IRREGUUR AT DISCOUNT PRICES. DESKS. ROCKERS, GUN CABINETS. GOOD USED BEDS, BOX SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. COAL, OIL. GAS. AND WOOD HEATERS, GOOD USED METAL & WOOD OFFICE DESKS. CHAIRS. FILE CABINETS. SOME ANTIQUES. ETC. WINTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER MODEL 71 SOB COAL AND WOOD HEATER s s7s°® While Stock Lasts F7B-80 Central Wood Furnace (Underwriters laboratory Listed) C-60D Wood Heater 4 New Ashley models not shown in pixs. including: New Free Standing Stove & Fireplace Insert w/Glass Doors Also Wood & Coal Furnace that takes up to 36" logs. FISHER'S FURNITURE Route 896 - 6 Mi. South of Strasburg in Village of Georgetown Box 57, Bart, PA NEW HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 8-5, Fri. 8 to 8 dog. I usually work in the garden in the evening until it becomes dark. So, when something else is scheduled, it is hard to change gears and “remember.” I’ve missed two evening appointments because I was picking quarts of cherry tomatoes or picking edible soybeans. Not until the next day WOOD& COAL HEATERS MODEL AF 136 FIREPLACE INSERT w/Blower and trim kit, completely installed ALL MODELS IN STOCK • WARM MORNING COAL HEATERS Immediate Delivery Available Installation Service Available WE TAKE TRADE INS STOVEPIPE & ACCESSORIES AT LAST YEAR’S PRICES 50.00 25-HFR Wood Heater Ashley Columbian 7150-C Coal & Wood Heater (Underwriters Laboratory Listed) did it occur to me that I’d missed a meeting. One meeting that I didn’t miss was a dinner meeting at my church with a group of ladies from the Greek Orthodox church in Lan caster. Even though there are differences in our liturgy, I was surprised at the similarities in our faith. It was an opportunity that few people have to discuss their church’s history with others. One recent Saturday, my husband and I drove to Clinton County to see some com test plots. We were surprised to see several couples that we knew. The grading • Automatic High-Temperature Safety Shut-Off Switch • Heavy Duty Full Width Cast Iron Gas Burner • Remote Thermostat w/Plug • 100% Safety Valve - Fully Automatic - Low Maintenance • All Units Furnished With Totally Enclosed Motors 4 %ntig** y 6 /rtP>\ AUGERS to 1 '>tU° GET THE BEST FROM: aFs ip and drying machinery is quite huge and modern. 1 think that I am invited to come along to act as chauffeur because my husband’s arthritis bothers him if he drives a long distance. Again, habit dic tated that I should pack a lunch, as we’ve always carried our food with us on trips. But this time he assured me that it wasn’t necessary. To break the monotony of the drive, we stopped in Snyder County at a farm market and bought a loaf of homemade brown bread and a jar of chow-chow to enjoy later. GRAIN STORAGE IT'S YOUR BEST BUY automatic farm systems 608 Evergreen Rd.. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 274-5333 Cheek Our Low Prices Before You Buy SPECIAL FALL SALE GAMRRIKE= AGRIHEATER • Simple On-Off Switch - Automatic Control With Remote Thermostat • High Efficiency Fan Furnishes Quiet Air Movement I'M NOT L10N... Th« Claitified Livestock Section Ha» Beastly Selections!
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