E22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 f Public Auction Register ESTATE OF MARY G. STEELE 80 King Street, Northumberland, Pennsylvania SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE 3-STORY COLONIAL BRICK HOME having a frontage of 180’, more or less, along King Street and a depth of 240’, more or less... First floor con tains 7 ROOMS, 4 FIREPLACES, OPEN SPIRAL STAIRCASE...Second floor has 6 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHROOMS...Third floor has 2 ROOMS...OIL HOT WATER HEAT...LARGE DOUBLE PORCH ON BACK OF HOUSE. If you’re looking for a Colonial home, check this property. For additional information or inspection phone 717-473-3211 or 717-758-6004. Real Estate will be offered at 1:00 P.M. MAHOGANY FURNITURE CIRCA 1900 : 42-Drawer Sheet Music Cabinet, (2) Pedestal Stands -1 Highly Carved w/Ball & Claw Ft., Chip pendale Side Chair, 3-Sectional Bookcase, Library Table, (2) Music Cabinets, 5-Drawer Bureau w/Claw Ft., Swing-Leg Table, (2) Chests of Drawers, 4-Pc. Empire Bedroom Suite, Inlaid Hepplewhite Pembroke Table Mfd. by Weimar, Sewing Cabinet, Tilt-Top Table w/Snake Ft.; OAK FURNITURE: Lg. Ornate Round Glass China Closet w/Lions on Front, Carved Ft., Mirror Back & 3-Mirror Top, Lg. Carved Hall Seat w/Mirror & Paw Ft., 3-Door Leaded Glass Bookcase w/Claw Ft., Stands, Square Pedestal Table w/Claw Ft. & Lion Heads on Base, (11) T-Back Chairs, Two 3-Sectional Stacking Bookcases, 2-Pc. Lt. Oak Bedroom Suite, Lt. Oak High Chest of Drawers w/Mirror, Lt. Oak Square Table; Oriental Stand; Piano Stool; Melodian Case Desk; Victorian Arm & Side Chairs; Sofa, Can idlestand & Bible-Dictionary Holder; 6-Pc. Empire Living Room Suite; Duncan Phyfe Sofa; (2) Duncan Phyfe-Style Chairs w/Music Clef Back; Upholstered Wing Chair; Painted Kitchen Cabinet; 2-Drawer High Dry Sink; Half-Spindle Porch Settee w/Original Decoration; 4-Leg Dropleaf Table; Iron & Brass Bed; Wicker Chair; Bent Arrowback Plank Bottom Chair; Cane Seated Rocker; 2-Drawer Soft Wood Stand; BIRD’S EYE MAPLE: 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite; Slant-Front Lady’s Desk, Glass Door Bookcase; (2) Flat-Top & (1) Round-Top Trunks; Child’s Dresser; 2-Pc. Wall Cupboard w/Original Graining; Asst, of Steamer Trunks; Asst, of Lg. Gold Leaf Frames w/Prints; Brass Umbrella Stand; Tiger Tobacco Tin; Asst, of Baskets; Sm. Early Cooky Cutter; Masonic Knights Templar Sword; Pr. of Shaft Bells; Carriage Clock; Chinese Table Lamp; Kerosene Lamps; B&H Nickel Kerosene Lamp; 3-Pt. Girandole Set; Selection of Silver Plate; STERLING: Tray, Assorted Flatware, Pr. of Candlestick Holders, Salt & Pepper, Steiff Carving Set; Selection of Old Clothing; Lg. Selection of Wilton Room Size & Throw Rugs; German China Doll w/Kid Body; Kris Kringle Statue; “Playmates” Hummel Figurine; BOOKS: 2 Vol. Pa. at Gettysburg Ptd. 1904 by Ray, 3 Vol. Pa. at Gettysburg Ptd. 1914 by Ray, Frontier Forts of Pa., Freemasonry in Northumberland & Snyder Co. by Godcharles, History of Pa. by Donehoo, Colonial & Revolutionary Families of Pa. by Jordan; Pr. of N. Currier Religious Prints in Original Frames; Wallace Nutting Print; Picture of Wm. McKinley’s Funeral Train Passing Through Northumberland; Civil War Picture by James Taylor 1891 Depicting Battle of Trevilion Station, Va.; Civil War Record of Pvt. Adam Seid Dated 1861 Joined Pa. 84th Volunteers; Watercolor by T.S. Hageaman; Watercolor by Sthogerman in Gold Leaf Frame; Postcard Album; Stereoptican Viewers; Roseville Bowl; Lenox Swan; Pr. of Vic torian Vases; Fiesta Ware; Cloisonne Vase; Limoges Pickard Vase Signed Reury; Soapstone Vase; Lg. Selection of Hand-Painted Nippon & Haviland Limoges China; China Marmalade Jar; Ironstone Handleless Cups, Saucers & Plates; Ironstone Sugar Bowl & Cream Pitcher; 1971 B&G Christmas Plate; 63-Pc. Haviland Limoges Dinnerware Set; Selection of China Bowls (2) Royal Doulton “Old English Scene” Plates; (2) Pitchers & Bowls; CUT GLASS; (2) Vases, Lg. Heisey Basket, Clark Relish Dish, Sherberts, Ice Bucket, Butter Dish, Water Bottle, Stemmed Nut Dish; Sheaf of Wheat Pattern Bread Plate; Selection of Crystal Stemware; Depression Glass; Etc. LADY’S PLATINUM DIAMOND & EMERALD RING w/app. .22 carat square emerald-cut emerald center stone, around emerald are two app. .20 carat and four app. .04 carat square french cut diamonds, bead set in the shoulders are thirty two app. .005 carat cut diamonds, T.W. 35 diamonds - app. .70 carat; Lady’s YG Diamond Solitaire Ring, app. .45 carat; Lady’s YG Diamond Solitaire Ring, app. .42 carat; (2) Elgin Closed-Face Lapel Watches -1 w/diamond. Gold - Commemorative 1776-1926, $2% 1878, $2O Samt-Gaudens 1907; 1791 and 1851 Lg. Pennies; Half Dollars; Columbian Exposition, Pilgrim Tercentenary, 1904 Liberty Head; 1921 Peace Silver Dollar; Assorted Indian Head Pennies. Zenith Portable Color TV; RCA Floor Model Color TV; Apt. Size Kitchen Coal Stove; (2) Electrolux Sweeper; Assorted Upholstered Chairs; Single Springs & Mattress Bed Frame; Single Door Metal Cabinet; 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet; Lg. Cedar Chest; (3) Wheelchairs; Misc. Dishes, Pots and Pans: Etc. TERMS: REAL ESTATE - 10% DOWN. FURTHER TERMS AND CON DITIONS TO BE GIVEN DAY OF SALE. PERSONAL PROPERTY - CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT WITH AUCTIONEER. J. DONALD STEELE, ATTORNEY AUCTIONEERS: DOCKEY IAU-000229-L, DOCKEY #AU-001683-L & DEPPEN #AU-001957-L AUCTION ITIBLEi JEWELRY COINS Phon« 758 6004 WED OCT 10 10 AM Public Auction of a Farm Sale Seljing Farm Machinery, (-arm Related Robert Lepley. Owners Items, Milking Equipment, Wayne M Hess, Auc Crop, Butcher Equip- tioneer ment, Household Goods WED OCT 10 - Public and Antiques Located ap Auction of the Meadow prox 4 mites west of Win Mist Farms Angus Cow field, turn south at Dry Herd Dispersion Sale Valley Crossroads on Located in Loysville, PA Stem Lane, to County Follow Rt 850 to Farm Line Rd, turn east ‘A 2 3 miles west of Lan mile, turn south to sale, disburg Dr Burleigh P 'mvrler Co Mr & Mrs Anderson, Owner PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE &H.H. GOODS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 at 9:30 A.M. Located 419 North Spruce St., Elizabethtown, Pa. 3 8.R., 1 Bath ALL BRICK RANCHER. 1-Car Garage, Breezeway, Awning, Basement, Plaster walls, Hardwood floors, Lg. L.R., Kit, D.R. Oil Hot water heat, Roof only 4 yrs. old, Mac. Drive, Mature Shade, Garage Opener, Home has a lot of extras and is in an excellent location. To be Offered at 1:00 P.M. Open for inspection Sat. Oct. 13-10 to 4:00 o’clock. Other times by appointment only evenings & Sat. Call 367-2736 or 665-5664. Thomas Elec, organ & stool, 1880 Slant Top Secretary Desk w/glass doors; Maple sofa bed, Up. chairs, recliner, Kelvinator S/S refrig. & freezer, drop leaf ex. table, plank chairs, cain chairs & rockers, old high chair, corner shelf, picture stand, two 9x12 rugs, record player, TABLES; Marble top, library, square, etc. wash stand, trunk, flower stands, Ig. fan, Hoover cleaner, white sew. machine, oak bed, dresser, lamps, bedding, old coverlet, rag carpet, linens, Quilts, old clock, photo albums, 1825 Peter Kauffman german book, Carnival, Pressed, Depression, German, tea sets, p. butter glasses, ruby, tureens, toaster oven, baskets, pictures, tallow candles, buttons, silverware, Whirlpool Auto washer, GE Dryer, double tubs, Exercise Bike, Kero space heater, Ariens Rider & Toro self-pro lawn mowers, scotts seeder, metal shop shelf, 2 alum. & 1 wooden ex. ladders, 3 step ladders, weed eater, elec, cords, hedge trimmers, tool box, rakes, shovels, etc. Plus many useful items not listed. Sale to begin at 9:30 Prop, at 1:00. No out of state checks SALE BY REV. EARL G. & MIRIAM ESHLEMAN Jack Horner: Atty. Wolgemuth Auction Service C.H. Bob Dennis Aucts. Ph. 665-5664 Lie. #1036 Lunch Stand LARGE SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT at our place of business located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile East of Marion, just East off Rte. 81 at Marion Exit No. 4 along Rte. 914 on THURSDAY, OCT. 11,1984 Sale at 8:30 A.M. Usual run of tractors inc. John Deere, In ternational, Fords, Massey Ferguson, Case, Oliver, A.C. and others, several with loaders, Trucks, Trailers, Lawn and Garden tractors, Pickers, Harvesters, Blowers, Elevators, Forage and grain wagons, Balers, Combines, Rakes, Mowers, Haybines, Loaders, Sprayers, Spreaders, Grinder-Mixers, Drills, Plows, Disc Harrows, Packers, Chisel Plows, New and Used Rotary Mowers, Blades, Post Diggers, Chain Saws, Tires, Pipe, Posts, Tools and usual runofequipt. etc. FARMERS & DEALERS - Bring in your equip t, for this sale. Please limit your small items for this one day sale. Next Sale Thursday, December 13, 1984. No equipment with liens accepted unless we are notified in advance. Please secure all P.T.O. shafts to machine. If you plan a sale for fall or winter we offer the best in service. Open daily 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Saturday till 3 P.M. Closed Sundays. Terms: Cash or Good Check Manager, RALPH W. HORST License No. AU-000437-L Marion, Pa. 17235 Phone: 717-375-2824 Auctioneers: Rentzei, Woigemuth, Upperman, Bohrer, Speicher, Harry, Gossert Breakfast and Lmcbat Sale PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FRIDAY EVE., OCT. 26,1984 Located one mile west of Lititz at 702 Temperence Hill Road. Real Estate consits of Farmette Containing 2 acres M/L. thereon erected a 2 story 3 bedroom home with 1% baths, living room, modem kitchen and dining room, large family room with fireplace, utility room, also bam & work shop, spacious garage, property is in Penn Township. A fine location, Manheim Central School district, presently zoned for in home business, you will really want to inspect this property, will be open (October 13,1:00 PM till 3:00 PM and Oct. 19th 5:30 PM till 7; 30 PM. Auction for EARL A CHARLENE FAHNESTOCK Gibbel, Kraybill & Hess Atty's. 287 Lime Rock Road | Lititz, PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626-5244 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 ■ 949 2280 Ken Milter 665-2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 WATERFALL GARDENS 2nd ANNUAL PUBLIC AUCTION Landscape specialists are saying, "Fall is ideal for planting,” Shrubbery, Shade & Flowering Trees, Evergreens, Roses, Perennials, Ground Cover, Lawn Statuary and Fountains. 1981 CHEVETTE CAR AUCTIONED AT 2 P.M. SAT., OCT. 13,1984 SALE TIME 10:00 A.M. Location: Waterfall Gardens Land scape Take Rt. 222 North Of Adam stown Approx. 3 Miles Or Rt. 222 South Of Shillington to Auction On The Premises Along Rt. 222 (1400 Old Lancaster Pike). Landscape Size Shrubbery & Trees: Assorted Junipers & Yews - upright & spreading; hun dreds or Pyramidal Arborvitae 3’-5’ tall; Azaleas, Rhododendrons (all colors); Pieris; Cotoneaster, Potentilla. TREES: Flowering Dogwoods (Pink & White); Japanese Cherry; Weeping Cherry; Flowering Crabapples; Japanese Maples; Sycamores; Norway Maples; Mt. ash; Ammur Maples. FRUIT TREESDwarf Apples; Peach; Cherry; Apricot & Plums; Blackberry, Raspberry & Blueberry Plants. EVERGREENS: Douglas Fir; White Pine; Blue Spruce; Austrian Pines; assorted rare & unusual dwarf Evergreens. ROSES; Grandiflora; Hybrid Tea; Miniature & Mini Flora & Climbing Roses. ASSORTED PERENNIALS: Ground Cover Plants - Ivy & Pachysandra. Large variety Clay Pottery, some imported; Strawberry Jars; Lawn Care Items; Weed Killer; Plant Dust; Lawn Ornaments & Fountains; Electric Recirculating Water Fountains & Pools. 1981 Chevy Chevette 4 Door w/Auto Trans, AM & FM Cassette - Only 57,000 Original Miles, 1 Owner. Hundreds of items too numerous to list. NOTE: All shrubbery ti trees are of top quality, mature and ready for home landscape. Ideal opportunity to purchase shrubbery & trees at Auction. Every item going over Auction Block will be Sold Absolute regardless of price! Landscapers & nurserymen welcome. This is not a going out of business auction!! Business will continue as usual after auction. In case of rain auction held under tent Terms By: WATERFALL GARDENS 215-777-5159 Auction Conducted By Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good Jr., Auctioneers Lie. No. AU-000499-L Refreshments Available •AD 648 L
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