BLICI AUCTION FARM MACHINERY FRIDAY, OCT. 12,1984 AT ll:OOA.M. ;ated in Snyder Co., 1 mile East of lavertown, Pa., on Route 522, turn irth on Covered Bridge Road, 1 mile to m. ,H. 856 gas tractor recently overhauled, I.H. 710 semi mount 5-16 in. auto, reset plow, irmall M tractor, hyd. loader for M, Athens 3 10 tooth chisel plow, I.H. 10 ft. disk, Brillion ft. cultimulcher, Walsh field sprayer, J.D. 1440 com planter w/monitor, N.H. super 717 /ester w/pickup and 2 row com heads, N.H. 27 blower, I.H. no. 51 self unloading wagon roof, 2 wagons w/bale racks and hyd. ips, hay wagon, N.H. no. 280 baler 'thrower Chem Flo sprayer att., N.H. no. 479 'bine, Pequea hay tedder, N.H. 32 ft. and 20 elevators, I.H. flail chopper, N.H. no. 55 :e, N.H. no. 346 manure spreader (needs :pairs), N.I. no. 319 2 row mounted com icker w/6 roll husking bed, snow blower, 65 ip. generator on trailer, 550 gals, gas taqnk electric pump, several I.H. tractor weights, tyd. cylinders, 6 calf hutches, and a small junt of wagon items. ;rms: CASH EDWIN J. YODER irk Glick-Auctioneer iedsville, Pa. '-349-L LUNCH AT SALE PUBLIC AUCTION ■ yCllONi' OF FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SATURDAY, OCT. 20,1984. Auction Time: 10:00 A. M DIRECTIONS: Route 272 North from Ephrata to Schoeneck Road (at Rocky Ridge Auto Sales), turn left, go straight through Schoeneck toward Cocalico. Leaving Schoeneck, take second road left, Furnace Hill Road, go approx. 1 mile to farm on right. West Cocalico Town ship, Lancaster County, PA. OLIVER 1850 DIESEL with Hydra Power, W.F.E.; Massey Ferguson 65 Gas with Industrial Loader; Oliver 88 Gas; WHITE #348, 3xlB AUTOMATIC RESET PLOW; New Holland 350 Grinder Mixer; N.H. #371 Tandem Axle Tank Spreader; John Deere #35 Harvester; Narrow Row Lanco 16’ 3 Beater Forage Wagon; Grove 14’ 3 Beater Forage Wagon; N.H. #23 Hopper Blower; N.H. #S-55 Hay Rake; John Deere 24-T Baler with Thrower; Kewanee 12’ Disk Harrow on tran sport, with Level Harrow; Brillion 12’ Cultimulcher with Crow Foot; Earth Master 8’ Offset Disk Harrow on transport; 8 Sprocket Packer; M.F. 3 point Subsoiler; Allis-Chalmers Chisel Plow; Oliver 2x14 Trailer Plow; Land Drags; J.D. 494 4 Row 32” Cornplanter; King 6’ 3-pt. Rotary Mower; N.I. Tailer Mower; Wetmore P.T.O. Hammerrmll; Crop Sprayer with 200 Gal. Poly Tank and Pump; 2 Wheel Trailer; Oliver Superior 7x13 Grain Drill; Fairbank Platform Scales; 2 P.T.O. Corn Shelters; 28’ Kingwise Elevator; 3 pt. Concrete Weight; Handy Power Washer; Feed Carts; Hog Feeder; Calf Hutch; 500 Gal. Fuel Tank; Bate Boxes; Bag Wagon; Scrap Iron; 6 Milk Cans; Misc. Hand Tools. SLANT TOP DESK Kneehold Desk; High Chair; Crib; Play Pen; Iron Kettle; Base Cabinets; Folding Rocker; Single Bed; 2 Benches; Kitchen Cabinet; Chest of Drawers; Dresser; Manual Meat Sheer; Crocks; Jugs; Jars; Rugs; Refrigerator; other Misc. Housewares. NOTE: All out-of-state checks must be ac companied by a Bank Letter of Credit. Auction By ELMER B. & ESTHER B. KURTZ Phone 215-267-5641 Auction Conducted By J & P Auctions Paul E. Martin, Auct. AU-001601-L Ephrata, PA 717-733-3305 John D. Stauffer, Auct. AU-001509-L Lititz, PA 717-665-5099 Food at Auction Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each s publication SAT OCT 6 12 Noon Holstems Located at the Public Auction Consign- junction of Rt and 660 by ment Sale Selling 102 V Drive In Theater 6 Registered and Hi-Grade miles from Mansfield and '^MPAUCnOH'! FRIDAY EYE., OCT. 12 ! 5:30 P.M. I Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue Op- H posite Turkey Hill Mmit Market - Cross RR Bridge. ■ ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS ! SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION CONSIGNMENTS ONMONDAYS FROM 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 AUOQO9O7-L CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES ■ { PUBLIC SALE FARM, ANTIQUES, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & COLLECTIBLES Located VA miles East of Troxelville on L. Rt. 54029 in Adams township, Snyder County, Pa. FRIDAY, OCT. 19,1984 Selling Tools At 5:00 P.M. Vacuum pump and pipe for milkers, crosscut saws, buck saw, wooden hammer, sprinkler, chicken brooders, hanging scales, cider barrel, wooden tub, chains, hammers, forks, shovels, J.D. riding mower, 2 table saws, buffing wheel, mowing sythe, D.H. Kulp steam or water motor, forge blower, seeder, electric motors, vise barrel stove, hand corn planter, wood planes, 2 electric drills, lanterns, hand bellows, blacksmith hammers, tongs, wood braces, breast drill, wrenches, drawing knives, claw hammer, broad axe, fishing rods and more. SATURDAY, OCT. 20,1984 Starting at 9:30 A.M. Antiques and collectibles, shelf clock, crocks, egg baskets, butter churn, jugs, baskets, kerosene lamp, pitcher and bowl set, Lincoln Bank, swivel chair, lunch box, plank bottom rocker, old books, History of Beaver Springs, 1806-1906, Pa. road map 1927, trunk, dough tray, rope bed, mustache cup, corn sheller, platform scales, coffee grinder, slaw cutter, quilt dishes, pitcher and 6 glasses (hand painted), charcoal iron, 3 butcher kettles, copper kettle, wooden pipe auger and 3 bits and more items. SATURDAY AT 1:00 P.M. Farm To Be Offered Right To Reject Any Or All Bids 11l acre farm with mt. spring water, 8 room house with bath, oil hot water heat, bank barn fixed for beef, large spring house could be used to cool milk, blacksmith shop, large wood house and other out buildings. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wooden table, Westinghouse electric sewing machine, iron bed, Kalamazoo cook stove w/warming closet, rocker, 3 Maytag wringer washers, 6 chairs, wooden bench, jars, water pump, chest of drawers, double bed, dresser, lights, material, bedding, treadle sewing machine and other items too numerous to mention. Lefever Nitro special. 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. TERMS: CASH REAL ESTATE 10% DOWN BALANCE IN 30 DAYS. Real Estate seen by appointment Phone; 717-658-3523 I.D. needed for bidder number Owner and Auctioneers Not Responsible for Accidents. Owner: HARRY J. (Jack) ROMIG Jay E. Lauver; Auctioneer AU-001277-L Phone 658-9181 Apprentice Auctioneer Steven D. Wagner: AA-0013274. Phone 658-3179 LUNCH STAND GUN Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E21 4 miles from Wellsboro, PA Gordon Wood Auc tioneer SAT OCT 6 10 AM Public Auction of 1936 Plymouth Sedan Delivery, Woodworking Tools, Anti ques, HH Goods Located at 167 Hunsberger Lane, Souderton Mrs Florence Hunsicker Owner Paul G Derstem, Auctioneer SAT OCT 6 - 930 AM Public Auction of Line Equipment and Vehicles Located at the United Telephone's transporta tion facility at 1430 Tnn die Rd , Carlisle, PA Vilsmeier Auction Co, Inc , Auctioneers MONDAY OCTOBER 8 ■ 1 PM Public Auction of Real Estate (2 Properties- Zoned Commercial), Anti ques, Household Goods, Guns & Coins Located along Rt 272 about 2 miles south of Willow Street, Pequea Twp, Lane Co , PA Mr & Mrs William Weigand, Owners Howard Shaub, Auc tioneer MON OCT 8 - 10 30 AM Annual Fall Farm Machine™ Sale at "Rud mck's", Rt 213, Galena. AUCTION 1936 Plymouth Sedan Delivery (Sold at 12PM) WOODWORKING TOOLS, ANTIQUES, HH GOODS For: Mrs. Florence Hunsicker At: 167 Hunsberger Lane, Souderton SAT., OCTOBER 6,1984 10:00 A.M. 1936 Plymouth Sedan Delivery in exc. cond, Rockwell 10” ban saw, Am. Foundry 5-speed drill press, router w/stand, Craftsman hand router, power planer, Dewalt 740 radial saw, cab, clamps, Toolcraft belt & disc sander, Woodall lathe, bench grinders, Big Mac leaf shredder/mulcher, garden sprayer, elec, motor, ext. cord, hand tools. Redwood furn, stenciled plank seat cheese-cutter rocker (well over 100 yrs. old), plank seat chairs, crocks, lanterns, shutters & blinds, ice tongs, broad ax, wood planes, crossbuck saw, egg crates (A.B. Heebner), wood butter boxes, walnut secretary desk w/Birdseye maple front drawers & hidden drawers w/tear drop pulls (1800’s), marble-top coffee table, early elec, lights fixtures, R.R. signs, cherry stoner, sadiron, beam scale, pan scale, market baskets, pen knives, quilts, milkcan, bellows, wedding band stemware, agate, bone handle silverware, powder horn, advertising pcs. (I.M. Hunsicker Ice), farmers boiler, Women Home Companion (early 1900’s), kitchen items, ladder, porch post, lumber, and much more. Terms: Cash Auctioneer Paul G. Derstein Au-000219-L 368-6646 Lunch £ FARM MACHINERY & TOOLS W==\ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 10A.M. SELLING FOR THE ESTATE OF NORMAN LEMUNYON Directions: Old Stokes Rd., Indian Mills, N.J. ■ Just off Rt. 206 (Signs Posted) VEHICLES: 1971 Plymouth Station Wagon, Jeep Pick-Up (As Is) Farm Machinery: John Deere “40” w/3 Pt. H. W/W.F.E., John Deere “L” W/5’ Sickle Bar Mower, Home-Built Tractor W/Wisc. Engine & Fertilizer Attachment, 3 Pt. 2-Bottom Plow, 3 Pt. 4-Ft. Roto Tiller, Bean Royal 200 Gal. Wood Tank, 50 Boom Sprayer, Spring-Tooth Cultivator, Chrysler Power Plant (As Is), Cement Mixer W/Elec. Motor, Cars & Trucks For Parts, 4” Marlow Pump On Trailer W/Wisc. Engine, Some Irrigation Pipe, Plant-It, Jr. Tools: 225 Amp. Lincoln Welder, Drill Press, Power Hack-Saw, 30 Amp Battery Charger, Welding Table W/Vise, Mechanic’s Tools, Lots Of Hardware, Log Chains, Pulleys, Shovels & Forks, Bird Banger, Roll Of Plastic Pipe, & More. T erms ; Cash Or Visa/Mastercharge (Credit Card Sales Must Be $lOO Or More) Preview 1 Hour Prior To Sale MD Harry Rudmck & Sons Inc MON OCT 8 , 4 PM Public Auction of Anti ques Collectibles Anti que Toys & Cars Located in Fogelsville Auction Center Bldg . S Nursery St, Fogelsville PA (1 block W of Shankweiler's Hotel) Ralph W Zet tlemoyer Auction Co , Inc , Auctioneers MON OCT 8 12 Noon Public Auction of the Special Fall Sales Stan dardbred Horse Sale and Race Horse Equipment Located at Chambers, Unadilla, NY 1 hour from Bmghamson on Interstate 1-88 D R Chambers & Sons, Inc , Owners MON OCT 8 - 11 30 AM Public Auction Com plete Dispersal Sale of Cattle and Machinery Located in Cmcmnatus, NY (Cortland Co) Sale held on the farm on Dutch Hill Rd At intersection of Rts 26 and 41 2 miles south of Cmcmnatus, take Rt 41 north % mile to Dutch Hill Rd , turn to Dutch Hill Rd and go IVi miles to fork, go left on dirt road, Ist farm geMCTKWf Phone 609-267-8382 AUCTIONEER RICHARD P ALLEN Vinovntown Lumbtrton Ro#d Vinctntown N J 00008 Mrnnitr of Mow Jot My Suu Soctory of Ayetunmn Clarence & Patricia Miller, Owners Mel Manasse, Auctioneer TUESDAY OCTOBER 9 7 PM Public Sale of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs at Carlisle Livestock Market exit 12 off 181, 717 249 4511 TUES OCT 9 4 PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville 3 mi East of Brownstown Lancaster County, Pa TUES OCT 9 11 AM Public Auction Complete Dispersal Sale of 70 Head Holstems Located in Leola, PA At the farm on Hess Rd , 4 miles north of Bird-m Hand, PA Turn north off Rt 340 at Kauff man Fruit Stand on Harvest Rd Follow to Ist stop sign, turn left on Hess Rd Follow to farm on right John M Stoltzfoos, Owner Backus Associates Inc, Auc tioneers TUES OCT 9 & WED OCT 10 9 AM Public Auction of Construction Equipment and Trucks Located in Fulton, MO at the Daniel Construction’s Callaway Project at the junction of Rt 0 and CC vilsmeier Auction Co, Inc , Auctioneers WED OCTOBER 10 & SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 Two day Sale at 9 30 AM each day Located on Hess Farm Dr between Jacobus & Dallastown, York Co , PA off Exit 6, Rt 83 at South Queen St, south to Spanglers Super Market, go straight to Ironstone Rd , 13/<l 3 /< miles to Hess Farm Drive, turn right, first farm on right Antiques, furniture, col lectibles, tools Estate of Clair R Innerst Blaine N Rentzel, Auctioneer WED . OCT 10 - 11 AM Public Auction of the Meadow Mist Farms Cow Herd Dispersion Sale Located in Loysville, PA R D 2, Box 30 Dr Burleigh Anderson, Owner Col Mike Jones, Auctioneer WED OCT 10 11 AM Public Auction of the Lady's Manor Farm Pro duction Sale Selling 70 Registered Holsteins Lotated 20 miles south of York, PA and 20 miles north of Baltimore in Har ford Co , MD Take Exit 36 off 1-83 and take Rt 439 to Shawsville Turn right on Rt 23, go approx 2 miles to Old York Rd turn right and the farm is the Ist one on the left From I 695 take Exit 27 north onto Dulany Valley Rd (Rt 146) to Madonna (approx 20 miles) turn left and go 2 miles to Old York Rd Turn left and the farm is the Ist on the left Ross E Smith, Jr & Sons, Owner Remsburg Sale Service, Auctioneers
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